Series-5 (Sep. 2014)
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: Maintain the balance between work life and personal life is called work life balance. The changing economic condition and social demands have changed the nature of work throughout the world. So, a good balance in work and life balance is about people having measure of the control over when, where and how they work. There is a view that work-life balance only in the framework of what the company does for individual. Undertaking staff surveys proved helpful. Staffs were surveyed on their knowledge and awareness of existing work life balance initiatives, on their needs in the area and on the main causes of stress. This allowed the organization and employees to introduce relevant solutions. The major objective of the present study is to understand the work life balance among the Endhai innovations private limited located in Madurai. It found that the majority of the employees do not see the barriers impeding their ability to improve flexibility. In support of that, employees report a very real understanding of the business imperatives facing their organization. It would appear that the time has never been better for both employers and employees to engage in address the issue, for improving work-life balance is critical to increasing both our quality of life and our living standards. Work life and personal life are inter-connected and interdependent for earning livelihood. Spending more time in office, dealing with stakeholders and the pressures of the job can interfere and affect the personal life, sometimes making it impossible to even complete the household chores. On the other hand, personal life can also be demand the persons who have the kid or aged parents, financial problems or even problems in the life of a dear relative. It leads to absenteeism from work, increase the stress and lack of concentration at work among the employees. It concludes that providing proper career counseling and fulfill the employees needs on time are the ways for the balanced work and life of the employees in the IT field. Further it opens up the new avenues for further researches in the field.
Keywords: Work life balance, health issues, working condition, job satisfaction, morale
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Abstract: This paper examined the impacts of non-availability and unreliability of institutional data and official statistics on the practice of Monitoring and Evaluation in Nigeria. It also examined the implications of these impacts on the assessment of public policies and national development. Findings showed that where institutional data on social indicators exist, they are either not reliable because data on indicators from different public institutions do not correspond with each other, or they are completely at variance with existing realities. This poses great challenges to effective Monitoring and Evaluation in Nigeria. Consequently, the paper amongst other things, recommended strict enforcement of mandatory digitization and data back-up devices for all MDAs in the country by outsourcing data management to private corporations, and the strengthening of institutional and resource capacities of government agencies and institutions that are saddled with the responsibility of maintaining institutional data on social indicators.
Keywords: Institutional Database, Official Statistics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Sector, Nigeria
[1]. Adepoju, A. & Olaomi, J.O. (2008). An Appraisal of Statistical Data Management in Nigeria: A Case for Reliable and Effective Statistical Information. Medwell Journals
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[3]. Collins, A. (2012). Open Access Teaching Materials for Digital Preservation (Cambridge University Library for the JISC-funded PrePARe project
[4]. DAC Network on Development Evaluation (2002), Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation, OECD, Paris,
[5]. Edmunds, R. and Marchant, T. (2008), Official Statistics and Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Developing Countries: Friends or Foes? The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21)
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Abstract: Bureaucratic reform in Indonesian has been proceeding for many years. However, persisting problems concerning bureaucracy have yet to be resolved. This snag may arise due to the lack of the creativity and innovation culture within government bureaucracy. Therefore, bureaucratic reform should be directed more to innovation culture and programs in order to enhance the bureaucracy's innovation capability.
Key words: Bureaucratic reform, Innovation culture, Innovation capability. Key Words: Innovation, Culture, Government Bureaucracy
[1]. Dwiyanto, Agus. (2006). "Public Reforms in Indonesia", Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
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[4]. Prasojo, Eko. 2006. Reforms in Indonesia: Some Critical Notes. Journal of Administration and Organization, Business and Bureaucracy, Volume 14, Number 1 (January).
[5]. Farazmand, Ali, 2002, Administrative Reform In Developing Nations, Praeger Publishers: Westport, C.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Total Quality Management and Corporate Failure in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Idam, Linus Egwu , Phd, Fnim |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16952533 ![]() |
Abstract: The problem of corporate failure has continued to be of serious concern to academicians and practitioners, the world over. Of all the identified causal factors, management related factors are generally considered predominant. The search for management system that can effectively address the problem of corporate failure has led to the current interest of researchers and practitioners in total quality management (TQM). Research findings on the relationship between TQM and corporate performance have remained controversial across national boundaries and inconclusive in Nigeria. This paper investigated the relationship between identified critical success factors (CSFs) of TQM and elements of corporate performance in Nigeria, using Pearson product moment correlation technique in a 6-3 factorial design. The results of the factorial analysis showed positive and significantly high inter and intra-factorial correlation coefficient (r) among the CSFs of TQM and elements of corporate performance at p < 0.05. The hypotheses were tested by t-transformation of the correlation coefficient ( r). The results showed that implementation of the critical success factors of TQM will lead to enhanced return on investment, increase in asset base and greater market share of business organizations, and thus avert corporate failure in Nigeria.
Key words: Total quality management; corporate failure.
[1]. Adam-Jr, E .E. (1994). Alternative quality improvement practices and organizational performance. Journal of Operations Management, 12(1), 27-44.
[2]. Baidoun, S. & Zairi, M. (2003). A proposed model of TQM implementation in the Palestinian context. TQM and Business Excellence, 14(10), 1193-1211.
[3]. Barney, J. (1991). Firm resources and sustained comparative advantage. Journal of Management. 17, 99-120.
[4]. Bibleault, D. B. (1992). Corporate turnaround: How managers turn losers into winners. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
[5]. Bounds, G., Yorks, L.,Adams, M. & Ranney, G. (1994). Beyond total quality management towards the emerging paradigm. New York, NY: McGraw Hill
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Abstract: Motivated workforce is imperative for any organization seeking to accomplish superior results in business field. Since, a lack of motivation among employees can cost an organization millions of dollars, identifying an effective motivational technique can help organizations to create a competitive advantage in the marketplace. We can say, the overall performance of an organization depends on its ability to motivate individual employees. In general, it is assumed that motivated employees will work harder to achieve organizational objectives. Therefore, learning how to motivate their employees has become a necessary task for managers. Also, understanding and adopting motivation can aid in shaping the behavior of employees in the workplace. In this study we intended to know whether and which factors viz., extrinsic or intrinsic motivators aspired by the IT and ITES employees. A total of 303 employees from 61 different IT and ITES companies in Bangalore were covered in the survey. From the findings it was evident that the employees aspired more for achievement as an intrinsic factor and comfortable working conditions as an extrinsic factor, rather than other motivational factors under study.
Keywords: Motivated workforce, competitive advantage, Extrinsic, Intrinsic, Achievement
[1] Burrus, D., Burud, S., Klun, S., Lingle, K., Roundtree, L., Yost, C.W. "Flexible rightsizing as a cost-effective alternative to layoff: A cost/benefit analysis tool and guide for human resources, organizational and business leader." Alliance for Work-Life Progress. 2009, pp. 1–9.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Empowering Financial Inclusion through Financial Literacy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarath Chandran. M.C |
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: | 10.9790/487X-16954548 ![]() |
Abstract: The term 'financial inclusion' means availability of banking services at an affordable cost to disadvantaged and low-income groups. The banking and financial services include savings, deposits, borrowing, payment and remittance facilities. Financial inclusion mainly focuses on the poor who do not have formal financial institutional support and getting them out of the clutches of local money lenders. As a first step towards financial inclusion policy, Regional Rural Banks were set up. With the directive of Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Banks allow low income groups to open 'no frills accounts'. These accounts either have a low minimum or nil balance with some restriction in transactions. RBI has further relaxed KYC norms and restrictions on mobile banking. NABARD has also contributed significantly by introducing SHG- Bank linkage programme, Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme and has sanctioned Trainers' training programme on financial literacy, farmers' service, village knowledge, mobile credit counselling centres and promotion of farmer education. It also includes providing facilities of micro insurance and micro pension. Financial inclusion is a great step to alleviate poverty in India. But to achieve this, the government should provide a less perspective environment in which banks are free to pursue the innovations necessary to reach low income consumers and still make a profit.
Keywords: Financial inclusion, KYC, financial literacy, financial services, SHG.
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[4]. Cognizance – vol. 5. Journal of dept. of commerce. St. Albert‟s college.
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Abstract: Human Resource Management is a term used to refer philosophy, policies, procedures and practices related to the management of people begin an organization. Today every organization has to face highly competition. Therefore organization tries to do right thing at the right time. In that situation HRM plays major role to achieve organizational goals. Satisfaction is the one of the major concept in HRM. Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving satisfaction. This is a descriptive study. Data was collected from 50 respondents. Objectives of the study
To evaluate the factors influencing job satisfaction of the employees in the study unit.
To find out the employees job satisfaction toward monetary and non-monetary benefits offered by the private company at Salem
To examine the relation between the levels of satisfaction and employees' demographic factors.
To identify the employees satisfaction with regard to welfare facilities provided by the concern.
Keywords: Job satisfaction, Demographic factors, Morale, Monetary and Non-Monetary benefits
[1]. Human resource management- Aswathappa
[2]. Human resource management- l.m.prasad
[3]. HRM Review
[4]. HRD Times
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Abstract: This study examines Profitability and Credit Risk Management of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh. Information are collected from different news media, publication and some selected banks to describe present scenario of banking sector in Bangladesh. To analysis the profitability and credit risk management of banks after implementing the Basel II standard, we collect secondary data of five years (Y2007 to Y2011) from the Annual Report of the organizations. Horizontal and Vertical Analysis method are used to measure the profitability of the banks and interpret the Balance Sheet and Income Statement of the banks. Few bar-diagrams have been drawn to compare the performance among four banks. For this research, ROE, NPLR and CAR are calculated to evaluate the Credit Risk of the Banks. Using these three ratios, researchers construct the multiple regression models and use the F-test statistics.
[1]. Anderson T.W, (1984), An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed, John Wiley and Sons, Canada.
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[5]. Cooper, D. R. Mand Schindler, P. S. (2003), Business Research Methods, 7th ed. New York, McGraw-Hill.
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[7]. S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics.
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Abstract: Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. It has become the part of society and organizations consider it as part of their entity.In the age of information it is not possible for organizations to achieve their objectives without their presence on Social media. Consumers are becoming knowledge able and share their feelings, thoughts and experiences on Social media. This interaction has a faster pace now as the word of mouth spreads with the speed of light. Consumer's interactions regarding their experiences in restaurants on Social media are also very value able. It could be used to improve services, facilities and infrastructure in restaurant industry. For this research, information is gathered from marketing managers of different restaurants and visiting customers. Primary data is collected with the help of questionnaire.There were 191 questionnaires distributed among customers out of which 161 were returned. After the questionnaires were completed, statistical package for social sciences software (SPSS) is used to analyze the data.
Key words: Social Media, Marketing, Service Industry, Consumer Interaction, Consumer Preferences, Profitability, Growth, Restaurant Industry
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[5]. Derikson.(2013). Consumers' Attitudes Toward Brands' Social Media Responses. Retrieved on 14th May, 2014.