Series-4 (Sep. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of managerial ownership on firm value through the linear and non-linear approaches. This study was conducted on 54 observations which included the Indonesian Most Trusted Companies in 2008 until 2011. The results of this study showed that managerial ownership does not have a linear effect on the firm value, but have non-linear effect on the firm value. Turning point in the managerial ownership were 3.36% and15.15%. At ownership of 0%-3.36%, it may cause a decrease in the value of the company (entrenchment effect) while 3.36% to 15.15% ownership may result in an increase in the value of the company (alignment effect)
Keywords: Managerial Ownership, Linier, Non-Linier Approaches, Firm Value
[1]. Benson, Bradley W and Davidson, Wallace N III (2009). Reexamining the Managerial Ownership Effect on Firm Value. Forthcoming: Journal of Corporate Finance 2009
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[4]. Faccio, Mara and Lasfer, M. Ameziane (1999). Managerial Ownership, Board Structure and Firm Value: The UK Evidence. Paper Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
[5]. Fahlenbrach, Rüdiger and Stulz, Rene (2008). Managerial Ownership Dynamics and Firm Value. Fisher College of Business Working Paper Series, January 2008
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Abstract: The main goal of social marketing is behavioural impact and it can be applied to a variety of social problems, but behaviour change is complex.The study examined the influence of compatibilitywith culture on adoption of HIV/AIDS preventive measures in Maiduguri metropolis, specifically, the study assessed the level of awareness on HIV/AIDS; and examined the peoples' protective behaviours. Primary source of data was utilised, structured questionnaires were administered on 300 respondents; however, 283 questionnaires were valid. Multistage sampling technique was employed using stratified sampling and convenience sampling techniques to select the respondents. Secondary data were sourced through existing literature. Descriptive statistics and simple linear regression analysis were used to analyse the data. The major finding of the study revealed that prevention measures that are not compatible with culture significantly influence adoption of HIV/AIDS prevention methods. The study recommends "Cultural social marketing" should be used where community leaders and communal elders are recognised and persuaded to promote cultural practices which can prevent HIV infection rather than those practices that are barriers to its prevention.
Key Words: Social Marketing, Perceived Risk, Adoption, Prevention Methods, HIV/AIDS
[1]. Abiona A. I. (2006). The Influence of Primordial Culture and HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme on Stigmatization of HIV/AIDS Patients in Oyo State, Nigeria.Premises for Community Education Intervention,International Journal ofAfrican and African American Studies Vol. No. 1.
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[3]. Agbonifoh, B., Ogwo, E., Nnolim, D., & Nkamnebe, A. (2007).Marketing in Nigeria: concepts, principles anddecisions: Afritowers Books.1 Second Edition.
[4]. Ambasa-shisanya, C. R. (2006). Cultural Determinants of Adoption of HIV/AIDS Prevention Measures and strategies among Girls and Women in Western Kenya.OSSREA Publications.
[5]. Amuyunzu- Nyamongo, M., Tendo-Wambua, L., Babishangire, B., Nyangero, J., Yitbarck, N Matasha, M & Omurwa, T (1999). Barriers to Behaviour Change as a Response to STD including HIV/AIDS: the East Africa Experience.African Medical ResearchFoundation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Recreational Activities for the Physical Challenged In Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Alu Timothy Eliya , Gabi Sunday Tsibi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16941216 ![]() |
Abstract: The need for bodily activities is equally vital for the child with physical disability. Individuals with prolonged periods in hospital for surgical treatment, hereditary or genetic ailments, over-protection or perhaps, the frustrations and even pain of ill coordinated degenerative disease may however, have deprived them of the fun and satisfaction enjoyed their colleagues who are physically fit. The physically challenged are defective sight, totally crippled or blind hearing disorders or completely deaf while others have speech defects, lowered vitality, limited mental processes, emotional disturbance and some exceptionality. All the physical challenges persons need to engage sufficient varieties of physical activities, exercises or sports of daily living which values are immeasurable for physical, psychological, social and emotional adjustment. This paper therefore highlighted the various recreational activities for the physical challenged and possible benefits that accrue for their healthful living.
Keyword: Recreational activities, Physical disability, Emotional disturbance and healthy living
[1]. Adams, R.C; Daniel, A.N and Rullman, L (1975) Games, Sports and Exercises for the physically handicapped philadephia; Lea and Fabiger
[2]. Adesanya, O.A (1987) "provision of community recreation facilities as a surest approach to national awareness for recreation participation". The Jonapher, vol. 6, No. 1, P. &-15.
[3]. Adima, E.E (1988) Fundamentals of special Education. Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) LTD, Ibadan.
[4]. Agwubike, C.O (1986) "Recreation: its Therapeutic Approach". Proceedings of the 16th Annual conference of the NAPHER-SD, P. 27-37.
[5]. Butcher, C.A. (1975) Administration of Health and Physical Education Programmes including Athletics. St Louis, C.V Mosby company. P.597.
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Abstract: The rural market has been growing steadily over the years and is now bigger than the urban market for FMCGs but their lies a great state wise disparity in India in terms of consumption pattern. Though Odisha's economy is expanding through sectoral shifts from agriculture to industry to service but in terms of per capita expenditure, rural Odisha remains one of the poorest states which is only at Rs. 904.781. Consumers brand preferences represent a fundamental step in understanding consumer behaviour. A deeper understanding of such preference can help marketers' better design marketing program and build a long term relationship with consumers. This warrants an empirical study for such specific rural pockets to help marketers improvise the dynamics of segmentation and marketing mix variables to capitalize their efforts to the fullest in rural markets. The basic purpose of this paper was to explore the rural consumer buying behavior through brand awareness and influence of demographic factors on brand preference .This paper was based on primary as well as secondary data. The sampling regions included one of the rural district of Odisha viz, Keonjhar. The results indicated that there were statistical relationships between age, gender, family type and education with brand preference. However, there was no statistical relationship between occupation and annual income with the brand preference. Thus age, gender, family type and education only had statistical relationship with the brand preference of rural consumers in the Keonjhar district of Odisha.
Key Word: Rural, FMCGs, Bathing Soap, Demography, Brand Awareness, Brand Preference
[1]. Aaker, D.A. (1991) Managing brand equity, Capitalization on the value of a brand name. New York: Free Press
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[4]. Jha, Mithileshwar (2003) "Understanding rural buyer behavior.‟ IIMB Management Review, Vol. 15(3), pp. 89-92.
[5]. Gopalaswamy, T.P. (1997) Rural Marketing: Environment, Problem, and Strategies. New Delhi: Wheeler Publication.
[6]. Gupta,S. (1988) "Impact of sales promotion when, what and how much to buy.‟ Journal of Marketing Research, Nov 25, 1988
[7]. Guiltian and Joshep (1991) Marketing Management. McGraw-Hill, pp.145-165
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Abstract: Indian economy is recognised as the most reliable one for investments in different avenues due to its strong judiciary system. Investor protection is important for any investment. Otherwise no market can sustain and grow. Securities and Exchange Board of India is a market regulator of India as we know and one of its objectives is to educate and protect the investors. Also SEBI is recognised as the most respected regulator among the regulators in India. Since 1992, SEBI as an autonomous body making rules and regulations and revising them as per the changing market dynamics and protecting investors restlessly till now. Despite of all its efforts, there are some gaps between investor protection and investor satisfaction. Through our study among three districts (Vizianagaram, Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam) we have tried to unhide the facts about investor satisfaction against protection.
[2]. *Professor, Nimra College of Business Management, Jupudi, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. **Assistant Professor, Nimra College of Business Management, Jupudi, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. ***M.B.A. Student, Nimra College of Business Management, Jupudi, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol.2 Issue 3, March 2012, ISSN 2231 5780
[3]. G Sabarinathan SEBI's Regulation of the Indian Securities Market: A Critical Review of the Major Developments VIKALPA • VOLUME 35 • NO 4 • OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2010
[4]. Dharmishta Raval, Improving the legal process in enforcement at SEBI Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai April 2011
[5]. Kaushik Dhar, National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR) University – NALSAR, working papers series, Secunderabad, March 2, 2012
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Abstract: This study is a piece of empirical research work which aims to examine the prediction effect of organizational attractiveness on employee retention. Following the incidental cum random sampling technique 200 State bank of India (III class) employee were drawn from Chhattisgarh state to serve as participants in the present research work. In the present research work correlational research design was employed. Organizational attractiveness was measured by organizational attractiveness scale (Highhouse et. al., 2003). Employee retention was measured by employee retention questionnaire (Kyndt et. al, 2009). Prediction effect was examining using by hierarchical regression analysis. The result of the present study indicates that in organizational attractiveness emerged as a significant predictor of employee retention. There is sufficient empirical and statistical evidence of the prediction effect of organizational attractiveness on employee retention in state bank of India III class employee.
Key words: Organizational attractiveness, Employee Retention, Prediction
[1]. Aiman- Smith, L., Bauer, T.N., & Cable, D.M, (2001), Are You Attracted? Do You Intend to Pursue? A Recruiting Policy-Capturing Study, Journal of Business and Psychology, 16, 219-237.
[2]. Albertine, W. & Weekhout J. (2011) Employer Branding and its Effect on Organizational Attractiveness via the World Wide Web: Results of quantitative and qualitative studies combined
[3]. Balmer, J.M.T. & Greyser, S.A. (2002). Managing the Multiple Identities of the Corporation. California Management Review, 44(3), 72-86.
[4]. Berthon P, et al (2005) Captivating Company: dimensions of attractiveness in employer branding. International Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 151–172
[5]. Brown, T.J., Dacin, P.A., Pratt, M.G. & Whetten, D.A. (2006). Identity, Intended Image, Construed Image, and Reputation: an Interdisciplinary Framework and Suggested Terminology. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 34, 99-106
[6]. Cable, D. M. & Judge, T. A. (1994). Pay preferences and job search decisions: A person-organization fit perspective. Personnel Psychology, 47, 317-348
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Abstract: Evaluating performance through ratio analysis is a sin-qua-non for sustainable growth and measuring future risk of liquidation of a manufacturing company. The current study is an attempt to evaluate the status of the financial performance of Summit Power Limited (SPL) through liquidity, profitability and productivity position of SPL. The study found that the financial performance in terms of liquidity and profitability is considered to be above satisfactory level. In case of activity ratio accounts receivables turnover indicates satisfactory which means the policy and management for collecting credit from customers is efficient. Inventory turnover ratio indicates the worse that means the stock is not rapidly turned over. Total asset turnover ratio is not satisfactory which means inefficient utilization of investment in generating more revenue. The study also depicted that SPL's long term solvency position in terms of debt to total asset ratio was not satisfactory which means SPL carried higher debt and had been incurring a heavy burden of interest and risk during 2004 to 2012. The value of Z also indicates the financial soundness and less risk of bankruptcy of SPL. The study suggest some policy implications for future growth and development of SPL like; introduction of modern technologies and research and development, modern marketing techniques to boost up revenue, suitable pricing policy and the like.
Key words: Solvency, Profitability, Asset-management, Productivity, Z score, Balanced Score Card.
[1]. Abhijit,B,Mamun,M.Z and Nazrul, I (2000), "performance of the nationalized General insurance Company of Bangladesh", Bank Parikrama, Vol xxv, No.4, Dhaka, BIBM, December, p.28.
[2]. Benerjee, B(1984), " Financial Planning and Management Accounting", the world press). (Pvt)., Calcutta, 2nd edition,p.565.(The figure of this debt equity ratio is the average of seven years data from 1974-75 to 1980-81.The data were quoted by the author from the reserve bank of India
[3]. Bhattacharyya, S.K,Roy, S.K.(1999), "Management Accounting: Incorporating Accounting theory", NewDelhi: S, Chand & Company Ltd, p.349.
[4]. Bhunia, Amalendu. Mukhuti, Sri.Somnath & Roy, Sri. Gautam (2011), "Financial Performance Analysis-A Case Study", Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 3(3): 269-275.
"project Appraisal Practices in the Development Financing Institutions Of Bangladesh", The Dhaka University Studies, Part C, Volume, viii, No.2, December,p.146
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Technical Efficiency of Public Sector Banks in India Using Data Envelopment Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Sravani |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16945259 ![]() |
Abstract: Indian financial services sector is dominated by the banking sector and the structure of banking in India is broadly classified into public sector banks, private sector banks and foreign banks. The public sector banks continue to dominate the banking industry, in terms of lending and borrowing, and it has widely spread out branches which help greatly in pooling up of resources as well as in revenue generation for credit creation. The Indian financial sector reform of 1991 has greatly changed the face of Indian Banking system. The economic and political environment in the country greatly influences the banking sector. Also in the face of increased competition, the banks have to operate more efficiently in order to sustain and perform better. In the context of increased competition and the importance of banks in financial markets, it becomes very much essential to evaluate whether these banks operate efficiently. Primarily, there are two chief reasons to measure the efficiency of banking institutions. Firstly, this assists to identify the most efficient banks and benchmarks the relative efficiency of individual banks against the most efficient banks. Secondly, it helps to evaluate the impact of various policy measures on the performance of banks. The objective of this paper is to estimate technical efficiency of public sector banks in India for the period 2009-2013. The paper is structured as follows: the first section will discuss review of literature in banking followed by methodology, data and specification of bank inputs and outputs. Empirical findings are discussed in the next section followed by the suggestions.
[1]. AlKhathlan,KH and Malik,S, A. (2008). Are saudi Banks Efficient? Evidence using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). International journal of economics and finance. 2(2):53-59.
[2]. Charnes A., Cooper W.W. and Lewin A. Y. and Seiford L. M. (1994), Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 3-12.
[3]. Coelli, T.(1996). A guide to DEAP version 2.1: a data envelopment analysis (computer) program, center for efficiency and productivity analysis. Armidale, NSW Australia:
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[5]. Coelli, T.G., Prasada Rao D.S. and Battese, G. (1998).An introduction to efficiency and productivity analysis.London: Kluwer Academic Publishers
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Abstract: The study was aimed to acquire the effects of cultural dimensions and HR practices on organizational commitment of the fastest growing telecom sector in Pakistan. A questionnaire was used and distributed to 200 correspondents among the telecom sector in the equal ratio and from which 149 were received back. The research tools were collectivism and power distance, rewards, psychological empowerment, performance evaluation and organizational commitment respectively, questionnaires of Dortman and Howell's, Al-Nsour, Spreitzer, Cook and Crossman, and Porter were used. The study revealed that power distance, rewards, psychological empowerment and performance evaluation bore the significant impact, whereas collectivism showed insignificant impact on the organizational commitment
Keywords: Collectivism, Power Distance, Rewards, Psychological Empowerment, Performance Evaluation, Organizational Commitment.
[1]. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, C. A. (2007). Likert scales and data analyses. Quality Progress, 40(7), 64-65.
[2]. Brockner, J., Ackerman, G., Greenberg, J., Gelfand, M. J., Francesco, A. M., Chen, Z. X., Kirkman, B. L. (2001). Culture and procedural justice: The influence of power distance on reactions to voice. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 37(4), 300-315.
[3]. Clugston, M., Howell, J. P., & Dorfman, P. W. (2000). Does cultural socialization predict multiple bases and foci of commitment? Journal of management, 26(1), 5-30.
[4]. Erbasi, A., & Arat, T. (2012). The Effect of Financial and Non-financial Incentives on Job Satisfaction: An Examination of Food Chain Premises in Turkey. International Business Research, 5(10), p136.
[5]. Kotze, E., Mthembu, O., & Khashane, E. (2007). Psychological empowerment in the military: the role of gender and race. Journal of Public Administration, 42(8), 786-797.
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Abstract: In today's era of internet proliferation, the prevalence of online shopping has increased. Internet has made the transactions smoother, quicker, faster and easier and both the buyers and sellers get benefited by his technology. The growing use of internet in India has created a basis for tremendous prospects for online retailers; knowledge of factors affecting consumer buying behavior can help retailers develop their marketing strategies to convert their potential consumers into active one. In this study four dimensions of online shopping as perceived by consumers in India are identified and the different demographic factors are also studied which are the primary basis of market segmentation for retailers. The main objective of this research is to study the impact of Perceived Risk, Perceived enjoyment, Perceived usefulness and Perceived ease of use factors on online shopping behavior of consumers in Delhi. The population of this research consisted of online shoppers from Delhi. The sample of the study comprised of 160 online shoppers. Respondents belonged to different age groups, income groups and occupations and have a prior experience in online shopping. A pre – structured questionnaire was used with a 5 point Likert rating scale to measure the factors influencing the respondent's behavior to shop online. The empirical results revealed that only one factor, namely Perceived Risk significantly affected online shopping behavior of consumers in Delhi while Perceived enjoyment, Perceived ease of use and Perceived enjoyment hinders the consumers to shop online so the researchers suggests that the companies must focus on Perceived risks to develop consumers trust towards online shopping. The recommendations presented in this research may help foster growth of Indian online retailing in future. The research findings revealed that perceived risk negatively impact consumers attitude towards online shopping while perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment has no impact on consumers' attitude towards online shopping.
Keywords: Online shopping, Consumer behavior, Perceived risk, Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness, Perceived enjoyment.
[1]. Davis, F.D, (1989) "Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology", MIS Quarterly, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 319-40.
[2]. Monsuwe, T.P.Y., Dellaert, B.G.C. and Ruyter, K.D (2004) "What derives consumers to shop online? A literature review", International journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 102-21.
[3]. Stoel, L. Ha, S. (2009) Consumer e-shopping acceptance: antecedents in a TAM," Journal of Business Research, Vol. 62 No. 5, pp. 565-71.
[4]. Zhou L., Dai, L. and Zhang, D. (2007) "Online shopping acceptance model – a critical survey of consumer factor
[5]. Bhattacherjee, A, (2001) "Understanding information systems continuance: an expectation-confirmation model", MIS Quarterly, Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 351-70.
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Abstract: Many organisations are now opting to using Information Technology(IT) in order to improve their businesses. The problem comes when the Board or top management does not associate itself with important issues pertaining to IT due to fear of accountability of IT failures. It seems most organisations, both parastatals and the private companies, are not implementing IT governance. This study therefore sought to evaluate the status of IT governance as well as to assess the level of IT governance implementation at an Open Distance Learning(ODL) institution. The study looked at strategic issues, risk issues, internal control issues, decision making issues and performance issues. The research findings showed that the status of IT governance at ZOU is better and the level of IT governance implementation is at middle level due to minimal implementation. The study finally recommended ZOU to continue implementing IT governance and that it should conduct workshops for helping its staff to fully understand IT governance.
Keywords: Board, Information technology, governance, risk, strategic alignment
[1]. Brand, K. (2005) IT governance based on COBIT 4.1: management guide, London
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