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Abstract: This paper examines the concept of health information literacy, defined as the degree to which childbearing women have the motivation and ability to gain access, obtain, process, understand and use basic health information to control their maternal anxiety. Specifically, it investigates the viability of using the concept of health information literacy to control parenting role, coping capacity, behavior, emotion, intrusion and less active engagement among childbearing women. The paper reports on the results of previous studies conducted among childbearing women and new mothers to obtain different perspectives on the issues surrounding health literacy and maternal anxiety. The results give us a realistic look at what childbearing women are learning from existing...........
Keywords: Health information literacy, Maternal anxiety, Rural childbearing women
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Abstract: Employee commitment is priority of every organization. Only committed employee get talented in the companies and deliver the desired results. This study investigates the relationship of Performance Appraisal, Employee Empowerment and Financial Benefits on Employee Commitment in Bangladesh Garment Industry. To achieve this got response of 100 employees of the garment industry of Bangladesh through a survey. After analysis of data using SPSS 23 version, we have concluded that all variables have a significant positive relationship with the employee commitment. Performance appraisal has very large impact employee commitment. Surprisingly, employee empowerment has a very weak relationship with the employee commitment .It has been observed that in garment sector customers don't expect least empowerment because in production standard Operating Procedures are followed. This study is very useful for the practitioners in garment industry in Bangladesh...
Keyword: Garments, Performance Appraisal, Employee commitment, financial benefits
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Abstract: This study aims to find out and describe how perceived the intention of environmentally friendly consumption of dissonance reducing the buying behavior of organic food ingredient in today's society. Data analysis in this study with simple regression using t-test and f-test each has a significant level of intention variable (X) effect on dissonance reducing the buying behavior of organic food material (Y). While the value of correlation or relationship R of 0.623 there is a relationship between variables X with variable Y. From the value of the output obtained value termination coefficient is the value of R Square of 0.388 which means the influence of independent variables or intention to the dependent variable dissonance reducing buying behavior organic foodstuff 38, The remaining 8% of 61.2% is influenced by other variables not included in this research model such as Healthy Living Pattern
Keywords: Intention, Buying Behavior, Organic
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Soundness of Palestinian Banks- 10 Years Based Analysis |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Yarob Kullab || Chen Yan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008011629 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Palestinian banks soundness based on CAMEL approach for ten years (2008 to 2017) then ranked Palestinian banks overall performance accordingly. Furthermore, we compared performance between conventional and Islamic banks according to CAMEL indicators. Particularly, as soundness performance; we find that Palestinian banks are committed to Basel and national standards in terms of its capital adequacy since 2008 to 2017, all banks have declining trend of its impaired loans level since 2010 to 2017 and all banks have stable performance in terms of its profitability since 2011 to 2017. While as decline of management performance; we find that all banks have increasing trend of its interest expenses level since 2011 to 2017 and all banks have declining trend of its liquid assets level since 2008 to 2017. Additionally, using FGLS and OLS regression analysis, we find that conventional banks have higher (better) capital adequacy levels than Islamic banks, while..........
Keywords: Banks soundness, commercial banks, Islamic banks, CAMEL, Palestine
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Abstract: This research aims to analyze the direct and indirect influence of organizational culture and work motivation on employee performance through employee job satisfaction. Population and sample of this research are all employees at Pasuruan Regional Secretariat which amount to 170 people. Questionnaires distributed to respondents were 170, of which 130 were returned, the response rate was 76.47%. Data analysis used is the technique of structural equation (SEM) with Smart Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The results of this research indicate that: 1). Organizational culture direct positive and significant influences on job satisfaction 2) organizational culture direct positive..........
Keywords: Culture of Organizational, work motivation, employee performance, job satisfaction.
[1]. Koesmono, T. 2005, The Influence Of Organizational Culture On Motivation And Job Satisfaction And Employee Performance On Sub Sector Of Medium Scale Wood Processing Industry In East Java. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, vol 7, No. 2, 171-188
[2]. Crossman, Alf, and AbouZakki, Bassem, 2003. Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance of Lebanese Banking Staff. Journal Pf Managerial Psychology, 8 (4): 368-376
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Abstract: Performance in a company can be influenced by many factors that include organizational culture, remuneration, competence and job satisfaction of employees in the company. Achievement of corporate goals is strongly influenced by the ability of human resources in realizing work plans that have been established by corporate leaders through the determination of vision, mission, goals and strategy.This study aims to analyze the influence of organizational culture, remuneration, competence, job satisfaction on the performance of employees directly or indirectly. The data were collected by questionnaire. The sample of research is 125 employees at Directorate of Production of PT. Semen Gresik. This study uses descriptive analysis to know the characteristics and description...........
Keywords:Organizational Culture, Remuneration, Competence, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Life of Medical Representative and Their Job Responsibility in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Purti Bhatt |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008015154 ![]() |
Abstract: This is an attempt to study a life of medical representative and their job responsibility in India. Medical Representative is considered to be the ultimate result of pharma companies due to their persistency in working. Medical Representative meets doctors, chemist and stockiest and they directly influence the prescription of doctors. So from the company side they provide training, product education and marketing skills to their MRs. Many companies provide a hard training of one month to one week depends on the product knowledge requirement and size of the company. The article gives you an overview of how medical representative work and their job responsibilities so new MRs come to know about their job profile as well as it highlights the pharma marketing and their challenges during their working culture.
Keywords: Medical representative, product knowledge, prescription, doctors prescription, effective detailing, Working environment.
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Abstract: Tight business competition makes the company set its marketing strategy. The number of isotonic beverage brands circulating in the market also encourage companies to do more vigorous promotion again so that brand image always appear in the minds of consumers. Promotion is good and appropriate to strengthen consumer confidence in the brand, if consumers have a belief on a particular brand into consideration of consumers to increase the purchase of a product or service. This study aims to determine the effect of product quality, promotion, brand image and consumer confidence in the intensity of purchasing one of isotonic beverage products in Indonesia. Research method with Structure Equestion Modeling. In this study as many as 165 respondents were taken as a sample with..........
Keywords: product quality, promotion, brand image, consumer trust, purchase intentions.
[1]. Abedin, Z., and Ferdous, L. (2015). Promotional Strategies of Telecommunication Industries and Customers Perception: A Study on Airtel Bangladesh Limited Global. Journal of Management and Business Research: EMarketing. Volume 15 Issue 3 Version 1.0.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study were to: 1) a nalyzing consumer perceptions of vegetable dishes in Palembang City. 2) a nalyze the organizational strategy of Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS) in increasing vegetable consumption in Palembang City.This study was conducted in the city of Palembang by the time the study and data collection in the field in April 2018 by taking two different locations that Hao Xing Fu Vegetarian Restaurant at H. Abdul Rozak Street, in shophouses 1-3 and the second location is located Padmamula Vegetarian Restaurant at Dempo Out Street 999 F, 15 Ilir Village. The method used is descri ptive analytic survey and observation techniques , while the sampling method in this study is conducted by accidental sampling method. The data collected..........
Keywords: consumer perceptions, organizational strategy of indonesia vegetarian society (ivs)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Filmmaking: Component of Bangladeshi Children Film Production |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Zafor Firoze |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008017477 ![]() |
Abstract: Digitalization has impacted everything around the world. It has impacted the way we do small daily things like watching a movie and big things like buying a home, finding a life parterre or ordering a car from another country. It has made our life very easy. Teaching methods has also changed after digital evolution. The creative industries like Film industry is also impacted because of digitization. Besides movie effects there has been lot of changes in learning methodology of film making. In this paper we have studied the impact of digitalization on filmmaking industry. Through systematic review of literature, it has been concluded that film making has embraced the digital innovation. Many schools around the world are teaching film making via digital channels. Children Film making has three main components: film funding; film production and distribution and film culture..
Keywords :Digitalization, Film Making, Digital Disruption, Evolution technology, Children Film, Bangladesh
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Abstract: The study was carried out to measure the effect of online advertisement on customer's choice using Coca Cola as the case study. The objective of the study includes inspection of the conceivable impact of online notice of client conduct of Coca Cola Nigeria Plc, recognition of the online promotion Coca Cola Nigeria Plc and surveying to ascertain of web promoting can influence association benefits of Coca Cola Nigeria Plc. To achieve the stated objectives, appropriate theoretical and empirical framework was reviewed in order to indicate relevant variables and models that will be used in the course of the analysis to achieve the stated objectives.The data used in the analysis was extracted from the questionnaire administered to the respondents and simple linear regression analysis was used to test the relevant hypothesis to achieve the objectives. The finding uncovers that, online advertisement has huge impact at a bargain turnover rate. It also indicates there is a positive relation between...........
Keywords:Natural gas, North Iraq, Petroleum, Tourism, Turkey, Transportation
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Abstract: In this study, it is aimed to reveal the factors that are effective for the producers to use different varieties of red pepper in their production. Turkey, in red pepper agriculture, is ranked third in the World and its 78% of the production is in the GAP region. Approximately 60% of the production of the GAP region is in Sanliurfa. Another reason that makes this vegetable a critical agricultural product for Sanliurfa is isot pepper that is a kind of a spice. Isot pepper production is an important source of income and employment for low-income family groups, especially for women. Recently, consumers have begun to show a tendency towards traditional products with more natural feature..........
Keywords: Agricultural Production, Different Varieties, GAP-Sanliurfa, Isot Pepper, Turkey
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