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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Deconstructing Emotional Strings of Speakeasies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pooja Kudesia Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008030105 ![]() |
Abstract: Until a few years ago, one could hear people talking about Speakasia .Aunts, uncles ,retired personnel , housewives found a new wave of life , respect and independence with SpeakAsia. Approximately 1.2 million Indians had invested money into SpeakAsia . Hundreds and thousands of people were earning from SpeakAsia .Critics who tried to prove that the company was another MLM were bogged down by the clamour of supporters .It was April, 2011 and the company`s business was booming in India. The company had hired Lowe Lintas for their TV campaign during the IPL season , they published public notices to prevent people from spreading "rumours‟ ,newspapers were flooded with costly half page ads . All the hype and publicity finally caught mainstream media `s attention and tables have finally turned, but the question remains " Why did SpeakAsia become so popular in India.
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Abstract: As a largely populated country, Bangladesh has a lot of problems of waste management from the beginning of its Independence in 1971. The purpose of the research is to investigate the present conditions and prepare the strategies for best urban waste management practice for the Kushtia municipality in Bangladesh thereby ensuring the safe and quality life and the environmental sustainability and investigate the human and environmental impacts resulting from the ongoing management practices. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP 2004), solid waste generation is an increasing global environmental and public health problem. The effect of particulate matter resulting from industrial pollution on the vertebrate animals includes impairment of respiratory system, damage to eyes, teeth and bones. This study is survey based classic descriptive research. Cluster...........
Keywords: Urban Waste Management, stakeholders, Community Based Waste Management (CBWM), Kushtia Municipality, Environmental Sustainability
[1]. Benefit Onu, Suresh S. Surendran& Trevor Price, 2014, Impact of Inadequate Urban Planning on Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria.
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[3]. Mukti, Sadia Afroz, Solid Waste Management in Dhaka City: Problems and Prospects,, Vol 2 Issue 11, November-2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green Initiatives Practices in Indian Hotels |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shreeya Singhal || Archna Deepak || Vijaylakshmi Marwaha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008031013 ![]() |
Abstract: Economies and industries worldwide are becoming increasingly sensitive towards the environment in the wake of the fact that they will not be able to sustain the growth if they ignored their environment. They are realising that something needs to be done to conserve the environment. Hotel industry is one such example which displays such values in their regular business models. The concept of 'green' or eco-friendly hotels is getting increasingly popular now. The environmental friendly policies through efficient use of power, water and other resources is likely to not only improve hotel's image but also improves operational economy. Both the hotels and the customers are making..........
Keywords: Green Initiatives, Hotels, Environmental Initiatives, Sustainability, Indian Hotel Industry, Hospitality Industry.
[1]. Al-Aomar, R., & Hussain, M. (2017). An assessment of green practices in a hotel supply chain: a study of UAE hotels. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 32, 71-81.
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[3]. Eskerod, P., & Duric, J. (2018). Motivations for and Comparisons of Green Certificates within the Hotel Industry. Universal Journal of Management, 6(6), 179-189.
[4]. Kasliwal, N., & Agarwal, S. (2016). Green Marketing Initiatives and Sustainable Issues in Hotel Industry. In Handbook of Research on Promotional Strategies and Consumer Influence in the Service Sector (pp. 197-214). IGI Global.
[5]. Kim, J. Y., Hlee, S., & Joun, Y. (2016). Green practices of the hotel industry: Analysis through the windows of smart tourism system. International Journal of Information Management, 36(6), 1340-1349..
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Abstract: Leadership quality of the Department of Human Settlements in Malang regency in particulars is deemed a crucial factor responsible for the success or failure of the very department. The success or failure of the department is associated with the quality of the leadership, so to speak. The issues concerning the importance of leadership of the head of the department of Human Settlements in Malang regency have brought to the attention of the researcher. This research is aimed to find out and analyze the effect of the transformational and transactional leadership on the work through the commitment of the employees of the Department of Human Settlements.........
Keywords: transformational, ransactional leadership style, performance, commitment of employees
[1]. Abror, A. dan Abd. Rachman. 2004. Kepemimpinan Bagi Perbaikan dan Peningkatan Pengajaran. Yogyakarta. Nur Cahaya.
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[4]. Dessler. Garry. 2001. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi Ketujuh. Jakarta. Penerbit, Prehallindo.
[5]. Ghazali, Imam. 2002. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariat Dengan Program SPSS, Semarang.. Badan Penerbit UNDIP..
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Abstract: The study examined how service quality or lack of it affects customer satisfaction in the area of Global System of Mobile (GSM) network providers. Cross sectional research survey design was adopted in the study. The population of the study consisted all GSM network users in Edo State. The sample size was 720 purposively sampled from 18 Local Government Areas in Edo State. The main research instrument was questionnaire. Data was analyzed with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistics and precisely, pearson correlation coefficient was applied in testing the hypothesis formulated for the study. The study revealed a strong positive relationship between service quality of GSM services and customer satisfaction. The paper concluded that quality of service has direct or inverse on customers satisfaction because a high occurrence of variables of service quality on customer satisfaction creates a negative effect on customer satisfaction and vice verse, it then recommended that customer..........
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, service quality, GSM, survey, network provider.
[1]. Abdallata, M.A. and El-man, H.E. (2013). Customer satisfaction. Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Faculty of Tourism and Archeology, King Saad University, Saudi Arabia.
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[3]. Akanbi, T.A. (2013). Customer perception of GSM impact on service delivery of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 4(1), 80-86.
[4]. Barskey, J.D. (1992). Customer satisfaction and total industry: Meaning and measurement. Hospitality Research Journal 16, 51-73.
[5]. Bebiko, C.P. (2000). Service intangibility and its impact on consumer expectations of service quality. Journal of Service Marketing, 14(1), 9-26..
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Abstract: This study examined effect of reinforcement on job performance among staff of Nigerian Television Authority comprising 8 males and 7 females between the ages of 28 to 57 years (M= 38. 13, SD = 9.75) using simple random sampling. Nigerian Television Authority performance appraisal scale and 10 % commission were used as measure and treatment condition for data collection. A quasi experiment involving pre-test and post-test design was used while matched t-test was used as statistical test for data analysis. The results indicated that paired samples t-test comparing job performance in pre and post reinforcement conditions showing a significant difference in the scores, pre job performance (M= 52.53, SD= 10.31) and post job performance (M= 62.80, SD= 8.38) conditions, t = (14)= -4.65, p < .01. Thus, reinforcement was found to be a strong determinant of job performance and confirmed the assumptions of reinforcement theories (e.g. Skinner, 1963) that behaviour is a function of its consequences (reinforcement)..
Keywords: reinforcement, job performance, public service
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Abstract: Communication can be termed as the gate pass which describes the responsibilities and tasks that employees need to undertake in order to fulfil a company's business strategy. It becomes strategic when it assists top management in achieving the vision and mission and managing relationships with key publics in the organization's environment. This article therefore examines the relationship between communications channels and strategy implementation by focusing on the effects of formal meetings, internal publications, CEO address, communication through immediate supervisors, grapevines, strategic plans, Memos/emails/websites, seminars/workshops inbuilt employee work plans, notice boards and no communication at all on strategy implementation and specifically how each of the channels impacts strategy implementation. The study results reveal that there is a direct influence of communication..........
Keywords: Strategic Communication, Communication Channels, Strategy Implementation
[1]. Berger, J., & Iyengar, R. (2013). Communication channels and word of mouth: How the medium shapes the message. Journal of consumer research, 40(3), 567-579.
[2]. Gachie, M. S. (2014). Corporate strategy implementation in construction industry in Kenya: A case of H-young & Co. East Africa Ltd, in Nairobi, Kenya (Dissertation, School of Business, Kenyatta University).
[3]. Hamid, M. H. A. (2008). Business process re-engineering (BPR) implementation in Malaysian service organizations: a study from the perspectives of customers and employees (Doctoral dissertation, University of Huddersfield).
[4]. Mazzei, A. (2010). Promoting active communication behaviours through internal communication. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 15(3), 221-234.
[5]. Mugenda, O. & Mugenda. A. (2003). Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Nairobi, Africa Centre for Technology Studies.
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Abstract: Employee productivity is part of the obligation level of work that should be given workers to the employer. Increased employee productivity is the responsibility of various companies providing tools, training facilities, and other work infrastructure, while employees are obliged to display work characteristics, caring attitude and good discipline, taking the initiative to make continuous improvement of work. To achieve high employee productivity, companies need to pay attention to education, wages, incentives, age, gender and work experience that are the driving factors in achieving work productivity, because with high productivity will be able to guarantee the survival of the company. This research aims to determine (1) Significant influence.........
Keywords: Performance, gender, work productivity
[1]. Agus, Darma, 1995. Job Performance Management, Publisher Jakarta Erlangga.
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[3]. Caraka, Rezzy Eko.2011. Independent dummy variable. Diponegoro:
[4]. Indriantono, N. Supomo B., (2002), Methodology of Business Research for Accounting & Management, Yogyakarta, PFE
[5]. Mosse, Julia Clever, 2004. Gender & Development, Publisher Pustaka Pelajar Jogjakarta.
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Abstract: Provision of health services in hospitals lack priority that it should enjoy in terms of monitoring and evaluation.Developed countries have pursued results orientated development initiatives by adopting more effective monitoring and evaluation practices in health care services provision. Monitoring and Evaluation systems allow project activities to be measured and analyzed. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of Monitoring & Evaluation human capacity on the provision of health care services in Public Health Institutions in Migori County, Kenya. The research design used was descriptive survey. The study targeted a sample of 60 doctors, 102 Nurses, 43........
Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation Systems; Human Capacity, Healthcare Services
[1]. Acevedo, G. L., Krause, P., & Mackay, K. (Eds.). (2012). Building better policies: the nuts and bolts of monitoring and evaluation systems, Washington DC, World Bank.
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[3]. Agutu‟s (2014). Performance-Based Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Outcomes: A Framework for Developing Countries.
[4]. Aiken(2010). Strengthening Capacity for Monitoring and Evaluation in Uganda: A Results Based Management Perspective.
[5]. Arcury(2017). "Improving Impact Evaluation Coordination and Use‟. A Scoping study commissioned by the DFID Evaluation Department on behalf of NONIE(
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Abstract: Small scale farming in Kenya and the world at large contributed to economic growth and sustainable livelihood of their families and society.Small scale farmers in Trans Nzoia County are undergoing a vicious circle as poverty is persistent and lingering in their households. The general objective of this study was to assess the roles of microfinacing on the income generation of small scale farmers in Trans Nzoia County. The specific objectives included to assess the role of training service provision on the income generation of small scale farmers, to determine the role of funds transfer service provision on the income generation of small scale farmers, to evaluate the role of insurance service provision on the income generation of small scale farmers and to appraise the role of savings services provision........
[1]. Ablorh, W. (2011). Microfinance and socio-economic empowerment of women: A case of Opportunity International Savings and Loans clients. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Unpublished Master‟s Dissertation), 16-19.
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