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Abstract: The problem of research is that batik Betawi batik classified as newly developed in the capital, thus whether batik Betawi has a strong brand loyalty. Researchers will test brand loyalty through customer satisfaction because of some researchers have contradictory research results. The Betawi Batik motif is more focused on Betawi culture which is influenced by Arabic, Indian, Dutch, and Chinese culture. Ancient Batik Betawi motif is divided into several types, namely Ondel-ondel, Nusa Coconut, Ciliwung, Rasamala, and Salakanegara.Berbeda with motif batik Cirebon, Solo and Yogyakarta which has long been developed.Respondents of this study amounted to 125 people.Sedangkan research methods through surveys, using SEM analysis tool. The results showed that product quality has no effect on consumer satisfaction but consumer satisfaction influences on brand loyalty batik betawi.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of shopping lifestyle, hedonic shopping toward the impulse buying behavior of middle-class society on online shopping together and partial and to determine the dominant variable affecting impulse buying behavior of middle-class society. Independent variable used in this research is shopping lifestyle (X1), hedonic shopping (X2) and dependent variable in this research is impulse buying behavior in online shopping (Y). Population used in this research is middle-class society. The sample used has a total of 100 people, using Random Sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that impulse buying behavior of middle-class society on online shopping is significantly influenced by shopping lifestyle, hedonic shopping.
Keyword: shopping lifestyle, hedonic shopping, impulse buying behavior, middle-class society and online shopping.
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Abstract: The concept of social entrepreneurship has emerged gradually and has too often been presented and perceived as a discipline in itself. Also, this concept has a complex relationship with other discipline such as economy. Indeed, the social entrepreneurship is used to describe different organizations that have non-profitability aim and that reinvest a large part of their surpluses in support of their mission. The social entrepreneurship is increasingly being used to refers to the organizations that have entrepreneurial initiatives that serve a social and environmental mission such as the organizations of social and solidarity economy (OSSE) which is being used to designate the production of goods and services by a broad range of organizations that are distinguished from enterprise and informal economy. This organizations serves a collective aim and are guided by principles and practices of cooperation, solidarity, ethics and democratic self-management. The main purpose of this paper is to show the emergence of the territorial approach to development and the important role of social entrepreneurship (Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE)) in the Local Development.
Keywords - Social Entrepreneurship, Local Development, Territory, Social and Solidarity Economy, Networks
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Abstract: The study examined the application of queuing model to ease travelers' flow in the Nigerian international airports. Travelers experiencing long queuing for boarding and arrival at the airport is not only at the local airports but also a growing concern to the stakeholders at the international airports,these queues have led to loss of time, resources and contributed to creating health problems for some travelers while on queue in which some have even collapse and die in the process. This study aims to develop a structural model (or flow chart) to ease travelers flow within different operational servicing units in the Nigeria Airport. The study employed observational and ex-post facto research designs. The population of the study are infinite (travelers at the airports) and finite (entire international.........
Keywords: Multiple queue-multiple server, Queue, Queuing, Queuing model, Traffic intensity, Travelers' flow
[1]. Adedayo, O.A. Ojo, O., & Obamiro, J.K. (2006). Operations research in decision analysis and production management. Lagos: Pumark Nigeria Ltd.
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[3]. Ademoh, N.A. & Anosike, N.E. (2014). Queuing modeling of air transport passengers of Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport Abuja, Nigeria, using multi server approach. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 21(12), 2326-2338.
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Abstract: The wider democratization process of direct elections, strong representation systems, and increasingly intensive public participation in demanding quality services, has made the government intervene in providing services, and is relevant if it relies solely on the role of private institutions that often prioritize benefits rather than pay attention to rights society in public service. Quality services require the presence of an apparatus possessing knowledge, skills, expertise, technological skills, and always ready to provide a polite, courteous service and understand the needs of the community. During this time, improving the quality of civil state apparatus is normative, conducted by the central government, local governments........
Keywords: strategy, human resources, and local government
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Leadership on Employee Satisfaction, Employee Motivation and Employee Performance |
Country | : | Indoensia |
Authors | : | Nur Iman |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008024149 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to explain the influence of leadership on job satisfaction, motivation and performance of employees. This research method used survey approach. The sampling technique is a census with the unit of analysis are the employees of AMIK Yapennas. The analytical tool used to test the hypothesis is PLS. The results showed that leadership has a significant effect on job satisfaction, motivation and employee performance. Furthermore, job satisfaction and work motivation affect the performance of employees. However, job satisfaction has no significant effect on work motivation. Finally research can prove that work motivation job satisfaction acts as mediation relationship between leadership with employee performance.
Keywords: Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Employee Performance
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[5]. Davis, Keith & Werther, William. 1998. Human Resources and Personal Managemen. 8th Edition Mc. Graw-Hil Inc. USA...
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Abstract: This study aims to know and analyze: (1) The influence of Work Discipline on apparatus performance (2) The influence of the job satisfaction on performance of the apparatus (3) The influence of self-efficacy on performance apparatus. This research uses quantitative approach and explanatory is aimed at knowing factors / influence arrangement of a dimensions. The object of this research is the police resort district of Muna with a population of 605 people. As for the procedur of sampling using Slovin formula with standard error 10% so get sample of 98 respondents. The analysis technique used standardize regression analysis, with the calculation process assisted by the SPSS 20 program.........
Keywords: Work Discipline, Job satisfaction, self efficacy, performance of apparatus
[1]. Bandura A. Theories of Personality. Sixth Edit. The Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 2005
[2]. Arikunto, S. (2002). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Rineka Cipta: Jakarta.
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[5]. Bhatti, AM; Kaur, S &Battour, MM. (2013). Effects of Individual Characteristics On Expatriates' Adjustment and Job Performance. Journal of European Industrial Training Vol. 37 Iss: 6, pp.544 – 563...
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Abstract: This study aims to know and analyze: (1) The influence of work discipline, the organizational culture, and work environment against the performance of employees (2) The influence of organizational culture against the performance of employees (4) The influence of the work environment against the performance of employees. This research uses quantitative approach and explanatory is aimed at knowing factors / influence arrangement of a dimensions. The object of this research is the kelurahan employees of Katobu district district Muna with the population number 80 employees. As for the procedur of sampling using census method is the number of the population used as a sample. The analysis technique used standardize regression analysis, with the calculation process assisted by the SPSS 20 program.......
Keywords: Work Discipline, Organizational Culture, Work Environment, Employees Performance
[1]. Achmad, Sobirin (2007). Budaya Organisasi Pengertian, Makna dan Aplikasinya Dalam Kehidupan Organisasi. Yogyakarta : IBPP STIM YKPN.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the mechanism of causal relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM) Practice on Organizational Performance. In response to the debates from previous researchers on how HRM Practice affects Organizational Performance, it encourages further research in this dissertation by involving Business Strategy variable as an external factor of HR management and HR Outcome variable as an internal factor of HR management. Research this dissertation uses a universal perspective approach, contingency perspective and a configurationally perspective. The hypotheses based on these three approaches include the structural relationship between Business Strategy, HRM Practice, HR Outcome and Organizational Performance variables. Conducted a study on 52 units of banking organizations in the region of Southeast Sulawesi to obtain information related to research variables. The data obtained are statistically analyzed by Regression Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by using IBM_SPSS_AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) application to obtain information of structural relationship between research variables simultaneously.........
Keywords: Business Strategy, HRM Practice, HR Outcome, Organizational Performance, Resourcing & Development, Reward, Involvement, Ability, Skill, Attitude, Motivation, Opportunity, Behaviour
[1]. Ahlstron, D., Foley, S., Young, M.N., & Chan, E.S. (2005). Human resource strategies in post WTO China. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47,263-325.
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[5]. Barney, J.B. (1991). Firm resources and sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17, 99-120..
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Abstract: This study aimed to determine the effect of brand image and price perceived to purchasing decision on Oppo smartphones in Kendari City. Sampling technique in this research is accidental sampling method. The number of samples in the study of 60 respondents. The data analysis used is linear regression analysis using SPSS 24 software aid. The result of the research shows that the brand image and price of the smartphones in Kendari city, either partially or simultaneously.
Keywords: Brand Image, Price Perceived And Purchasing Decision
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[4]. Charlie Bernando Halomoan Samosir, Arief Bowo Prayoga K. 2015.Pengaruh Persepsi Harga Dan Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Produk Enervon-C. Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 1. No. 3.
[5]. Keller, K.L. 1993. Conseptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based on Brand Equity,Journal of Marketing. Vol. 57 No.1. Hal: 1-22...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agricultural Marketing: New Approaches and Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mirza Shahab Shah || Naveen Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008028286 ![]() |
Abstract: Food security mainly concludes the aspects ease of access of proper quality food in proper time at reasonable price and at proper place. These require a proper mobilization of agricultural products across the country. The objectives of this study is to find out the new approaches initiated in the form of new policies, schemes, technologies etc. their achievements and the obstacles faced by them. The methodology of this study is based on secondary sources such as papers, reports, articles, journals and books etc. The government has put its keen interest to smoothen the pace of agricultural marketing as it is an important activity to accelerate the rural economy. In India, agricultural marketing is still facing various challenges in different aspects
Keywords: Agricultural marketing, Agricultural products, APMCs. ISAM, e-NAM, Opportunities and Challenges.
[2]. http://www.
[5]. Various issues of Economic Survey of India.