Series-2 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: The modern organisation often accepts that employees of current generation behave proactively in general. To manage such proactive employee behaviour in an organisation, IT sector employers mainly focus on hiring a talented individuals and train them and converting them from semi-skilled to skilled employee status and would like to retain them in an organisation for a long period. The major objective of this research work is to find out the reasons which affects the employee turnover and retention. The present study has been mainly based on survey method. Primary data have been collected by issuing questionnaires directly to the respondents who are working in IT Sector. For collecting primary data questionnaire have been prepared and administered –for the IT Sector employees at all levels
Keywords: Modern organisation, proactive, Talent, IT and Data
[1]. ArpornPuvitayaphan (2008), 'Talent Management Practices in selected companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand', Educational Journal of Thailand, Volume-2,No.1 January – December 2008.
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[5]. Julia Christensen Hughes, Evelina Rog, (2008), 'Talent Management: A strategy for improving employee recruitment, retention and engagement within Hospitality organizations', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol.20, Issue:7.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship education is critical in givingan openingto students the knowledge and skills needed for new venture creation among TVET students in developing countries, however, despite it prominent roles only a small number of TVET graduates become entrepreneurs after graduation. There are limited number of studies on entrepreneurial intentions in TVET institution in Kenya thus creating a gap of existing literature. The general objective of the study was to examine the determinants of entrepreneurial intentions of technical and vocational training institutions students in North Rift Region, Kenya. The study employed the explanatory research design and used 2935 students from TVET institutions in north rift region. The study used systematic random sampling technique to select......
Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Antecedents of TPB, TVET education, TTIs in Kenya
[1]. Adekiya, A. A., & Ibrahim, F. (2016). Entrepreneurship intention among students. The antecedent role of culture and entrepreneurship training and development. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(2), 116-132.
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Abstract: Long-term research objectives to create a professional landscape model of labor/HR professionals in the tourism industry and recommend policies HR professionals in the tourism industry business in the Bangka islands through competitive and sustainable foreign tourist visits from the aspect of accommodation, hotel rooms, beds, water, water routes and increase the level of welfare of the people of Bangka Island in particular and national economic growth in general. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of accommodation ratios, ratios, aircraft air route ratios, hotel room, bed ratios, human resources/tourism, labor and economic growth rates on Bangka Island on the ratio of.......
Keywords –Foreigner: Tourism, Occupation Room Hotels, Beds, Tourism Worker, Flights
[1]. Firdaus, M., 2011, econometrics Application for Data Panel and Time Series, first printing, IPB Press. Bogor.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of audit risk towards fee audit, analyze the effect of audit risk towards audit quality, and analyze the effect audit fee towards audit quality. The sample in this study were107 public accountants in Jakarta. The result of the study shows that audit risk has effect towards audit fee, audit risk has negative effect on audit quality, audit fee has effect towards audit quality, audit risk has effect towards audit quality through audit fee in Public Accounting Firms in Central Jakarta. The implications of this study, for the auditor in order to control audit risk, the auditor needs to know the client carefully, as well as understand the ins and outs of his client's business, and for future researchers, to examine the audit risk on audit quality, by adding variables..
Keywords –Audi Risk,Audit Quality, Through Audit Fee
[1]. Abbass, D. A, dan Aleqab, M. M., 2013, Internal Auditors' Characteristics and Audit Fees; Evidence from Egyptian Firms, International BusinessResearch, 6(4), 67–80.
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[3]. Adeyemi, S. B., dan Fagbemi, T. O., 2010, Audit Quality, Corporate Governance and Firm Characteristics in Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Management, 5(5), 169-179.
[4]. Ahmad NugrahaSyaiful Anwar, 2010, Pengaruh fee audit, tekanan anggaran waktu audit terhadap kualitas audit (Penelitian pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Wilayah Kota Bandung yang terdaftar di IAPI), Jurnal Akuntansi, 1(1), pp. 1-16.
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Abstract: This study aims to prove the dominant influence on 25 (twenty-five) variables, namely the variable purchase price of affordable homes, ease of getting loans, cheap credit loans, income is only able to subsidize the type of housing, housing location close to the market, housing location close to schools, housing locations close to health services, housing locations close to houses of worship, housing locations near to work, promotion of the developer in the form of discounted purchase prices, promotion of the developer in the form of gifts, buying a house because..........
Keywords –Buying Decision, Housing Subsidized, Property
[1]. Ediati, T. (2014). Analisa Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Konsumen dalam Pembelian Perumahan di Surakarta. Jurnal Analitika, Vol. 24, No.1 PP 28-41. Universitas Tunas Pembangunan, Surakarta.
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Abstract: To improve online shopping decisions, the influence of prices, trust, ease of use of applications and promotions need to be considered. Based on the background of the study, the purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of price, trust, ease of use of applications, and promotion of online shopping decisions at Shopee on USU's Faculty of Economics and Business students. This type of research is quantitative descriptive. In research the independent variables used are price, trust, ease of use of applications and promotions, and the dependent variable used is online shopping decisions. This research was conducted at the students of the faculty of economics and business at the Universitas Sumatera Utara who are active shopee customers. The population in this study were Diploma and...........
Keywords Price, Trust, Ease of Use of Aplication, Promotion, Online Shopping Decision
[1]. Chang,T.Sheng and Wei, H.Hsiao. (2011). Consumers Automotive Purchase Decisions: The Significance of Vehicle-Based Infotainment Systems. African Journal of Business Management. Vol.5 (11). pp: 4152-416. DOI: 10.5897/AJBM10.480 ISSN 1993-8233.
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[5]. Lubis, Arlina Nurbaity. (2018). Evaluating The Customer Preferences of Online Shopping: Demographic Factors and Online Shop Application Issue. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2018..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Marshall-Olkin New Pareto Distribution and Max-Min Processes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Seetha Lekshmi V. || Catherine Thomas |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2108024855 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we consider a new form of Pareto distribution introduced by Borguignon et al. (2016) and extend it to develop a new model called Marshall- Olkin New Pareto (MONP) distribution. Its elementary properties are explored and distributions of geometric minimum and maximum are derived. Different types of Autoregressive processes with Max-Min structure are developed. The innovation distributions are derived and sample path properties are studied. The models are extended to the kth order also. The new models can be used for modelling time series data on income, wealth, survival times etc
Keywords Autoregressive models, New Pareto Distribution, Marshall-Olkin New Pareto(MONP) distribution, Time series modelling, Max-Min Autoregressive models
[1]. Bourguignon, M., Saulo, H. and Fernandez, R.N .(2016), A new Pareto-type distribution with applications in reliability and income data, Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its Applications.,457(C),166-175.
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Abstract: Poultry is an important food commodity. The research aims to know the effects of local prices and global prices in addition to the prices of local and global inputs on the amount of local supply of Poultry in Iraq by estimating the supply function. Prices of Poultry are rising, while local production remains volatile during the study period. The increase in the population and the improvement in incomes have led to an increase in demand, so it is necessary to increase the supply of the commodity. The model of the estimated supply function was determined through the local production variable of Poultry as a dependent variable, and the local price variables, as well as the border..........
Keywords price policy. Local Supply. Poultry .price of meat
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 1) workload, work stress, and emotional intelligence on organizational commitment; 2) workload, work stress, and emotional intelligence on teacher performance; 3) Organizational Commitment to Teacher Performance; and 4) whether workload, work stress, and emotional intelligence have a significant effect on teacher performance through organizational commitment. The results showed that: 1) workload, work stress, and emotional intelligence had a significant effect on organizational commitment; 2) workload, work stress, and emotional intelligence have a significant effect on teacher performance; and 3) Organizational Commitment has a significant effect on Teacher Performance; and 4) workload, work stress..........
Keywords Workload, Work Stress, Emotional Intelligence, Teacher's Performance
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