Version-2 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: Introduction and objective of the study: Jazan medical curriculum is integrated system program which had three phases first year pre-medical, organ systems (2nd and 3rd), and clinical clerkship(4th, 5th , 6thyears) which followed by a year of internship. This study was aimed to assess students 'opinion about the quality of leaning experiences at Faculty of Medicine, JazanUniversity (FMJU).Subjects and methods:Total of 310 students from 3rd to 6th year were involved in this study. The study was depend on the Student Experience Survey, which is a part of a NCAAA self-administered questionnaire.The data were processed and analyzed by software program SPSS version 20.0.0 .............
Keywords: Perceptions, medical students, educational environment, student experience, faculty of medicine, jazan university
[1]. Health statistic book for the year of 2006, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Health, 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Class climate: the views of adult students in evening schools |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Dr. Vasiliki Brinia || Ioannis Michaelidis |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701020714 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate adult students' views in Evening Vocational High Schools and in Evening General High Schools, regarding the learning process, the quality of relationship between teachers and adult students and the interaction between the adult students. The research collected quantitative data via questionnaire. The sample consisted of 90 adult learners from 4 high schools of the Greek region Αchaia. The results showed that the vast majority of adult students agree that the climate among classmates is friendly and cooperative. They also tend to agree that the coexistence of different ages in a classroom is creative..............
Keywords: Adult students, Evening High Schools, classroom climate
[1]. Andrianopoulitis Κ. (2016), Σηαηιζηικά ζηοισεία Γςμναζίυν, ΓΕΛ, ΕΠΑΛ 2015-2016. Οι ππώηερ παπαηηπήζειρ-εκηιμήζειρ. Αλαθηήζεθε ζηηο 27/12/15 από
[3]. Vakali G., Vakali, Ι. (2009). Ο δπόμορ από ηο εζπεπινό λύκειο ζηην ηπιηοβάθμια εκπαίδεςζη. Αλαθνίλσζε ζην πλέδξην «Μεηάβαζε θαη ζπλέρεηα ζηελ εθπαίδεπζε: Αλαδεηώληαο ην πιαίζην γηα ηε ζπλεξγαζία παηδηώλ, λέσλ, νηθνγέλεηαο, εθπαηδεπηηθώλ ηδξπκάησλ θαη θνηλσληθώλ ππεξεζηώλ». Παλεπηζηήκην Κξήηεο, Ρέζπκλν.
[4]. Galitis, P. (2011). Σηο κςνήγι ηος σπόνος, Εζπεπινή Εκπαίδεςζη και Κοινυνικόρ Αποκλειζμόρ. Αζήλα: Δπίθεληξν Α.Δ.
[5]. Galitis, P. (2008). Ο ζεζκόο ηεο εζπεξηλήο εθπαίδεπζεο σο έθθξαζε θνηλσληθήο δηθαηνζύλεο ζηελ Διιάδα ζηα πιαίζηα ηεο εθπαηδεπηηθήο πνιηηηθήο: Ιζηνξηθή-δηαρξνληθή δηεξεύλεζε. Δηζήγεζε ζην 5ν επηζηεκνληθό ζπλέδξην Ιζηνξίαο ηεο εθπαίδεπζεο
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Abstract: The way of looking at something in the present era is different from the past era. In the past era, something is looked at partially. The effect of this situation is harm for the life. At present era and the future, look at something should comprehensively and integral. The profile of human beings who are able to think comprehensively and integral may be designed by thematic learning method. Thematic learning method is an interesting issue to be studied. This research is focused in thematic learning method. This research is community based research, that is a research that based on empowerment activity. So there are two main activities, they are research and empowerment..............
Keywords: Empowerment, Thematic learning
[1]. Britha Mikkelsen, Metode Penelitian Partisipatoris Dan Upaya Pemberdayaan Panduan Bagi Praktisi Lapangan, (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2003).
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[4]. Hamruni & Istiningsih. 2016. Thematic Learning is A Tool In Improving Education in Indonesia. IOSR – JRME. Vol ... Issue ....
[5]. Herman Hidayat (Ed), Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari: Partisipasi, Kolabrasi Dan Konflik, (Jakarta: Yaysan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2015).
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Abstract: The educational and vocational decisions at adolescent stage pave the way for future decisions to be taken by any individual in the world of work. Selection of career and setting in it is an important task and a source of personal gratification. In present time science and technology, thousands of occupations have been thrown open to an individual. The choice of right occupation is becoming difficult as our entire society grows more complex, more specialized and more technological oriented...............
Keywords: Occupational aspiration, Business class parents, Service class parents
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Abstract: New findings of this research were Jahiliyyah, Diniyyah, Ilmiyyah, and Hanifiyyah. Jahiliyyah awareness and its educational paradigm is based on the idea of human beings that behave doubles: they understand something, but at the same time they act deliberately stupid. Diniyyah awareness and its educational paradigm is based on the doctrine that man should cling to the teachings of Islam. Ilmiyyah awareness and its educational paradigm is based on a world view of life as it is..............
Keywords: Educational Paradigm, Muslim Awareness, New Islamic Educational Theory, Simultaneous Relationship Between Muslim community awareness and Their Educational Paradigm.
[1]. Harriet Martineau, (Translater & Condenser). The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte , With an Introduction by Frederic Harrison, In three Volume, (London, Batoche Books, Kitchner, 2000) 27-28. And, Koento Wibisono, Arti Perkembangan Menurut Filsafat Positivisme Auguste Comte, (Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University Press, 1983) 11-21.
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Abstract: Studies on factors that motivate language learners are extensive. They have looked at motivation from different perspectives such as teachers being motivators, curriculum, teaching context and the facilities available. However, it would also be interesting to know what the demotivating factors are, if any, not for EFL learners but for EFL instructors. The following study attempted to investigate the reasons behind the demotivation of language teachers in the College of Basic Education in Kuwait...............
Keywords: Motivation, EFL, language, English, Demotivation, college, teachers, higher education
[1]. Auerbach, E. R. (1991). Politics, Pedagogy, and Professionalism: Challenging Marginalization in ESL. College ESL, 1(1), 1-9.
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Abstract: This study investigated information and communication technology as resource for teaching surface area of solid shapes in mathematics in Bayelsa State of Nigeria. The study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses. The pretest-posttest control group design was adopted for the study. A sample of 105 student teachers constituted the study. Two instruments Mathematics Performance Test (MPT) and Interest Inventory Scale (IIS) were used to collect data on the attitude on the attitude of students' performance and interest respectively. The data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) using pretest as covariate...............
Keywords: Information, communication, technology, students' performance, solid shapes, surface area, interest and gender.
[1]. Adedibu, A. A. & Olayiwola, M. A. (2006). Selecting and Managing Resources for Chemistry Teaching: What the Teacher Should Know. In U. Nzewi Resources for Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education. Proceeding of the 47th Annual Conference of STAN Ibadan: STAN, pp. 178 – 180.
[2]. Akinsola, M. K. (2000). Enriching Science, Technology and Mathematics Education: Effect of Resource Utilization on Students' Achievement in Geometry. 41st Annual Conference Proceedings of STAN, 289 – 291.
[3]. Folayan, S. A. & Ibrahim, A. G. (2000). Mathematics/English Language. The Way Forward in Advanced Technology. Proceeding of Annual Conference of MAN, 97 – 103.
[4]. Ifamuyiwa, A. S. (2007). Mathematics Education for Sustainable Development. In U. Nzewi Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education for Sustainable Development. Proceeding of the 50th Annual Conference of STAN. 162 – 165.
[5]. Ochoyi, U. E. & Ukwumonu, A. T. (2008). Integration of ICT in Seocndary School Curriculum in Nigeria: Problem and Prospects. In N. Udofia, Curriculum Development in Science, Technology and Mathematics (STM) Education. Proceeding of the 49th Annual Conference of STAN 207 – 211.
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Abstract: Although inclusive education has been recommended for implementation in Kenyan schools, attitudes are threatening to add another impediment to the development and success. The purpose of the study was to explore the influence of socio-cultural factors on inclusive education among students & teachers in integrated educational programmes in Kenya. This study adopted cross-sectional survey design. The study employed a descriptive survey design. The study was carried out in two integrated primary schools in Nairobi with a population of 887.Comprising Ministry of Education officials, (MoE), head teachers..............
Keywords: Influence, Socio-Cultural Factors, Attitudes, Learners, Integrated Educational Programme.
[1]. Willis, D. & Camp, R..(2002,13th November) Key competencies required for teachers to work in and foster inclusive school communities. paper presented at the teachers education for inclusion, talk Cowan University ,Porthsmouth.
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Abstract: Learning physics has been able to improve the responsibility of the students to be creative in overcoming the impact of the development of science and technology. The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of the Creative Responsibility Based Learning (CRBL) model to increase accountability, science process skills, and scientific creativity of students.Collecting data use preliminary research and validation phase of physics learning expert in the Focus Group Discussion. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative...............
Keywords: Creative, creative responsibility based learning model, responsibility, validity
[1]. R.A. Serway, and J.W. Jewett, Physics, for scientists and enginer with modern physics, ninth edition (Cengage Learning, Inc. New York, 2014).
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[3]. R. Mukhopadhyay, and M.K. Sen, Investigation of creativity in physics in the context of learning in association with deep approach to study, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(2), 2012, 24-30.
[4]. W. Hu, and P. Adey, A scientific creativity test for secondary school students, International Journal of Science Education, 24(4), 2010, 389-403.
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Abstract: Argumentation skills was needed to address the problems related to scientific issues that occur in every aspect of the lives of today's society, which requires individuals and communities to have the ability to think, make decisions, ethical considerations and assessing a claim that appears either through the press or media the other based on the evidence that is valid and reliable. It takes self-efficacy in the implementation of argumentation skills. Self-efficacy is important because it can affect cognition, motivation, affective processes and ultimately the behavior of individuals..............
Keywords: Argumentation skills, chemistry innovative learning model, self-efficacy
[1] AGEPP (Asia Good ESD Practice Project). (2008). BukuPedomanPendidikanuntuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Asia. Abe Osamu. Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.
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Abstract: The study investigated problems limiting extent use of the instructional strategies in teaching biology in public secondary schools in Kakamega North Sub County. Performance in mathematics and sciences in the national examinations has been relatively low in Kenya. Therefore, the Kenyan government in collaboration with Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) launched Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) project in July 1998 in an attempt to provide remedial measures. SMASSE embarked on in-service training of serving teachers of mathematics and science with an aim of making.............
Keywords: Limitation factors, Japan International Co-operation Agency, Kenya Certificate Secondary Education, Strengthening of Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education, Biology.
[1]. Wieman, C. and Gilbert, S., The Teaching Practices Inventory: A new tool for characterizing Colleges and University Teaching in Mathematics and Science. Life Science Education, Vol. 13, 2014, 552-569.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Qualitative Research Approach in LIS Education: Comparative Methodology Study |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Hesham Mohamed |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701028389 ![]() |
Abstract: Libraries transformed in the past decade to focus on community needs. Accordingly, the library business model has been shifted from a service centered model that focuses on services for all users to a customer centered model that focuses on the patron's needs. Thus, studies in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) have become focusing more on subjectivity rather than objectivity. Qualitative inquiry focuses on subjectivity to investigate human perceptions, feelings, thoughts regarding to either services they deliver or services they obtain...............
[1]. Amankwaa, L. (2016). Creating protocols for trustworthiness in qualitative research.Journal Of Cultural Diversity, 23(3), 121-127.
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[5]. Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication