Version-5 (July-August 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: This study aims to obtain Biochemistry teaching materials on carbohydrate integrated with problem based learning (PBL) model in accordance with the KKNI curriculum in agrotechnology study program faculty of Agriculture Graha Nusantara University. The research population is all biochemistry books used in agrotechnology study program, all lecturers of biochemistry in Unimed and UGN, and agrotechnology study program students of semester II who take biochemistry courses of 25 people. This research is a research and development (R & D) consisting of; (1) the early stages of biochemical book analysis; (2) development stage of integrated teaching materials of PBL according to KKNI curriculum; (3) validation stage according to BSNP feasibility standard (modification)..........
Keywords: Teaching materials, carbohydrate material biochemistry, problem based learning model, KKNI curriculum.
[1] Arends. 2008. Learning To Teach Volume 2, Pustaka Belajar, Yogyakarta.
[2] Armstrong, F. B., 1985. Biochemistry, third edition, Book Publisher of Medicine, EGC, p: 128-165. Brooks, C., & Warren, R.P., 1972. Modern rhetoric (3rd ed), New York, Harcourt Brace Javanovich.
[3] Gajeva, H.P., Patel, S.V., & Golakiya, B.A., 2008. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. International Book Dictributry Co., India, p: 43-67.
[4] Iswari, R.S. & Yuniastuti, A. 2006. Biochemistry. Graha Science
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know: (1) Is the problem solving ability of mathematical students who get problem based learning better than student who get ordinary learning. (2) Whether the learning independence of students who acquired problem-based learning is better than that of students who received regular learning. (3) Interaction between learning and early math ability to students' mathematical problem solving abilities. (4) Interaction between learning and math early ability to student learning independence. (5) Improving students' mathematical problem solving ability after obtaining problem based learning. (6) Increasing students' self-reliance after obtaining problem based learning. This type of research is a quasi experiment...........
Keywords: Problem-based learning, mathematical problem-solving skills, learning independence
[1]. Brotosiswoyo, B.S. 2000. Hakikat Pembelajaran MIPA di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta : Proyek Pengembangan Universitas terbuka. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
[2]. Mohamed dan Jaafar, M. 2009. Using Cooperative Learning to Improve Generic Skills among University Students. International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education,. 1(2): 141-148.
[3]. Ali, M. & Spencer, M. 2012. Scientific Inquiry based Professional Development Models in Teacher Education. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(1):514-521.
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Abstract: This study aims to develop the chemistry teaching material of SMK, the subject matter of the redox concept and compound nomenclature based on contextual, and to test it in the learning. The development of this teaching material is done in four stages, among others: (1) analysis, (2) development, (3) validation, and (4) revision. The product of teaching material through development's result is tested in the learning in the second semester of SMK 2 Teladan North Sumatera. Analysis is done to know the feasibility of the existing teaching materials according to BSNP standard. Development is done to anticipate the weakness of instructional materials analysis results. The development is also focused on contextual-based teaching materials. Validation is done by validator to know the feasibility...........
Keywords: Chemistry teaching materials, BSNP, student learning outcomes of SMK, contextual.
[1] Arends. 2008. Learning To Teach Volume 2, Pustaka Belajar, Yogyakarta.
[2] Abed, E. R., & Al-Absi, M. M. (2015). Content Analysis of Jordanian Elementary Textbooks During 1970-2013 as Case Study. International Education Studies, 8 (3): 159-166
[3] Asliyani, A., Rusdi, M., & Asrial, A. (2014). Development of Chemistry Teaching Materials SMK Technology Class X Contextual Based. Edusains, 3 (2): 1-7.
[4] Berns, R.G., & Erickson, P.M. (2001). Contextual Teaching and Learning: Preparing Students for the New Economy. The Highlight Zone: Research @ Work No.5. Retrieved December 19, 2016 from: http: //
[5] Harvest, Paulina & Purwanto. (2001). Teaching in Higher Education, Textbook Writing, PEKERTI Training Materials & Applied Approach. Jakarta. Directorate General of Higher Education Depdiknas.
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Abstract: This research was aimed at: (1) finding the model development of a Batak Character- based of industrial work Practices management in Vocational High School Sidikalang, (2) revealing Batak character-based of industrial work practices performance outputs, (3) finding out the responses of industrial and school's management of a Batak Character- based of industrial work Practices (4) identifying is industrial work practices based on Batak character effective to develop student's characters............
Keywords: Development, Industrial Work Practices, Batak Character
[1]. Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, 2009, Bahan bimbingan teknis (Bimtek) Peningkatan Mutu SMK " Pelaksanaan Prakerin", Jakarta
[2]. Akhmad Muhaimin Azzet. 2011. Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia: Revitalisasi Pendidikan Karakter terhadap Keberhasilan Belajar dan Kemajuan Bangsa. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
[3]. Almerico, Gina M. 2014. Building character through Literacy with Children's, Semarang, Puspita Pratama 2014.
[4]. Siswanto, Budi Tri. 2012. Pengembangan Model Penyelenggaraan Work-Based Learning Pada Pendidikan Vokasi Diploma III Otomotif [5]. Sugiyono, 2014, Metode Penelitian Manajemen, Bandung: Alfabeta
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Abstract: The study examined the relative effects of Contingency Management and Token reinforcement strategies on self control levels of remand homes inmate in south-west of Nigeria. The study adopted the quasi-experimental non-organized pre-test, post-test and control group involving 3x2 factorial designs. Seventy two (72) clients formed the sample for the study. Three remand homes- Akure (Ondo state), Osgbo (Osun state) and Ibadan (Oyo state) were purposively sampled for the study. The clients were randomly assigned to two treatment groups and a control group. Self Control Scale (SCS) was employed in gathering data and descriptive statistics, ANCOVA, and scheffe post hoc analysis...........
Keywords: clients, self control, contingency management, token reinforcement.
[1] Aderanti, A. (2006).Differential effectiveness of cognitive restructuring, self-management and token reinforcement in the treatment of selected delinquent behaviour patterns of remand home inmates. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, Olabisi Onabanjo University Ago-Iwoye. [2] Akinranti, G.K. (1984). Using cognitive and token reinforcement on the undesirablebehaviours of some Nigeria prison inmates. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis,Department of Guidance and Counseling, University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[4] Daramola C. A. (2008). Extroversion-Introversion traits as Determinants of juvenile delinquency .Retrieved oct, 2014 from http: www.Daramola [5] Idowu, A. (1999). (28th Sep)Deviant Behaviour among Secondary School children, Causes and Solutions. A Paper Presented at this! Workshop for Guidance Counselor in Federal Unity Schools; Federal Technical Colleges, by Federal Ministry ofEducation, Guidance and Counseling Unit
[3] Bello, P. N., (1986). Institutional Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency in Lagos: A casestudy. The Nigeria Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 2 (2) 25-33.
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Abstract: Introduction. The course of Capita Selecta History of Indonesia contains material development of Indonesian history from prehistoric era until now. Lecturers are sometimes difficult to find the best way to convey the various concepts taught in a particular course Presentations of materials Capita Selecta History of Indonesia, lecturers still use lecture and question and answer methods. This research used the method of reading task model SQ3R. Purposes. (1) To improve student learning outcomes through the method of reading task model SQ3R in learning Capita Selecta History of Indonesia. (2) To describe the process of applying SQ3R model in reading method that can improve student learning outcomes...........
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Historical Learning, Reading Task Methods, Model SQ3R
[1] Ahiri, Jafar. 2007. Evaluasi pembelajaran dalam konteks ktsp. Kendari: Unhalu Press.
[2] Ali, M, 2005. Meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan kelangsugan hidup organisme melalui penerapan model pembelajaran elaborasi metode PQ4R. Laporan penelitian diterbitkan oleh Buletin Pelangi Pendidikan.
[3] Arikunto, Suharsimi, 1998. Prosedur penelitian. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
[4] Borg, R. F. & Gall M.D. 1983. Educational research intruduction. New York: Longman.
[5] Delors, Jacques. 1996. Learning: The treasure withi. Paris 07; UNESCO.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the determination of teacher needs criteria, recruitment process and problems encountered in the recruitment process. This research includes descriptive qualitative research. Data were taken using methods, observation, interview, documentation and triangulation of sources. Subjects in this study were foundations, principals, vice principals, and administration staff. The results showed that the recruitment process of teachers is done well. Recruitment activities begin with teacher needs planning, announcement of teacher vacancies, requirements...........
Keywords: planning, teachers' recruitment
[1] Baedhowi. 2007. Revitalization of Apparatus Resources in order to Improve the Quality of Public Services. Journal of Administration and Organization Science, Business & Bureaucracy, Vol.15, No.2 (May)
[2] Mathis. Robert I, Jackson John H. 2001. Human Resource Management, Jakarta: Salemba Four.
[3] Irawan, Prasetya, Suryani S.F.Motok, Sri Wahyu Krida Sakti, 1997 Human Resource Management, Jakarta: STIA LAN Press pp.233-235
[4] Samsudin, S. 2006. Human Resource Management, Bandung; CV. Faithful Library.
[5] Mondy, Wayne & Robert M, Noe. 1996. Human Resource Management, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc.
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Abstract: This research is a school action that aims to assist teachers in preparing lesson plans Economy cooperative model of make a match type and enhance teachers' ability to implement cooperative learning model Economy make a match mode through clinical supervision in Senior State High School Sidikalang District Dairi Regency. This research was conducted in two schools, namely in Senior State High School 1 and Senior State High School 2 Sidikalang District Dairi Regency. The subject of this research is economy teacher's of 5 (five) people, consisting of 3 (three) people Economy teacher's at Senior State High School 1 Sidikalang and 2 (two) teachers in Senior State High School 2 Sidikalang District............
Keywords: Economy teacher's ability, Clinical Supervision
[1]. Ambarita, Binary. 2013. Range Management in Education. Bandung. Alfabeta.
[2]. Amani, Luh, et al. 2013. Implementation of Clinical Supervision In Order Improve Teacher's Ability to Manage Learning Process In elementary School teacher Se-Cluster VII District of Sawan. E-Journal Program Post Graduate of Ganesha Education University Department of Education Basis, Volume 3 of 2013. Retrieved on 06 February 2017.
[3]. Suparlan. 2005. Being Effective Teachers. Yogyakarta: Hikayat Publishing.
[4]. Rusman. 2012. Learning Models. Bandung: Rajawali Perss.
[5]. Lubis, Effi Aswita. 2015. Teaching and Learning Strategies. Medan: Prime Publishing.
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Abstract: Islam was a 'minority faith' in a large Christian domain in the sixth century of its existence with the emergence of Prophet Muhammed محمد يبنلا in the Arabian Peninsula. It struggled to prove its authenticity through various Islamic scholars like Al-Ghazali (450/1058-505/1111). The success was tremendous for Muslims. Today, the reverse is the case in many countries of the world, especially the Middle-East. The few surviving Christians have to prove their "faith" and "belief" in one God and in Jesus Christ his Son, through authentic spirituality and strong faith. They are continuously challenged by Muslims to prove that their Christian faith is indigenous to them. On their own side, they have..........
Keywords:Christians, Muslims, Al-ghazali, Nigeria
[1]. Al-Faruqi, Ismail Raji, )ed.). (1995) Trialogue of the Abrahamic Faiths, Maryland (USA): Amana Publications.
[2]. Al-Ghazali, (1939). Refutation Excellente de la Divinite de Jesus-Christ d'apres les Evangiles, transl. by Robert Chidiac, s.j., Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux.
[3]. Ekwunife, A. (2003),"Historical Overview of Religious and Inter-Religious Conflicts in
[4]. Nigeria – Management, Resolutions and Preventions", Adigwe, H.A. (ed). One God Many Religions. Let us talk, Onitsha (Nigeria): Thonik Prints Production Ltd., pp.11-48.
[5]. Gaudeul, J. M. (2000). Encounters & Clashes. Islam and Christianity in History, Vol. 1: A Survey (Collection "Studi Arabo-Islamic del PISAI" n0 15), Roma: Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica (P.I.S.A.I)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Insurgency: Pathway to Disintegration in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Isidore U. Nwanaju |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0704056367 ![]() |
Abstract: Many decades ago, Chinua Achebe (1958) wrote his epoch-making novel titled, "Things Fall Apart", where he acknowledged that religion formed one of the major tools for the positive transformation as well as the disintegration of the traditional African – especially Igbo-socio-religio-cum cultural society. It brought western education. But its misapplication also led to the gradual disintegration of the traditional cultural values. For a long time, many schools of thought limited the blame to the European colonial and Christian influence on the African Society. Within the African ambience, many scholars also tried to absolve Islam of any wrong-doing, labeling it the peaceful religion destined for Africans. However...........
Keywords: Religion, Insurgency, Disintegration, and Nigeria.
[1]. Abdulfatah, O. (2014). "Slaying a soul, any soul is haram", Excerpts of open letter from 126.
[2]. World Muslim leaders to the leaders of Islamic State (ISIS) in Daily Sun, Friday, November 28, p.56.
[3]. Achebe, C. (1958, 2008). Things Fall Apart. Edinburgh: Heinemann Ltd.
[4]. Coulson, N.J. (1964). A History of Islamic Law. Edinburgh: University Press.
[5]. Orbán de Lengyelfalva, J.G.(ed). (2005). Violence Against Christians. Netherlands: Aid to the Church in Need.
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Abstract: In Morocco, most private middle and secondary schools rely mainly on public teachers to compensate for the lack of pedagogical support in the private education sector. To enable these private institutions to have a stable teaching body, the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) organized educational courses in licenses for the professions of education. As part of this training, several teaching methods are taught. The latter would have a direct impact on students' learning and cannot be dissociated in the context in which they take place (the work climate, the high class size, the availability of teaching and experimental materials, Time management, level of student pre-requisites, teaching...........
Keywords: formation des enseignants, méthodes d'enseignement, l'enseignement collégial et secondaire qualifiant..
[1]. Arends, R. (1988). Learning to teach. New York : Random House.
[2]. Dunn,K et Dunn, R. (1987). Dispelling outmoded beliefs about students learning. Educational Leadership, 46(6), 52-62
[3]. Elatlassi, M., Khyati, A., Talbi, M. et Boumahmaza, M. Les attitudes des enseignants marocains en classe et les méthodes d'enseignement modernes. Acte de Colloque ADMEE lisbonne 2016.
[4]. Feyfant, A. (2011). Effets des pratiques pédagogiques sur les apprentissages. Institut français de l'éducation, 65, 1-14.
[5]. Glickman, C. (1991). Pretending not to know what we know. Education Leaderstrip, 48(8), 4-10..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1) Differences in student learning outcomes M3PK with PjBL using mind mapping media. (2) Differences in student learning outcomes that have high creative thinking ability with low creative thinking ability. (3) The interaction between M3PK and PjBL uses mind mapping media with students' creative thinking ability in influencing learning outcomes. The population in this study is all students in MAN 2 Padangsidimpuan in 2016/2017 academic year. Sampling technique with purposive sampling. The sample in this research consists of two classes namely class XI IPA-1 and XI IPA-3. Class XI IPA-1 as an experimental class 1 that is taught by the...........
Keywords:Teaching Model Induces Change of Concept, Project Based Learning, Mind Mapping, Learning Outcomes, Creative Thinking Ability.
[1]. Anderson dan David, (2010). Pembelajaran, Pengajaran Dan Asesmen. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.
[2]. Anwar, Aness, Khizar, Naseer dan Muhammad. (2012). Relationship Of Creative Thinking With The Academic Achievements Of Secondary School Students. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education. 1(3).
[3]. Arens, R. ( 2008). Learning To Teach. Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar.
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[5]. Arsyad. A. (2007). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada.
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Abstract: The article aims at describing the awareness process of elementary school students in solving problem. The article is starting from evaluating the results of the case study of students' mistakes in solving the problem. The subject in this case study is three 5th grade students of SDN Percobaan 2 Malang. Student awareness process is based on three categories that occur in students that is lack of awareness, pre-awareness, and awareness. Researchers used awareness aspect of Solso (2008) and problem-solving episode of Fisher (1998). Analysis of think aloud transcript and interview of the student's work showed the awareness of students to solve problems and found students identify...........
Keywords: awareness, problem solving,.
[1]. Arp, R., 2007. Consciousness and Awareness. J. Conscious. Stud. 14, 101–106.
[2]. Baidawi, M., Sutawidjaja. A., Irawan. E.B & Sulandra. I.M, (2016) Prospective Teachers' Awareness An Regulated Thinking Process During Problem Solvingin Algebra. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME).
[3]. Cozza, B & Oreshkina, M, (2013). Cross-Cultural Study of Cognitive and Metacognitive Processes During Math Problem Solving: School Science and Mathematics October 2013 Volume 113, Issue 6 Pages 261–317
[4]. Desoete, A. (2001). off-line metacognition in Children with Mathematics Learning Disabilities, Disertation, Universiteit Gent.
[5]. Desoete, A. (2006). Multi-method assessment of metacognitive skills in elementary school children: how you test is what you get: Metacognition Learning.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Parenting the adolescence in the present scenario of twenty-first century |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | O. Premila Chanu |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0704059295 ![]() |
Abstract: Parenting the adolescence is the most difficult and most important duty of the present day parents. As we are experiencing in our day to day life, the present human society is becoming more and more dangerous to be associated with. The root responsibility of the present restlessness of the human society is the parents in the greatest percentage contribution. Some of the parents in our society do not take care of the moral development of their children. Simply they will provide all the requirements, but not participating in giving moral development. Instead the responsibility of moral.........
[1]. The Successful Parent: Early Adolescence: The Point of No Return - Part II.
[2]. The Importance of Fairy Tales― Albert Einstein.
[3]. Terri Lynn Coop, 2006. Dream People, Whispers of Wickedness, Flashshots and "The Flash 40 Anthology."
[4]. My experiences in my past thirty years of parenting my children.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scientific careers of women after marriage in NE India with especial reference in Manipur |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Oinam Premila Chanu |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0704059698 ![]() |
Abstract: Men and women can never be equal. It is started from God's creation. They are different in structure, strength and performances in all respects of life except inpower of brain. Females get somewhat equal attitude with males from family and society from childhood up to adult just before marriage. Every action regarding education and social status goes parallel in males and females in this span. We can notice the sudden strategic change in social, educational or scientific performances of females just after marriage, but no change in that of males. The parallel line goes abruptly down in that of females............
[1]. Experience as an adult for 31 years in the society.
[2]. Daily newspapers.
[3]. Lifting a Ton of Feathers: A Woman's Guide to Surviving in the Academic World, Paula J. Caplan, 1993.
[4]. Women in science, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
[5]. Women in science and technology: Worldwide initiative and Indian needs,Rohini Godbole, 2004..