Series-5 (Nov. 2014)
Series-5 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Job Related Stress on Employee Performance: A Review and Research Agenda |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. G. Ratnawat || Dr P.C. Jha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161150106 ![]() |
Abstract: Impact of occupational stress on employee performance has been recognized as an important area of concern for organizations. Negative stress affects the physical and mental health of the employees that in turn affects their performance on job. Research into the relationship between stress and job performance has been neglected in the occupational stress literature (Jex, 1998). It is therefore significant to understand different Occupational Stress Inducers (OSI) on one hand and their impact on different aspects of job performance on the other. This article reviews the available literature to understand the phenomenon so as to develop appropriate stress management strategies to not only save the employees from variety of health problems but to improve their performance and the performance of the organization.
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[5]. Bartlett & Ghoshal (1995) in Ahmed & Ramzan (2013) Effects of Job Stress on Employees Job Performance :A Study on Banking Sector of Pakistan, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 11, Issue 6 pp 61-68.
[6]. Beehr, T.A.(1976). Perceived situational moderators of the relationship between subjective role ambiguity and role strain. Journal of Applied Psychology;61:35–40.
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Abstract: Research on marketing capabilities and their linkage with business performance can provide a vital source of knowledge for firms to acquire competitive advantage in an industry. This study attempts to understand the sales capability and marketing implementation capability and its impact on business performance. It focuses on different processes of marketing capability and its effect on market share in B2B set up. The data was analysed by using multivariate analytical tools such as reliability analysis and Pearson correlation analysis.
[1]. Ahmad, S., Bashir M., and Kitchen P. (2010). The relationship between sales skills and salesperson performance, and the impact of organizational commitment as a moderator: an empirical study in a Malaysian telecommunications company. International journal of economics and management, 4(2), 181 – 211.
[2]. Akdeniz, M., Gonzalez-Padron, T., and Calantone, R. (2010). An integrated marketing capability benchmarking approach to dealer performance through parametric and nonparametric analyses. Industrial marketing management, 39, 150–160.
[3]. Amit, R., and Schoemaker, P. J. (1993). Strategic assets and organisational rent. Strategic management journal, 14(1), 33−46.
[4]. Anglin, K., Stolman, J., and Gentry, J. (1990). The congruence of manager perception of salesperson performance and knowledge based measures of adaptive selling. Journal of Personal selling & Sales management, 10, 81-90.
[5]. Appiah-Adu, K., & Singh, S. (1998). Customer orientation and performance: a study of SMEs. Management decision, 36(6), 385-394.
[6]. Baker, W. & Sinkula, J. (2005). Environmental marketing strategy and firm performance: effects on new product performance and market share. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(4), 461-475.
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Abstract: The study analyses the effectiveness of the public distribution system in India with special emphasis to the functioning of public sector agricultural warehousing agencies such as Food Corporation of India (FCI) and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), engaged in the procurement, transportation, storage and distribution of food grains. The data for the period of 2007-08 to 2011-12 has been collected from secondary sources and has been interpreted. The study shows that the current procurement trends of food grains would not sufficient to meet the allocation and the future requirements in the twelfth plan period.
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[4]. Arora, R.U. (2013). "Food Subsidies for the Poor in India: Are they Working? Journal of Asian Public Policy. 6(3): 13-21.
[5]. Bapana, S.L. (1990). "Food Security through the PDS: The Indian Expe rience. In D.S. Tyagi (ed). Increasing access to Food, The Asian
Experience, Sage Publications.
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Abstract: This study aimed to assess the effect of variable accounting information, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and OCB on job performance in small and medium enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi.The population of this study were all small and medium enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi; with a target population or target of the study are employees of small and medium businesses. The samples were permanent employees, the employee sampled using stratified random sampling method. The results of this study showed that the discussion of accounting information, job satisfaction and organizational commitment mediated by organizational citizenship behavior, contribute to the improvement of job performance. OCB thus able to provide a stimulus for improving job performance. Concluded: Small and Medium Enterprises in Southeast Sulawesi province that performs well on an ongoing basis is the SMEs that successfully increased employee Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the end make an effective contribution to the survival of the organization.
[1]. Ackfeldt, Anna L. & Coote, Leonard V. (2000) An Investigation Into The Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors ANZMAC 2000 Visionary Marketing for the 21st Century: Facing the Challenge 217.
[2]. Ackfeldt, Anna L.Z Coote Leonard V. (2000). An Investigation Into the Antecedests of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. Th 2 MAC 2000 Visionary Marketing for the 21 sektor Century. Cacing the Callengo 217.
[3]. Allen, T.D. Barnard S., Rush, M.C. dan Russell, J.E. A. 2000. Rating OfOrganizational Citizenship Behaviour; Does the Sourcek Make Prifrentce, Human Resource Management Review. 10 (1): 97-114.
[4]. Allison, Et Al. 2001. "Organizational Citizenship Behaviours and service quality as external effectiveness" journal business research vol, 56, pp, 597, 611
[5]. Alotaibi, Adam G. (2001), Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Study public of Public Personnel in Kuwait, Public Personnel Management; Fall 2001; 303, ABI/Inform Research p.363.
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Abstract:This study was to observe the activities of home-based businesses (Home Industry) farmers palm tapper and its impact on the socio-economic welfare of farm families. Socio-economic welfare of farm families is measured with indicators of the fulfillment of needs for food, clothing, shelter, education, health, and social life as well as to describe the process of making juice until molded into palm sugar. his research was conducted in three villages namely Papaloang, Village and Countryside Village Makian Hidayat South Halmahera. Samples were taken of 100 people by random sampling. Data was collected through interviews and observations. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that activities tapper palm farmers in South Halmahera district can, contributing to increase the socio-economic welfare of farmers tapping palm.
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[5]. Endang R. Sedyaningsih, Vivi Setiawaty, Lutfah Rif'ati, Syahrial Harun, Bambang Heriyanto, Krisna Nur AP, Hana Apsari P, Elvieda Sariwati, Chita Saptiawati, Erna Tresnaningsih, Characteristics of human H5N1 cases in Indonesia, July 2005 – May 2006. Health Research Bulletin (2006), 34(4): 137-146.
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Abstract: The study aims to analyze the implementation of poverty reduction through human resource empowerment for optimization of community development using participatory rural appraisal methods. The analysis was done by comparing the implementation of all poverty reduction programs implemented at the field with Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) method, resulting in poverty reduction methods based on real problems and potential of particular areas. Descriptive analysis was performed to determine the qualitative response of local government officials, on the perception of Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) success. The results showed that human resource development of local government officials were still not optimally implemented for poverty alleviation activities.
[1]. Bappenas, Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas), Laporan Pencapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium Di Indonesia 2010, Jakarta, 2010
[2]. Bappeda Kota Batu, , Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Kota Batu, Laporan Monitoring dan Evaluasi MDG's Kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur. 2012
[3]. Chambers, R dalam Putnam R D, Bowling Alone: America's declining social capital, Journal of Democracy, 6 (1),1995, pp 65-78,
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Abstract: Eminent scholars have tried to find out the concepts of management in Vedas, Quraan, Bible , Upanishads, Gita etc. and have come out with beautiful results like concept of karmic evolution , Life management etc. Unfortunately Jain Literature has been ignored by modern researchers and scholars for the purpose. An effort has been made to interpret just one Gatha (verse) from one granth (great book), 'Nandi Sutra' out of many available in the treasure of ancient Jain literature. In this process the verse is being analysed to see if the concept of communication has been taken up thoroughly in Jain literature or not, because an effective communication is very important for a successful manager. According to Fred Luthans a manager spends 75 % of his working hours in communicating to various people, so the technique of effective communication is necessary for him/her to learn to get the work done through others. Getting people to listen to what you say , read or write , or look at what you show them is not easy.An attempt has been made to find the elements of successful strategic communication in Nandi Sutra and these elements have been compared to modern concepts of business and managerial communication. A major part of the research work is to elaborate the types of listeners for future as tools of improved communication in business .
Keywords: Communication skills, organizational communication, business communication, Ancient literature, Jain literature, Types of listeners, Nandi Sutra , Indian literature, Listening skills, sender, receiver, message, managerial communication,
[1]. Ahmad, S., Bashir M., and Kitchen P. (2010). The relationship between sales skills and salesperson performance, and the impact of organizational commitment as a moderator: an empirical study in a Malaysian telecommunications company. International journal of economics and management, 4(2), 181 – 211.
[2]. Akdeniz, M., Gonzalez-Padron, T., and Calantone, R. (2010). An integrated marketing capability benchmarking approach to dealer performance through parametric and nonparametric analyses. Industrial marketing management, 39, 150–160.
[3]. Amit, R., and Schoemaker, P. J. (1993). Strategic assets and organisational rent. Strategic management journal, 14(1), 33−46.
[4]. Anglin, K., Stolman, J., and Gentry, J. (1990). The congruence of manager perception of salesperson performance and knowledge based measures of adaptive selling. Journal of Personal selling & Sales management, 10, 81-90.
[5]. Appiah-Adu, K., & Singh, S. (1998). Customer orientation and performance: a study of SMEs. Management decision, 36(6), 385-394.
[6]. Baker, W. & Sinkula, J. (2005). Environmental marketing strategy and firm performance: effects on new product performance and market share. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(4), 461-475.
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Abstract: Marketing-Mix, specifically the 4P's, has long been recognized as the most important marketing decision for a business organization. This study has the objective of investigating whether the price component of the 4P's is the most important strategic factor in determining the success or failure of firms in emerging markets like India. For this purpose, three major industries of automobiles, FMCG products, and consumer durables were considered. These industries are diametrically opposite to each other in nature and conduct, but are characterized by the presence of a combination of renowned multinational firms/brands as well as domestic firms/brands.
[1]. Smith, Brian; The effectiveness of marketing strategy making processes: A critical literature review and a research agenda; Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing; Mar 2003; 11, 3; pg. 273.
[2]. Okoroafo, Sam; Russow, Lloyd C; Impact of marketing strategy on performance: Empirical evidence from a liberalized developing country; International Marketing Review; 1993; 10, 1; pg.4.
[3]. Dean, James W; Sharfman, Mark P; Does decision process matter? A study of strategic decision-making effectiveness; Academy of Management Journal; 1996, vol. 39, No. 2, 368-396.
[4]. Wensley, Robin; The effective strategic analyst; The Journal of Management Studies; October 1979.
[5]. Allison, G. T., 'Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis', American Political Science Review, Vol. 63, No. 3, September 1969.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The reasons of Organizational conflicts among doctors Working in Iben Sina Hospital |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Abdel Hakim Saad El Sadig |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161156167 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the causes of organizational conflict of the doctors who are working in Iben Sina Hospital, and their relationship to each of role ambiguity, organizational climate, hence this study to look into the causes of organizational conflict, and its relationship to the organizational study variables, financial and administrative, lack of technical and technological possibilities, not to participate in decision-making, resistance to change. For this purpose a questionnaire was designed and I selected sample of 50 single out of a whole society of the study which is numbered 156 single, and the number of statistically analyzable questionnaire was 34 questionnaires. The researcher has used the descriptive methodology, as it follows the surveying potential method in this study, the study included 4 hypotheses, the first hypotheses is:- There is no significant relationship between the financial and administrative considerations and organizational conflicts of the Doctors who are working in Iben Sina Hospital. The study results showed there are practices, administrative and financial constraints represent restrictions on the freedom of the decisions taken by doctors in the care of their patients and thus increasing the threat to the independence of professional doctors.
Keywords: Organizational conflicts - Doctors - Hospital.
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