Series-1 (Sep-2019)Sep-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: This research examinedthe role ofcustomer experiences and purchase behaviour in the accommodation sector. The study area was in Preston city, United Kingdom, so questionnaire surveys were designed and distributed using survey monkey software. The respondent were aged above nineteen (19) years old and have been booked and experienced accommodation services in hostel, apartment, hotel, resort, or another type of accommodation. Also, researcher made an interview to some managers of accommodation. The finding displays that previous customers experiences have large contribution to the booking behavior of accommodation, particularly repeat customer, for example finding shows that 67% of customers could go back to accommodation they stayed at before. In addition, 84.79% they said that will inform other peoples to book accommodation, where they stayed due to the good.
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[5]. Arana J E and Leon C J (2007) "The Impact of Terrorism on Tourism Demand". Journal ofAnnals of Tourism Research, Vol 35, no
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Abstract: The bleeding edge for business today is web based business. Web based business can be characterized as the purchasing, selling and trading of merchandise and ventures through an electronic medium by organizations, customers and different gatherings with no physical contact and trade. On the web, it identifies with a site of the seller, who sells items or administrations legitimately to the client from the entry utilizing a computerized shopping basket or advanced shopping crate framework and permits installment through Mastercards, check cards or EFT (Electronic store move) installments. The ascent of these new data and correspondence advancements and of Internet clients, has presented another promoting reality. This new situation assumes essential job between the relations of players. Web and online business have given a noteworthy effect on the worldwide business.......
Keyword: E-commerce, Internet, Shopping cart, Debit cards, Credit cards
[1]. Abdullah NN andMohd, F (2015) Chinese Economic Activities and Interests in Developing Countries. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 9(25): 79-86. [2]. Ahmed, R. R., andBasariya, R. Analytical Study on Organizational Ethnicity and it's Induce towards Workplace Assortment and Enclosure.
[3]. Alex Trengove Jones, Anna Malcyk and Justin Beneke: "Internet marketing" published by Getsmarter under the creative commons BY-NC 3.0.
[4]. Mohammad HosseinMoshrefJavadi (2012) An Analysis of Factors Affecting on Online Shopping Behaviour of Consumers, International Journal of Marketing Studies, 4(5).
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Abstract: In the private security sector in Kenya, 60% of the firms develop formal strategic plan. However, the majority of firms still experience performance issues that highlight deficiency in strategy implementation. One of the factors that have been frequently linked to strategy implementation is staff autonomy. The current study sought to investigate the effect of staff autonomy on strategy implementation in private security firms in Nakuru County. It employed the descriptive survey designand targetedthe population of 3282 individual comprising of 186 management staff and 3096 operational staff working in 31 private security firms in Nakuru County. From this population, a sample of 185.........
Keywords: Strategy implementation, staff autonomy, employee empowerment, decentralization, delegation of authority, staff empowerment, private security, Nakuru County, Kenya
[1]. Abrahamsen, R., & Williams, M. (2015).The globalization of private security: Kenya country report. London, UK: Programme of the Economic and Social Research Council.
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[4]. Busolo, C., Ogolla, D., & Were, E. (2013). Relationship between human resource management practices and performance of private security firms in Kenya. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 6(7), 1-13.
[5]. Busolo, C., Ogolla, D., & Were, E. (2016). Relationship between human resource management practices and performance of private security firms in Kenya: A case of private security firms in Kitui County. International Journal of Business and Commerce, 6(7), 1-13.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Pathways to Increasing Productivity and Loyalty of Plantation Employees |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muhammad Isa Indrawan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109013846 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the phenomenon of problems that occur in plantations in North Sumatra, namely there are still some employees who have groups or teams in completing their work but prefer to work individually, karja designs that still often change if needed in achieving targets, so that a person employees must have additional work that results in unsatisfactory work results, organizational culture or habits of employees returning home during working hours if the leadership is not in place resulting in work that should be completed on time requires more time to complete, so productivity will decrease along with bad habits that continue to be made and have an impact on employee.........
Keywords: Teamwork, Work Design, Organizational Culture, Loyalty, Employee Productivity.
[1]. Afia, Ika, Ranu, (2013). Kontribusi Beban Kerja, Disiplin Kerja, Hubungan Dengan Teman Sekerja Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Di Pt. Viccon Modern Industry. Fakultas Ekonomi, Unesa, Kampus Ketintang, Surabaya.
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[5]. Budiasih, Yanti, (2012). Stuktur Organisasi, Desain Kerja, Budaya Kerja Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produktivitas Karyawan Studi Kasus pada Pt. XX Di Jakarta. STIE Ahmad Dahan Jakarta
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Levy of GST and Tax Collection at Sources on E-Commerce Transactions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rama Nag (De) |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109014749 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper I have tried to focus on provisions pertaining to Levy of GST and Tax Collection at Sources on E-Commerce Transaction. The explosive growth in the E-commerce sector has given rise to multiple Tax issues. Importance of E-commerce has grown in India due to online buying and selling items. Electronic commerce is defined as commercial transaction which is conducted through electronic media. Every electronic commerce operator has to collect tax termed as TCS when services or goods are supplied through its portal.
Keywords: Electronic Commerce, electronic Media, TCS, Portal, Multiple Tax
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[4]. CA Vineet Sodhani & CA Deepshikha Sodhani - Goods and Service Tax – Law, Practice and Procedure.
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Abstract: Article 46 in the Indian constitution deals with the promotions of the Educational and economic interest of suppressed and depressed people of the society. The present paper is socio-Economic status of the savita samaja community in mysuru district of karntaka,india.this community occupation more than evolved traditional occupation of haircutting and saving and some people are engaged musicians This community traditional occupation is primary. And collected by the sample house holds.main earn income from haircutting.Majority of the sample population 70 % of the people income has come from in rural areas below 5000-10,000 Rupees level,and also.........
Keywords: Jajmani system, traditional occupation,present occupation, education,and family Income.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of the Perception of Whistleblowers in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ahmed Tijjani Ibrahim, Phd |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109015564 ![]() |
Abstract: In Nigeria, which was chosen as a case study, public sector whistleblowers are protected by the Anti-Corruption Act and few other provisions scattered around separate acts. This leads to the conclusion that private sector whistleblowers are not protected from retaliation. Regulation is not the only aspect that needs re-evaluating, as statistics clearly show negative attitude towards whistleblowing and whistleblowers. 74% of the surveyed people would not react when witnessing corruption and 13% of civil servants and 1% of citizens and business owners who personally experienced corruption, actually reported the cases. Many of the illegal or unethical behaviours can be summed up as corruption and as a result the statistic is worrying. However, the attitudes are changing in Nigeria.........
Keywords: perception, whistleblowers, whistleblowing, Nigeria.
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Abstract: The study aims at determining the impact of Recruitment, Learning Organization, Self development toward the the Performance of the Lecturer of Polytechnic "X" Jakarta. The previous research usually focus in the big enterprise and the sample used is the employee of the companies. This research use the object is a higher education, with the sample used is the lecturer, that's why this research differ of the previous researchs. The research was conducted at the Polytechnic "X" Jakarta. The research used quantitative approach , using correlation of multiple design approaches, to test the hypothesis that explains the relationship of each independent variable and dependent variable, individually and using path analysis to test the hypothesis that explains the relationship of each independent variable and dependent........
Keywords: performance, recruitment, learning organization, self development, lecturer.
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