Series-3 (July-2019)July-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The paper attempts to review the legal and Professional framework Governing public sector that forms the basis of public sector accounting and reporting in the united republic of Tanzania. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) issued standards that guide the preparation and presentation of public accounts; The URT (1977) constitution, the public Finance act of 2001 RE 2004 and the national Audit Act of 2008 forms the basic legal and professional document that guide preparation, accounting and reporting in the public sector. In addition, the paper expresses some of the major problems and challenges hindering their implementation...........
Keywords: Public Sector, public sector accounting & Reporting, Legal and professional framework and Financial Reporting
[1]. NBAA (2014) Accounting for public sector & cooperatives
[2]. Bello A. Sulaimon, (2014), A Review of the Regulatory & Legal Framework of Public Sector Accounting In Nigeria
[3]. Norman F. (2012) Public Sector Management Sixth Edition
[4]. Ijeoma. N. B., Oghoghomeh. T. (2014) Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards in Nigeria: Expectations, Benefits and Challenges. Journal of Investment and Management. Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 21-29. doi: 10.11648/j.jim.20140301.13
[5]. Fulgence S.E(2015) The Basics Of Public Sector Accounting And Reporting
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Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the effect of board structure on shareholder value through a survey of commercial banks listed in the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The specific research objectives used were to establish the effect of board size and number of board sub-committees on the shareholder value of banks listed in the NSE. The research was grounded by the agency theory. This investigation adopted a quantitative correlational research design to measure the relationship between the two variables. Also, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine the magnitude of the predictor variables on the response variable using SPSS version 20. This study focused on the ten (10) banks that are listed in the NSE during the period 2013-2017. The research was carried out using questionnaires.......
Keywords: Shareholder value, Board size, Board sub-committees, NSE, EPS.
[1]. Abdullah, H., & Valentine, B. (2009). Fundamental and Ethics Theories of Corporate Governance. Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, 88-96.
[2]. Achchuthan, R., Kajanathan, R., &Sivathasan, N. (2013). Corporate governance practices and capital structure: A case in Sri Lanka. International journal of business and management ,21(8), 114-125.
[3]. Alimehmeti, G., &Paletta, A. (2014). Corporate Governance Indexes: the Confounding Effects of Using Different Measures. Journal of Applied Economics & Business Research, 64-79.
[4]. Babatunde, A. A., &Akeju, J. B. (2016). The Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms' Profitability in Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management Invention 5(8), 69-72.
[5]. Bathula, H. (2008). Board Characteristics and Firm Performance: Evidence from New Zealand. Retrieved May 17, 2018, from ..
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Abstract: The study examined the relationship between employee training and the performance of selected plastic products manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study was to: determine the extent to which programmed instruction relate to increase in sales volume and determine the extent to which computer/simulated games training relate to high return on investment in plastic products manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Descriptive research approach was adopted. Data was collected and analyzed with the Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) and the results tested with t-statistics. The findings indicate that programmed instruction relates......
Keywords: Employee Training Organizational Performance Nigeria
[1]. Aldamoe, A. M. F; Yazam, M. and Almed, B. K. (2012), The mediating effect of HRM outcomes (employee retention) on the relationship between HRM practice and organizational performance, International Journal of Human Resources Studies, 2(1): 216-228.
[2]. Amenlmran, A. and Amenlmran, A. (2013), The effect of training on employee performance, European Journal of Business and Management, 5(4): 137-147.
[3]. Armstrong, M. (2010). A handbook of human resource management practice, (11th ed.), London: Kogan Page Limited.
[4]. Aswathappa, K. (2008). Human resources management: Text and cases. (5th ed.), New York: McGraw-Hill.
[5]. Atogiyire, F., & Turkson, J. K. (1997). Business management for senior high school, Accra Ghana, Jakentee Publications
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Abstract: This work focused on Social Dialogue as a tool for conflict resolution using Lagos State University Area as a case study. The qualitative data were collected using in-depth interview technique. Data were collected from twenty five respondents. The interviews were conducted among the student which involved both under graduate student and post graduate student. Data were analyzed using Test Base Beta. Findings were presented using the ZY Index Tables. The study showed that, illegal deduction of salaries; poor condition of service; communication gap between management and staff; poor finding and poor condition of service were the major causes of industrial conflict.......
[1]. Andersen, M.E.(2000), "Social Policy Dialogue: A window of Opportunity for Reform and Transformation in the 21st century'', BID (Independence Consultant), Julio de.
[2]. Bland, B. 2004, "Getting Beyond Cheap Talk: Fruitful Dialogue and Building Productive Working Relationships.'' Unpublished Article.
[3]. Etadon FI 2008. Perceived Dimension of workers and students'conflicts in Nigeria. Ph.D Thesis, Unpublished Ibadan: University of Ibadan
[4]. Fashoyin, T. (2001), "fostering economic development through social partnership". Working Paper No.1, (Geneva, International Labour Office). International Journal of Business & Management Studies Vol.4 No. 2012 ISSN 1309- 8047 (Online) International Labour Organization 2008
[5]. Kittel, B. (2002), "Indicators of Social Dialogue'' Concepts and measurement, Report delivered to the ILO, 7 Feb. 2002.
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Abstract: Competitive advantage refers to a set of capabilities that permanently enable the business to demonstrate better performance than its competitors. Competitive advantage occurs when an organization acquires or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors. Sustainable competitive advantage, refers to the long-term benefits of implementing unique values creating products which competitors cannot implement simultaneously, along with the inability to duplicate the benefits of this strategy. With the changing dynamics in the SACCO sector in Kenya, Managers are so much concerned not just in achieving competitive advantage but also sustaining it for long term benefit. This is can be attained through culture alignment. Culture is a shared common way of being, thinking and acting in a collective and coordinated people with reciprocal expectations........
Key words: Culture alignment, Sustainable competitive advantage, Firm size
[1]. Agwu, M. (2014). Organisational culture and employees‟ performance in the public sector. International Review of Management and Business Research.
[2]. Atiku, S. O., & Fields, Z. (2016). The Relationship between Entrepreneurial Culture and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Banking Sector. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 26-39.
[3]. Bibby, A., & Shaw, L. (2005). Making a Difference: Co-operative Solutions to Global Poverty. Manchester, Angleterre: Co-operative College.
[4]. Bocskei, F. a. (2011). Cultural Waves in Company Performance. Research Journal of Economics, Business And ICT.
[5]. Cao, Z. H. (2015). The impact of organizational culture on supply chain integration: A contingency and configuration approach. Supply Chain Management.
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Abstract: One of the primary job of banking institution is to lend money to the borrower (here priority sector) and earn interest on them. The needs of the priority sector (Agriculture, Housing, Export credit ,Small Scale Enterprises,e.t.c), mainly rely on the public sector banks for their financial needs. Since one of the objective of public sector banks is to lend money to the priority sector which are instrumental and contributing significantly to the GDP of the country. So, the share of priority sector in total Advances of the public sector banks should be substantial. So this paper focuses on the relationship between Priority Sector landing and total Advances with the application of tools and techniques of statistics
Keywords: Priority Sector Lending, Advances, Public Sector Banks
[1]. Annual Report of Syndicate Bank from 2014 to 2018 from official website
[2]. Annua Report of Indian Overseas Bank from 2014 to 2018 from official website
[3]. Annual Report of Dena Bank from 2014 to 2018 from official website
[4]. Annual Report of State Bank of India from 2014 to 2018 from official website
[5]. Annual Report of United Commercial Bank from 2014 to 2018 from official website.
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Abstract: This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of recruitment and discipline on employee performance through motivation at PT Insurance Sunlife Indonesia. The sample in this study were all employees in the PT. Sun Life Indonesia insurance, which is 50 people. All samples taken in this part of the organization use saturated sampling. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of the study show that the recruitment and discipline variables influence employee performance simultaneously, recruitment, discipline and motivation variables partially influence employee performance. The direct effect of recruitment and discipline on employee performance is smaller than the indirect effect through motivation. Motivational variables contribute to employee performance...........
Keywords: recruitment, discipline, motivation, employee performance.
[1]. Anthony, E. 2017. Effect of discipline management on employee performance in an organization: the case of county education office human resources department, Turkana County. International academic journal of human resource and business administration, Vol. 2, issued 3, pp. 1-18
[2]. Basri, A.F.M dan Rivai Veithzal., 2005. Performance Appraisal. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3]. Dessler, Gary, 2008, Human Resources Management, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, International Inc.
[4]. Elliot,, Educational Psychology: Effective Teaching, Effective learning, The Mc. Graw Hill Companies, America, 2000.
[5]. Handoko, T. Hani., 2008. Manajemen Personalia dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Edisi kedua, BPFE UGM. Yogyakarta..
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Abstract: Competition of modern worldforce service organizations such asuniversities to seek the innovativeoptionseither increasing the productivityand efficiency or reducing the costs, in other words optimizing theoperations enhancement. In this paper the definition of productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness will be reviewedand the necessity of paying attention to both side of productivity (i.e. effectiveness and efficiency) will be stressed. This Paper discusses the shortcomings in Exam Admission Card Process (EACP) of.........
Keywords: Efficiency, Productivity, lead time, Value Stream Mapping, Public Sector, University of Kelaniya
[1]. Alaaraj, H., & Ibrahim, F. W. (2014). The Influence of E - government Practices on good governance from the perspective of Public in Lebanon. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 4(3), 171-185.
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[3]. Fagerberg J., Mowery D., and Nelson R. (2004) .The Oxford Handbook of InnovationPublisher: , pp.1-26. Oxford University Press.
[4]. Godin, B. (2010), "Innovation Studies‟: the Invention of a Specialty (Part II), Project on the Intellectual History of Innovation, Montreal: INRS, Forthcoming.
[5]. IFA, (2013). Good Governance in the Public Sector - Consultation Draft for an International Framework: Consultation Draft. International Federation of A ccountants (IFAC). (Publication). New York: IFAC...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solution to Complete the Process of Customized Full Container Load at Cat Lai Newport |
Country | : | Vietnam |
Authors | : | Van Tai Pham |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/487X-2107036271 ![]() |
Abstract: Along with the deep integration into the world economy, many trade facilitation policies are implemented by Vietnamese authorities and bring about positive results. However, the regulations, the process of implementing procedures, conditions of import and export, specialized inspection, transportation costs are still inadequate to remove them soon. Although the Customs sector has been very proactive, actively implemented the requirements of administrative procedure reform in inspection of import and export goods. However, there are still many issues that need to be improved when specialized inspection and the accompanying procedures of the...........
Keywords: Customs clearance process; imported FCL; Cat Lai newport
[1]. Abdul Rahman, N. S. F., Ismail, A., & Lun, V. Y. H. (2016). Preliminary study on new container stacking/storage system due to space limitations in container yard. Maritime Business Review, 1(1), 21–39.
[2]. Banomyong, R., Thai, V. V, & Yuen, K. F. (2015). Assessing the national logistics system of Vietnam. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 31(1), 21–58
[3]. English, J., Madigan, R., & Norman, P. (2017). Slum Clearance: the social and administrative context in England and Wales. Routledge.
[4]. Fiocchi, A., Fierro, V., La Marra, F., & Dahdah, L. A. (2016). The custom clearance of pro- and prebiotics in allergy prevention. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
[5]. Gligor, D., Tan, A., & Nguyen, T. N. T. (2018). The obstacles to cold chain implementation in developing countries: insights from Vietnam. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(3), 942–958.
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Abstract: The traditional spare parts of ductile cast iron were produced for the production of gear under casting conditions and treated with extrapolators. The results showed that the properties of the structure obtained were not thought to be the best, but should be viewed as reasonable with reasonable controls. (880 ° C) for 1 hour and then the austempering review at 200 ° C for 20, 40, 80 and 160 minutes to study the effect on microstructure and mechanical properties, tensile strength, hardness, durability and corrosion resistance
Keywords: Customs clearance process; imported FCL; Cat Lai newport.
[1]. ABD ELHAKEEM, A.A., "Austempering of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron", M.SC Thesis, Metallurgy Dept. Cairo Univ., 2002.
[2]. IBRAHIM, KH., " ADI- The New Benchmark Material Part II ", CMRDI Seminar, March 2011.
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[5]. YOUNG, J.M., "Influence of Austempering Temperature on the Characteristics of Austempered Ductile Iron Alloyed with Cu and Ni", AFS Transactions, Vol. 43, 2008, PP. 113-122..
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Abstract: Project management ensures the success of a variety range of projects across the all industries as well as agriculture business. In Bangladesh, agriculture sector plays a vibrant part in fast-tracking the economic growth. Bangladesh government has developed Seventh Five Year Plan with Sustainable Development Goals and National Agriculture Policy where agriculture sector has been given the highest priority in order to make Bangladesh self-sufficient in food.In order to ensure long-term food security for people and for Bangladesh's dream of becoming a middle-income country by 2021,therefore it is important to have a pprofitable, sustainable and environment........
Keywords: Project Managers' leadership skills; critical success factor;agricultural project management
[1]. Aaltonen, K., 2011. Project stakeholder analysis as an environmental interpretation process [e-journal]. International journal of project management, 29(2), pp.165-183.Available through: S0263786310000256>[Accessed 03 October 2018].
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Abstract: The objective of the research was to find out the gap value between NJOP (Taxable Value of Property) of land area regulated by Local Revenue Office of Samosir Regency in Pangururan Subdistrict, Samosir Regency, and to analyze whether the factors affecting land value in determining NJOP of land area such as surface area, distance from business center, distance from government offices, and location or accessibility simultaneously had any influence on the land value at Pangururan Subdistrict, Samosir Regency. This is a quantitative research using statistical testing to analyze the data. The variables of this research consisted of Surface Area, Distance from Business Center, Distance from Government Offices and Location or Accessibility as the independent variables......
Keywords: Taxable Value of Property, Value Market of Land, Estimation Model of Market Value of Land
[1]. Danik Anggoro, Handoko. (2012). Penentuan Nilai Jual Objek Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Quality Rating Atas Perumahan Mewah Atau Apartemen Di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Vol. 580.
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