Series-4 (Sep-2019)Sep-2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: We are living in an era of information explosion and pollution. The globalized world is characterized by the indispensable presence of tech savvy citizens or netizens. The ever-expanding and demanding Information Technology (IT) sector imposes a lot of burden and workload on the present generation. Telecommuting has mushroomed over the past years. Most of the IT professionals prefer working from home. The number of fields with work from home opportunities is expanding. The present paper analyzes the association and impact of work from home and work-life balance (WLB) on marital status, gender, educational status, job position, income, nature of work and with the different Information Technology parks. The investigative study is based on the context of the Kerala IT sector and explores issues related to work from home and work life balance practices and career progression with organizational commitment.
Keywords: Impact, work from home, work life balance, Information Technology, organizational commitment.
[1]. Farrell, K. (2017). Working from Home: A Double Edged Sword, Home Renaissance Foundation Conference, November 16-17, Royal Society of Medicine in London.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Service Quality Dimensions of Business Schools in Nepal |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Surya Bahadur Rana, Ph.D. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109041016 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the factors associated with service quality dimensions of Nepalese Business Schools as expected by the students. Based on the sample of 616 business students associated with four universities in Nepal, and using exploratory factor analysis, this study documents that three factors, namely students' relation, tangibility and reliability, are important in determining the service quality of the business schools in Nepal. The results also show that these three factors are basically related to business school's interactions with students, and suggest the quality of informed and empathic responses of the service provider to service users that communicates the business school's concern, readiness, sensitivity and ability to satisfactorily address concerns, and meet the needs and requirements of students. The result of confirmatory factor analysis in this paper also confirms the derived dimensions of the exploratory factor analysis.
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Abstract: This study explores the production and export possibility of canned pineapple and pineapple leaf fiber in Bangladesh. Pineapple has huge demand both locally and internationally for several types of uses. Its consumption is increasing day by day because of its different nutritionals value. Since exporting fresh pineapple is difficult because of its perishable nature, many countries are exporting canned pineapple. Besides, because of the pineapple leaf fine fiber quality with its organic nature, it is already used for making different types of products (clothes, rope) in some countries.In Bangladesh almost every year farmers found huge surplus cultivation after supplying the fruits in the local market. As Bangladesh has a well cultivation of pineapple so it's easy to establish this potential export site........
Keywords: Pineapple of Bangladesh, Canned pineapple, Pineapple Leaf Fiber, Organic Fiber, New Export Site.]
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Abstract: The study investigated the challenges of implementing and using electronic payments in Nigeria. The influence of six constructs: Trust, Information quality, system and service quality, perceived risk, organizational reputation, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on attitude was used to determine users' intention to use electronic payment system. Survey research design was adopted. One thousand electronic payment users in five banks were selected from six states in Nigeria using stratified random sampling. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Frequency and percentage distributions, multiple regressions and Principal Component Analysis were analytical techniques used. The research hypotheses were tested at 0.05% level of significance. Findings revealed that the constructs - service quality (β .318, p .000), system quality (β.410, p .002) perceived risk (β .237, p .000), organizational reputation........
Keywords: Electronic payment, Trust, System and service quality, perceived risk, Organizational Reputation, Attitude, Nigeria.
[1]. Abid, H. & Noreen, U. (2008). Ready to E-bank: An exploratory research on adoption of e-banking and e-readiness in customers among commercial banks in Pakistan. Spider 31 (2), pp. 1-31.
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[4]. Adeyinka, D.A. Nelson, R.R. and Todd, P.A. (2009).Perceived Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Usage of Information Technology: A Replication. MIS Quarterly16(2), pp. 227-247.
[5]. Ahmad, R. &Buttle, F. (2008).Retaining telephone banking customers at Frontier Bank.International Journal of Bank Marketing, 20 (1), pp. 5-16.
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Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a renewed emphasis on delivering superior quality products and services to customers. The purpose of this study to examine antecedents of marketing orientation on business performance mediated by Environmental variables.500 questionnaires were distributed to 18 insurance company's customer service officers operating in Ethiopia. multivariate statistics was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study suggested that market orientation is related to top management emphasis, risk aversion of top managers, interdepartmental conflict and connectedness, centralization and reward system orientation. Furth more, Market orientation was related to business performance, employee organizational commitment and De sprite DE corpse. Moreover, the linkage between market orientation and business performance is found robust mediated by environmental variables characterized by various degrees of market turbulence, competitive intensity and technological turbulence.
Keywords: Antecedents of market orientations, Market orientation, Business performance
[1]. Appiah-Adu, Kwaku (1997), ―Market Orientation and Performance: Do the Findings Established in Large Firms Hold in the Small Business Sector?‖ Journal of Euro-Marketing, 6 (3), 1–27.
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[4]. Becherer, Richard C. and John G. Maurer (1997), ―The Moderating Effect of Environmental Variables on the Entrepreneurial and Marketing Orientation of Entrepreneur-led Firms,‖ Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 87 (1), 47–58.
[5]. Bennett, Roger and Robert cooper (1981), ―beyond the marketing concept, ―Business Horizons, 22 (June) 76-83.
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Abstract: In the industrial context, especially in a project risk management system, the main concern of project managers and the company's general management is to identify vulnerable processes that generate disruptions to the progress of a project. This article is based on previous research on our qualitative model named "H.I.K", which deals with the three operating factors (Human, Information, Knowledge). Thus, the latter are fundamental elements to evaluate for any development of a new project likely to be contaminated by weakness links to different processes in a project management system, as the case of international companies in Morocco. The major question that arises is then, how to protect our managerial system from major risks related to the lack of evaluation or ignorance of the factors of the HIK model.......
Keywords: Concept (HIK), Processes, Project management, Qualitative, Quantitative, Vulnerability.
[1]. Elamrani, T., Mustapha, O., Mina, A., & Abdessamad, B. (2018, April). Towards a tool for modeling the vulnerability of processes in project management in an industrial context. In 2018 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA) (pp. 164-169). IEEE.
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[5]. EL AMRANI, T., AMHARREF, M., OUARDOUZ, M., & BERNOUSSI, A. Risk management culture: reality & stakes, case of enterprises of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region in Morocco. Moroccan Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management, 3(2), 58-76.
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Abstract: This study aims to study and analyze the role of the division of work and interpersonal communication in improving the performance of Wakatobi Regency Government Protocol employees, using a survey method conducted on all civil servant protocols in the Wakatobi Regency Government totaling 35 people. The data analysis tool used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the division of work and interpersonal communication simultaneously and partially has a positive and significant effect on the performance of protocol employees.
Keywords: Division of work, interpersonal communication, performance of protocol employees
[1]. Astri Ayu Purwati & Johan Kurniawan (2018). Analisis Pengaruh Gaji, Kedisiplinan Dan Pembagian Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Dan Karyawan Di Sekolah Esa Sejahtera Pekanbaru. Jurnal Cano Ekonomos, 7(1), 16-24.
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[3]. Alizadeh, Raheleh Cheragh And Cheraghalizadeh, Romina (2015). The Effect Of Organizational Supports On Job Performance In Construction Projects. Electronic Journal Of Vocational Colleges-December/Aralık 2015. Diakses pada tanggal 22 Maret 2017.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of computer self efficacy and ease of use against e-SPT in reporting taxes. This study used descriptive analysis method with multiple linear regression analysis tool. Data in this study is collected using questionnaires. The data used is primary data as much as 95 personal taxpayers who used e-SPT and registered on KPP Pratama Kendari. The result of this study indicate that (1) Computer Self Efficacy has unsignificant effect on e-SPT in Reporting Taxes, this is because in the tax reporting process the average taxpayer still asks for help from other people/their employees or tax consultant to carry out the process filling in the their SPT. (2) Ease of Use has significant effect on e-SPT in Reporting Taxes...........
Keywords: Computer Self Efficacy, Ease of Use, e-SPT in Reporting Taxes.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the influence of training and education working satisfaction toward the performance in training and education Institution of Muna District by using the quantitative research method. The data are obtained by giving questioner and the obtained data are analyzed by using Statistic Package Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0 to get coefficient of correlation of independent variable and it is continued with statistic test. The result of this research to obtained that satisfaction, and training and education has been significant to ward performance in training and education Institution of Muna District...............
Keywords: training and education, working satisfaction, qualified work
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Innovation Constraints: R&D role in Successful Innovation& Performance:A Literature Review |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ariguzo, V. A. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2109049197 ![]() |
Abstract: Sundry views have enriched academic literature on the impossibility of divorce between innovation and research & development. A deeper understanding of the innovation constraints, research and development role in providing successful innovation and the corresponding relations to firm performance and economic growth has provoked this research. This desk study utilized qualitative data collected from extensive literature review and allowed for a robust discourse. Findings revealed that an obvious significant relationship exists between research and development, innovation, firms' performance and economic growth. The study concludes along the lines of the RBV model for the adoption of unique resources with intentional research and development activities to provide the expected Schumpeter's creative destructive products. The use of this blue ocean strategy will provide new market visibility, gain competitive advantage and eventually result to above average returns of the firm in the long run.
Keywords: Innovation, R&D, RBV Model, Schumpeter's innovation theory.
[1]. Abatecola, G., Cafferata, R., &Poggesi, S. (2012). Arthur stinchcombe's "liability of newness": Contribution and impact of the construct. Journal of Management History, 18(4), 402-418.
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[3]. Akcali, B. Y. (2015). Innovation and the effect of research and development (R&D) expenditure on growth in some developing and developed countries.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 768-775.
[4]. Akinci, G. &Utlu, Z. (2015). The research & development and innovation capacity of small and medium scale enterprises in IMES.Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 790-798.
[5]. Akinwale, Y. O., Dada, A. D., Oluwadare, A. J., Jesuleye, O. A., &Siyanbola, W. O. (2012). Understanding the nexus of R&D, innovation and economic growth in Nigeria.International Business Research, 5(11), 187-196.