Series-4 (Nov. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: Internal control systems play a very critical role in the attainment of organizations goals and objectives. Introduction and implementation of such internal controls in all areas of an organization may only be beneficial if it attains the required level of performance or effectiveness. Inventories still remain the biggest cost element in most organizations and especially in learning institutions where they influence the success of their programs. This study sought to assess the extent to which the internal procurement control processes are effective in safeguarding inventories at Rift Valley Institute of Science and Technology (RVIST).
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Abstract: This study compared shareholders wealth in pre and post mergers era using a selected insurance company in Nigeria as a case study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, historical data was generated from 2001 to 2012 periods from the financial statement of AIICO Insurance Plc. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics specifically line graph was used to determine trend in insurance company's profit and t- test was used to determine the significant difference in shareholders wealth in pre and post mergers and acquisitions era This study found that there was an increase in the profit of insurance company and an insignificantly decreased in ROCE, DPS, EPS, NPM after the mergers and acquisitions exercise.
[1]. Akhigbe, A, and Madura, J. 2001, "Intra-Industry Signals Resulting from Insurance Company Mergers," Journal of Risk and Insurance 68: 489-505.
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[3]. Bruner, R.F. (2004), Applied Mergers & Acquisitions, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey.
[4]. Boubakri, N., Dionne, G. and Triki, T.(2008), Consolidation and Value Creation in the Insurance Industry: The Role of Governance, Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(1): 56-68.
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[6]. Fields, L. P, Fraser, D.R. & Kolari, J.W. (2007a). Bidder returns in Bancassurance Mergers: Is there evidence of synergy? Journal of Banking and Finance, 31:3646- 3662.
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Abstract:This study examines the influence of capital structure on profitability of listed Nigerian banks and data was obtained of listed banks on the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2008 to 2012 covering a period of five years. For this study, expofactor descriptive research design was adopted and multiple regression technique was applied. The dependant variable for the study is Return on Assets (ROA) measured as Earnings before tax (EBT) divided by total assets. The independent variables are total debts to total assets ratio (LEVI) and equity to total assets (LEVII).
[1]. Abor, O. (2005). "The Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability: An Empirical Analysis of Listed Firms in Ghana.‟ Journal of Risk Finance, 6(5), 438-445.
[2]. Ahmad, Z (2012),‟capital structure effect on firms‟ performance: focusing on consumers and industrials sectors on Malaysian firms". International review of business research papers, vol. 8 pp. 137-155
[3]. Amidu, M. (2007). Determinants of capital structure of banks in Ghana: an empirical approach. Baltic Journal of Management, 2(1), 67-79.
[4]. Arbabiyan, A and Safari, M (2009). "The effects of capital structure and profitability in the listed firms in Tehran Stock Exchange", Journal of Management Perspective, 33:159-175.
[5]. Damodaran, A (2001), Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice, 2nd edn, Wiley
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hedonic Value Perception for Cellular Phone: An Exploratory Study of Indian Consumers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arpita Pandey |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161142932 ![]() |
Abstract: This exploratory research tries to identify the determinants which affect the attitude of a buyer. The study explores the psychographic, socio-economic and demographic dimension and finds to what extant these factors affect the value perception of the product. Study tries to identify whether product is used as functional product or as a status symbol or luxury product Previous research has established that hedonism plays a strong role in positioning the product, but how individuals' dimensions play important role in determining product's luxury image has not been explored deeply.
[1]. Ahmed, Z.U., Ghingold, M. And Dahari, Z. (2007) Malaysian Shopping Behaviour: An Exploratory Study. Asia Pacific Journal Of Marketing And Logistics 19 (4): 331–348.
[2]. Arnold, M.J. And Reynolds, K.E. (2003), "Hedonic Shopping Motivations", Journal Of Retailing, Vol. 79 No. 1, Pp. 77-95.
[3]. Assael, H. (2001), Consumer Behavior And Marketing Action, Thomson Learning, London, P. 93.
[4]. Babine, B.J. And Atta way, J. (2000) Atmospheric Affect As a Tool for Creating Value and Gaining Share of Customer. Journal of Business Research 49 (2): 91–100.
[5]. Babin B. & Giffin M. (2005)"Measuring Hedonic And Utilitarian Shopping Value", Journal Of Consumer Research, Vol. 20 No. 2, Pp. 644-56.A
[6]. Batra, R. And Ahtola, O.T. (1991) Measuring The Hedonic And Utilitarian Sources Of Consumer Attitudes. Marketing Letters 2 (2): 159–170.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of MNP on Consumer Behaviour With Reference To Tirupati City Of Andhra Pradesh |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. Reddi Naik |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161143339 ![]() |
Abstract: The telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. By the end of July 2014 the total wireless subscribers has reached to more than 918 millions so there is an urgent need to provide more services to them. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) helps phone users to change from one mobile operator to another without changing mobile number. It encourages market competition level and ensures better service. This paper examine consumer awareness and preference about mobile number portability and trais to find out the factors which motive user to opting MNP. The research deign used in this study is of descriptive nature. For primary data collection were random sampling method was adopted and distributed of questionnaire to the users. The data were collected from 259 mobile users from different service operators and collecting of the customer opinion survey was taken among the selected users.
[1]. K.Kumaresh and S.Praveena (2011) an empirical analysis of consumer switching behavior towards mobile number portability, National monthly referred journal of research in commerce & management. Vol.No.1, issue no.11, pp.10-22.
[2]. Nishat Anjum (2012) Mobile number portability solution implementation, international journal of electronic & Communication technology, IJECT, Vol.3, Issue 1, Jan.-March 2012, pp.125-128.
[3]. Partiksinh Sureshsinh Vaghela (2012), Customer Preference for Mobile Number Portability, International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR), Vol.1, pp.71-75.
[4]. Sutherland, E. (2009). Counting customer, subscribers and mobile phone numbers. Inf, 11(2), 6-23.
[5]. B.K.Suthar, (2012), A study on consumer behavior after mobile number portability with reference to Gujarat telecom circle. EISSN 2277-4955, Vol.3, No.2, May-Aug-2012, pp.1-7.
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Abstract: This research has the general aim to examine empirically and to analyze the effect of government regulation on business performance through entrepreneurial orientation and environment adaptability. The specific goals of this research are : (1) to examine empirically the effect of the government regulation on entrepreneur orientation and environmental adaptation; (2) to examine the effect of government regulation on the business progress ; (3) to examine the effect of the government regulation on the business progress by entrepreneur and environmental adaptability. The research takes place in East Java are in Malang municipality, Lumajang county, Pasuruan county, and Trenggalek county amount 394 business units. Collecting data in this study was done by using proportional random sampling technique of 198 business units.
[1]. Badan Pusat Statistik Propinsi Jawa Timur, Hasil Sensus Ekonomi Jawa Timur, 2012.
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[6]. Denison, D.R. Diagnosing Organizational Cultures : Validating A Model and Method,2006.
[7]. Dinas Perindustrian dan perdagangan Propinsi Jawa Timur, Daftar Sentra Industri dan perajin keripik Propinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality of Work Life of Police Constables with special reference to Wellness |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Deepti Prashant Lele |
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: | 10.9790/487X-161144651 ![]() |
Abstract: The police personnel happen to be the most visible representatives of thegovernment. In an hour of need, danger, or any crisis, people find police to be themost dependable person.The role of police constables is valuable. Besides their assigned dutiespolice constables contribute in disaster management, VVIP duties, guard duties andescort duties, serving of summons and warrants as well as clerical work. They rarelygets holidays and thewelfare facilities they are getting are insufficient.
[1]. Serey, T. "Choosing a Robust Quality of Work Life", Business Forum, 27(2), pp. 7
[2]. Sergeant Corey Haines Madison "Police stress and the effects on the family E.M.U school of police staff and command Heights Police Department Madison Heights, MI An applied research project submitted to the Department of Interdisciplinary Technology as part of the School of Police Staff and Command Program" September 19, 2003
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[5]. Khopde Suresh, Mumbai JalaliBhivandikanahi?, SnehaPrakashan, Pune, p.36.125, 2010
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Abstract: It is a known fact that stress is detrimental to the performance of an employee or an organization. The mere acknowledgement of the presence of stress is not sufficient, rather it becomes imperative that organizations study the causative factors of stress and then arrive at mechanisms which can reduce stress. This also indirectly means that stress cannot be totally eliminated as a certain amount of stress is beneficial in motivating the individual to increase performance to acceptable levels.
[1] Jan Ole Rovik*, Reidar Tyssen, Erlend Hem, Tore Gude, Øivind Ekeberg, Torbjørn Moum and Per Vaglum (2007), "Job Stress in Young Physicians with an Emphasis on the Work-Home Interface: A Nine-Year, Nationwide and Longitudinal Study of its Course and Predictors" Industrial Health, 45, 662–671.
[2 ]Ariel C. Avgar, Rebecca Kolins Givan and Mingwei Liu(2011), "A Balancing Act:Work–Life Balance and Multiple stakeholder Outcomes in Hospitals", British Journal of Industrial Relations doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8543.2010.00839.x 49:4 December 2011 0007–1080 pp. 717–741
[3] Beauregard, T. A. and Henry, L. C. (2009). "Making the link between work-life balance practices and organizational performance‟. Human Resource ManagementReview, 19: 9–22. [4] Frame P and Hartog M (2003), "FromRhetoric to Reality, into the Swamp of Ethical Practice: Implementing Work-Life Balance", Business Ethics:A European Review, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 358-367.
[5] Obstet Gynecol (2007), "Physician Work–Life Balance and Burnout", American college of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, VOL. 109, NO. 4, APRIL 2007, 949–55.
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Abstract: Green Marketing involves building lucrative customer relationship with concern and care for the environment. The aim is to reduce the negative effect of the organisation's activities on the environment and make the entire process from production till supply of product eco-friendly. Almost all the organizations across the world are engaging in this process but are unaware of the results which this campaigns/process are generating.
[1]. Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Y. Agnihotri, Ehsan ul Haque, 13th edition, "Principles of Marketing", pp. 490-491.
[2]. Jacquelyn Ottman, "Green Marketing: opportunity for Innovation".
[3]. Census of India 2011,
[4]. Higher Education in India at a glance(2012), University Grants Commission,
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Abstract:Green Banking is any form of banking that benefits the environment. Green banking shifts banks from the "profit, profit and profit motive to "planet, people and profit‟ motive. Green banking is very important in mitigating the Credit Risk, Legal Risk, Security Risk and Reputation Risk in the banking sector. The study mainly aims to analyze the Green Banking practices among SCBs, SDBs, PCBs and FCBs in Bangladesh. The study is of analytical and theoretical in nature based on secondary data.
[1]. Mani Alice. "Green Banking through Green Lending". Retrieved on October 13, 2014
[2]. Rahman Atiur. "Financial Services at People‟s Doorstep", Governor, Bangladesh Bank, 2010
[3]. Automated Teller Machine. Retrieved on October 05, 2014 from
[4]. Bai, Y (2011). "Financing a Green Future‟ MS thesis, Lund, Sweden, IIIEE Theses2011:02. Retrieved on September15, 2014from
[5]. Bangladesh Bank (2011). Policy Guidelines for Green Banking. Retrieved on June 25, 2014 from
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Abstract:This study was conducted to determine the causes of loan default in microfinance Banks, the experience of Standard Microfinance Bank Limited, Yola, Nigeria. One Hundred and Sixty Nine questionnaires were administered to the customers and twenty questionnaires administered to the staff of the Bank respectively. All the questionnaires were completed and returned. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version Twenty One). Descriptive and inferential statistics such as tables, frequency distributions and percentages were generated.
[1]. Abdurrahman Belel, Ismaila: Evaluating Land Use Change in Rapidly Urbanizing Nigeria: Case Study of Yola Adamawa State-
Geo Informatics for City Transformation, 2013, 21-23
[2]. Achal, Bassamboo., Sandeep Juneja and Assaf Zeevi: Iportfolio Credit Risk with External Dependence: Asymptotic Analysis and
Efficient Simulation, Operations Research, Vol. 56, No.3, May-June 2008, pp.593-606.
[3]. Adamu Idama, Asongo A.I & Nyor N: Credit Risk Management in Microfinance Banks: Conceptual and Practical Insights,
Universal Journal of Applied Sciences 2(6): 2014, 111-119.
[4]. Adedapo K.D, Analysis of Default Risk of Agricultural Loan by some Selected Commercial Banks in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria:
International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research: IJAAAR4 (1&2), 2007, 24-29.