Abstract: This study aims to study a tool to capture ideas and projects for incremental innovations within the scope of the Civil Police of the State of Santa Catarina. The search for innovation is a complex construct, with different conceptions, dimensions and application contexts that has become a goal of different types of organizations, as the evolution of the incorporation of innovations in organizations, within the capitalist model of wealth generation, it went through the absorption of new technologies, new concepts, new processes, new management model, new people and their new ideas. At this point, much of the knowledge to be used may come from the knowledge that already exists in the human capital that makes up the organization. Especially in your tacit knowledge. The work begins with the formation of a theoretical framework, aiming to understand the innovation objectified by the tool. Afterwards, it will be identified if there is theoretical support and adequacy to the tool.
Keyword: Innovation, Civil Police, Repository of ideas
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