Series-7 (April-2019)April-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The modern project management has emerged after the 2nd World War as a field that is strongly oriented toward practical applications of planning and organization. The research itself, fairly recent, first walked the same path as positivist approaches in order to identify the best practices for professionals. However, during the last decade, several voices in the community of project management researchershave called for opening the studies of "project" to those of management and organization. From a theoretical point of view, there is a dense theorizing project management research and also an opening to large theoretical perspectives, including turning to sociological approaches. We proceed by reading in the normative definitions and from the theoretical literatures and try a theoretical synthesis on the specific state environment of the management of the projects in the perspective of an exploration..
Keywords: Management, new public management, project management, budget, public sector, public environment, paradigm.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identification of Customer Requirements Based On Online Comments with Opinion Mining and IPA |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Linli Zhai |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104071118 ![]() |
Abstract: This research studies the identification of customer requirements based the online comments posed on e-commerce websites. IPA method as well as opinion mining technique is applied to identify and categorize customer requirements, thus providing specific strategies for the company to keep its competitive power and utilize its resource efficiently. Specifically, a Chinese dependency syntax analysis is employed to extract clauses with specific product features and a clause level sentiment analysis algorithm is then proposed to compute the sentiment value of corresponding product feature. After that, two types of data as importance and frequency are adopted in IPA method to categorize......
Keywords: Customer requirement, IPA, Opinion mining, Online comments, E-commerce
[1] Y. Akao, and G. H. Mazur, The leading edge in QFD: past, present and future, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 20(1), 2013, 20-35.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze factors that directly affecting civil servants promotion in North Buton District Government, as well as analyze the dominant factors that influence. The data in this study was obtained by distributing questionnaires to 87 civil servants through with slovin a proportional stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis includes Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach WarpPLS. Latent variables in this study are seniority factor, job performance factor, educational and training factor, nepotism factor, loyality factor and the promotion of civil servants. The results showed that seniority factor, nepotism factor and loyality factor directly affect the promotion of civil servants. While job performance factor, educational level and training factor, do not influence directly affect the promotion of civil servants. Nepotism factors are the dominant factor affecting the promotion of civil servants..
Keywords: Civil Servants Promotion, Seniority, Job Performance, nepotism, CFA, WarpPLS
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Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a key role in development & Economic growth of Rural India. In this direction rural e-governance application implemented in the recent few years have been demonstrating the importance of information and communication technologies(ICT) in the concern areas of rural development. Akshaya Centres play the role of Common Service Centres in Kerala for delivering various government services under e-governance. In India various state governments and central ministries adopt E-governanceprogrammes like Akshaya, FRIENDS, Bhoomi, e-seva, CARD, VidyaVahini, Gyandoot etc. In Kerala mainly Akshaya e-centres..........
Keywords: Information and Communication Facility, E –governance, AkshayaCentres,Rural Development
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Abstract: This paper tries to analyze the impact of parallel foreign exchange market on low income residential housing development in Enugu Urban Area. it tries to determine the volume of transaction in Enugu from January – December, 2017 making projection up to 2022. It equally tried to determine the relationship between the volume of transaction in the market and the volume of low income residential housing development in the study area. Survey research method was adapted and data was collected through both primary and secondary sources. Data was analysed..........
Keywords: Foreign Exchange, Foreign Exchange Market, Parallel Foreign Exchange Market, Real Estate, Real Estate Finance, Real Estate Development
[1]. Agbola, T. (2004): The Challenging Features of Nigeria Housing Policy and the Challenges of Greater Access to Mortgage Financing. Center for Urban and Regional Planning, University of Ibadan.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurial leadership (EL) all over the world is an internal factor which has been a veritable tool to combat employee turnover (ET) in organisations while achieving employees' retention. Despite the importance of EL, some owner/managers pay less attention to leadership qualities and consequent upon this is insistent employees' turnover which results to poor performance and organizational failures. This study determined the effect of Entrepreneurial leadership on employees' turnover of small and medium enterprises in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. The target population comprised 1,043 owner/managers and heads of units of..........
Keywords: Entrepreneurial leadership, Employees' turnover, Employees' retention, Owner/managers, Leadership qualities.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Work–life balance in Indian Context: A Conceptual Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ramesh Singh Yadav || Prof. (Dr) Snigdharani Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2104075561 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper is an attempt to revisit the concept of work-life balance in Indian context. An effort is made to analyse and understand the work-life balance through literature review and conceptualize a framework of it. This paper highlights the progress of work-life interface as work-family affair to more comprehensive and evolutionary termas balancing family life through different means. Gone are those days when people simply needed more time for their families in order to have work -life balance. In Indian context workforce's work-life balance issue needs to be studied differently, as the Indians havesome unique traits than that of western people. The efforts of Indian Government and companies towards work life balance are highlighted and the benefits of work life balance is acknowledged. A futuristic view on the concept is put forward.
Keywords: Work-life balance (WLB), Work-life conflict (WLC), Work-life interference (WLI), Life-work interference (LWI)
[1]. Baral, R., & Bhargava, S. (2010). Work-family enrichment as a mediator between organizational interventions for work-life balance and job outcomes. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25(3), 274-300.
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Abstract: Foundation as managers of private education must be able to show performance in order to be able to compete with other educational institutions. There fore it is necessary to know what factors influence the performance of the foundation. In this study Leadership, Work Discipline, Work Motivation are considered capable of influencing teacher Job Satisfaction, and Performance of the foundation Yayasan Pendidikan Karya Luhur Balikpapan. This foundation manages educational institutions starting from the "A" Kindergarten, Middle School, High School and Vocational High School with a total of 85 teachers and 10 non-educational staff. In this study using the path analysis model, processed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS, Ver 22.0) software..........
Keywords: Leadership, Discipline, Motivation and Performance.
[1]. A.A Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara.(2012), Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung.
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Abstract: Several studies have documented that Africa's infrastructure construction firms often do not meet defined project objectives regarding; time, budget and functionality. This has often caused; delays, abandonment or disillusionments on the side of investors. Several contributing factors to these failures have been identified. However, very little if at all, seems to have been done on the project management readiness of African construction firms. Accordingly, this paper sought to assess Africa's construction industry readiness to deliver the priority action projects. Using literature review method, the study established that Africa has a huge technical skills gap which is the main reason for the dismal performance in construction projects' delivery. A readiness training model was developed for policy planners and educational practitioners to help build Africa's human capacity in infrastructure project management. The paper strongly recommends for the adoption of the model. And with that, the Africa's construction stakeholders may gradually improve their project management readiness..
Keywords: readiness, project management, skills
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