Abstract: Human resources in any organization need attention to force the good performance of the organization and also the workers. The social foundation wished to provide the best employee performance regards the special needs of kind residents of the social foundation. Human resources have a very important position considering the organization's performance is very much influenced by the quality of its human resources. Many things need to be considered to improve employee performance, including the state of the work environment in a company where they work. Competence is the main variable that must be owned by an employee in carrying out his work. And this research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of Competence and Work Environment on Employee Performance at the EFG Foundation. The objects in this study were 70 respondents who worked at social foundations using a quantitative descriptive approach. The relationship between competence and employee performance was found to be positive significant, but the relationship between physical environment and employee performance was found not significant.
Keywords: Employee performance, environment, competence, social foundation, human resources.
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