Series-6 (Nov. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze (1) the effect of service quality and tourist satisfaction, (2) the effect of service quality on loyalty Tourists, (3) the effect of satisfaction on loyalty Tourists in Tourism Regions Integrated Trans Studio Bandung. The research method used is explanatory research, which would explain the causal relationship between the independent variable on the dependent variable through hypothesis testing. In this study the data used in the form of primary data obtained the results of questionnaires. While the analysis of the data used in the form of descriptive analysis and analysis of simple and multiple linear regressions. Based on the results of this research is that (1) quality of service and a significant positive effect on tourist satisfaction in integrated tourism Trans Studio Bandung. That is good service quality can increase the confidence rating on the quality of services offered, with the optimum service quality satisfaction of tourists will increase by itself, (2) quality of service and a significant positive effect on loyalty Tourists in integrated tourism Trans Studio Bandung. This means that service quality also has a strategic role in shaping wisatawa loyalty. A tourist will be loyal to a tourist attraction if tourism is well able to meet their needs, (3) Tourist satisfaction and a significant positive effect on loyalty Tourists in integrated tourism Trans Studio Bandung. This means that if a tourist was satisfied with the services received, the loyalty will be formed.
Key Words: Quality of Service, Guest Satisfaction, Loyalty Tourist.
[1] A. Usmara, 2008. Human Resource Management Practices: Winning through Orientation and Training. Employees, Yogyakarta: Santusa.
[2] AlidaPalilati, 2007, Affect of Customer Value, Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty Savings Banking in South Sulawesi, Petra Christian University.
[3] Arief. 2007. Service Marketing & Service Quality, Malang: Bayumedia, Publishing.
[4] Cronin, J.JosephJrdan Steven Taylor, 2005, Measuring Service Quality: Reexamination and Extension, Journal of Marketing.
[5] Engel, James F., 2000. Consumer Behavior. Translated by F.X. Budiyanto, Consumer Behavior, Sixth edition, First printing, Volume II. Jakarta: BinarupaAksara.
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Abstract: What is it that makes one workplace environment conducive to innovation, enthusiasm, and commitment while another is not? Why is it that you can walk into a workplace and feel the energy sparking? What is it about a similar environment that leads to boredom and lack of attention? This paper addresses these important questions and focuses on the key elements like build trust, Communicate positively and openly, Create Team Spirit , Be Approachable , Be social and many more that create a positive environment in the workplace and the role leadership plays in fostering that environment. The purpose of this paper is to explore the key elements that comprise a productive and highly energized workplace environment in which people flourish. Do the elements of a high performing environment differ from person to person? Are there universal elements that, when in place, allow people to be magnificent and perform at superior levels, constantly stretching, growing, and being the best they can be? If so, what are these elements and how do leaders create or influence such environments?
Key words: Workplace Environment, Team Spirit, innovation, enthusiasm, commitment.
[1]. Human Behavior and the Social Environment: Shifting Paradigms in Essential Knowledge for Social Work Practice (5th Edition) by Joe M. Schriver (Jan 20, 2010)
[2]. Fun Works: Creating Places Where People Love to Work by Leslie Yerkes and Jim Kouzes (Apr 28, 2007)
[3]. JEM Performance Consulting. The Power of a Positive Work Environment. accessed 6 July 2011
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Abstract: Financial institutions are the blood of an economy and basically works as an intermediary to regulate the circulation of money as well as to ensure their profitability by loan disbursement in different sectors. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the disbursement and recovery performance of rural credit of Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) in different sectors namely agriculture and industry. To attain the objective, mean difference t-test and econometric model are analyzed. For analysis, whole population is taken into account in which one group is loan taker of business sector and other is agricultural sector. The finding of t-test shows that the recovery performance of the business sector is superior to agricultural sector or in other words the agriculture sector has more problems in loan repayment than business sector. The econometric model is used to analyze the recovery performance of the bank. The robust standard error is used to remove all peculiarities in data. From the analysis, it is found that the coefficients age and education are not statistically significant but the two variables namely business type and income level are statistically significant. Family size is close to significant which indicates that the higher income group, fewer family members and disbursement of loan in business sector are related to higher recovery performance. This study is a model based approach to find out the recovery performance in different sectors. Therefore, it can be helpful to the bankers and policy makers of banking and financial institutions to select the right borrowers for disbursing loan and get better recovery from these sectors.
Keywords: Bank, rural credit, disbursement, recovery.
[1] K.M.S. Rahman, General Credit and International Trade: Import and Export Financing, 2nd edition (Center for Research on Banking and Human Research Development, 2013).
[2] K.M.S. Rahman, General Banking Practice and Law of Banking, 2nd edition (Centre for Research on Banking and Human Research Development, 2013).
[3] R. Uppal, Priority Sector Advances: Trends, Issues and Strategies, journal of Accounting and Taxation, 1(5), 2009, 079-089. [4] E. Ahmed, Z. Rahman, and R.I. Ahmed, Comperative Analysis of Loan Recovery Among Nationalized, Private and Islamic Commercial Banks of Bangladesh, Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, 2006.
[5] D.A. Grigorian, and V. Manole, Determinants of Commercial Bank Performance in Transition: an Application of Data Envelopment Analysis, World Bank Policy Research, Working Paper, 2850, 2002.
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Abstract: This research paper has attempted to discover Effect of Customers' Satisfaction on the Development of Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Bangladesh with Special Reference to Hotel City Inn Limited, Khulna. This study has been conducted through sample survey of 150 customers (75 from room service and 75 from restaurant service) The study has used five broad satisfaction-specific factors named as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible which have many sub factors. The most important satisfaction specific factor is tangible as it has got the highest mean value among five satisfaction specific factors. The regression model number one is showing that marital status, responsiveness, assurance and tangible have statistically significant effect on overall satisfaction level from restaurant services whereas for room service marital status, income, room booking system and responsiveness have statistically significant effect on the overall satisfaction. This research has also found that there is no statistically significant effect of overall customer' satisfaction from restaurant service on the development of hospitality and tourism industry in Bangladesh but there is statistically significant effect of overall customer' satisfaction from room service on the development of hospitality and tourism industry in Bangladesh.
Keywords: City Inn limited, Hospitality, Regression Analysis, Satisfaction, Tourism Industry.
[1]. Akbaba, A. (2006). Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: A study in a business hotel in Turkey. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 25(2), 170-192.
[2]. Andale, S. S., & Conway, C. (2006). Customer satisfaction in the restaurant industry: an examination of the transaction-specific model. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(1), 3-11
[3]. Buhalis, D., & Law, R. (2008). Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research. Tourism management, 29(4), 609-623.
[4]. Camisón, C. (1996). Total quality management in hospitality: an application of the EFQM model. Tourism management, 17(3), 191-201.
[5]. Chi, C. G. Q., & Qu, H. (2008). Examining the structural relationships of destination image, tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: An integrated approach. Tourism management, 29(4), 624-636.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Organizational Corporate Culture on Employee Performance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. M. Gunaraja |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161163842 ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper measures empirically the effectiveness of organizational corporate culture on employee performance as well as Employee's productivity using Indian banking industry. We try to analyze if organizational corporate culture affects employee's work performance, and to formulate suggestions regarding corporate sector culture and employee's performance. To obtain the above objectives, the some of the research questions were asked: Does corporate sector culture have any impact on employee work performance? And how does organizational corporate culture influence in employee job performance? Two hypotheses were framed: (i) There is no positive relationship between organizational corporate culture and employee's work performance, and (ii) There is no positive relationship between corporate sectors organizational culture and organizational productivity in Indian banking industry through survey method .Samples were selected using stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods; while our sampling respondents were selected using simple random sampling method. The findings are that a large number of respondents almost more than half of the respondent strongly agree that organizational corporate culture has influence on employee work performance, and that nearly half of the employees also agree that culture of corporate sector determines the level of productivity of the organization.
Keywords: Employee, Performance, Job, Organization, Corporate Culture and Environment Impact.
[1]. Cascio, W. F. (2006) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Life, Profits. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
[2]. Denison, D.R. and A.K. Mishra (1995) Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness, Organization Science, 6 (2), pp. 204-223
[3]. Devis, L. (2007) Organizational Culture and its Importance, Accessed on 3rd January, 2009.
[4]. Forehand, G. A. & B. von Gilmer, (1964) Environmental Variations in Studies of Organizational Behavior, Psychological Bulletin, 62, pp. 361-382.
[5]. Hallett, T. (2003) Symbolic Power and Organizational Culture, Sociological Theory, Vol. 21, No. 2. pp. 128-149.
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Abstract: Superior human resource is a resource that not only have the hard skills, but also supported by a good soft skills. Everyone is expected to do a self-assessment by means of realizing and developing the potential of self-owned. In addition to developing a self-assessment, each person must also have a self-confident. If every individual has self-confident and self-assessment capabilities it will have an impact on the increase in the performance of the individual.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-confident and self-assessment of the performance with social skills as moderating variables. This study differs from previous research by introducing a variable intrapersonal skills not only as independent variables but also as a moderating variable that strengthen/weaken relations skills intrapersonal variables on the performance of employees. Limitations of this study is not to enter the variable self-awareness and social awareness in the research.The analysis method used in this research is using MRA (Moderating Regression Analysis) with the study population are listed manufacturing company in Malang, amounting to 50 companies with sampling purposive sampling.The results showed that the self-confident will improve one's performance when coupled with good social skills. Without supported with social skills, self-confident even a negative effect on performance. The results also showed that self-assessment no significant effect on performance, either directly or with the effect of this moderation. This indicates that you should perform a self-assessment are other people (leaders or peers) not himself.
Keywords: Self-confident, Social skills, self-assessment, and Performance.
[1]. Bambacas, Mary and Patricson, Margaret. 2008. Interpersonal Communications Skills Organisational that EnchanceComitment, Journal of Communications Management. Vol. 12 ISS: 1. Pp.51-57
[2]. Daniel Goleman. 2001. Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance Harvard Business Review 9(11). 42-51
[3]. Jawale,ArunBushan, VikasBendgude, andNadeenHussain. 2011. Soft Skill Appraisal for Dentistry: A Tool for Positive Practice Management. The Journal of dental practice 10.5005 / jp - journals - 1024-1079
[4]. Moeheriono, 2009. Competency-Based Performance Measurement. Gallic Indonesia.
[5]. Prasetyanto, Gina Court. 2008. Communication Influences Performance on Soekardi Ceramics Company Malang. Thesis, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
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Abstract: This study aims to: (1) Determine the micro entrepreneurial industry in Southeast Sulawesi. (2) Determine the influence of micro-entrepreneurial industry towards poverty alleviation in Southeast Sulawesi. The results showed that: (1) Entrepreneurship micro businesses in the food industry in Southeast Sulawesi in view of the dimensions of entrepreneurial attitudes and entrepreneurial competence quite good. While the dimensions of personal value very well. As for the dimensions of motivation tried quitegood. The low dimensional entrepreneurial motivation micro businesses in the food industry of Southeast Sulawesi province than other dimensions due to micro businesses generally do not have a target to pursue greater profits. They underwent a effort to meet the needs of families with no plans to expand its business for the future may develop into small and medium enterprises. (2) Entrepreneurship significant effect with positive direction towards alleviation of poverty in Southeast Sulawesi. This means that the proxy entrepreneurial attitudes to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship motivation, entrepreneurial competence, personality and values can alleviate poverty in the form of an increase in income, consumption expenditure, an increase in household assets and increase spending on education and health.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Poverty Alleviation.
[1]. Abu, Ikponmwosa Noruwa dan Ezike John Emeke. 2012. The Role and Sustainability of Microfinance Banks Is Reducing Poverty and Development of Entrepreneurship inUrban and Rural Areas in Nigeria. University of Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Business Administration. Vol.3, No.3; May 2012 pp 33-40.
[2]. Adofu, Ilemona. 2013. Alleviating Poverty Through The Use of Entrepreneurship Skill Acquisition in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Open Journal of Economics. Vol. 1. No. 2. August 2013. PP: 14-23
[3]. Aedy, Hasan. 2007. Indahnya Ekonomi Islam. Alfabeta Bandung.
[4]. Aedy, Hasan. 2010. Strategi dan Solusi Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Daerah Sulawesi Tenggara.Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari, Kerjasama Dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.
[5]. Ali Yassin Shaeikh Ali. 2013. Entrepreneurship Development and Poverty Reduction. Empirical Survey From Somalia. American International Journal of Social Science. Vol. 2 No. 3; May. 2013
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Abstract: The study is focused over understanding and predicting the trend of the sample stock taken in the study. The study involves Bollinger bands which helps to identify the volatility of the stock by the calculation of the moving averages and RSI (Relative Strength Index) which shows the nature of the stock in terms of bearishness or bullishness. The study includes the recent stock data of 8 monthsof L&T through which the stock volatility and nature could be identified using the technical tools. The study interprets the support levels and resistance levels of the stock by the medium of technical analysis.
Keywords: Bollinger bands, moving average, relative strength index, resistance level, support level, technical analysis.
[1]. Foy, Henry & Mehra, Prashant (November 2011). India's L&T looking overseas to beat local slowdown. Retrieved:
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ushering towards Green Management (A Case Study of Select Educational Institutes in Rajasthan) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Richa Nangia |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161166065 ![]() |
Abstract: Now days, there has been a major change in environmental management activities worldwide in all fields of activity including the education industry. The institutes and universities are adopting new concept of "Sustainability and ecofriendly activities" in their daily operations. While earlier it was a passive concept of "Environmental Protection", now it has become a rather proactive approach. Green management explains about management of all the organizational activities which have no negative impact on the global or local environment, community, society, and economy. It is all about putting the four R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover the resource into action. Such activities in educational institutes are not only ushering students to show their creativity and innovation in devising ways and means of environmental conservation, but are also finding great popularity among students and the management a like. Rajasthan is one state in India which has a shortage of many natural resources. . To survive and thrive, especially in a state like Rajasthan developing mechanisms, which enable successfully answer the environmental demand of regulators, stakeholders including students and society is the need of the hour. Good environmental performance is here more than a matter of compliance and cost. Natural Conservation and preservation is a part of the living culture here. Many institutes in Rajasthan are participating in environmentally friendly or green activities to ensure that all processes and activities adequately address current environmental concerns while maintaining cost effectiveness. This research was conducted with the aim of mapping the level of awareness and action orientation of select educational institutes of the state of Rajasthan. The findings bring to the fore the efforts that have been put by these institutes towards "Green Management". For the purpose of this research a sample of 50 members of management from colleges across Rajasthan was taken. The respondents marked their responses on a semi structure questionnaire relating to Green Management.
Keywords: Eco-production, Environmental Protection, Green Management, Natural Conservation, Regulators and Stakeholders.
[1]. Seema Joshi, Sustainable Development of the Higher Education Sector in India for Catalyzing Services-Driven Growth, Working Paper No. 2012/01, Maastricht School of Management.
[3]. news/ newsdetails.aspx
[4]. Agarwal, Pawan, Higher Education in India: The Need for Change, ICRIER Working Paper, June 2006.
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Abstract: This study sought to ascertain whether reporting on community health care programs by the oil companies in south- south Nigeria impact on the profitability of the oil companies, find out the impact of reporting on community health care programs on community- business relations. The researcher administered questionnaires to a sample of 104 respondents, representing various community/group leaders and other stakeholders in 8 selected oil rich communities of the South-South Nigeria. Hypotheses were formulated and tested with spearman correlation statistic tool via SPSS. The result revealed that reporting on community health care impact significantly on the profitability of the oil companies; and also impact in great measure on the community- business relations. The implication of these findings is that the companies' profitability and community business relations will further be enhanced if business organizations especially the multinational oil companies intensify actions that will improve their financial commitment on community health care programs. It is therefore the view of the researcher that the oil companies should improve upon their financial commitment on health care programs. This will among others improve community-business relations
Key words: Healthcare, community-business relations, reporting, South-South Nigeria.
[1] Alakija, W. (2000). Essentials of Community Health Care and Health Management.Medisucess Publication Benin City P 495.
[2] Sam, O. (2002). Shell's Oil Spill in Baraale, Ogoniland of Nigeria's Rivers State October, 2001 January 2002, Environmental Right Action (ERA) Field Report number#89, Tel / Fax + 234 52 600 / 65, E- mail, Benin City Nigerian. Retrieved on 16/08/2012.
[3] Hurst, S. (2004). US and Norwegian Healthcare System (www.w/ on 15/02/2013.
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[5] Udo, I., Stammen, R.M and Mantell J.E (2008) Corruption and Oil Exploration; Expert Agreement about the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Niger Delta of Nigeria .Health Education Research Oxford Journal 2008 August Vol. 23 (4): pp 670-681
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Abstract: This study was undertaken basically to find out if students that possess little or no background knowledge in mathematics can comfortably pursue a degree course in Accountancy. A sample of 40 students were selected randomly from each year in Accountancy Department of the University of Nigeria Nsukka (10 students from year one, year two, year three and final year). Tests of knowledge in each of the subjects were administered at each level and the reliability of 0.83 and 0.93 respectively was recorded. Correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between student's performances in the two subject areas. Investigation showed that there was no significant relationship between the test performances in mathematics and Accounting P (>.05). From the findings made so far, students with little or no background knowledge in mathematics can comfortably pursue a degree course in Accountancy at the tertiary level.
Key words: Accounting, Coefficient, Correlation, Mathematics, Performances.
[1]. Amaewhule, W. (2003). Nigerian Entrepreneur and the School – Industry Based Education. A Paper Presented at the Annual Conference of Nigeria Vocational Association held in University of Uyo, Akwa- Ibom State 8 – 11th December.
[2]. Nwaobuna, E.C (2004), Information Technology (IT) and Enhancement of Entrepreneurship Education in Secretarial Studies Program in Polytechnics in Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the Association of Business Educators UNICAL Calabar. 2nd- 6th November.
[3]. Nwobasi, P.A. (2007). Correlation Study Between Performances in Physics, Mathematics and Mechanical / Metal Works among Undergraduate (Industrial) Technology Students. Ebonyi Journal of Business Education.1 (1).
[4]. Nzelibe, E.C. (2006). Entrepreneurship and Management of Small Scale Business. Enugu: Optima Publishers.
[5]. Oborah J.O (2006) Business Education and Entrepreneurial Development .A Survey of Enterprise Opportunities. Business Education Journal. 1 (2): 34-38.
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Abstract:This study aims at suggesting the best Management Science practices for improving the effectiveness of entrepreneurial education programs in the Universities, based on their impact on expected attitudes of undergraduate students towards business start-up as a career choice. Particularly, the paper presents some results from a study carried out in two Nigerian Universities aimed at validating a structure of entrepreneurial education based on a double component of the circular role of management science teachings and extracurricular support, and to analyze their effects upon undergraduates' entrepreneurial self efficacy and outcomes as immediate antecedents of entrepreneurial intentions and behaviors. Statistical treatment of data was based on factorial, discriminate and regression analyses. Findings underlies the very limited involvement of Management Sciences of Nigerian Universities in entrepreneurial education as perceived by students, together with the existence of different effects of circular and extracurricular elements when fostering entrepreneurial careers among future graduates. Results show a relationship, though not very strong between Management Sciences and entrepreneurial capabilities. There was an examination of course structures and pedagogies in Management Sciences and entrepreneurial education, the paper then provides the results of University survey reflecting "current state" of Management Sciences and entrepreneurial education.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Fostering, Management Sciences, Nigerian Universities.
[1]. Ajzen, I. (1991), "The Theory of Planned Behavior‟, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 50 (2), pp. 179-211.
[2]. Bandura, A. (1997), Self-efficacy: The Exercise of Control, New York: W.H. Freeman.
[3]. Barlett, M.S., (1954) "A Note on the Multiplying Factors for Various Chi Square Approximations‟, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Vol. 16, pp. 296-298.
[4]. Bosma, N. and Levee, J. (2009), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Executive Report, GERA and Babson College, MA, Babson Park. 271.
[5]. Corduras, A., Urbano, D., Rojas, A. and Martinez, S. (2008), "The Relationship between University Support to Entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurial Activity in Spain: A Gem Data Based Analysis‟, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol.14, pp. 395-406.
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Abstract:This study assesses the role of government in promoting small scale businesses in Kogi State, Nigeria with special focus on Kabba/Bunu Local Government Area. Questionnaires were distributed among forty (40) small scale business owners randomly selected. Regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) method were employed in the study. The results show that there is a positive correlation between government role and small scale business promotion and government play a significant role on small scale businesses in Nigeria through their various actions. The study recommends among others that government should compel banks to set aside certain percentage of their credit distribution for lending to small businesses and always consider the size of the business and profit generated when levying tax on them.
Keywords: Small Scale Businesses, Government, Promotion, Regression Analysis, Analysis of Variance, Kabba/Bunu. Kogi State
[1]. Adebisi, J.F. & Gbegi, D.O. (2013). Effect of Multiple Taxation on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Business Enterprises (A Case Study of West African Ceramics, Ajaokuta, Kogi State). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4, No.6, 323-334
[2]. Adejumo, D.G. & Olaoye, J.A. (2012). Funding of Small-Scale Development Agencies in Nigeria: A Case Study of Industrial Development Centres (IDCs). European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 4, No.8, 106 -123
[3]. Boer, A., Thomas, R. & Webster, M. (1997). Small Business Management: A Resource-Based Approach. Cassel, London