Version-4 (March-2017)
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Abstract: Different organizations use different sources of finance. This can be broadly classified into equity and debt. The capital structure employed may not be meant for value maximization of the firm but for protection of the manager's interest especially in organizations where corporate decisions are determined by managers and shares of the company closely held. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between capital structures and financial performance of SACCOs in Baringo County. The objectives of the study were: to assess the relationship between debt level and financial performance of SACCOs in Baringo County and to determine the effect of equity level on financial performance of SACCOs in Baringo County..........
Keywords: Capital structure, debt-to-equity ratio, Financial Performance, Leverage, Liquidity, Profitability, SACCO
[1]. Abor, J. (2005). The effect of capital structure on firm performance: an empirical analysis of listed firms in Ghana, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 2.
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Abstract: Unorganized sector contains more about to 40% of the women workers which are not treated at par with men worker in wages, facilities and promotional opportunities. Here the study was conducted by taking 50 men and 50 women daily workers in unorganized field to find out the factors affecting their wages, training &competency development, willingness of male workers towards women's training& women worker's own interest to be trained with having the findings that unskilled Women are interested enough to be skilled and efficient in their work field but are failing due to the presence of stereotyping with glass ceiling in the society.
Keywords: Stereotyping, Glass ceiling, Un-organized sector, Attitude, Discrimination in wage system
[1]. Oskarnp Stuart, Reducing prejudice and discrimination, Newjersy, NJ publication, London, 2000.
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Abstract:A time series modelling approach Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) has been used in this study to forecast future returns of Mutual funds. The order of the best ARIMA model was found to be p, d, q (0, 1, 0). Further efforts were made to diagnose the future net asset values for a period up to 105 days by fitting ARIMA (0, 1, 0) model to our time series data.
Keywords: Net Asset Value (NAV), prediction, Forecasts, ARIMA
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Five Free-Willing Hypotheses in Understanding Channel Relationships |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | A.L.N. SrinivasaRao || A.Aditya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903042529 ![]() |
Abstract: The channel relationship has become a serious study for majority of the corporates. In this fast changing market, where products and technology have got low life span, there is a need for a long term and sustainable relationships with its channel partners to properly strategize and position their brands in this market place. In this study five free-willing hypotheses are developed with the individual level understanding of relationships, and they are tested with the secondary data available on channel relationships. This study will help in identifying different determinants of channel relationships and their managerial implications
Keywords: channel relationships, channel partners, sustainable relationships, determinants
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Abstract: Employees are increasingly recognising that work is infringing on their personal lives and they are not happy about it. Evidence indicates that balancing work and life demands now surpasses job security as an employee priority. They want a life as well as a job. The purpose of the study is to assess the occupational stress, job satisfaction and organisational commitment of employees belonging to two professions namely bank and academic industry professionals comprising of both private as well as private sector. The need was felt so as to aid the personnel to combat with various dimensions of occupation stress and job dissatisfaction and to inculcate feelings of organisational citizenship behaviour and commitment and reduce employee turnover costs and attrition which is on the rise these days
Keywords: Job Satisfaction , Occupational Stress , Work Motivation , Demonetisation .
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Abstract: Customer satisfaction is very important for any organization because the satisfied customers do business for longer period; they talk favorably about the products and buy more when the organization introduces new products.The objective of this study is to identify the factors influencing the customer satisfaction of footwear products. For the purpose of the study, data were collected from the respondents with a structured questionnaire survey using 5-point Likert scale with response options ranging from strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1). The respondents were surveyed just after buying the products from the Apex showrooms located in the capital city (Dhaka) of Bangladesh...........
Keywords: Customer satisfaction,Footwear products, products quality, price, location, promotion
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[5]. Bloemer, J.; Schroder, G. O. "Store satisfaction and store loyalty explained by customer and store related factors".Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, v. 15, p. 68-80, 2002..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Study on Stress Management of Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S Padmini || Dr. K V Ramanamurthy || Dr Ch Jayasankara Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1903045159 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present changing scenario of human life especially in cities where both men and women are taking up different activities for there survival in the society .They face both physical and mental challenges which is leading to stress .They attempt to manage stress in a different ways. The general meaning of stress is a state of mental or emotional tension which is faced by all the people who are undertaking different activities for their survival. This paper mainly focuses on the stress faced by women and how do they overcome it.
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Abstract: Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital role in economic development, and in Kenya, women-owned businesses account for over 48% of them all. The purpose of the study was to establish factors affecting growth of women-owned SMEs. Four affecting factors were considered; financing option,owners' entrepreneur skills, working capital management and government regulations. Descriptive survey was adopted and the target population was 708 managers of registered women owned SMEs in Ukunda, Kwale County. A sample of 45 respondents was acquired through stratified sampling technique. The data collected was analyzed to provide both descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS Version 21...........
Keywords: Entrepreneurship,Entrepreneur,Growth, Small and medium enterprises.
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[5]. Kinyua, A. N., (2014). Factors Affecting the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Jua Kali Sector In Nakuru Town, Kenya. Egerton University Nakuru...
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Abstract: Marketing is summation of all systematic and innovative functions which involve in value creation for customers and value capturing from customers in return. So Marketing is a continuous process of innovating products according to the exact need of customers. The marketers have to develop new products to keep pace with the continuous trend of changing culture and for technological advancement to fulfill modern customers' requirements. To survive from the decline demand of products and services, it is very essential and inevitable to develop new products or update existing products according to the exact demand of customers. The continuous process of innovating and updating products and services is very needed to survive as well as to make a competitive edge in the industry............
Keywords: Health Soap, Beauty Soap, Health & Beauty Soap, New Product Development, NPV, IRR.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship is a rapidly rising concern of a modern competitive economy and its contribution in economy is viably recognized worldwide. But the point to ponder is the fact that it is generally perceived as a male-gendered concept in India. And the women who start up their businesses have to face some teething problems. Women Entrepreneurship is considered to be an effective instrument for the economic empowerment of the women. Women in India remained economically undeveloped for many decades. In the recent past only the concept of Women Entrepreneurship is gaining momentum.............
Keywords: Women entrepreneurship , problems and prospects, schemes
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Abstract: The ERP integration project is to implement an external technological solution to solve internal problems of the company. The project to integrate such technology also becomes a project to restructure technology and organization according to the principles of the structurationist approach. An approach that we consider particularly suited to a conceptual reading of the problem of ERP integration, because it provides key concepts for the analysis of the organization, the technology that supports its management and the articulation between the two concepts through the integration project..............
Keywords: Duality of technology, ERP, Integration, Organization, organizational change, Theory of structure.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Opportunities & Challenges of Women Entrepreneurship: An overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Satish KumarAmlathe || Prof. Rajesh Mehrotra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-19030499104 ![]() |
Abstract: India is male dominated country where women are always considered as a weaker section and were recognized as inferior as compared to male counterparts. This differential treatment proved to be the major obstacle in the way of women development in all fields of life especially in entrepreneurship. The concept of women entrepreneurship in India is of recent origin and has gained momentum since the early 1980s due to liberalization of economics Today world is at a surprising pace due to Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization along with ongoing IT revolution and is bringing new opportunities and challenges for women in the business world today..............
Keywords: women entrepreneurship, economic growth, opportunities, challenges
[1]. Ashish, Mathur. 2011. "Women Entrepreneurs in the Indian Agricultural Sector." ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics & Management Research 1.2
[2]. Charumati, B. (1997). Women entrepreneur's challenges and prospects. Indian Journal of Commerce, 1(9), 286294.
[3]. Das, D.J. (2000). Problems faced by women entrepreneurs, in K. Sasikumar (ed.), Women Entrepreneurship. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House.
[4]. DuRietz, A. & Henrekson, M. (2000). Testing the female underperformance hypothesis, Small Business Economics, 14(1), pp. 1 – 10.
[5]. Kabeer, N. and L Natali, 2013, Gender Equality and Economic Growth: Is there a win-win?, IDS Working Paper, Vol. 2013, No.417.