Version-2 (March-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | International Contractual Relationships: Transnational Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Esha Jain || Mr. Ashank Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903020108 ![]() |
Abstract: From the ancient law of Lex Mercatoria, which was an unwritten law followed by all the international traders and merchant of medieval times: International trade and commerce evolved to a newer system of laws in forms of conventions and treaties, binding as well as non-binding over nations worldwide. Since that evolving we reached to a few modern day international commercial laws: Modern trade law began shortly after the Second World War, with the negotiation of a multilateral treaty to deal with trade in goods that was known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)............
Keywords: Conventions, International Contracts, Law of Lex Mercatoria
[1]. Emery, C. (March 2016). International Commercial Contracts - Lickbarrow v Mason (1787) 2 Term Rep 63, 73, Buller J. GlobaLex. Retrieved from:
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[3]. Gilligan, C., &Hird, M. (2012). International marketing: strategy and management (Vol. 17). Routledge.
[4]. Peace Palace Library Research Guides- Introduction to International Contracts Law. Retrieved from:, accessed on January 29, 2017
[5]. Schmitthoff, C. M. (1961). International business law: a new Law Merchant. Current Law and Social Problems, 2, 129.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of the Indian Automobile Manufacturing Sector |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mohd. Asif Gandhi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903020915 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper summarizes the various automobile manufacturing firms in India along with their plants, if any, and along with their geographical locations. Also this paper gives a classification of the various classes of automobiles manufactured in India along with the state wise, location wise, firm wise listing. This type of information is typically very useful for researchers in carrying out their research work in the automobile manufacturing sector of India. It can be used as a ready reference by managers for conducting various kinds of surveys of the automobile manufacturing sector of India, for example researchers doing research in the area of supply chain management; or green supply chain management may like to have an exhaustive listing in the way it is illustrated and interpreted in this paper.
Keywords: Automobile, Indian, Manufacturing Sector, Plants, Review
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Le Développement Durable: Un Concept Multidimensionnel |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Mariem Beggar || Mohamed Nadif |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903021624 ![]() |
Abstract: Desertification, poverty, epidemics, deforestation, global warming, pollution, destruction of ecosystems ... The concept of sustainable development was born out of a real need, the environment and the social are increasingly neglected in the current global system. We must begin to react, everyone of us, individuals, companies, states ... contributed one day to the destruction of the planet, and must contribute to its survival today. Think globally and act locally, is a requirement for those who are in charge of the destiny of the planet and the people who live above. Hence the fact that we are all affected by this new challenge.
Keywords: Sustainable development, Responsible consumption, Profit, Fair trade.
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Abstract: This research was conducted with the background of the phenomenon of increasingly tight competition due to the enforcement of MEA in 2015. Therefore, all businesses, including Small Micro Enterprises (SMEs) of ikat weaving industrial sector should anticipate by implementing strategic orientation, corporate innovation to achieve marketing performance. The objective of this study is to explain the effect of strategic orientation to corporate innovation and marketing performance of Ikat Weaving industry in Bali. To achieve these objectives, this study took a sample of 100 people who are owners or SME managers of Ikat Weaving industry in Bali by applying............
Keywords: Strategic orientation, corporate innovation, and marketing performance.
[1]. Ahimbisibwe, G., Joseph M., Ntayi M. & Ngoma M. (2013). Export Market Orienation,Innovation and Performance of Fruit Exporting Firm in Uganda, European Scientific Journal. Vol. 4, No. 9.
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[3]. Bakti, S., & Harun, H. (2011). Pengaruh orientasi pasar dan nilai pelanggan terhadap kinerja pemasaran maskapai penerbangan lion air. Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-15.
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Abstract: The proven link between Enterprise/Entrepreneurship Development and economic Growth necessitated the struggle towards instilling entrepreneurial mindsets and the creation of conducive atmosphere in which enterprises and entrepreneurial culture could grow in many great economies of the world. In Nigeria, the emergence entrepreneurial mindsets have been more strong in the last three to four decades especially in Industry, Agriculture, Manufacturing and some aspects of small business but with the discovery of oil in commercial quantity, the trend began to deteriorate.............
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Development, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Natural Resources, Resource Curse.
[1]. Aigboduwa, J.E., Oisamoje, M.D. (2013). Promoting small and medium enterprises in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. European Scientific Journal, l(1)
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Abstract: This study aimed to analyze catfish entrepreneurship in Imo State with specific objectives to identify the socio-economic characteristics of catfish entrepreneurs, estimate the cost and returns of catfish entrepreneurs and factors influencing their returns, Multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 fish farmers. Primary data was collected with the aid of well- structured questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using descriptive statistical technique, cost and return model, multiple regression analysis, The result of the descriptive statistical technique showed...........
Keywords: Catfish entrepreneurship, Determinants, Imo state
[1]. Adekoya B.B and Muller J.W (2009) Fish cage culture potential in Nigeria – An overview National cultures agriculture focus. 1(5): 10.
[2]. Amao J.O Awoyeni, T.T Omonona, B.T and Falusi, A.O (2009). Determinants of poverty among fish farming households in Osun State, Nigeria, International Journal of Agricultural Economics in the Rural Development, 2 (2): 14-25.
[3]. Amiengheme P. (2005).The importance of Fish in Human Nutrition. A paper delivered at a Fish culture Forum, Federal Department of Fish Farmers,Abuja.
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[5]. Esu, et al (2009) Cost and Returns of Fish Production using a Earthen pond in AkwaIbom State, Nigeria.
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Abstract: The aim of the research study was to determine whether the electronic business system implemented by the organisation is working sufficiently and whether employees using the system are satisfied with its use or not, as well as determining possible challenges experienced. The research method used to gather the data was qualitative. The study concluded that, in order for the selected organisation to gain competitive advantage and adapt to the dramatic changing environment, it is important that the organisation achieve management efficiency by increasing employee satisfaction.............
Keywords: Telemarketing, employee satisfaction, organisational profit
[1]. Carter, J. (2011). Career progression is the key to retention. Human Capital Magazine, Canada.
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[4]. Ozcelik, Y. (2010). Do business process reengineering projects payoff? Evidence from the United States. International Journal of Project Management, Vol.28, No.1, pp7-13.
[5]. Kabir, M.M., (2011). Factors affecting employee job satisfaction of pharmaceutical sector. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, Vol.11, No.4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Emotional Reflexivity and Leader Effectiveness |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Kpakol Aborlo Gbaraka || Isaac Zeb-Obipi PhD |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903026068 ![]() |
Abstract: Organizations comprise of ordered task arrangements and relationships geared towards the achievement of specified objectives. The success of such arrangements and relationships are most often premised on the effective motivation of members, interaction between members, and the resilience of the leader. In this study we argue, that given the social context the organization affords its members and the diverse groups which comprise those contexts, the effectiveness of leadership would be based on its ability to meet the expectations of its followers. One way this can be achieved is through emotional reflexivity which entails the practice of reflection, morphing and alteration............
Keywords: Emotional reflexivity, emotional identification, emotional experience, emotional display, motivation, relationship, resilience, leader effectiveness.
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Abstract: The main objective of the study was to examine the factors influencing the implementation of government electronic procurement system in the county government of Nyamira. The specific objectives of this study were: to analyze the influence of e-procurement readiness on implementation of government electronic procurement system; to evaluate the influence of perceived usefulness on implementation of government electronic procurement system and to explore the influence of resistance/acceptance on implementation of government electronic procurement system in the county government of Nyamira. The study adopted a descriptive research design.............
Keywords: Training, E-Procurement , Kenya
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Abstract: The involvement of young entrepreneurs has increase by 30 per cent from the total of 2.6 million entrepreneurs in 2014. This is due to the Malaysian government policy, continuous encouragement, increasing incentive and intervention strategies to develop this group of entrepreneur. However, in spite of all the supports, the percentage of failures among young entrepreneurs is still very frightening. Studies found that, there are only 20% of entrepreneurs survives and successful every year. In reality, they must have their own capabilities and it is depending on how they manage their business resources to success.............
Keywords: Young entrepreneur, resources, resource orchestration, networking, entrepreneur success, entrepreneurship
[1] C. P. Kamal, H. Azimi, B. A. Samah, A. I. Ismi, and J. L. D'Silva, Rural Malay involvement in Malaysian herbal entrepreneurship, Asian Social Science, 10 (2), 2013, 202–208.
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[3] N. Othman and S. Ishak, Attitude towards choosing a career in entrepreneurship amongst graduates, European Journal of Social Science, 10(3), 2009, 419–434.
[4] A. A. Abdullah and N. N. Sulaiman, Factors that influence the Interest of youths in agricultural entrepreneurship, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4(3), 2013, 288–302.
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Abstract: One of the factors that influence purchasing decisions by consumers is the marketing mix and product quality. The rice producers Pandaraman doing marketing mix for their products that lead to purchase decisions by consumers and always look at the quality of product to production. The result is a combination of marketing and product quality simultaneously powerful and significant influence on purchasing decisions Pandaraman rice employees in South Tapanuli region.............
Keywords: Marketing Mix, Product Quality, and Purchasing Decisions
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Abstract: The development of the insurance and pension fund management in Indonesia today, just rhetoric. Triangle Strategy Management is an alternative strategy that can be used to sustain and realize in revitalizing the administration of the insurance industry and pension funds (sustainable). Triangle strategic management as a pillar to the renewal of the insurance industry and the pension fund is a strategy to address the threat of the sustainability of the insurance industry and pension fund companies to provide protection for the customers as well as solutions that clients get out of poverty.
Keywords: Insurance, Pension Funds, Triangle Strategic Management
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Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the impact analysis of service quality and trademarks to the promotion and customer retention in the mobile shop business in the District of Medan Selayang. This research uses a random sampling method to retrieve the data of 220 respondents business owners as the unit of analysis. Methods of data analysis using SEM analysis to determine the effect of service quality and trademarks to the promotion and customer retention in the mobile shop business, which is processed by a software program AMOS 18. The results prove that................
Keywords: Quality of service, trademarks, Customer Retention and Promotion
[1] Absah, Yenny, 2007, Pengaruh Kemampuan Pembelajaran Organisasi Terhadap Kompetensi, Tingkat Diversifikasi Dan Kinerja Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Sumatera Utara, Disertasi, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
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Abstract: The present study aims to investigate the mediation effect of motivation on the relationship between emotional intelligence, organizational cynicism and job performance. The participants were civil servants currently working at government office in Medan city, North Sumatera, Indonesia. A Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used in order to test the hypotheses development. The research found that emotional intelligence positively and significantly affected motivation and job performance, while organizational cynicism was also found to have negative and significant effect on motivation and job performance............
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Organizational cynicism, Motivation, and Job performance, Mediation, Indonesia.
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Abstract: This study sought to establish the influence of legal framework on the implementation of workforce diversity policies in public universities in Kenya.. A positivist paradigm using descriptive cross sectional survey research design is used. The population of the study comprised of employees of 22 Public Universities in Kenya that existed prior to December, 2014. Purposive sampling was used to select seven universities that participated in the study while Yamane's (1967) formula was used to calculate the sample size. A sample size of 393 was used from academic and non-academic staff from the participating universities...........
Keywords: Workforce Diversity, Policy Implementation, Legal Framework, Gender, Ethnicity, Disability
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entrepreneurship and Juju (Black Magic) |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Jelena Zivkovic |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190302118122 ![]() |
Abstract: All over the present Africa witch-finders, sorcerers seem to appear from nowhere, flourish for a period of time and disappear and then again reappear. Either it is some individual of extra ordinary personality in his/her community who pronounces a magic remedy or preventive for human needs and sufferings and thereby develops a following or else it is an organized band of wonder-workers. The incidence of Juju as a black magic is widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa especially in Nigeria. In spite of modernization and the rising call for education, the incidence of black magic in these areas remains unaltered. Like everything else, Juju has a good aspect and a bad aspect. Good Juju is used to bring good luck and fortune whereas bad juju is done with the intention of harming or hurting others............
Keywords: Black magic, entrepreneurship, juju, Nigeria
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Abstract: Top management teams and knowledge are critical resources in an organisation performance, yet the issue of how the top management team and their leadership strategies affect knowledge transfer in organisations is under explored. This paper reviews literature on the triadic relationship of the top management team, their leadership strategies and knowledge transfer. The aim for carrying out the study was to review the extant theoretical and empirical literature on Top management team, leadership strategy and knowledge transfer,............
Keywords: Knowledge Transfer, Leadership strategy, Strategic decision making, Top management team (TMT), performance
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Abstract: The rampant misuse of transfer pricing by multinational corporations (MNCs) to maneuver funds internationally and its adverse economy wide implications have attracted the attention of many governments and they have responded to tackle this issue by introducing counter measures which require the application of arm's length principle (ALP) in computing appropriate transfer price. This paper is an attempt to identify how MNCs can misuse transfer price to shift profit from one country to another, how adherence to arm's length principle can act as a partial deterrent to this detrimental initiative, the advantages and problems associated with different methods of determining arm's length price and some solutions to tackle this issue.............
Keywords: Transfer Pricing, Arm's Length Principle, Transactional Method, Transactional Profit Method, Controlled Transaction, Tax
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