Series-3 (Sep-2019)Sep-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: The diverse nature of modern business operations has made it a strategic necessity to have a proper understanding of oneself as well as why others act the way they do, this is so as to work cooperatively,harmoniously, and freely with them to mitigate conflict tendencies inherent in human nature. Therefore, achieving suchharmonious and cooperative atmosphere is premised on the degree of emotional intelligence of allmembers of the organization irrespective of their level and position occupied. It was based on this notion that this study theoretically reviewed literature on the meaning and nature of emotional intelligence construct, x-rayed its three.........
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, models, social awareness, relationship management, intrapersonal relations, interpersonal relations, behavioural school of management thought
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Abstract: The paper examined socio economic characteristics of rice farmers in Sokoto State with a view to providing baseline information for agricultural projects intervention. Using multi state sampling technique and structured questionnaires, 300 rice farmers were randomly selected from 6 purposively selected local government areas of the State. Descriptive statistics were used to analyzed the data.Result revealed that the farmers were not formally educated and are middle aged and ageing male farmers with household size of 6-10 members. Majority of the farmers had over 16 years of experience in rice production and were engaged in different occupation (farming........
Keywords: Socio-economic, Characteristics, rice, farmers
[1]. Abubakar, B.Z., D.H. Yakubu, F.J. Yelwa & S.A. Abubakar (2009). The role of Cooperative Society in Community Development: A Case Study of Agae Local Government Area, Niger State. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria, Sokoto. Pp211-215
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Contribution of Universities in the Implementation of SDGs: Perspective Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Wahida Akther |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109032127 ![]() |
Abstract: The ultimate target of the 17 SDGs is to ensure peaceful, secure, prosperous and equitable life for human in everywhere on the earth. Achievement of SDGs will need institutional contribution. As large institution, universities have the capacity to generate, translate and disseminate knowledge relevant to achieving the SDGs. They can work with policy-makers and other stakeholders to identify problems/policy priorities, assess policy options, implement solutions and evaluate policies relating to SDGs. The present study reveals the contribution which universities can make to the implementation of SDGs in Bangladesh. Descriptive research method was employed and mainly secondary data were considered to conduct the study. It was found that universities can make a significant........
Keywords: SDGs, University, Contribution and Bangladesh
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[5]. Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) 2015, Getting started with the SDGs: A Guide for Stakeholders, SDSN, New York,
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Abstract: The security analysis and portfolio management are the most concerned aspect for rational investment decision. A portfolio is a set of securities such as stocks, bonds and money market instruments. The process of obtaining the maximum return with a minimum risk is called as portfolio management. The portfolio management will always base upon the investors needs and preference. There are many studies done on the area of portfolio management however this study focusing only upon stock selection form CNX Nifty so this will also act as a complete guide for an individual investor for choosing the right securities. The retail investors always having a problem in identifying the suitable securities that can optimise their savings most of the retail investors are not ready to invest in........
Keywords: CNX Nifty, portfolio management, Retail investors, stock selection, fundamental analysis, portfolio construction, portfolio evaluation.
[1]. Ashokkumar, D., A.V, R., & C.K, M. (2016). Fundamental analysis of Pharma sector: An Empirical Analysis. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 5(12), 28-37.
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[3]. Bansal, S., & Taneja, Y. P. (2015). Comparative Study on Performance Evaluation of Large Cap Equity and DebtMutual Fund Schemes. OPEN JOURNAL OF FINANCE, 1-13.
[4]. Bhagyasree, N., & Kishori, B. (2016, April). A Study on Performance Evaluation of Mutual Funds Schemes in India. International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 2(11), 812-816.
[5]. Bilaus, B. (2010). Portfolio Management for institutional investors. Romania: CFA Romania..
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Abstract: In our everyday business affairs, we encounter traffics in the course of providing a product/service or consuming a product/service. Such traffic, nay queues tend to be an inconvenience both to the consumers and service providers. It then becomes important for the management to devise means for dealing with such queues effectively and efficiently. One of such ways is to develop and apply model that will manage such queues. But, it is only possible to apply such queuing model when the operating characteristics of the queuing systems are studied, known and conform to the basic features of a Queuing model...........
Keywords: Queue, Traffic, Arrival Pattern, Service Mechanism, Model, Discrete Probability Distribution, Negative Exponential Distribution, Queuing System
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Abstract: The study of Customers expectation and perception of state owned banks in Bangladesh: A comparative study betweenSonali Bank Limited and Agrani Bank Limited attempts to analyze the sound service quality of public sector banks in Bangladesh in terms of customers' expectation and perception. The article has been carried out at collective levels in order to discover and map the differences. The work also touches the factors affecting customer expectations and perceptions in regard to the service quality of banks. The primary data were collected with the help of structured and open ended questionnaire of service quality where 180 respondents accessing banking.......
Keywords: Bank, Customer, Expectation, Perception, Satisfaction, and Comparative
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Abstract: The aim of the study was to identify institutional models of soybean seeding at the farm level and the factors that influenced farmers to participate in institutional soybean seeding. This research was conducted in three major soybean seeding districts in Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia using cross-sectional data from 81 respondents in participating in the institutional model of soybean seeding obtained by census and 15 farmers not participating in the institution. This study was conducted from April to August 2018. Data were analyzed descriptively and by regression.......
[1]. Suastika IB, Kariasa IK, editors. Kajian Sistem Penyediaan Benih Unggul Bermutu Kedelai dalam Mendukung Program Strategis Peningkatan Produksi Kedele di Wilayah Bali [Study of Soybean-Quality Superior Seed Supply System in Supporting Strategic Programs for Increasing Soybean Production in the Bali Region]. Seminar Nasional : Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi [National Seminar: Food Sovereignty and Energy]; 2012; Faculty of Agriculture, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia. doi: University of Trunojoyo Madura.
[2]. Bahari, Arif N, Bahari DI, Nur M. Impact of Socio-Economic Condition of Farmer on Productivity Level of Soybean Farming in Indonesia. Journal International Business Management. 2017;11(8):1611-9.
[3]. Hipi A, Fitratunnisa, Herawati N, editors. Kajian Daya Simpan Benih Beberapa Varietas Kedelai [Study of Seed Saving of Several Soybean Varieties]. Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi Pertanian [Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Technology Innovation]; 2016; Indonesia. doi:
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Abstract: This study aims to examine the determinants that influence earnings management. Determinants of earnings management in this study are institutional ownership, managerial ownership, the proportion of independent commissioners, the performance of the audit committee, and board interlocks. The research population is banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017, amounting to 215. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method and based on the method obtained a sample size of 160, but after the trimming data process (because there are 55 sample sizes that produce outlier data) then the sample size becomes 105. The hypothesis in this study was tested by multiple regression analysis using SPSS version 24. The results showed that managerial ownership, audit committee performance, and board interlocks had a negative effect on earnings management. While institutional ownership and the proportion of independent commissioners have no effect on earnings management.
Keywords: earnings management, institutional ownership, managerial ownership, proportion of independent commissioners, audit committee performance, board interlocks.
[1]. Agustia, Dian. (2013). The Effect of Good Corporate Governance, Free Cash Flow, and Leverage Factors on Earnings Management. Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 15, No. 1, May 2013, 27-42 ISSN 1411-0288 print / ISSN 2338-8137 online.
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[3]. Boediono, Gideon SB. (2005). Earnings Quality: Study of the Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms and the Impact of Earnings Management by Using Path Analysis. Proceedings of the National Accounting Symposium VIII.
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Abstract: Central Bank is facing a dilemma in lending to MSMEs. On the one hand, a credit policy is needed that makes it easy for MSMEs to access investment credit and working capital. On the other hand, it will increase NPLs (non-performing loans) for banks. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between MSME MSMEs in working capital and investment loans. The data used are secondary data from the Central Bank for the period 2017 to 2018. Analysis of the data used is 1 way ANOVA. The results showed that there were MSMEs with working capital loans NPL greater than investment loans. This is due to the high level of inflation in 2017 - 2018 so that the purchasing power of the people decreases towards MSME products. This has a greater impact on short-term credit, working capital than long-term investment credit.
Keywords: NPL, Working Capital Credit, Investment Credit
[1]. Manurung Elizabeth Tiur and Manurung EM. 2019. A NEW APPROACH OF BANK CREDIT ASSESSMENT FOR SMES. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal Volume 23, Issue 3, 2019 1 1528-2635-23-3-386
[2]. Sumanto. 2016. The Effect of Investment Credit and Working Capital Loans on the Welfare of Regency / City Communities in East Java. JESP-Vol. 8, No. 1 March 2016 ISSN (P) 2086-1575 E-ISSN 2502-7115
[3]. Olomi, D. R. (2008). Demand assessment for micro finance services in Zanzibar with a gender perspective. Report submitted to the International LabourOrganisation (ILO), Dar es Salaam..
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Abstract: This research aims to know and to understand the performance of apparatus on the Agency for Financial management of income and regional assets (BPKPAD) of Binjai city which consists of incentives, discipline, prestige towards the performance of data analysis method used In this study using Multiple Regression Analysis by conducting data quality tests, classical assumption tests, hypothesis testing and efficiency of determinations using the Statistical Package for Social Science program (SPSS). The population in this research is all employees who are the status of civil servants on the Financial Management Agency, income, and regional assets (BPKPAD) of Binjai city which amounted to 93 employees. The entire population is used as samples. The results of this study proved that in partial the variables of discipline, incentive, and prestige have positive and significant effect on......
Keywords: Discipline, Incentive, Prestige, and Performance
[1] Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis, Edisi Revisi V. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Influencing HRSSC Adoption in Retail Companies In India |
Country | : | Zambia |
Authors | : | NitinBarekereRamachandra |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109037682 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors influencing the adoption of Human Resources Shared Services Centers (HRSSC) and to determine the dominant and less dominant factors. Through literature review, influencing variables were culled out viz., perceived usefulness, social influence, awareness of services, product/service involvement, perceived ease of use, computerself-efficacy, prior experience of computers usage, HRSSC Familiarity, perceived risk, perceived benefits, institutional forces, resistance to change, trust, demography and attitude. There are evidences in the literature that these variables directly or indirectly affect the attitude of a person either positively or negatively and the......
Keywords: HRSSC, Adoption, Retail, Dominant, Factors and Variables.
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