Series-1 (Jan. – Feb. 2022)Jan. – Feb. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background: To assess the applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in evaluating the Knee Joint in various Traumatic conditions along with grading of the various ligamentous and meniscal injuries based on laid criteria and Comparison of MRI findings with Arthroscopy. Material & Method: 50 patients with painful traumatic knee joint that are referred to Department of Radiodiagnosis from various departments. Results: joint effusion was seen in majority i.e., 44patients (88%). ACL tear was noted in more than two-third patients (34/50), with more than 50% among them having partial tears. Only few (5/50-10%) cases of posterior cruciate ligament injury was found in our study, out of which majority (80%) i.e., 4/5 were partial and only one patient had complete tear. Conclusion: MRI is an excellent, noninvasive, radiation-free imaging modality to achieve correct diagnosis with high sensitivity & specificity thereby helping in optimal management and avoiding unnecessary arthroscopies unless surgical management is contemplated.
[1]. Polly DW, Callaghan JJ, Sikes RA, McCabe JM, McMahon K, Savory CG. The accuracy of selective magnetic resonance imaging compared with the findings of arthroscopy of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1988 Feb;70(2):192–8.
[2]. Vaz CES, Camargo OP de, Santana PJ de, Valezi AC. Accuracy of magnetic resonance in identifying traumatic intraarticular knee lesions. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2005 Dec;60(6):445–50.
[3]. Winters K, Tregonning R. Reliability of magnetic resonance imaging of the traumatic knee as determined by arthroscopy. N Z Med J. 2005 Feb 11;118(1209):U1301.
[4]. Oei EHG, Nikken JJ, Verstijnen ACM, Ginai AZ, Myriam Hunink MG. MR imaging of the menisci and cruciate ligaments: a systematic review. Radiology. 2003 Mar;226(3):837–48.
[5]. Oei EHG, Ginai AZ, Hunink MGM. MRI for traumatic knee injury: a review. Semin Ultrasound CT MR. 2007 Apr;28(2):141–57.
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Abstract: This is a descriptive quantitative research using one-group pretest-posttest design. The instrument had been tested using validity and reliability test. Data collection techniques of the study were tests, observations and documentation. Data was analyzed using normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis testing. The research was conducted in SDK Larantuka 1 with a total of 16 Grade IV students consisting of 6 male and 10 female students were chosen as samples through saturated sampling technique. The results of data processing on students' pretest......
Keywords: STAD Model, Learning Outcomes
[1]. Amin, S. (2017). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Geografi. Jurnal Pendidikan Geografi. 4 (3), 25 -26.
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[3]. Andinii, N.K.A.S., Jampel, I.N., Sudarma, I.K. (2016). Pengaruh Model PBL terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA kelas IV SD Gugus 2 Kecamatan Rendang. e- jurnal PGSD Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. 4 (1), 1 – 10.
[4]. Arikunto, S. (2012). Dasar-DasarEvaluasiPendidikan. Jakarta: BumiAksara
[5]. Arikunto, S.(2012). Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
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Abstract: Respiratory allergies are the major disorder of hypersensitivity of airway. There has been some limitation while treating this problem. In Siddha system of medicine many herbals and minerals are used to cure this disorder. Here, Vasanthakusumakara mathirai (VKM) a herbomineral formulation which is indicated to Kabakasam (Asthma & TB) was validated scientifically for Anti – histamine activity. The result shows that the test drug has significance when compare to standard. Hence, the Vasanthakusumakara mathirai proves to be the best Anti – histamine drug.
Key Word: Vasanthakusumakara mathirai, Anti – histamine activity, Allergy, vascular permeability test, Hypersensitivity.
[1]. W. M. C. Van Aalderen, G. G. Meijer, Y. Oosterhoff, A. O. Bron, Epidemiology and the concept of underlying mechanisms of nocturnal asthma, 1993, Respiratory Medicine, vol. 87, 37–39.
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[5]. Kohji Yamaki, Yuko Takano – Ishikawa et al, An improved method for measuring vascular permeability in rats and mouse skin, 2002, Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, Vol 48, Issue 2, 81-86.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research was to produce learning products in the form of thematic student worksheets (LKPD) based on cooperative learning to improve collaboration skills up to the expert test stage by adjusting the conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was a development research (R&D) following the Borg and Gall model. The research activity was carried out in six stages, namely 1) needs analysis consisting of initial observations and curriculum analysis; 2) model development consisting of the development of blue prints, flowcharts, story boards, lesson plans, and supporting media; 3) expert test consisting of material, linguist, and design expert; 4) product revision; 5) limited tests and report preparation; 6) main test. The results showed that 1) the thematic LKPD based on cooperative learning has been produced to improve students' collaboration skills that have been validated by experts, 2) the developed LKPD has proven to be effective in improving students' collaboration skills at junior high school (SDN) 1 Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung..
Keywords: Thematic student worksheets (LKPD), cooperative learning, collaboration skills
[1]. Angelo, (1995). Classroom assessment for critical thinking. Teaching of Psychology, 22, 6-7.
[2]. Borg, W.R., & Gall, M.D. (1983). Educational reseach an introduction. New York: Longman.
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[5]. Munadi, Yudhi. (2008). Media Pembelajaran Sebuah Pendekatan Baru. Jakarta: Gaung Persada.
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Abstract: Background: This study was performed in response to the issue of prosocial behavior among adolescents. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of emotional regulation and empathy on prosocial behavior among junior high school students in Yogyakarta. Materials and Methods: This research used quantitative method and was ex-post facto in nature. The research involved 377 students in Yogyakarta. The sample technique was probability sampling, and the data collection tool was a scale of prosocial behavior, emotion regulation, and empathy. Expert judgment was used to validate instruments, and reliability was determined by the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. This Research employed multiple regression to analyze the data......
Key Word: Emotion regulation, empathy, prosocial behavior
[1]. Abdullah, A. A., Hamsan, H. H., & Ma'rof, A. A. (2020). How do Personality Factors Associate with Prosocial Behavior? The Mediating Role of Empathy. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(16).
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[4]. Benita, M., Levkovitz, T., & Roth, G. (2017). Integrative emotion regulation predicts adolescents' prosocial behavior through the mediation of empathy. Learning and Instruction, 50, 14–20.
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Abstract: Maritime Science Polytechnic of Makassar as an educational and training institution is required to produce competent graduates. Therefore, learning must take place effectively to improve student achievement. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of learning patterns and learning discipline on student achievement at the Maritime Science Polytechnic of Makassar during online learning. The sample in this research is 1 (one) class in the Nautical study program with one lecturer in charge of the subject. This research is a form of quantitative research in the form of correlation. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of learning patterns and learning discipline on learning achievement partially or simultaneously on cadets of the Nautical Study Program
Keywords: Motivation, discipline, achievement, learning, cadets
[1] Senjaya, P., Kotamena, F., Ong, F., Andika, C. B., Purwanto, A., & Pramono, R. 2020. School Environmental Influences, Student Discipline and Learning Motivation Toward Increasing Senior High Students Achievement. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 4572-4586.
[2] Alma, Buchari, 2008. Professional Teachers Mastering Teaching Methods and Skilled. Bandung: Alphabeta.
[3] Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2001. Research Procedure A Practical Approach. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[4] Aunurrahman, 2010. Learning and Learning. Bandung: Alphabeta.
[5] Darmadi, Hamid, 2010. Basic Teaching Ability Concept and Implementation. Bandung: Alphabeta..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modifying Debate Technique to Improve Students' Speaking Skill |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Intan Hamzah |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201014146 ![]() |
Abstract: The aims of this study to find out the difference of the students' speaking skill after being taught by using modified and non-modified design of debate technique, and to find out the aspects of speaking skill that improves after being taught by using modified and non-modified design of debate technique. In this study, the design quantitative approaches. The researcher uses two classes of the second grade of Senior High School, experimental group for modified debate and control group for non-modified debate. The results are that students' speaking skill improved after being taught using modified and non-modified debate technique. There are three aspects improved, they are fluency, vocabulary and comprehensibility but grammar does not improve. It can be concluded that debate can improve the students' speaking skill
Key Word: Debate, Modified Debate, Non-modified Debate, Students' speaking skill
[1]. Aclan, EM, and Hashima, Noor. (2015). Exploring Parliamentary Debate as Pedagogical Tool to Develop English Communication Skills in EFL/ESL Classroom. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature. Vol.4, No.2.
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[3]. Burek, D. and Losos. C. (2014). Debate: Where Speaking and Listening Come First Voices from the Middle, Vol.22, No.1.
[4]. Gani, S.A. Fajrina, D. Hanifa, R. 2015. Students' Learning Strategies for Developing Speaking Ability. Studies in English Language and Education, Vol.2, No.1
[5]. Harris, David P. 1974. Testing English as a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Student learning Challenges in Uganda: Hospitality Training |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Lucy Ajambo || Ronny Sannerud || Leikny grim |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201014757 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The growing need to improve student learning is one of the critical concerns at all levels of their career and professional development particularly in hospitality training. As student learning is embraced, it is confronted with progressively unique challenges. This study, therefore, set to identify challenges students experienced during instruction in vocational institutions and workplaces in Uganda.
Methods: A qualitative research approach using a descriptive study design was used. A sample of 18 participants that included teachers, trainers and students were purposively selected from vocational institutions and workplaces. In-depth interviews were........
Key words: student learning, challenges, hospitality training, vocational institutions, workplaces
[1]. Q. W. Boon, R. A. Kok, and A. Aziz, "Integrating Pedagogical Model for Simulation-Based Learning in Hospitality TVET Students: Attitudes and Satisfaction," Int. J. Acad. Res. Bus. Soc. Sci., vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 600–612, 2021, Doi: 10.6007/ijarbss/v11-i6/10195.
[2]. C. F. Yeap, N. Suhaimi, and M. K. M. Nasir, "Issues, Challenges, and Suggestions for Empowering Technical Vocational Education and Training Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia," pp. 1818–1839, 2021, Doi: 10.4236/ce.2021.128138.
[3]. P. West and F. Lunenburg, "Teacher Quality Variables and Efficacy for Teaching Minority Students.," Educ. Leadersh. Rev. Dr Res., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 39–57, 2014.
[4]. L. Ajambo, L. Øgrim, and J. Nabaggala, "Linking Teaching and Training Methods : Classroom Teaching vis-a-vis Workplace Training within the Hospitality Industry," Int. J. Res. Innov. Soc. Sci., vol. V, no. Xi, pp. 24–32, 2021, Doi 10.47772/IJRISS.2021.51103.
[5]. J. Pennington, "Pre-Session English Language Course / 2006 The Importance of The classroom Environment in Positive Learning," no. November 2020, Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29575.01449.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The New Normal of online learning: Problems and Solutions |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr .Swayam Prabha Satpathy |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201015864 ![]() |
Abstract: The image of students sitting under one roof with a teacher holding a bit of chalk and scribbling on the blackboard comes to mind when we hear the word "classroom." We are accustomed to this type of framework, thus it is natural for us to envisage such a circumstance. Schools used to start each day with a morning prayer and end with the bells ringing. As a result, a new chapter in our Book of Memories has begun. Today's situation is totally different; no more morning assemblies or lessons end with the dreaded popup, "meeting ended by the host." There are no project submission lines, no red marks on notebooks, and memories aren't a problem. What we have here is a very stale school experience straight from our living room. The COVID-19 pandemic isn't a normal phenomenon, it has....
Keywords: Students, covid, education system,evaluation,research,problems
[1]. Mukesh Rawal,(2021) An analysis of COVID-19 Impacts On Indian Education System Educational Resurgence Journal ISSN 2581-9100
[2]. Avadhesh Kumar Yadav,(2021) "Impact of Online Teaching on Students' Education and Health in India during the Pandemic of COVID-19", Coronaviruses; 2(4) .
[3]. Andersen, S C, and H S Nielsen (2019), "Learning from Performance Information", Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
[4]. Bjorklund, A and K Salvanes (2011), "Education and Family Background: Mechanisms and Policies", in E Hanushek, S Machin and L Woessmann (eds), Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. 3.
[5]. Burgess, S and E Greaves (2013), "Test Scores, Subjective Assessment, and Stereotyping of Ethnic Minorities", Journal of Labor Economics 31(3): 535–576
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Abstract: This study seeks to understand the role of parents' expectations and academic stress in the academic performance of high school students. There was a theory that there would be a positive link between the expectations of high school students, academic achievement and academic performance. Sexually oriented contrasts were similarly conjectured about speculative factors. A sample of 200 Bachelor students has been drawn from two audiences and two private institutions. The evaluation measures were used as the Parent Expectations Inventory, a measure of educational stress for adolescents to investigate academic stress. The academic performance was evaluated with the help of a percentage of the exams of the last year. The results of this work revealed that there is a remarkable relationship between parents' expectations and measures of academic stress. There was no significant correlation between the expectations of the parents, the academic performance and the academic performance of the graduate students
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