Series-3 (Nov. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: The paper attempts an encompassing definition of the concept of globalization. It examines different but critical insights on the theme of economic globalization, as well as the view that multinational corporations are important conveyors of it. It also provides perspective on the varying challenges multinational corporations may contend with in Nigeria's evolving business environment.
Key words: Globalization, Multinational Corporations, Human Resources, Nigeria.
[1]. Alao, D.O., Atere, C.O., & Alao, O. (2012). Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria: The challenges and lessons. Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies, 1(4), 1-15. Aninat, E. (2002). Surmounting the Challenges of Globalization, Finance & Development, 39(1).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emerging Trends in Kerala‟s Responsible Tourism. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shyamala.M || Vidhu.V.L. || Vijesh Venugopa || Deepthi.I |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161130816 ![]() |
Abstract: Discussing On Environmental Matters, Rt Implements Revolutionary Studies And Surveys In The Basic Details Of Energy, Water And Waste And Systematically Reveals A Detailed Energy Audit Analysis Among The Partnering Hotels At 4 Destinations. This Is Expected To Enter To Next Levels Of Preparing Customized Prescriptions For Individual Properties With A Conservation Focus. Responsible Tourism Cell In Destinations Move Against The Negative Impacts Affecting The Environment And Promotes Eco-Friendly Products. Within The Initial Phase, Rt Initiatives In Kerala Become A Replicable Model For The World. There Is A Wide Scope For The Initiative In Tourism Contributing And Benefiting The Local Community While Moving Towards Next Levels With Possible Expansions. The Experiments And Best Stories Of Initial Period Render How Kerala Is Suited In Taking Such A Move Forward.
Keywords: Responsible Tourism, Areas, Forms, Prospects and Limitations
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[5]. Chettiparamb, A. (2006) 'Bottom-Up Planning And The Future Of Planning Education In India' Journal Of Planning Education And Research, Volume 26(2): 185-194.
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Abstract: Consumer behaviour refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for , purchasing using , evaluating and disposing the products and services. Consumer behavior is important in helping to forecast and understand for products as well as brand preference. The present paper highlights the study of consumer behavior regarding instant food products among the consumers. The most dramatic change is the change in consumer demographics and demand preferences. Hence , an attempt has been made to analyse the consumer purchasing frequency for the instant food products. Further efforts have also been made to know the consumer awareness towards products and to analyse factors influencing the instant food products.
Key words: Consumer behavior, Demographic, Instant food products
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Abstract:One of the most profound and far-reaching financial phenomenon in the late twentieth century and the forepart of this century is the explosive growth in international financial transactions and capital flows among various financial markets in developed and developing countries. This phenomenon in international finance is not only a result of the liberalization of capital markets in developed and developing countries and the increasing variety and complexity of financial instruments, but also a result of the increasing relativity of the developing and developed economies as developing countries become more integrated in international flows of trade and payments. More freedom in the moving of capital flows improves the allocation of capital globally, allowing resources to move to areas with higher rates of return. Contrarily,
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Abstract: The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC), consisting of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Srilanka, was established in 1985 with the objective of raising the standards of living in the region through greater economic co-operation among member countries. The growing recognition of social indicators and their direct relationship with country's human development lead greater emphasis on nations to seek not only economic but social cooperation. The areas of cooperation should also cover human development that current discourse on the subject emphases.
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Abstract: Recently digital signage is gathering attention as a new type of media because of its only features. With this media we can select the time and places to advertise and we can advertise attractively by using a display. Universities are also trying to use this media in their campuses. But there is a problem that the viewing rate of this media is still rather poor. One reason for this is that universities have not been able to accurately grasp the needs of students. In this study, we identify the factors that lead to visibility improvements by cluster analysis and factor analysis. After identifying the factors we create new contents considering the analysis result and verify them by brain wave measurement. Then we use these insights to boost the visual interest of digital signage at universities.
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Abstract: Entrepreneur is someone who perceives opportunity, organizes resources needed, takes initiative, and accepts risk of failure. Intrapreneur is an entrepreneur within an already established organization.As innovation is increasingly recognized as a vital component of entrepreneurship, researchers and educators struggle to reform enterprise pedagogy. To help in the effort to analyze the impact of competencies on business success, the researcher uses a personality test and open-ended interviews to explore the presence of the competency innovation between two groups- entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. The term intrapreneur has been used interchangeably with employee during the analysis stage.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding the Relationship between Organizational Politics and Leadership Styles |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Ahmad BemisalDurrani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161136267 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between perceived organizational politics and its relationship with leadership styles (Transformational& Transactional) in public sector organizations.The most effective leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used for the purpose of data collection. The questions were about superior's styles of leadership and five point item scale was used to measure organizational politics. The permission was taken and the data was collected with high discretion. The sampling technique used was "Convenient Sampling" in two local government public Universities. The data was analyzed in SPSS v 20, and mean, correlation and standard deviation tests were applied.
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Abstract: This study basically attempts to analyze the impact of microfinance services in empowering the rural women. The study is also meant to obtain insights regarding factors empowering rural women through microfinance services and which factors influences most and what extent. For that, 205 respondents out of 248 questionnaires yielding a response rate of 82.66% residing in rural areas of North Gujarat Region, Gujarat state are approached with structured questionnaire by following a non-probabilistic convenience sampling technique. After computing the reliability of scales, correlation and multiple regressions was used to test hypotheses through SPSS version 16. The results indicate that four of the five factors (i.e. socio-economic status upgradation, autonomy for life choices,
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Abstract: The Central bank of Kenya continues to support innovations that will broaden the financial inclusion of the majority of the Kenyans. The financial access survey of 2009 shows that 32% of Kenya's bankable population remains totally out of the orbit of financial services and many more being served by the informal financial system (CBK 2009). The Central bank took extensive reviews of the agent banking. A study by Bankable associate Frontier International Consultancy Firm was commissioned to review practices in Latin America, Asia and Africa on agent banking.
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