Series-4 (Aug-2019)August-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This study aims to identify the factors that influence the capitalization value of formal housing in Medan Helvetia, analyze how much weight of the factors that influence the level of capitalization of formal housing in Medan, evaluate the factors that can affect the level of capitalization of formal housing properties in Medan Helvetia. The number of samples in this study were 45 samples taken from 16 planned housing in Medan Helvetia. The results showed the dominant factor in influencing the magnitude of the level of formal housing capitalization in Medan Helvetia was building area, building age and building house facilities. The magnitude of the weighting of the factors that influence the level of capitalization of formal housing in Medan Helvetia varies, in which the building area...........
Keywords: Capitalization Value, Building Area, Building Age, Period Rent Building, Motivation for Home Ownership, Building House Facilities
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Abstract: The paper focuses on the Islamic Law perspective of airtime credit loan and service charge/fee. When a telecommunication customer runs out of airtime, he has to go out to buy a recharge card and top up his account. There may be situations when customer cannot go out to buy recharge card especially during late night hours, while travelling, etc. Under these emergency situations, a customer is not able to make call due to low balance and there is opportunity loss to network service providers and the customer. Now, network service providers offer solution to such customers who have consumed their airtime and cannot go out immediately to buy recharge card. Customers can send request...........
Keywords: Airtime, Credit, Loan, Service Charge, Islamic Law
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Does the Good Corporate Governance Culture Good for Workers? |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Setyo Riyanto || Lukertina |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2108041520 ![]() |
Abstract: Maintaining employees in the courier industry is not an easy thing, especially when the business has been disrupted by advanced technologies and substituted by other similar companies, as experienced by Indonesia state owned enterprise, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). This study aims to analyze the effect of Good Corporate Government (GCG) that has been implemented as an organizational culture on job satisfaction and employee performance at PT Pos Indonesia (Persero). The analytical method used in this study is the multiple linear regressions. The study population was 200 employees of PT Pos Indonesia. Data analysis is quantitative, the research design is descriptive verification analysis method using multiple linear regression, using Nonprobability Sampling with Random Sampling technique, and using Smart PLS 3 measurement tools. The results of this study indicate a positive influence between organizational culture and job satisfaction.
Keywords: Job satisfaction, employee performance, organizational culture, good corporate government, courier industry.
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Abstract: Study on family businesses finances is gaining prominence ever than before and significant, though quite a few findings have attempted to shed light on the financing policies these businesses adopts regarding making investment/financing decisions. The major objective of this research study examined critically the challenges faced by family businesses in Nigeria with special reference to some selected small family businesses within Bali local government area of Taraba state. Also the study had examined government policies and other support initiatives that has really closed the financing gap experienced by small family businesses. For the purpose of this study, the author analyzed the data obtained from the survey with the use of descriptive and inferential statistics. Random sampling was used to select data from the assumed number of family business within the sampled study and varieties..........
Keywords:Family businesses, Government policies (GOP), financial challenges, financing gap
[1]. Abdulsaleh, A.M. and Worthington, A.C. (2013). Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Financing: A Review of Literature. International Journal of Business and Management,8(14),pp. 36-54.
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Abstract: Effective human resource management plays a vital role in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives, as it serve as the major instrument for the attainment of organizational goals and objectives, thus, it also helps in enhancing the quality of work life of employees The paper entitled effective human resource management an instrument for achieving organizational goal examined the role of HRM in ensuring the attainment of organizational goals. Seen employees are the human resource of an organization and its valuable asset. To be successful, an organization must make employee productivity a major goal. Thus, the level of productivity can vary, depending on the.........
Keywords:Human Resource Management, Organization, Goals, and productivity
[1]. Ahmad, S. & Schroeder, R.G (2003). The impact of human resource management practice on operational performance: recognizing country and industry differences. Journal of operation management, 21(1), 19-43
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Abstract: This paper investigates the relationships between Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices and technological advancement in a R&D manufacturing setting. The results revealed that the current trends in supply chain have positive and significant relationships with information technology and digital revolution; here we saw how current trends of the firms regarding SCM are changing with changes in technology and its use. Findings show that through proper implementation of technological innovation, firms are able to achieve better supply chain practices. Finding shows how technological advancement is helping in making supply chain more efficient. These findings are useful for decision-makers when formulating SCM strategies and focusing on practices that will help them achieve greater technological innovation and will provide them competitive advantage over other firms.
Keywords:Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, Trends, Technological Advancements
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Abstract: Technological developments can be used in efforts to create customer satisfaction and customer loyalty through the provision of effective and efficient best services which are the main objective to be achieved by the banking industry using marketing concepts based on experiential marketing, emotion marketing, and Brand Trust. Banking uses the latest technology to innovate improving the quality and variety of services provided to its customers. One form of innovation is the creation of a medium for mobile banking transaction services. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of experiential marketing, emotion marketing and brand trust on customers' satisfaction and loyalty. Data obtained in this study are using primary data. Data collection techniques are by distributing.........
Keywords: Experiental Marketing, Emotion Marketing, Brand Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty.
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Abstract: The main aim of this study is to examine the impact of InformationSystem (IS) quality on individual performance of employees within small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)in manufacturing sector. Fewer researchers have focused on this topicespecially in Sudan. The DeLone and McLean IS success model (D&M) has been one of the leading established models in IS research. This model has been adapted to match with the context of this study. The proposed model consist of six dimensions including system quality (SYQ), information quality (INQ), service quality (SVQ), system use (SU) user satisfaction (UST) and individual performance (INDP). A survey was conducted to collect data from 211 information system users. The respondents were employeesworking for SMEsin state of Khartoum........
Keywords:information system; SMEs; System Quality, Individual Performance; User Satisfaction
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Direct Selling of Agriculture Products from Farmer to Customer |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mithilesh Kumar || Dr.lndrajit yadav |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2108046367 ![]() |
Abstract: Agricultural marketing includes all activities which add value to agricultural products as they move from areas of agricultural production to ultimate consumption points. An effective and efficient marketing system is required in order to ensure fair returns to stakeholders but unfortunately little attention was paid to this sector in Pakistan. This resulted in welfare risk to stakeholders as price variation and value are common phenomena in the country. Public and private sectors jointly run agricultural marketing system in the country, as public sector is responsible for framing and implementing rules and regulation whereas private sector operates the system. Agricultural markets are governed under the Agricultural Produce Markets Ordinance 1978 which needs to be updated.........
Keywords: Agriculture, economy, financial, instrument, farmer
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