Series-3 (Sep. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Appraising Poverty Alleviation Programs of Successive Governments in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Umar Tela |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16930107 ![]() |
Abstract: The world over, poverty and inequality are twain plaques ravaging the lives and destroying the essence of living across races, gender, and status. The results as devastating as it is unfathomable, world leaders and policy makers are groping for answers as social structures are depleted; motility rates have gone highand income distribution is a smeared rhetoric. Countries that have perceived these horrendous trends are devising strategies to combat the spurring menace while others heavily overwhelmed are finding it difficult to grasp the realities of these economic thunderbolts. While Africa is home to over One billion people and growing, almost half of the population is poor and vulnerable (World population review, 2014). Nigeria with a population of over 170 million is not only fighting poverty but also in combat with a myriad of challenges, ranging from a dearth of true leaders, to corruption, dilapidated infrastructure, health and nutritional issues.
Key words: Poverty alleviation, Program, Government, Nigeria, Africa
[1]. Central Bank of Nigeria, Enugu Zone (1998). A Profile of Regional/Zonal Poverty in Nigeria: The Case of Enugu Zone. Measuring and Monitoring Poverty in Nigeria, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Zonal Research Units.
[2]. Egware, L (1997). "Poverty and Poverty Alleviation: Nigeria's Experience". In Poverty
[3]. Alleviation in Nigeria, Selected Papers for the 1997 Annual Conference of Nigerian Economic Society.
[4]. Federal Office of Statistics (1999). Poverty Profile for Nigeria: 1980 – 1996
[5]. Ogwumike, F. O. (1995). "The Effects of Macro- level Government Policies onRural Development and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria". 1(1), 85-101.Ibadan Journal of the Social Sciences
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Customers Attitude towards E-Banking System in Rajasthan |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Yogesh Kumawat |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16930814 ![]() |
Abstract: Banks have traditionally been in the forefront of harnessing technology to improve their products, services and efficiency. They have, over a long time, been using electronic and telecommunication networks for delivering a wide range of value added products and services. Internet is increasingly used by banks as a channel for receiving instructions and delivering their products and services to their customers. This form of banking is generally referred to as Internet Banking, although the range of products and services offered by different banks vary widely both in their content and sophistication. Internet banking services are crucial for long-term survival of banks in the world of electronic commerce (Burnham 1996). The market for Internet banking is forecast to grow sharply in the next few years, affecting the competitive advantage enjoyed by traditional branch banks (Duclaux 1996; Liao et al. 1999). Indeed, it also was estimated that financial institutions that failed to respond to the need for Internet banking services would likely lose more than 10% of their customer base by the year 2000. Internet banking would help banks present a potentially low cost alternative to brick and mortar branch banking. Banks began to offer Internet banking services, they would still be less costly than the traditional branch banking. This paper presents a study of Customers Behaviour on E-Banking. Paper concludes that what problems consumers are facing while using the e-banking and the opportunities with special reference to Jaipur Rajasthan. The chi-square statistical test has been used to determine the association between customer and awareness and use of e-banking. This research also gives opportunities to conduct the further development in e-banking and helps to the banking professional.
Keywords: Attitude, Internet banking, Chi-square test, Customer Behaviour, E-Banking, Perceptions
[1]. Gupta P. K. , 'Internet Banking in India: Consumer Concerns and Bank Strategies', Global Journal of Business Research, Vol. 2 (2008)
[2]. Daniel E., 'Provision of electronic banking in UK and republic of Ireland', International Journal of bank marketing Vol 17, No 2 (1999)
[3]. Hawke J. D., 'Internet Banking: Challenges for Banks and Regulators', Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) University Press Publications (2001)
[4]. Chiemeke S.C., The Adoption of Internet Banking in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 11(3) (2011)
[5]. Duetsche Bank AG Research Retail banking via internet- Banking online boosts and curbs customer loyalty (2011)
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Abstract: The challenge of disenfranchisement of women by the formal financial system due largely to the undue disadvantages brought on them by socio-cultural and economic institutions in Nigeria is symptomatic of deep rooted structural inequalities. Given such limitations, rural women organize themselves to form co-operatives which are peculiar to their own needs. This study was aimed at evaluating the performance of women co-operative societies based on key indicators- amount of credit disbursed, amount of savings generated and number of clients reached. The study also examined the mode of operation and sustainability of these informal institutions. The data used in this study was collected by means of questionnaire and focus group discussions. A total of 36 randomly selected women co-operatives across the three major agricultural zones in the study area formed the sampled population. The results revealed that factors such as the experience of managers, volume of credit from donor agencies and amount of savings mobilized from members exert a positive influence on the amount of credit disbursed and the number of clients reached while the level of formal education was observed to have no effect on the operations of the co-operatives. The outcome of the focus group discussions revealed that the co-operatives are formed based on the philosophy of mutual interest, self-help through cooperation, and mutual benefit. Based on the findings, the study recommends that a broad-based partnership in which government agencies joins with NGOs and the cooperatives in providing micro-credit and other financial services especially for women be pursued.
Keywords: evaluation, micro-finance, co-operative, management
[1] Anyanwu, J.C. (1994). Women's education and the use of bank credit in Nigeria: challenges for the twenty-first century. Journal of Social Development in Africa, Vol. 9 No. 2, 45-59.
[2] Bamisile, A.S. (2006). Developing a long term sustainable micro finance sector in Nigeria: the way forward. Paper presented at the Small Enterprises Educational and Promotion Network (SEEP) Annual General Meeting, Washington, DC.
[3] International Cooperative Alliance ICA (2010). Rural Co-operative (Available at:
[4] Rutherford, S. (2002). The Poor and Their Money. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
[5] Oke, J., Adeyomo, R. and Agbonlahor, M. (2007). An empirical analysis of micro credit repayment in south-western Nigeria. Humanity and Social Sciences Journal, Vol. 2 No. 1, 63-74.
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Abstract: In present business scenario, companies are required to be vigilant to changing customer needs and emerging market trends. Proactive action to align the organization to these changes can be a competitive advantage for the organization. More-over, the process industries have limitations of less flexible product mix and raw material which further put constraints on their profitability. Steel industry is no exception to it. Competency development plays a major role in fulfilling customer requirements with minimum cost. Competency based human resource management tries to orient HR processes and systems to enhance the capability of the people at workplace. Present research work employs literature and empirical study of the HRM practices at Bhilai Steel Plant which are aligned to develop competencies of the people. It can be inferred from the study that strategic management of human resources play significant role in developing competency required at work place.
Keywords: Competency, Customer, Cost, Organization, Proactive, Process, workplace.
[1]. Miller, Danny. 2003. Strategic Management Journal, vol. 24, Issue 10, pg. 961, Chichester.
[2]. Woodruffe, C. 1992. What is meant by a competency?. In R. Boam and P. Sparrow (eds), Designing and Achieving Competency. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, pp 16-29.
[3]. CIPD. 2009. Competency and competency frameworks.
[4]. Gonzi, A., Hager, P., & Athanason, J. 1993. The development of competency-based assessment strategies for the professions. National Office for Overseas Skills Research Paper No. 8. Canberra, Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service.
[5]. Sveiby, K. E. 1997. The New Organizational Wealth. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
[6]. Stewart, T. A. 1997. Intellectual capital: the new wealth of organizations. New York: Doubleday
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Abstract: The nonpayment of retired workers benefit has become the major problem affecting the proper functioning of civil servant as well as private sector workers. Efforts by successive governments to make the insurance reforms to work in the country have proved abortive. Recently however, the present leadership of the country is working on insurance Reform Bill. This is a welcome development which many believe will enhance the insurance system in the country their by benefiting the Insured as well as the national economy. This research work shed more lights on different aspects of insurance which must be taken into cognizance if this present planned reform must work optimally. These include: function of insurance, stakeholders in insurance, registration, compliance and benefit of insurance. The crucial role that the Nigerian Insurance Company plays in the success of insurance in the country is also highlighted.
[1]. Robert E. Keeton (1971) Insurance law basic text, west publishing company Pg. 2
[2]. Hardy F. R. Ivamy (1986): General principles of Insurance law, fifth edition. Butterworth and CO. publishers' ltd. Pg. 1-12
[3]. John Birds (1988): Modern Insurance law, second edition, sweet publishing and printing company Lagos Pg. 1-12
[4]. A publication of NICON Insurance Plc (1994): NICON at 25, Sahel publishing and printing company, Lagos Pg. 1-12
[5]. The chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (1999): Insurance Agents Certification Workshop. Pg. 2-6, 3 and 11.
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Abstract: Questions have always been posed about the performance of public organizations. These questions often emerge from crises in service provision or celebration of success. They do not provide the systematic evidence necessary to advance the science or practice of Public Administration. The absence of such evidence has arisen partly from lack of attention to the issue of performance in Public Agencies and from lack of relevant data. In recent years, more systematic information on the performance of Public Organizations has become available, and a literature on this topic is now emerging. The results of empirical studies suggest that although environmental constraints are important, managers in Public Organizations have ample power to influence performance using a core managerial function in shaping strategy content, which can be defined as the patterns of service provision that are selected and implemented to form a central influence on Public-Service performance. The Research paper will focus on approaches to determination of strategy and performance in Standards Regulatory Agencies with reference to Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) which is a premier government agency for the provision of Standards, Metrology and Conformity Assessment (SMCA) services.
Key Words: Strategy, Strategic plan, Organizational performance, Performance evaluation
[1]. Boulding, W., Kalra, R. S. and Zeithaml, V. A. (1993). "A dynamic process model of service quality:from expectations to behavioral intentions," Journal of Marketing Research, 30, pp 7-27.
[2]. Bharadwaj, A., Bharadwaj, S. and Konsynski, B. R., (1999). "Information Technology Effects on Firm Performance as Measured by Torbin's q," Management Science, 45(6), pp.1008-1024.
[3]. Edvinsson, L., and Malone, M. S. (1997). Intellectual Capital – Realizing Your Company's True Value by Finding its Hidden Roots. New York Harper Business.
[4]. Hu, Q., and Plant, R.T. (2001) "An Empirical Study of the Causal Relationship between IT Investment and Firm Performance," Information Resource Management Journal, 14(3), pp 15-26.
[5]. The Kenya Bureau of Standards Strategic Plan for 2003/4 – 2006/7
[6]. The Kenya Bureau of Standards (Interim) Strategic Plan for the Period 2007- 2012
[7]. KEBS 30 year Business Plan
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quality of Work Life of Personnel in Computer Designing Field |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Er. K.Padminii , Dr. D. Venkatramaraju |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16933539 ![]() |
Abstract: Computer core field especially Software designing Industries have proven to be the backbone of national development in many countries. India's total expenditure indicates local organizations which are incorporating system analyst into their business activities. The government has prioritized software field as an issue of national importance and established new agencies and policy initiatives to accelerate its implementation and thereby transform India into a developed and knowledge-based country. Dynamic and continuous developments of technical system and design management have brought significant changes to work condition and work consequences. Therefore, it is essential to examine the Quality of Work Life (QWL) among the Technical analyst of system design personnel. This study utilized Job Demand-Control-Support Model to examine the work condition. The results show in the active quadrant that allows them to experience better QWL. Based on regression analysis, it was found that variables of work condition were significant predictors of QWL among Technical analyst of system design personnel.
Keywords: Environment, Quality, Employees, IT Sector
[1]. Publications of the European Communities: Ireland Government of Malaysia (2000). The third outline perspective plan 2001-2010. Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department, Putrajaya.
[2]. Hackman, J.R., & Oldham, G.R. (1975). The job diagnostic survey: An instrument for the diagnosis of job and evaluation of job redesign projects (Technical Report 4). Yale University.
[3]. Hofstede, G. (1990). Culture's consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
[4]. Hood, J.N., & Smith, H.L. (1994). Quality of work life in home care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 24, 40-47.
[5]. Jarvenpaa, E., & Eloranta, E. (2001). Information and communication technologies and quality of working life: Implications for competencies and well-being. In G. Bradley (Ed.) Humans on the net: Information and communication technology, work organization and human beings (pp.109- 118). Stockholm, Sweden: Prevent.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of TV Advertisement on Children Attitude in Karachi |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Shaista Kamal Khan , Sheheryar Syed |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16934046 ![]() |
Abstract: Primarily advertisement influences children and their behavior in the society. Their impacts on the children are universal. The severity of television influence varies from child to child. Initially, children face problems in deciphering television programs. In Pakistan, most advertising agencies now target children through advertisements especially when advertising consumer products like children's toys, chocolates, confectionary bars, tooth paste etc. In Pakistan, advertising agencies understand the role of children in buying process of parents. Most advertising agencies now target children through advertisement. The purpose of this research to analyze the response of children's attitude towards television advertising. This research will also help in identifying children's perception about the advertisement and at what contexts children may like/dislike any commercial advertisement To analyze this research, the researcher use the quantitative approach correlation. The finding of this research is that children's are now more aware about the good and bad aspects of TV advertisement so the marketer should understand the psychic of children's before launching any advertisement. The study focuses exclusively on high school children in Karachi.
Key Words: Advertising, Children, Attitude.
[1]. Adler, R. P, Lesser, G. S, Merngff, L, Robertson, T, Rossiter, J, & Ward, S, 1997, Research on the effects of television advertising to children. A review of the literature and recommendation for future research, US. Government Printing office, Washington. DC,
[2]. Atkinm C. Heald G. "The content of children toy and food commercials", Journal of communication, 39(2), 46-54
[3]. Barron S. J. Mok, J.J. Land, M, & Kang T.Y. (1989). You are what you buy: mass mediated judgment of peoples worth, Journal of communalization, 39(2), 46-54
[4]. Barcus, F.E. 1980, The nature of television advertising to children. in; E. Palmer &A Dorr, Children and faces of television (273-285). New York Academic Press.
[5]. Bartsch, K., & London K(2000), Children use of mental state information in selecting persuasive arguments, Development of Pyschology,35 352-365.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Health Systems Development |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ass. Prof. Festus M Epetimehin PhD |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16934750 ![]() |
Abstract: There are a growing number of issues facing the healthcare industry today that make Enterprise Risk Management, ERM an attractive strategy for managing risks. Examples of such issues are research, regulating issues, loss of accreditation, technology, loss of Federal funding and where the organization was found non-compliant in interim life-safety measures. Given the breath and complexity of potential risks such as these, healthcare organizations require a logical framework for identifying the scope of potential risks, evaluating risks exposures and responding to risks. According to survey results conducted on 150 health workers and administrators, an overwhelming number of respondents (88%) say that enterprise level risk management is more of a priority today and useful in managing risks than it was years ago. Furthermore the data reflects the move from the traditional risk silo approach to ERM in an effort to improve communication on risk management throughout the organizations. By taking a proactive approach to risk management using ERM model, Healthcare organizations will be better equipped to focus on all risks throughout the organization while maintaining patient safety, ensuring compliance and improving their organization bottom lines.
Key Words: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), Health, Development, COSO
[1]. Boone B. Hale, J.L., and Maley R (2004). Working Man's Approach to Enterprise Risk Management. ASHRM. Orlando, FL 2004. 1-33
[2]. Crouhy, M, Galai, D and Mark, R (2005) Risk Management New York, McGraw-Hill
[3]. Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework (2004) Commission of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO) executive summary and complete report..
[4]. Jablonowski, M. (2006) The Real Value of ERM. Risk Management Magazine. Feb. pp 33-37
[5]. Mary, G R and Bowen R (2013) Developing a Data Governance Model in Healthcare. Risk Management Journal pp 34-38
[6]. Nocco, Brain and Stulz, Rene (2006) Enterprise risk management: theory and practice, Journal of Applied Corporate finance, 18 (14), pp 8-20
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Abstract: Compensating one's sales force presents challenges, because rewards must be extremely competitive in nature and should provide adequate incentives to motivate employees to do their best. This paper explores ways of developing salesforce compensation mechanisms for sustainable competitiveness in the financial markets. Data were drawn from one hundred and twenty sales managers and three hundred and eighty salesperson making a total of five hundred respondents, selected from money deposit banks in Nigeria. The results of the study shows a strong influence of compensation mechanisms on salesforce performance and also, that amongst the measures of compensation mechanisms, that salary plus commission and bonus, impacts significantly on sales performance. Based on the findings, the study concludes that salesforce compensation mechanisms enhances sales, build salesperson long enduring relationships with employers and provide adequate and sustainable competitiveness. We recommend that money deposit banks in Nigeria financial market should develop good salesforce compensation mechanisms that will enhance sustainable competitive strategy in the market place.
[1]. Alonzo, Vincent (1999), 'Money is not Everything', Sales and Marketing Management, 6(4), 28-30.
[2]. Abams, K. T. (2011) 'Sales Force Compensation: An Empirical Investigation of factors related to use of salary versus incentive compensation, Journal of International Research in Marketing, 26 (1) 1-14.
[3]. Alba, S.B. and Houton, A. O. (2013) 'Customer Satisfaction. Based Incentive Systems: Salesperson Considerations' International Journal of Personal Selling, 18(3) 32-46.
[4]. Amit, S and Jean, L.J. (2005) 'Organizational Capabilities in E-Commerce: An Empirical Investigation of E-Brokerage Service Providers, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33 (3), 360-375.
[5]. Anderson, C. B. and Gerb, T. K (1988) 'Compensation Strategy for Salesforce Success' Journal of Sales Management, 16 (4) 88-102.
[6]. Bagozzi, C. T. and Morgan, A.D. (2007) 'Salespeople Compensation Mechanisms: An Empirical Investigation, Journal of Sales Management Research, 26(1), 42-53.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Influencing the Adoption of Internet Banking In Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Kariuki John Gikonyo |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16936065 ![]() |
Abstract: This research project seeks to improve the rare empirical knowledge on the adoption of internet banking in Kenya. Traditional branch based retail banking remains the most widespread method for conducting banking transactions in Kenya with agency banking and mobile banking being the recently adopted and widely used. However, internet technology is rapidly changing the way personal financial services are being designed and delivered.Among the major objectives of the study are, to determine how awareness of IB by the consumers affect adoption of internet banking, to determine how website security affects adoption of internet banking and to determine to what extent website features affect adoption of internet banking. The population is all the individuals who own bank accounts and currently have, those who have not adopted the internet banking as a mode of transacting. A total of 100 respondents were issued with questionnaires of which 81 were successively recovered.A random sampling was used to select the customers that would participate in the study. Content analysis and descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data through the equation for best line of fit. Multi-linear regression analysis was used to test models' prediction capabilities. All hypotheses were tested at 0 .05 level of significance.The result showed that more men have adopted banking than women; education level is not a barrier to the banking services, the middle-aged people have embraced the banking services than any other age category; awareness, website features and security all affect the adoption of IB.
The major recommendations of the study are; Internet banking should be adopted by both individuals and cooperates since it is inevitable in the 21st Century, and the banking institutions should also enlighten the public about internet banking.
Key words: Internet banking, adoption, Awareness, Website features, Website security
[1]. ABF, (1997). Banks approach market with caution. Australian Banking and Finance journal, 6(13), 9-11.
[2]. Agarwal, R., & Prasad, J. (1999). Are individual differences germane to the acceptance of new information technologies? Decision Sciences, Vol.30,2,361-391.
[3]. Aladwani, A. (2001). Online banking: a field study of drivers, development challenges and expectations." International Journal of Information Management, 21(3), 213-25.
[4]. Araujo, I., &Araujo, I. (2003).Developing trust in internet commerce.Proceedings of the centre for Advances Studies Conference on Collaborative Research, October 6-9, (pp. 1-15). Toronto, Ontario.
[5]. Berger, S. C., &Gensler, S. (2007, April). Online Banking Customers: Insights from Germany. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 12(1).
[6]. Block, Walter and Laura Davidson. 2010. "The Case against Fiduciary Media: Ethics is the key." Journal of Business Ethics98, no. 3: 505–511.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Influencing Loan Repayment in Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Florence Angaine , Daniel Nderi Waari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16936672 ![]() |
Abstract: Access to finance by entrepreneurs is paramount for their business to succeed. The existing microfinance institutions (MFI's) have tried to bridge the gap of credit accessibility to entrepreneurs but despite this the entrepreneurs have been defaulting on their loans. This study was carried out to analyze the factors influencing loan repayment in micro-finance institutions. The findings will assist the microfinance institutions in coming up with the most appropriate measures to apply in order to eliminate defaults. Descriptive survey was employed with a target population of 39 Loan Officers and 5280 registered MFI clients. A census of 39 loan officers was targeted and a sample size of 360 respondents from registered group members. Stratified proportionate sampling and simple random sampling were employed. Data was collected by use of questionnaires and interviews and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study established that education level, number of dependents, and hobbies were individual characteristics influencing loan repayment. Business characteristics influencing loan repayment were: length of operation, management and type of business. While the lenders characteristics were: groups handled, period taken to qualify new members and the criteria used to evaluate credit worthiness. The study recommends that the government and other stakeholders in the sector should ensure that prospective financial borrowers have access to formal education and training on business management and financing. The MFI's should reduce the time taken to process a loan application and develop models that are more effective in evaluating credit worthiness of their clients.
Keyword: Default, Group official, Loan, Loan officer, Micro Enterprise, Microfinance
[1] Warue Beatrice ,Factors Affecting Loan Delinquency In Microfinance Institutions In Kenya, International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2012, Vol. 1, Issue 12. (ISSN: 2226-8235)
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[6] Yunus, M. (2003). Halving Poverty By 2015: We Can Actually Make It Happen. New yolk USA: Public Affairs.
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Abstract: This research is concerned with estimating social impact of advertisement in Bangladesh in the perspective of Dhaka City. For this purpose, information is collected from different news media and publication to describe present scenario of advertisement in Bangladesh. Various advertisement appeals i.e. Legal aspect, Fear, Humor, Sex, Emotion, Rationality and Music appeal have been briefly reviewed in the advertisement appeared in the Bangladeshi Media. A survey also has been conducted to collect some socio-economic and economics variables and try to set up relationship between socio-economic and economics variables. To establish this relationship the data must have to be normal. For that purpose, researcher firstly tests the normality of the data. Here, graphical presentations of the data and Anderson-Darling test to test the normality are used in this study. The appropriate multivariate linear regression model with the additive error term is selected by some model selection criteria for this research. Then, it tests the heteroscedastity and multicollinearity of the selected model. Finally, cross-tabulation for Chi-square () test has been made to demonstrate that our customers are influenced or motivated by the advertisement to buy a specific brand product.
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