Version-5 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: Difficulties in learning chemistry for this still dwell on the difficulty in delivering of material that is abstract and microscopical. Lack of student understanding of abstract concepts of chemistry led to higher student outcomes on algorithmic aspects rather than its conceptual aspect. The study was to observe at student learning and trying to improve learning results in the subject matter of the buffer solution that it includes abstract concepts and contextually closely connected with algorithmic. The subject is a 21 pupils in class XI IPA 1 SMA Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin.............
Keywords: Learning outcomes, guided discovery, a buffer solution
[1]. Achera, Luzviminda J., Rene R. Belecina, dan Marc D. Garvida. 2015. The Effect of Group Guided Discovery Approach on Theperformance of Students in Geometry. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME), Volume I, Issue II, 2454-6119.
[2]. Adam, Yuliati. 2009. Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Konsep Peluang Melalui Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Temuan Terbimbing Kelas XI IA SMA Negeri 3 Seram Barat. Cited by at June 17, 2016.
[3]. Alfieri, Louis, Patricia J. Brooks, Naomi J. Aldrich, dan Harriet R. Tenenbaum. 2011. Does Discovery-Based Instruction Enhance Learning? Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 103, No. 1, pages 1-18.
[4]. Arnas, Erwina Amalia Juita. 2012. Pengaruh Penggunaan Laboratorium Virtual Dan Laboratorium Real Terhadap Sikap Ilmiah Dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa Sma Pada Pokok Bahasan Larutan Penyangga. Cited by at November 16, 2016.
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Abstract: The implementation of Curriculum 2013 has consequences for the teachers to comprehend and apply thematic learning model. The research objectives are (1) to know what kinds of learning model used by the Elementary Teachers in Malang, Indonesia after the implementation of curriculum 2013; (2) to analyse the teacher's difficulties in applying thematic learning model Based on Curriculum 2013 in teaching learning process for Elementary Teachers in Malang, Indonesia; (3) to know the "Pattern of Adaptation" used by the teachers in applying thematic learning model based on Curriculum 2013. The research design is Meta-analysis that combined quantitative and qualitative methods............
Keywords: Curriculum 2013, Pattern of Adaptation, Teachers' difficulties, Thematic Learning Model
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[5] Dedi Supriadi. 1998. Mengangkat Citra dan Martabat Guru. Yogyakarta: Adicita
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Abstract: Although poems not only are the formation of technical words,Since the ancient times, but also, it has a common ground with the visual arts. Poems have a language that consists of vocabulary, construction elements, and poetic images. However, painting also has elements of the artwork and vocabulary, images, techniques, technical workspace ...etc. On the other hand, different ways of expression are extended through two dimensions as such reality, imagination as well as the ability to translate sensations and feelings to aesthetic artistic curriculum templates. For the sake of a design curriculum, the research problem tried to exploit the poems material as input to inspire the expressive imagination.............
Keywords: Poems, visual arts, artistic curriculum, plastic arts.
[1]. The Jabra, J. (2000) art and artist. Beirut. Arabic Foundation for studies and publication
[2]. Eid.Y (1990)Techniques of narration in light structural approach .., 1, p 18. Beirut, Dar Al Farabi ISBN 978-9953-71-599-5
[3]. Azghai,A.Alshardodi,F (2016) poetic between writing and Formation. Modern enterprise for culture and literature. [4]. Obaid, C. (2010) aesthetic image in the dialectical relationship between plastic art and poetry Beirut. The magd the University Corporation for Studies , Publishing and Distribution.
[5]. Zinedine, Th. (2012) literature and art: inspired plastic art in poetry. Damascus, the United Foundation for Press and Printing..
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Abstract: TIMMS and PISA survey results illustrate that the indonesian student's ability to think scientifically is low. It is because of students are less trained in solving HOTS. Then, lack or unavailability the assessment instrument designed to train HOTS, so it is necessary to develop the assessment instrument of HOTS. Model adapt the model development of Borg & Gall. The purpose of thisresearchare to determine the indicators and the effectiveness of the HOTS assessment instrument as assessment for learning for a high school students. The assessment instrument was developed based on HOTS............
Keywords: Assessment, instrument, Indicator of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS)
[1]. Abosalem, Yousef. 2016.Assessment Techniques and Students Higher-Order Thinking Skills. International Journal of Secondary Education, 4 (1): 1-11.
[2]. Anderson, L.W., and Krathwohl, D.R. 2001. A Taxonomy of Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York Longman.
[3]. Barnett, J. E and Francis, A.L. 2012. Using higher order thinking questionsto foster critical thinking: a classroom study. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology.
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Abstract: It has been observed that most of the criteria considered for gauging effective teaching for the lecturers' evaluation process are naturally imprecise, vague, qualitative, and involve varied input datasets. Besides that, these criteria are usually determined by the universities themselves without considering the perspective of their students. Thus, this study proposes that a lecturer's evaluation should also be investigated based on the students' perspectives. The study was equipped with the appropriate linguistic weights to cope with the vagueness of the input datasets using the so-called Simple Hierarchy Analysis (SHA). A numerical example was employed to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method............
Keywords: Concentration, Decision-Making, Effective Teaching, Linguistic Weights, Simple Hierarchy Analysis (SHA)
[1] M. Nora, B. S. Humaida, M. Noriza, M. A. Khairul Anuar, and I. Wan Rosmanira, Students perspective on lecturers characteristic for effective teaching, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 59, 2012, 535- 540.
[2] H. Francisco, L. Enrique, M. Cristina, and A. R. Miguel, Solving an assignment-selection problem with verbal information and using genetic algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research, 119, 1999, 326 – 337.
[3] G. Zulal, S. L. Gurkan, E. K. Saadettin, A fuzzy AHP approach to personnel selection problem, Applied Soft Computing, 9,2009, 641 – 646.
[4] R. L. J. Francisco, O. Lauro, and C. R. C. Luiz, A comparison between Fuzzy AHP and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods to supplier selection, Applied Soft Computing, 21, 2014, 194 – 209.
[5] K. Alecos, E. Kostas, and A. Dimitrios, Support managers' selection using an extension of fuzzy TOPSIS, Journal Expert Systems with Applications : An International Journal, 38, 2011, 2774 – 2782
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Learning Analytics Dashboard to Improve Students' Performance and Success |
Country | : | Oman |
Authors | : | Ghaniya Ahmed Al Hadhrami |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701053945 ![]() |
Abstract: Several learning researches have been conducted recently in order to improve the students' performance. The new learning system has benefited from numerical environment by presenting an online educational system. Structured approach in design, implementation, and student's assessment has been studied. The present project aims to develop a dashboard for "Learning Analytics Techniques to Improve Students' Performance and Success" through a web Application. The model proposed is a result oriented and aims to improve the online educational systems for both teachers and students............
Keywords: Learning analytics, dashboard, web Application, Learning Management System, Data Mining.
[1] Aguilar, S..L.S..&.T.S.D., Perceptions and use of an early warning system during a higher education transition program. Learning analytics and knowledge, vol. fourth international conference on learning analytics and knowledge, 2014, 113-117.
[2] Eckerson, W.W., Performance dashboards: measuring, monitoring, and managing your business. Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 2010.
[3] Team, E., How Can Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Improve and Personalize Education?, 18 Jun,2013
[4] Santos, J.L..G.S..V.K..&.D.E., Goal-oriented visualizations of activity tracking: a case study with engineering students', learning analytics and knowledge, 2012, 143-152.
[5] Duval, ELearning analytics for visualization and recommendation, Learning Analytics and Knowledge, 2011, 9-17.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effects of English Subtitled Videos into Arabic on Learning English Vocabulary |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Abderrahim Ait Abdeslam |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701054654 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper probes into the linguistic impacts the English subtitled videos into Arabic can have on Moroccan learners of English. Given my frequent contact with students as a teacher, I have noticed that they come up with some words which they pick up from watching these types of videos which vary from movies, cartoons, to documentaries. In this paper, I opt for two subtitled videos, which are a cartoon and a documentary, using the research techniques of pre-test and post-test. Before watching these videos, they were given a pretest for each video. The aim of this pretest, which consists of lexical items from the video, is to check those items students do not know............
Keywords: Impacts, subtitled videos, cartoon, documentary, English Vocabulary, Learning
[1]. Caimi, A. (2006) Audiovisual Translation and Language Learning: The promotion of Intralingual Subtitles. The journal of specialized translation, 6, 85-98. Retrieved February 12, 2013 from:
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[3]. Harmer J. (2004). The Practice of English Language Teaching.UK: Longman.
[4]. Katchen, J.E. (1996b). « Can students learn English from The X-Files ?. The Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium in English Teaching, 243-250.
[5]. Markham, P.L. (1999). "Captioned videotapes and second language listening word recognition. Foreign Language Annals, 32(3), 321-328.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wu-wei and Wu-zhi in Daodejing: An Ancient Chinese Epistemological View on Learning |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Lei Xie |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701055558 ![]() |
Abstract: Daodejing, one of the most influential books in China was written by one of the greatest philosophers in ancient China, an elder contemporary of Confucius, Laozi. Daodejing was mainly the records of the observation from nature and the interactions between humans. Laozi, with his appreciation of nature, introduced the concepts of wu-wei, non-action and wu-zhi, not-knowing. His work has been spread all over the world, especially in Southeast Asia, serving as the canon of Daoism. This paper explores the notion of wu-wei and wu-zhi. A special epistemological view on knowledge acquiring will be introduced. Dewey's body learning and Laozi's wu-wei will be connected. The application of Daodejing and Laozi's philosophical idea in the modern age will be discussed.
Keywords: Dao and Wu, wu-wei, wu-zhi, knowledge boundary
[1]. Buckingham, W. Communicating not-knowing: education, Daoism and epistemological chaos [J]. China Media Research, 2014,10 (4), 10-18.
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[3]. Kui, W. K. Hegel's criticism of Laozi and its implications. [J]. Philosophy East and West, 2011,61(1), 56-79.
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Abstract: Character Education is the education of character, temperament, character, or personality are formed from the internalization of virtues, discipline believed and used as the basis of viewpoint, bepikir, behave and act, the policy in the form of moral values, and norms, such as honest, brave act, trustworthy, respect for others, self-discipline, independent, hard working, creative and innovative. Personal character is a person who can make decisions and are ready to take responsibility for each policy. Character education on students, each character education is the education............
Keywords: Character Education, Learners, Tough
[1]. Mulyasa, E. (2016). ManajemenPendidikanKarakter. BumiAksara, PT. Jakarta, Sinar Grafika offset
[2]. Berkowitz, M., & Bier, M. (2003). What works in character education. Presentation at the Character Education Partnership National Forum.Washington, DC.
[3]. Bohlin, Karen, E. (2005). Teaching Character Education through Literature. New York: Routledge Falmer.
[4]. Sutarman, Salim, Agus (2017) Implementation of Quality Management at the National School Curriculum Standard Referring to the Total Quality Control Management (TQM). National Juranl Rausyan Fikri, 1386- 1393, UniversitasMuhammadiyahTangerang.
[5]. Mares, M. L., & Woodard, E H. (2005). Positive effects of television on children's social interactions: A meta-analysis. Media Psychology, 7, 301-322.
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Abstract: A matemática é uma disciplina fundamental na formação dos alunos e sua inserção na sociedade. Por este motivo, a busca de metodologia que promovam o aumento do índice de aprendizagem desta matéria possui grande relevância. Neste sentido, as novas estratégias para o ensino da matemática na educação infantil aliada ao avanço tecnológico incitam as escolas a buscarem novas tecnologias que facilitam e melhorem o processo de aprendizado. Este trabalho propõe um modelo experimental para o ensino da matemática através de um software para auxiliar no aprimoramento do aprendizado da matemática nos anos iniciais da educação infantil, medir como está sendo desenvolvidas as aulas pelo educador............
Keywords: Child. Early Childhood Education. Mathematics. Software.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to know the availability and utilization of health education methods for Clients in Primary Health Care Centers in Makkah, Saudi Arabia according to the opinion of clients. A total of 200 clients over 18 years old in about 18 health care centers were interviewed to obtain their opinions in health care programs that delivered by health care centers. According to the findings, T.V was available for most 166(83%) of clients in primary health care centers, followed by internet 113(56%) and radio 86(43%), while exhibitions were available for only7% of clients.............
Keywords: Health, education, internet, patients, Makkah
[1] M. Almalki, G. Fitzgerald and M. Clark, Health care system in Saudi Arabia: an overview. Eastern MediterraneanHealth Journal 17(10), 2011, 784 – 793.
[2] Fasoranti, Afolabi Joseph and Adeyeye, Mayowa Festus., Health Education as a Tool for Effective Primary Health Care Services in Nigeria. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 6(7), 2015, 225-228.
[3] Nadia Asiri1, Amen A Ahmed Bawazir and Hoda Jradi. (2013). Patients' Satisfaction with Health Education Services at Primary Health Care Centers in Riyadh, KSA. J Community Med Health Educ 4(1): 1000268.
[4] Anwar Al-Hashim. (2016). Health Education in Saudi Arabia Historical overview. Sultan Qaboos University Med J,16(3): e286–292.
[5] Familusi, Ezekiel Babatope and Owoeye, Peter Olufemi. ((2014).) "An Assessment of the Use of Radio and other Means of Information Dissemination by the Residents of Ado- Ekiti, Ekiti-State, Nigeria." Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). Paper 1088.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship of hard skills to conduct Health and Safety (K3) and to determine whether there is influence on K3 hard skills behavior (occupational safety and health) welding practices. The object of this research was grade 10 program machining expertise and research sites held on machining skills programs state vocational high School 2 Bitung of North Sulawesi province Indonesia. Based on the type of research is a survey research in which data are collected through a questionnaire to describe the characteristics of the population............
Keywords: Hard Skill, K3 behavior
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | First Language Acquisition in Informal Macro Setting |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | MarziyehNekoueizadeh || Firooz Sadighi || Maral Azizi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0701058896 ![]() |
Abstract: Macro-setting is perceived to have a great potentiality for first language acquisition. Informal macro-setting is believed to provide unconsciously and incidentally acquisition opportunities through exposure to the texts such as books, magazines or authentic language input through technology which give rise to learner's outcomes. Fortunately, the significance of informal macro-setting is mostly respected and overestimated in most nations, especially in developing countries that children have limited social interaction with their parents or siblings.............
Keywords: First Language Acquisition, Macro-setting Informal setting, Technology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding Concepts Through Inquiry Learning Strategy |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Sholikhan |
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: | 10.9790/7388-07010597102 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to 1) find out the effect of guided inquiry learning strategies to the Understanding of the concepts, 2) find out the effect of self-regulated learning to the Understanding of the concepts and 3) find out the interaction effect of guided inquiry learning strategies and self-regulated learning to Understanding of the concepts. This research was a quasi-experimental research which used two of class namely the experimental class and control class. The research population was the whole class X Science at Senior High School State (SHSS) 6 Malang City Indonesia, in the odd semester of 2016/2017 academic year. The samples consisted of the experimental class and control class was selected by cluster random sampling. The data analysis used 2-way ANOVA..............
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Abstract: Introduction: In recent years, there has been a growing appreciation of the issues of career preference in medicine as it may affect student learning and academic performance. However, few studies have been undertaken in medical schools in Iraq. Objectives: we carried out this study to investigate the career preferences of medical students at college of medicine, university of Baghdad and determine factors that might influence their career decisions. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was carried out among first, second and third medical students at college of medicine, Baghdad university during the academic year 2015/2016. A total of 200 students answered the questionnaire which covered demographic characteristics, specialty preferences, and the factors that influenced these career preferences..............
Keywords: Medical students, Specialty preferences, Future carrier preferences
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