Abstract: Background:The decision-making power being one of the important determinants of women empowerment and the women's participation in any sort of decision at household level directly portrays the situation at grass root level. The paper aims to examine the status of the working women their involvement in the household's financial and non-financial decisions and at the same time compare the situation between the public sector and private sector working women. Furthermore, the paper also tries to assess the confidence level among these working women. Therefore, the paper has three main objectives and they are firstly, to examine the socio-economic background of these working women. Secondly, to compare the situation of the level of involvement of these working women into the households financial and non-financial decisions between public sector and private sector. Finally, to suggest some policy recommendations to address the situation at grass root level.......
Keywords: - Decision-Making; Working-Women; Public; Private; Household; Women-Empowerment.
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