Abstract: E-commerceistheprocessofdistributing,buying,sellingandmarketingproductsandservicesthrough the Internet and other online services. Many new e-commerce sites have appeared, bringing in very tight com- petition between e-commerce companies. One of them is XYZ as beauty e-commerce. Since its launch in 2015, XYZ has been able to attract the attention of Indonesian people, especially those interested in beauty products and the beauty industry. This study aims to determine the effect of brand image on customer loyalty in beauty e-commerceXYZ.Datacollectionwasprocessedusingaquestionnairetechniquethatwasdistributedtoallusers of XYZ residing in Indonesia. The population of the study was XYZ........
Keywords: BrandAssociation, BrandImage, Customer Satisfaction,CustomerLoyalty, E-Commerce
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