Series-1 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Version 3 Series-4 Version 5 Series-6 Series-7
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Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and its impact on customer loyalty. The design of this study uses an explanatory research approach. The explanatory research approach is intended to provide an explanation of the causal relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. This research was conducted with a survey method of 150 tourists who were in the tourist location of Wakatobi and had bought and enjoyed culinary in Wakatobi more than once. Data analysis was performed using the Structural Equation Model with the help of SmartPLS software. The results showed that experimental marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.
Keywords: Experiential Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
[1]. Alma, Buchari. 2009. Manajemen Pemasaran Dan Pemasaran Jasa. Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta;
[2]. Amstrong, Gary & Philip, Kotler. 2002, Dasar-dasar Pemasaran . Jilid 1, Alih Bahasa Alexander Sindoro dan Benyamin Molan.
Jakarta: Penerbit Prenhalindo;
[3]. Andreani, Fransisca, 2007, Experiential Marketing (Sebuah Pendekatan Pemasaran) Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran Vol.2 No.1.
[4]. Aryani dan Rosinta.2010, Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan dalam Membentuk Loyalitas Pelanggan.
Jurnal ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi, Mei-Agust , 2010 hlm.114-126;
[5]. Basu Swastha dan Irawan. 2006, Manajemen Pemasaran Modern, Liberty, Yogyakarta;
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Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Green Marketing on Purchasing Decisions and Consumer Satisfaction on Liya Togo Village Weaving Glove Products in Wakatobi Regency, using a survey method approach conducted on 100 tourists who have bought and used the Liya Village weaving sarong. The data analysis tool used is the concept of structural Equation Models with the Smart PLS program. The results of this study indicate that green marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions and consumer satisfaction, and purchasing decisions have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The better the application of green marketing in marketing the weaving of the liya togo village will increase purchasing decisions and customer satisfaction, and higher purchasing decisions will also increase customer satisfaction.
Keywords: Green Marketing, Purchasing Decisions, Consumer Satisfaction
[1]. Agustina R. D & Fauzi A. W. DH. (2016). Pengaruh Pemasaran Hijau terhadap Citra Merek Hijau Serta Dampak pada Keputusan Pembelian (Survei pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya yang Menggunakan Tisu Merek Tessa). Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB), 33(1)
[2]. Alice Townsend (2017). Green Marketing Effects on the Consumer. A Thesis Submitted to the Honors College of The University of Southern Mississippi in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration in the Department of Management and International Business
[3]. Anderson, J.C., Gerbing, D.W. 1988. Structural Equation Modeling in Practise : A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach. Psychological Bulletin 103 (3), pp. 411-423.
[4]. Asuncion, B., Martı´n, D.J. and Quintana, A. 2004. Model of Customer Loyalty in The Retail Banking Market, European Journal of Marketing, 38(1), pp.253-275.
[5]. Augusty Ferdinand, 2006. Metode Penelitian Manajemen. Edisi Kedua. Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro..
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Abstract: This study examined tools for stimulating collaborative behaviour among organizational members: Evidence of Godfather Investments Ltd, Calabar. The purpose was to; determine the outcomes of collaborative behaviours of employees on the attainment of corporate goals, explore how collaborative behaviours of employees influence the settlement of conflict in the workplace and assess how collaborative behaviour of employees in the workplace can foster participation of employees in organization decision processes. The study adopted survey research design, distributed questionnaire and retrieved them from the sampled population. Data were presented using simple percentage...........
[1]. Azman, N., Sirat, M., Pang, V., Lai, Y. M., Govindasamy, A. R., & Din, W. A. (2019). Promoting university–industry collaboration in Malaysia: stakeholders' perspectives on expectations and impediments. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41(1), 86-103.
[2]. Choi, O. K., & Cho, E. (2019). The mechanism of trust affecting collaboration in virtual teams and the moderating roles of the culture of autonomy and task complexity. Computers in Human Behavior, 91, 305-315.
[3]. Gomez, C., & Taylor, K. A. (2018). Cultural differences in conflict resolution strategies: A US–Mexico comparison. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 18(1), 33-51.
[4]. Ho, V. T., Kong, D. T., Lee, C. H., Dubreuil, P., & Forest, J. (2018). Promoting harmonious work passion among unmotivated employees: A two-nation investigation of the compensatory function of cooperative psychological climate. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 106, 112-125.
[5]. Hossu, C. A., Ioja, I. C., Susskind, L. E., Badiu, D. L., &Hersperger, A. M. (2018). Factors driving collaboration in natural resource conflict management: Evidence from Romania. Ambio, 47(7), 816-830...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manpower Training of Teaching Employees of Rural Areas |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Fatma Zafar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2107012529 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper emphasis on the topic that training is an important aspect for the development of rural employees. We know that Manpower Training and Development is the key to achieving organisational or institutional goal. However, many organizations /institutions today, have either neglected or haphazardly implement it. The paper is an attempt to examine the important place of Manpower Training and Development in the achievement of organisational effectiveness and goal. Using secondary data, the paper critically analysed conceptual issues of manpower training objectives and needs, the methods of training available to the organisation were also identified. Finally, with respect to rural teaching employees it was found that adequate training must be given to them so that their overall growth can be achieved. It was discovered that the important place of Manpower Training........
Keywords: Development, Goal, Manpower, Training, School teachers, QMT
[1]. Berk, R. A. (2005). Survey of 12 strategies to measure teaching effectiveness. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education , 17 (1), 48-62.
[2]. Bressoux, P., Kramarz, F., & Prost, C. (2008) Teachers' Training, Class Size and Students' Outcomes: Learning from Administrative Forecasting Mistakes. E conomic Journal, 119, 536, 540-561.
[3]. Chingos, M.M., & Peterson, P.E. (2011) It's easier to pick a good teacher than to train one: Familiar and new results on the correlates of teacher effectiveness. Economics of Education Review, 30, 449-465.
[4]. Importance of Inservice Training in schools by Anshu Mittal.
[5]. Teachers and Teacher performance in Bihar: Implication of Teacher Education , Directorate of Research and Training , patna, Bihar.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Journey of CKYC In India – Origin, Implementation And The Challenges Faced |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Abirami T |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2107013033 ![]() |
Abstract: The 'know your customer' (KYC) policy has emerged as an important strategy for a proactive war against money laundering both nationally and internationally. In terms of this policy, financial institutions in most countries are required to identify their clients and the legitimacy of their financial transactions. The main purposes of this policy are profiling the originators of this potentially anti-economic crime as well as tracking the audit trail of any money that flows into our banking system. The question that needs to be asked is whether the buck of KYC policy can effectively stop with financial institutions profiling who their customers are rather than also tracking the trails of money...........
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Abstract: This research was conducted to examine the effect of Percived Organizational Support (POS) on performance mediated by Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employees of PT. Kendari Express. The sample used in this study is 61 employees of PT. Kendari Express. The research data was obtained through research personnel who had been filled in by respondents. The data management method is done by using editig, coding, tabulation, while the data analyst method used is using Partial Least quares (PLS) analysis. The results of this study indicate that Organizational Support (POS) has a positive effect on employee performance at PT. Kendari Ekspres, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive and significant influence on employee performance at PT. Kendari Ekspres, as well as Perceived Organizational Support (POS) has a positive and significant influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on employees of PT Kendari Ekspres.
Keywords: Percived Organizational Support (POS), Performance, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
[1]. Agustiningrum, Sherly Dwi. 2016.Pengaruh Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang Dimediasi Oleh OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behavior) (Studi pada PT.Angkasa Pura I Kantor Cabang Surabaya).Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Volume 4 Nomor 2.Hal 212-225.
[2]. Alkerdawy, Mostafa Mohammed Ahmad. 2014.TheMediating Effects of Duty Orientation on theRelationship between Perceived OrganizationalSupport and Organizational Citizenship Behavior inthe Public Banks of Egypt. International Journal ofBussiness and Management.Vol.9(8): pp 155-169.
[3]. Amir, F. M. 2015.Memahami Evaluasi Kinerja Karyawan. Mitra Wacana Media. Jakarta
[4]. Ariarni Nurmalia dan Afrianty. Tri Wulida. 2017. Pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Employee Engagement Sebagai Variabel Intervening(Studi pada Karyawan PT. Pos Indonesia Kota Madiun. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB). Vol. 50 No. 4 September 2017. Hal.169-177.
[5]. Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatna Praktek, PT. Rineka CIpta. Jakarta..
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Abstract: This study examined ways for strengthening and sustaining of corruption war for nation building. The objectives of the study were; to examine the effects of corruption in Nigeria, to explore the various Anti-corruption programmes in Nigeria and to analyze the ways of implementing corruption war as an option for nation building. To achieve these objectives, the study employed exploratory design which based the findings on the literature explored. The findings revealed that corruption leads to erosion of moral values, which perverts a nation's sense of right and wrong. It was also revealed that corruption increases social evils in the country which provides fertile soil for tribalism, nepotism, fraud, dishonesty, selfishness, kidnapping, prostitution, human-trafficking, mal-administration...........
[1]. Adenike, E. (2013). An econometric analysis of the impact of Corruption on economic growth in Nigeria. Journal of Business Management and Economics 4: 054-065
[2]. Adewale, S. (2011) The crowding-out effects of corruption in Nigeria: An empirical study. E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics 2(2) 59-68
[3]. Agba, F. (2010). EITI. Fighting corruption and improving transparency: A G8 Action Plan. Available at: (accessed June 20, 2010).
[4]. Ajere, O. and Oyinloye, O. (2011). Perspectives of youths on the interiorization of core-societal-values in the Nigerian society. AkungbaJournal of Research in Education 1: 179-194.
[5]. Ajie, H. and Gbenga, O. (2015). Corruption and Economic Growth in Nigeria: An Empirical Analysis 1996-2013. European Journal of Business and Management 7: 224-243.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Employees' Turnover Intention Of Mice Industry In Jakarta Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Syamsurizal || Erwin Permana |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2107015664 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effects of workload, the empowerment of employees towards job satisfaction and job stress and its impacts on the Turnover Intentions of the Employees of MICE industry. When this study was conducted, the number of respondents were 213 people which was eligible in MICE industry in as many as 71 companies which already have certified their employeesat the Institute Professional Certification (LSP MICE). The locations of the companies are widespread in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi), Indonesia. Data analysis uses the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with LISREL software. The results of the study showed that the workload..........
Keywords: MICE, employees and Industry
[[1]. Abera,E.,Yitayal,M., &Gebreslassie,M.(2014). Turnover IntentionandAssociated Factors Among HealthProfessionals in University of Gondar Referral Hospital, NorthwestEthiopia.InternationalJournal ofEconomics&ManagementSciences,3 (4), 1-11.
[2]. Ali, Mohammad Mosadeghrad (2013). Occupational Stress and Turnover Intention: Implications for Nursing Management, International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2013, 1(2), 169–176.
[3]. Allard K, Haas L, Hwang CP 2011. Family-supportive organizational culture and fathers' experiences of work-familyConflictinSweden. Gender-WorkOr- gan,18(2):141-157.
[4]. Allen,D.G.,Shore,L.M.&Griffeth,R.W. (2003). The Role of Perceived Organizational SupportandSupportiveHumanResource Practicesin The Turnover Process. Journal of Management,29 (1), 99-118.
[5]. Amarjit, Gill; Alan B. Flaschner, dan Smita Bhutani, (2010). The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Empowerment on Employee JobStress, Business and Economics Journal, Volume 5, No. 2, 2010: BEJ-3...
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Abstract: This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of recruitment and discipline on employee performance through motivation at PT Insurance Sunlife Indonesia. The sample in this study were all employees in the PT. Sun Life Indonesia insurance, which is 50 people. All samples taken in this part of the organization use saturated sampling. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of the study show that the recruitment and discipline variables influence employee performance simultaneously, recruitment, discipline and motivation variables partially influence employee performance. The direct effect of recruitment and discipline on employee performance is smaller than the indirect effect through motivation. Motivational variables contribute to employee performance
Keywords: recruitment, discipline, motivation, employee performance
[1]. Anthony, E. 2017. Effect of discipline management on employee performance in an organization: the case of county education office human resources department, Turkana County. International academic journal of human resource and business administration, Vol. 2, issued 3, pp. 1-18
[2]. Basri, A.F.M dan Rivai Veithzal., 2005. Performance Appraisal. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3]. Dessler, Gary, 2008, Human Resources Management, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, International Inc.
[4]. Elliot,, Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching, Effective learning, The Mc. Graw Hill Companies, America, 2000.
[5]. Handoko, T. Hani., 2008. Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi kedua, BPFE UGM. Yogyakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Employee Engagement among Information Technology Employees |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ankita Ranjan || Dr.Tripti Pandya |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2107017276 ![]() |
Abstract: This examination paper was pointed toward evaluating the Employee Engagement levels in the IT industry in India, the factors that add to Employee Engagement and to recommend means and ways of further developing Employee Engagement levels in the industry being explored. The scientist set off to likewise recognize the effect of segment profile of employees on engagement. Likewise evaluated in this observational examination was the impact of organizational contributions on Employee Engagement. An organized poll was regulated to employees of a few IT organizations in India. Examination results show that the segment profile of employees affects employees' engagement. Organizational data sources and backing affects engagement and that committed employees were more locked in. A few proposals are recommended to further develop employee engagement dependent on the examination of information gathered for this exploration.
Keywords: Employee Engagement, IT Industry, Job Satisfaction.
[1]. Buckingham, M. & C. Coffman. First, break all the rules: what the world's greatest managers do differently. New York, 1999, NY: Simon & Shuster.
[2]. Dharmendra Mehta and Naveen K. Mehta, Employee Engagement: A Literature Review, Economia, Seria Management, 16(2), 2013.
[3]. Farai Ncube and Steven Jerie, Leveraging Employee Engagement for Competitive Advantage in the Hospitality Industry: A Comparative Study of Hotels A and B in Zimbabwe, Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, Vol 3(4), 2012, pp 380-388.
[4]. M. Jabeen and Dr. LalithaBalakrishnan, Employee Engagement: -- A Strategic HR Practice Towards Sustainable Work Force: Global Journal For Research Analysis, 3(5), May 2014.
[5]. Ms. Rashmi Ghamawala, Ms. Rakhi Thakkar and Dr. TruptiS.Almoula, Comparative Study on Employee Engagement Practices at Private and Public Banks in South Gujarat Region: Global Journal for Research Analysis 3(4), April 2014.