Version-1 (March-2014)
Version 1 Version 2 Version 3 Version 4 Version 5
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Abstract: Relevant costing is a management accounting term that relates to focus on only the cost relevant to a specific decision being made. Irrelevant costs are excluded from any incremental decision-making problem because they are supposed to have equal effects on all the available alternatives ( Dillon, R. D. and, J. F. Nash, 1978). This study adopts an observation of quantitative method with primary and secondary data in view of the nature of the analysis. Relevant costing is often used in short-term decision-making and a number of specific practical examples are illustrated in this study. This study has designed to make the aim of assessing the level of perceptions of four areas such as (i) making and buying; (ii) dropping or retaining a segment; (iii) constrained resources; and (iv) special orders; in using relevant costing in Ready-Made Garments (RMGs) industry of Bangladesh. To meet this aim total 100 companies as a sample from Ready-Made Garments (RMGs) industry have been randomly selected. By using variance analysis, authors have found that all four factors have significant influence in using relevant costing. Last, the result of this study suggested that the strengthening the decision-making mechanism required a strong relevant costing benefits and its proper application.
Keywords: Relevant costing, Constrained Resources, and Ready-Made Garments (RMGs) Industry etc.
[1]. Arora, M.N. (2008). Cost Accounting. (3rd edition) Noida: Vikas Publication House.
[2]. Atkinson, Anthony A., Kaplan Robert S., Young Mark S. (2008). Management Accounting.(6th Edition). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India.
[3]. Dillon, R. D. and J. F. Nash. (1978). The true relevance of relevant costs. The Accounting Review, Vol. 53, No. 1: pp 11-17.
[4]. Drury, C. (2004).Management and cost accounting, (6th Edition). Thomson, London.
[5]. Emile Woolf (2011). Performance Management. (2nd edition). Berkshire: Emile Woolf Publishing Company. (Chapter- 7), pp: 129- 139.
[6]. Fess, P. E. (1963). The relevant costing concept for income measurement - Can it be defended? The Accounting Review (October): pp 723-732.
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Abstract: Despite challenges, women in Akwa Ibom State have contributed meaningfully to poverty reduction and economic development of the state. Women entrepreneurs are engaged in different sectors of the economy. About 37% are in agriculture, 26.8% in trade, 18.5% in services and 4.8% in entertainment. However, there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) between skilled and unskilled women entrepreneurs in their contributions to improved economy of the state (improved family income, improved standard of living etc). But their contribution to level of patriotism was below cut-off point. There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) between women entrepreneurs in factors militating against their performance in MSMEs. Factor such as financial/start-up capital, cultural/religious barriers, legal problems, competition and poor infrastructure significantly militate against the performance of skilled and unskilled entrepreneurship in the state. This calls for strategic support from government, private organizations and individuals to enable women perform optimally and contribute more to the economic development of Akwa Ibom State.
Key words: Women Entrepreneurship, Micro, Small And Medium-Scale Enterprises, Akwa Ibom State.
[1]. Adeyemi, S. L. (2007). Nigerian women Entrepreneurs and their personality Traits: centerpoint journal of intellectual, scientific and cultural interests, University of Ilorin, Humanities Edition, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 179-188.
[2]. Bates, T. (2000). Entrepreneur Human Capital Inputs and Small Business Longevity. Reviewof Economics and Statistics, Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 551-559.
[3]. Brindley, C. 2005. "Barriers to Women achieving their entrepreneurial potential: Women and Risk, 11 (2), 144-161
[4]. Brodzinski, C. and Wiebe, L. (2010). Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. Contribution to GDP in Nominal terms.
[5]. Gemechis Tefera. (2007).Attitude Of College Students Towards Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of Addis Ababa University and Rift Valley University College. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Unpublished Thesis
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Abstract: This research paper focus on exploring the status of awareness & satisfactory levels of various provisions of Indian Factories act, 1948 in the target organisation 'Penna Cement Industries Limited' located at Tadipatri in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. The paper initially describes the background of Labour Legislation in India and its classification. The need, importance and objectives of the research is than stated followed by the Literature review that briefs the important provisions of the Factories Act pertaining to Labour and the Industry & Company profile where the research is conducted.
[2]. Agarwala (2004). From ‗Work to Welfare: The State and Informal Workers "Organizations in India. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
[3]. Frieda Fuchs(2005). The Effects of Protective Labor Legislation on Women"s Wages and Welfare: Lessons from Britain and France. Journal of Politics & Society December 2005 vol. 33 no. 4 595-636
[4]. John (2004). Social Security and Labour Welfare with Special Reference to Construction Workers in Kerala. Kerala Research Program on Local Level Development, paper no 65. Kwong-leung Tang
[5]. Chau-kiu Cheung (2007). Program Effectiveness in Activating Welfare Recipients to Work: The Case of Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration ISSN 0144–5596 Vol. 41, No. 7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entrepreneurship in a Globalised Economy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.Pramila Devi, Dr.S.Ramachandran, |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16312730 ![]() |
Abstract: Globalization, as a concept, refers both to the "Shrinking" of the world and our increased consciousness of the world as a whole. It is a term used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that have resulted from dramatically increased cross-broader trade, investment and cultural exchange. The affects of globalization have been felt in every nation, region and culture as it has produced a growing interdependence of people with regard to political systems, social influence, economics and cultural exchanges.
[2]. Bala Subrahmanya, M.H., "Development Strategies for Indian SMEs: Promoting Linkages with Global Transnational Corporations", Management Research News, September 2007, Vol. 30, Issue 10, pp. 762-774
[3]. http://www. Enterpreneuship.pdf
[4]. The HINDU survey of Indian Industry 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | HRM- A Literature Survey |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Ashfaque Alam and Ujjal Mukherjee |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16313138 ![]() |
Abstract: There is an ongoing debate in research over the source of organisational competitive advantage. Researchers and business leaders have looked for it in both external and internal environments of business .However, given such challenges of the globalization, day in and day out innovation, usage of internet platform to increase business, selection and recruitment , training and development to name a few and then again, attract and retain high performing workforce. and the fact that the traditional sources of competitive advantage (e.g. natural resources ,access to financial resources ,economies of scale etc )no longer suffice ,growing relevance has recently been attributed by both researchers and practitioners to human resources and their management
[1]. Becker, B. E., & Huselid, M. A. (2006). Strategic human resource management: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 32(6), 898–925.
[2]. Becker, B. E., Huselid, M. A., & Ulrich, D. (2001). The HR scorecard: Linking people, strategy, and performance. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
[3]. Beckers, A. M., & Bsat, M. Z. (2002). A DSS classification model for research in human resource information systems. Information Systems Management, 19(3), 41–50.
[4]. Bussler, L., & Davis, E. (2001/2002). Information systems: The quiet revolution in human resource management. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 42(2), 17–20.
[5]. Greer, C. (1995). Strategy and human resources: A general managerial perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[6]. Haiyaf Salih Al- Amri ( No 2001).Human Resource Management practices and Performance Indicators in Hospitals
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Abstract: Police Department is one of the important department for societal wellbeing. Police have to work round the clock to keep public safe. Throughout the day they are doing a restless job. They don't have week end holiday and occasional holiday. In fact, on those days they have to work even harder in the name of bandhubast duty. Because of this they are not getting time to spend with their family members, which leads to frustration. Further, this frustration may manifest as depression and they will lose interest in their job. If we keenly observe, out of 100 police men 80% of them will be having procrastinating attitude, impatience, and irritability etc which are the symptoms of Stress. And nowadays the suicide attempts are also on the rise in police department. Role overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, poor peer relations, low status etc., are the key variables for the research problem. The present study will help to develop more appropriate strategies to cope with workplace stress and that these could be incorporated into a more fully integrated set of human resource policies for better performance of police department in the study region.
Keywords: role ambiguity, role conflict, role overload
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[7] Pandey and Tripathy, Occupational stress and burn out in Engineering Teachers, J.Indian Aca.App.Psy., Vol.27, No.1, 2001, pp 67-73
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Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behavior with the mediating role of psychological contract violation and supervisory support is acting as moderator. We are presenting here five hypotheses simultaneously, which we have based on theoretical relations effects of all the four variables.( Psychological Contract Violation, Supervisory Support, Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Citizenship Behavior). The data was collected from a sample of 250 employees of Pakistan National Council of the Arts and Planning and development commission of Pakistan. Convenient sampling method was used to obtain fair results. We used Correlation/Regressions analysis so that we can explore the mediating effects of Psychological Contract Violation on the relationships between psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviors.
[1]. Rousseau, D.M. (1989), "Psychological and implied contracts in organizations", Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, Vol. 2, pp. 121-39.
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[4]. Schein, E.H. (1965), Organizational Psychology, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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[6]. Cho, S., & Guchait, G. (2009). Psychological Contracts and Perceived Organizational Support in India: Investigating the Impact on Intent to Leave. The International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education, San Francisco, CA.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Quality Of Work Life: Key Elements & It's Implications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shefali Srivastava, Rooma Kanpur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16315459 ![]() |
Abstract: In modern era, it has been observed that stress management has become one of the most substantial conceptsin the professional environment. It is also seen that working efficiency has degraded to some extent as professionals are unable to maintain a balance between their personal and professional lives. This difference has made organizations to formulate such policies that lead to better job performance which results in job satisfaction moreover employee satisfaction. This degree of satisfaction has been referred to as QUALITY OF WORK LIFE.
[1]. Robbins, S.P. Organizational Behavior: Concepts, Controversies, and Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
[2]. Klatt, Murdick and Schuster (1985), Human resource Management, Ohio, Charter E.Merrul Publishing Company.
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[5]. Hackman, J.R. and Oldham, G.R. (1980), Work Redesign, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
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Abstract: There are two main possible approaches for the construction of a risk mapping. The first one consists to identify the risks of the company, and the second is based on a census of risks by the Executive Committee. These two approaches are complementary. In the top-down approach, the major risks are identified by the members of the Executive Committee, with regard to the strategy followed by the insurance company. The Risks are then attached to the process of the activity. In the bottom-up approach, the census of the processes of the company establishes the starting point of the process.
[1] Artzner, P., F. Delbaen, J. M. Eber et D. Heath, Coherent Measures of Risk, Mathematical Finance, 1999, 9, 203-228.
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[4] Coopers & Lybrand, Le management des risques de l'entreprise, Cadre de Référence (COSO 2), Les Editions d'Organisation, 2002
[5] Coles S., Powell E., Bayesian methods in extreme value modelling : a review and new developments, Internat. Statist. Rev. 64, 1996, 119-36.
[6] El Arif F., Hinti S., Operational Risk Management in insurance through the process of Self Risk Assessment : Methodology of application », International Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 1, Issue 9, 2013, 646-656.
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Abstract: Government-Linked Companies (GLC's) are defined as companies that have a primary commercial objective and in which the Malaysian Government has a controlling stake. Controlling stake refers to the Government's ability (not just percentage ownership) to appoint BOD members, senior management, make major decisions (e.g. contract awards, strategy, restructuring and financing, acquisitions and divestments etc.). GLCs represent a substantial portion of the economic structure of Malaysia to account for approximately RM260 billion in market capitalization (the market capitalization approximately 36% of Bursa Malaysia and 54% respectively of the benchmark Kuala Lumpur Composite Index). In addition, GLCs account for an approximated 5% of the national work force.
Keywords: GLC, Performance and Audit Committee Function
[1]. Abbott, L. J. and Parker, S. (2000), "Auditor selection and audit committee characteristics‟, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 19(2):47-66.
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[4]. Accounting International Study Group (AISG) (1977), Independence of auditors: current practices in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States. London: AISG.
[5]. Annual Report of Telekom Malaysia for the Financial Year End (2006).
[7]. Beasley, M.S. and S. E. Salterio (2001)."The Relationship between BoardCharacteristics and Voluntary Improvements in Audit Committee Composition and Experience", Contemporary Accounting Research, 18: 539–570.
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Abstract: This study examines that a large part of work on the capital structure remained focused on firm-level determinants across developed, emerging and developing economies. Subsequent work on capital structure emphasized on country level factors and few studies highlighted the significance of institutional differences (booth et al. ). However, the importance of sectors/industries with respect to firm's financial behavior remained untapped, particularly in developing countries like Pakistan. Keeping in view the characteristics of each sector/industry, they are subject to distinctive environment. For example, sectors have different nature in relation to growth opportunities, dynamics and concentration level. Hence, it warrants the need to investigate that how the nature of the sectors could affect the firm's capital structure decisions.
Keywords: Static Trade-off, packing order, capital structure, irrelevance theory , non-financial firms .
[1]. Balance Sheet Analysis of the Joint Stock Companies which are Listed on Karachi Stock Exchange (2011) , The State Bank of Bank of Pakistan
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[4]. Myers , Majluf (1984) , Corporate financing and investment decisions when the investor donot have the information but the firm have the information , Journal of Financial Economics , 13 ,188-721 .
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Abstract: A survey was conducted in KPJ Seremban Specialist Hospital , Malaysia in July 2013. The survey forms were distributed to 330 staff consisting of questionaires which is divided into two sections. The first section was related to productivity, quality of work's place and proses in carrying out those works, quality of staff and morale of workers and safety of work's place. The second section was related to knowledge and understanding among staff. 234 (70.9%) respondent had returned the survey form. It was found that before the implementation of 5S, the scores varies from poor to good( scoring from 1-3) related to the impact on productivity for quality of working place, quality and moral of staff and safety of work place but after the implementation of 5S the scores had changed from good to excellent(scoring from 3-5).
[1]. file:///C:/Users/abdaziz/Desktop/5S%20%28methodology%29%20-%20Wikipedia,%20the%20free%20encyclopedia.htm).
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Abstract: Age may refer to the length of time an organism has lived. Ageing in human beings refers to a multidimensional process of physical, physiological and social change. It is important in all human societies not only reflecting the biological changes that occur but also reflecting cultural and societal conventions. This study limited itself to chronological ageing referring to how old a person is. This can be clearly distinguished from social ageing which refers to society's expectations of how people should act as they grow older. It is also distinguishable from biological ageing which refers to an organism's physical state as it matures. The demographic variable of age has some distinct attributes within the organizational context.
[1]. Aggarwal, U. and Bhargava S. (2009) "Reviewing the Relationship between Human resource Practices and Psychological Contract and their Impact on Employee Attitude and Behaviour" Journal of European Industrial Training Vol.33 No.1 pp. 4-31
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[4]. Bernal J.G., Castel A.G., Navarro M.M. and Torres P. R (2005) "Job satisfaction: empirical evidence of gender differences." Women in management Review Vol. 20 No. 4 pp. 279-288
[5]. Chew J. and Chan C. (2008) "Human Resource Practices, Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay" International Journal of Manpower Vol. 29 No.6 pp.503-522
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The impact of outsourcing in QMP toward retailing performance |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Chong Chiz Chzee |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1631107124 ![]() |
Abstract: Even though many body of research theoretically asserts a positive relationship between quality management practice (QMP) and business performance, a valid measure of QMP has not been proposed and systematic analysis of its effect on business performance has thus future not promising. This paper attend to some conceptual and measurement issues related to the study of QMP and its impact on business performance in service context. It first reviews the concept of QMP and its important dimensions. Next, a measurement scale with acceptable reliability and validity is developed to capture the dimensions of QMP. Sequentially, analysis of data shows that QMP is positively and significantly associated with sales growth, customer retention, market share, ROI, and overall performance. The implications of these findings are discussed and the limitations of the study as well as future research directions are addressed.
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[4]. Brown, T. J., Churchill, G. A., Jr., & Peter, J. P. (1992). Improving the measurement of service quality (Working Paper No. 92-4). Madison, WI: A.C. Nielsen Center for Marketing Research
[5]. Rust, R.T. and Zahorik, A.J. (1993), "Customer satisfaction, customer retention, and market share", Journal of Retailing, Vol. 69 No. 2, Summer, pp. 193-216.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Market Value, Book Value and Earnings: Is Bank Efficiency A Missing Link |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Mehreen Ishtiaq, Naeemullah |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1631125130 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine that the earnings components and banking efficiency are relevant to the market value of the banks or not. Testing the relationship we used DEA for the banking efficiency and regression model is estimated because it is panel study we used Common effect, fixed effect and random effect on the Pakistani banks included in this study. Frequency of data is yearly and is started from year 2008 to year 2012. Findings of our study gives number of directions, first of allin analysis it is found that the components of earnings are related to market value of the banks, secondly cost efficiency adds the additional information to the market. It can be concluded that earning's components and operational efficiency both explain the market value further these results suggest that stock prices reflect both the information generated through market as well from the accounting System. This study helps to explain the market value of the shares through banking efficiency and accounting information. According to our best knowledge this study is unique among the studies because it is the first study in the emerging economy which explains the market value through earnings components and efficiency of the banks.
Key Words: Efficiency, Earnings Components, Market Value, Book Value, Panel study, Banks
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