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Abstract: The current paper examines the impact of service strategy on customer satisfaction in AirAsia Malaysia. The quantitative research method is used in the present paper; the researchers distributed 115 questionnaires to the respondents who have been traveling by AirAsia and collected 111 responses. After analyzing the data by SPSS software researchers found that two factors: food service and ground staff affect customer satisfaction, but the result shows that tangible features, flight attendance, and online service do not affect customer satisfaction in. The result of this paper contributes to the literature by improving the impact of service strategy on customer satisfaction in Air Asia Malaysia.
Keywords: AirAsia, customer satisfaction, service quality, service strategy.
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[5]. Delwiche, J. (2004). The impact of perceptual interactions on perceived flavor. Food Quality and Preference, 15(2).
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Abstract: This study aimed at analyzing the financial performance for the quality of financial report and its impact on the economic consequences in manufacturing industry Bursa Efek Indonesia. The samples were manufacturing Bursa Efek Indonesia which consist of 100 respondents during 5 years observation. The analysis model used in this study was SEM (Structural Equation Model). This study found characteristics of financial performance had no influence on the quality of market-based financial report. While financial performance characteristics have significant impact on the quality of the accounting-based financial report. For the intervening variables influence the company's performance with intervening variable market-based financial report and accounting had significant effect, it is quite larger than the direct impact.
Keywords: Characteristics of Financial Performance; Quality of Financial Report; the Economic Consequences; Asymmetric Information
[1]. Ang, James S., Rebel A. Cole and James Wuh Lin. (2000). Agency Cost and Ownership Structure, Journal of Finance Vol. 55
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Abstract: This research paper is an attempt to study the work life balance of female journalists in media industry. Media industry is a 24 x 7 ongoing working process that put challenges every minute of work. Females have to balance both family and work which needs lot of strength to fulfill the activities. Work life balance is an interaction between the paid activities of work and unpaid activities of life. A person should have right combination of defined hours of work, working conditions and family support that will strike a correct work life balance. The study was conducted through a set of structured questionnaire to 48 female respondents to seek their opinion to know the balance..........
Keywords: Work-Life Balance, Time Management, Balancing of multiple life roles, Satisfying family and Professional life..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | E-CRM- The Technology Way of Building Customer Relationships |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D.Sidhardha |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008052024 ![]() |
Abstract: Electronic customer relationship organization (e-CRM) is the utilization of Internet-based developments, for instance, messages, websites, chat rooms, social occasions and diverse channels to achieve CRM goals. It is an inside and out sorted out and made methodology out of CRM that automates the techniques in promoting, schedules and customer advantage. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a way to deal with perceive, pick up, and hold customers – a business' most distinctive asset. By giving the best approach to supervise and encourage customer collaborations, e-CRM, or Electronic Customer Relationship Management, is an organized online deals, publicizing and organization method that is used to perceive, attract and hold an affiliation's customers. It delineates upgraded and..........
Keywords: Customer, support, relationships, technology, internetcompetitive advantage.
[1]. Ali"Electronic customer relationship Management and its implementation in business organizations", Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business,Vol.4,issue11,March,2013.
[2]. Dr.T.N.Murthy,"eCRM-Opportunities and Challenges in the digital world",Abhinav National monthly referred journal in commerce and management",Vol.3,Issue2,
[3]. Chand Lin,"Key issues and challenges in the implementation of eCRM in Autralia Hospitality and Tourism sector".
[4]. Beccairwin,"Challenges and control issues for eCRM", April,2015.
[5]. Diksha.S, "E-CRM, evolution and benefits",.
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Abstract: This paper reviews the relationships among work-life balance, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational performance. In order to achieve the review objectives, a systematic review of literature was conducted by using an archival method. This review process has used more than 70 research papers which are relevant to reviewed concepts. Findings of the review suggest that there are positive relationships among the reviewed concepts. Further, the relationship between work-life balance(independent variable) and organizational performance (dependent variable) is mediated by organizational citizenship behavior (mediating variable). Finally, this review proposes a conceptual model which is useful to test and understand the relationships among the reviewed concepts empirically in the future
Keywords: Work-life balance, citizenship behavior, organization, performance, employee
[1]. Allen, T. D. (2001). Family-supportive work environments: The role of organizational perceptions. Journal of vocational behavior, 58(3), 414-435.
[2]. Arulrajah, A. A., &Opatha, H. H. D. N. P. (2012). An Exploratory Study on the Personal Qualities/Characteristics expected by the Organisations for Key HRM jobs in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Human Resource Management, 3(1), 32-48. [3]. Beham, B. (2011). Work–family conflict and organisational citizenship behaviour: empirical evidence from Spanish employees. Community, Work & Family, 14(1), 63-80.
[4]. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2010.506034
[5]. Bardoel, E. A., &Drago, R. (2016). Does the quality of information technology support affect work–life balance? A study of Australian physicians. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(21), 2604-2620. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1232293.
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Abstract: Most businesses in Zimbabwe are started as family businesses and thrive under the guidance of the founding member. However in cases when these businesses are expanding, the owners marry other wives who are made responsible for some business units like shops in rural areas.After the death of the founding member, a successor has to be appointed butthis appointment leads to family disputes and a gradual decline in the size and overall performance of the business.Generally, succession planning in family businesses is problematic in Zimbabwe. Succession challenges are more acute in polygamous families where businessgrowth is linked to a large number of wives and children. This study showed...........
[1]. Abdullah, M. A., Hamid, Z. A., &Hashim, J. (2011). Family owned businesses: Towards a model of succession planning in Malaysia. International Review of Business Research Papers 7(1), 251-264.
[2]. Abrams Sarelson, R, (2015). 5 strategies for better business succession planning. American City Business Journals
[3]. Al Hammadi, Z. (2015). Negative consequences of polygamy: Pulse accessed https//
[4]. Arberdeen Group (2006). Succession planning: the right people, for the right jobs, at the right time. Arberdeen Group.
[5]. Aziz bin Hassan, H.A. (2014, October 01). Family business succession:-A Malaysian perspective. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rural and Urban Consumer Purchase Behaviour towards DTH- A Comparative Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L. Sampatth || Dr. K. Rajender |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008054046 ![]() |
Abstract: In modern times the consumer is playing a vital role in the context of marketing and business related activities. Every business depends upon the consumers. To attract the consumers and intern to increase the sales every business is making many efforts. It is because; there is a cut throat competition in the market. As the consumer market is a highly diversified segment, the entrepreneurs are formulating different strategies to suit different types of consumers. They include the rural consumer and urban consumer. Our objective is to compare and find out differences in the rural and urban consumer behavior. It is different in the selection, purchase, use and dispose of durable product in both the areas of rural and urban. In this regard, we made an attempt to study about rural and urban consumer purchase behavior towards DTH (Set top Box).
Keywords: Business, Marketing, Competition, Strategies, Set top Box
[1]. Singh, J. (2011). A Comparison of Rural and Urban Buying of Consumer Durables. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11 (5), pp.64-79.
[2]. Kishor, N. R. (2013). A Study on Rural Consumer Behaviour towards Consumer Durable Goods in India. TRANS Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 2(3-4), pp.70-78.
[3]. Hitesh D. Vyas. (.2010 ). consumer purchase of consumer durables: a factorial study. International Journal of Management & Strategy, 1(1), pp.1-9..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Marketing Challenges Facing Smes during Planning a Global Strategy |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Ms Kateryna Vorobyova |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008054750 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study and identify the critical challenges of Marketing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia during planning a global strategy. It is very important for marketing management successfully deal with common challenges during planning a global strategy. The article has highlighted a significant issues of the strategic planning, decision making, marketing dynamic learning by analyzing previous literature reviews on the subject of Marketing management regardless culture differences, understanding a new market, etc. The significance of this study will show and fill up the gaps of current issues related marketing management and will add more knowledge for small and medium enterprises which effectively can implement knowledge during globalization.
Keywords: Global Marketing, Globalization, SMEs in Malaysia, Economic Growth, Global Expansion, E-Commerce).
[1]. Braveen Kumar, (2017). "4 Massive Marketing Trands You should be following".
[2]. Claudio Romano, JanekRatnatunga, (1995) "The role of marketing: Its impact on small enterprise research", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 29 Issue: 7, pp.9-30
[3]. David Carson, Stanley Cromie, (1990) "Marketing Planning in Small Enterprises: A Model and Some Empirical Evidence", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 7 Issue: 3, pp. 5-18.
[4]. David J. Carson (1985) "The Evolution of Marketing in Small Firms", European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 19 Issue: 5, pp.7-16,
[5]. David J. Storey, Robert Watson, PooranWynarczyk, (1994). "Regional Labour Market Influences on Managerial Remuneration in Small and Mdium-sized Enterprises in England: An Empirical analysis". Urban Studies Journal. Vol. 31. Issue:8 pp. 1407-1418..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Measuring Innovation Quality: A Patent Analysis |
Country | : | Italy |
Authors | : | Elona Marku |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008055158 ![]() |
Abstract: Patents have been widely used in innovation literature as a reliable and meaningful measure of innovation performance. However, existing research has mostly used the mere number of patents as a rough indicator of innovation success, lacking to provide insights on innovation quality. Additionally, less is known about how firms are grouped in highly competitive markets and which are the strategies adopted in their inventive activities. To better understand these dynamics, this paper aims to investigate the innovation quality of firms operating in a high-tech industry employing multiple patent-based indicators. Explorative findings on patent strategies as well as patent trends are discussed.
Keywords: innovation, patents, quality, technological impact, originality, generality
[1]. Ahuja, G., & Lampert, C. M. (2001). Enterpreneurship in the large corporation: A longitudinal study of how established firms create breakthrough inventions. Strategic Management Journal, 521-543.
[2]. Kaplan, S., & Vakili, K. (2015). The double‐edged sword of recombination in breakthrough innovation. Strategic Management Journal, 36(10), 1435-1457.
[3]. Harrigan, K. R., Di Guardo, M. C., & Marku, E. (2018). Patent value and the Tobin's q ratio in media services. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 43(1), 1-19.
[4]. Harrigan, K. R., & Di Guardo, M. C. (2017). Sustainability of patent-based competitive advantage in the US communications services industry. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(6), 1334-1361.
[5]. Harrigan, K. R., Di Guardo, M. C., Marku, E., & Velez, B. N. (2017). Using a distance measure to operationalise patent originality. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(9), 988-1001..
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Abstract: The Government of Kenya maintains that there hasn't been satisfactory performance in the public sector over the years specifically in the area of public resource management; a situation that has hampered the realization of sustainable economic growth. The current performance practice by the government has not been effectively cascaded to all the government sectors/department, hence impacting negatively on the delivery of service to stakeholders. This study therefore investigated the influence of human resource management on employee performance in six Kenyan diplomatic missions namely Ethiopia, Tanzania, Zambia, Sweden, Japan and Australia.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Organizational performance, Diplomatic missions, Performance management.
[1]. Armstrong, K. and Ward, A. (2005). What Makes for Effective Performance Management? The Work Foundation, London.
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[3]. Armstrong, M., & Baron, A. (1998). Performance Management: The New Realities. London: Institute of Personnel and Development.
[4]. Brown, D. and Armstrong, M. (1999). Paying for Contribution. Real Performance-related pay strategies. London: Kogan Page.
[5]. Cascio, W. F. (2006). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Life, Profits. McGraw-Hill Irwin..
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Abstract: Nurses dissatisfaction in work becomes something that needs to be considered by management, because it can the influence performance on of nurses, including leadership style and job satisfaction. Nurses who feel dissatisfied can take actions cause disruption to health services. The evidenced by several studies that have been done before, shows significant influence of transformational leadership style on job satisfaction and performance. But not all nurses feel that the nurse performance is strongly influenced by the leadership style of the nurse head and the job satisfaction itself. So far, no researched has been found that make nurses a source of research and job satisfaction as mediating variable in the hospital industry. So in this study, aims to examine the influence of the head nurse transformational leadership style on nurse performance mediated by job satisfaction that was not found in previous............
Keywords: transformational leadership style, job satisfaction, performance, structural equation model.
[1]. Abdelhafiz, I. M., Alloubani, A. M., Klaledeh, M., Mutari, N., & Almukthar, M. M. (2015). Impact of Leadership Styles among Head Nurses on Level of Job Satisfaction among Staff Nurses. European Scientific Journal, 203-216.
[2]. Angeles., Nanette, V. P., Saludo., Krystelle, A. M., Virtus., Mae, L. R. & Tun, W. M. (2015). Job Satisfaction and Performance Level of Employees of Ajinomoto Philippines Corporation Lucena Branch. Laguna Business and Accountancy Journal, 1(2), 61-103.
[3]. Arifin, H. M. (2015). The Influence of Competence, Motivation, and Organizational Culture to High School Teacher Job Satisfaction and Performance. International Journal of Education Studies, 8, 38-45.
[4]. Avolio, B. J., Waldman, D. A., & Yammarino, F. J. (1991). Leading in the 1990s: The Four I's of Transformational Leadership. Journal of European Industrial Training, 15, 8-18.
[5]. Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (2013). Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture. Public Administration Quarterly, 17, 112-121.
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Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of organizational commitment, motivation and employee satisfaction with employee performance simultaneously and partially. The study was conducted on the employees of the Directorate of Tax Information. The sampling technique used involves random samples with 109 employees. Analysis of data using path analysis. Based on the results showed that the variables of organizational commitment, motivation and employee satisfaction influence employee performance simultaneously and partially.
Keywords: organizational commitment, motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance
[1]. Al-Ahmadi, Hanan. 2009. Factor Affecting Performance of Hospital Ursus in Riyadh Region, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Healthcare Quality Assurance; Bradford, Vol. 12, issue 1, pp. 40-54.
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[5]. Howard, D.L, and Pritchard, M. P.; Havitz, M. C. 1999, Analyzing The Commitment Loyalty Link in Service Context, Journal the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 333-348..
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Abstract: Fluorescence spectroscopy has assumed a major role in analysis, particularly in the determination of trace contaminants is our environment, industries and bodies, because for applicable compounds fluorescence gives high sensitivity and high specificity. In this present work the quenching experiment was done in two different solvents, Diethyl ether and Methanol. Phenolphthalein is taken as the quencher. The fluorescers used for the quenching experiments are some substituted amines [Ethylamine, Diethylamine, Diethylene triamine]. Experimental solutions were prepared by adding fixed aliquot of stock solution of fluorescer to 5 ml of the solvent, so that concentration of resulting solution is about 10-5 M. Quencher solutions were added to these solutions. The fluorescence.........
Keywords: Fluorescence, amines, Phenolphthalein, quenching.
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