Version-3 (March-2017)
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Abstract: All of the sharia Bank in Indonesia should met the CAMEL criteria that have been used by Central Bank in Indonesia. CAMEL itself stands for Capital, Asset, Management, Earning and Liquidity. The purpose of this research is to see whether CAMEL able to predict management behavior in sharia bank in Indonesia. The model itself is based on Grange Causality which is introduced by Berger & DeYoung (1997) and then later used by Reddy (2011) to observe banking management behaviour in India. Based on the research, we found that sharia bank in Indonesia experienced a bad management hypothesis.
Keywords: CAMEL, Sharia Bank, management behavior, Granger Causality
[1] Achan, N. V. (2014). Analisis Kinerja Bank Syariah Murni dengan Bank Syraiah Campuran Pada Tahun 2011 dengan Menggunakan Metode CAMEL : Studi Kasus Pada Bank Syariah Diseluruh Dunia. Universitas Diponegoro.
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Abstract: The current research broadly thrusts upon elucidating the perception of Commercial Bank employees 'of Bhubaneswar towards performance management system (PMS).A blend of qualitative (focus group discussion) and quantitative techniques (primary survey through questionnaire) were followed to fulfill the purpose of the research. The preliminary results of the research show that, the overall perception of bank employees' towards PMS is satisfactory. But there is an indication of dissatisfaction amongst employees pertaining to their involvement in goal setting, linkage between financial target achievement & annual bonus, reward system and encouragement of innovation.........
Keywords: Balanced Score Card, Effectiveness, Employee, Perception, Performance Management System
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Plastic Money – A Way Forward for Cashless Transactions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Gurpreet Kaur || Mrs. Rashmi Sharma |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-1903031518 ![]() |
Abstract: Information Technology has transformed the way people work. Plastic money yet another revolution which is changing the way businesses buy and sell products and services. Customers can access services such as banking, insurance and travel reservation without stepping out of these homes or offices. Such technological advances facilitate the development of new electronic markets. The need for adequate security is vital issue in internet banking. If systems used for internet banking are secure, then the banks will use them to provide internet banking and customer will use them because these privacy is not at risk. The study highlights the importance of these cards and its impact on banking trends in India..........
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Abstract: The objective of this research was to apply scientific methodology to identify the factors that affect the growth and effectiveness of Very Small, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Cameroon. This was done through analyzing data on a sample which was randomly selected from two purposively chosen Cameroonian cities, Douala and Yaounde. A structured questionnaire was used for data gathering on entrepreneur characteristics as well as the internal and external factors that were assumed to have possible impact on SME growth and development. The reliability or internal consistency of the data set was determined by means of the Cronbach's Alpha procedure........
Keywords: Cameroon, Effectiveness, Growth, Medium-sized Enterprises, Small Enterprises, Very Small Enterprises
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Abstract: The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union is widely known as Brexit, a portmanteau of "British" and "Exit". Following a referendum held on 23 June 2016, in which 52% of votes cast were in favor of leaving the EU, the UK government intends to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union by the end of March 2017. This, within the treaty terms, would put the UK on a course to leave the EU by March 2019. Banks across Europe and the US have been battered by Brexit. Shares in big global banks outside the UK fell anywhere from 7 to 20 percent on the day after the UK voted to quit the EU..........
Keywords: Brexit, Efficient Frontier, Indian Economy, Optimal Portfolio, World Economy
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Abstract: Purpose- This paper is an attempt to examine and identify the importance of benefits and services provided by the MSN Pharmaceutical Company to the employees and the employees' satisfaction on the above factors. Design/Methodology/Approaches- The data were taken from 380 employees who were placed in different departments of the company. Fringe benefits and other benefits and services are measured by Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney-U Test. Findings- According to Kruskal Wallis Test- it is implicit that the dimensions fringe benefits and other benefits and services in relation to departments are found to be significant.........
Keywords: Benefits, Department, Fringe benefit, Gender, Services
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Abstract: In Portugal, unemployment is high when we compare with other countries and companies do not develop strategies to retain the best employees inside. It is clear that employees are a key part of a company's success, so organizations should look for better ways to hire new talent for business, as well as seek ways to keep the best brains by identifying antecedent variables of commitment of employees. Thus, this study is a contribution to the investigation by the identification of key variables in the commitment of the worker and in the environment of continuous improvement in the companies........
Keywords: Leadership; Employees; Continuous improvement; Worker's Commitment
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Abstract: In the recent scenario, HR practice plays a vital role in organization to increase the employee performance. This paper examines the Nature of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and Its impact on Employee's Job satisfaction using data collected from Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd (DBBL)in Bangladesh. The study tries to determine the effect of training and development on employee job satisfaction; to determine the influence of working conditions on employee job satisfaction and to determine the impact of human resources factors on employee job satisfaction............
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Working Condition, performance evaluation, Job Satisfaction
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Abstract: The quality of service delivery at Primary Health Care in Nigeria is considered non satisfactory. One of the factors identified is the substandard performance of the health workers. This paper examines the influence of performance appraisal on health worker's service delivery in Primary Health Care facilities in Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design with the use of structured questionnaire and in-depth interview to collect data. Multi stage sampling technique was used to sample 241 health workers across the sampled facilities in South-western Nigeria. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics of statistical package for social science (SPSS version 22).........
Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Quality Health Service Delivery, Primary Health Care
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Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating ways of reducing emotional exhaustion and ensuring job satisfaction.This was done by examining the predictive role of authentic leadership, through the intervening role of psychological ownership in Nigerian hospitality industry. To achieve these objectives, 350 questionnaire were administered to frontline employees and their responses analyzed using Smart-PLS version 3.0. Finding reveals that authentic leadership negatively associates with emotional exhaustion, and positively with psychological ownership. The relationship between authentic leadership and job satisfaction was positive based on one tailed test but was found to be statistically insignificant........
Keywords: Authentic Leadership, Psychological ownership, Job Satisfaction and Emotional Exhaustion.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to look into the commitment of top management in implementing continuous improvement of product strategy: an approach of fighting counterfeits by manufacturing firms in UasinGishu County. The study employed a cross sectional survey design. Target population for the study was 231 manufacturing firms' employees in top level management, accounts, production and sales. However a sample of 146 was selected and this represents 63.2% of the target population using Stratified sampling technique. The researcher used primary data. The primary data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics........
Keywords: Commitment, Top management, Product strategy, Counterfeits
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Abstract: WHAT IS EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT? Employee Engagement means entirely different things to different audiences. The concept has been defined in numerous ways all over the Globe based on its understanding. There are a number of even contradictory definitions are available........
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to assess the challenges facing small scale entrepreneurs in accessing loan from banks at Ngongongare, Meru district, Arusha region in Tanzania. A sample size of 100 respondents was used, whereby 65 respondents filled the questionnaire and returned. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze and tabulate data. The following findings were obtained: Collateral is a challenge to small entrepreneurs in accessing loan from the bank; the cost of transaction was found to be high and interest rate was also found to be high; the availability of accounting information was difficult to be obtained from small entrepreneurs so as to grant credit facilities and also the study revealed that capital for SSE is particularly from other sources like SACCOS.s........
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Access to Finance; Loan; Loan security; Transaction cost;Interest rate.
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