Version-2 (February-2014)
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[2]. McIntosh M, Anderson G, Drescher C, et al. Ovarian cancer early detection claims are biased. Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:7574.
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[4]. Rice GE, Edgell TA, Autelitano DJ. Evaluation of midkine and anterior gradient 2 in a multimarker panel for the detection of ovarian cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2010;29:62.
[5]. Palmer C, Duan X, Hawley S, et al. Systematic evaluation of candidate blood markers for detecting ovarian cancer. PLoS One 2008;3:2633.
[6]. Anderson GL, McIntosh M, Wu L, et al. Assessing lead time of selected ovarian cancer biomarkers: a nested case-control study. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102:26-38.
[7]. Su F, Lang J, Kumar A, et al. Validation of candidate serum ovarian cancer biomarkers for early detection. Biomark Insights 2007;2:369-75.
[8]. Greene MH, Feng Z, Gail MH. The importance of test positive predictive value in ovarian cancer screening. Clin Cancer Res 2008;14:7574.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Of The Eyelid -A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Yapa Guha, Dr Yumnam Chingsuingamba |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13220507 ![]() |
[2] Bambirra EA, Miranda D, Rayes A. Mucoepidermoid tumour of the lacrimal sac. Arch Ophthalmol 99:2149-2150, 1981
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Abstract: The parotid gland is the largest of the salivary glands weighing 15 grams and Pleomorphic adenoma (mixed salivary tumour) is the most common benign salivary gland tumour and also the most common benign tumour of the parotid. Normally this tumour is a slow growing well demarcated apparently encapsulated lesion rarely exceeding 6cms in its greatest dimension. However the below mentioned case is an exception wherein the tumour measures 24x18x11 cms in dimension. Thereby making it the world's largest benign parotid tumour recorded till date.
Keywords : Benign mixed tumor, parotid gland, parotidectomy, pleomorphic adenoma, largest parotid tumour.
[2]. Dalati T, Hussein RM. Juvenile pleomorphic adenoma of chhek. A case report and review of literature. Diagn Pathol 2009,4: 32.
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[4]. Auclair PL, Ellis GL, GNEPP DR, Wenig BM, Janney CG. Salivary gland neoplasms: general considerations. In: ELLIS GL, Auclair PL, GNEPP DR, eds: Surgical Pathology of the salivary glands, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co. 1991: 135-164.
[5]. Issacson G, Shear M. Intraoral Salivary gland tumors: A retrospective study of 201 cases. J Oral Pathol 1983: 12: 57-62.
[6]. Tian Z, Li L, Wang L, Hu Y, Li J. Salivary gland neoplasms in oral and maxillofacial regions: A 23 year retrospective study of 6982 cases in eastern Chinese population. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010; 39(3); 235-42.
[7]. Van Heerden WF, Raubenheimer EJ. Intraoral salivary gland neoplasms: a retrospective study of seventy cases in African population. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1991;71:579-82
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Abstract: India the world's second most populous country, which has struggled to control its population so as to meet growth and development targets, now has to battle infertility, as the down-payment for economic uplift. The objectives of the present study were to know the prevalence of infertility in a rural community, to assess different risk factors associated with infertility and also to find out the health care seeking behaviour of the study population. This cross sectional study was done among 191 couples selected by systematic sampling. A pre-designed pre-tested proforma was used for collection of data. Statistically significant association of infertility with age, education, socio economic status, family type, prior family planning method, menstrual abnormalities, gynaecological abnormalities were found. Regarding health care seeking behaviour it was found that most of the study population preferred private sector for treatment of infertility.
Key Words: Infertility, rural community, health care seeking behaviour
[1] Dabral S, Malik SL. Demographic study of gujars of Delhi: VI. Factors affecting fertility, Infant mortality and use of BCM. J. of Hum. Ecol. 2005; 17: 85-92.
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[3] Gupta N. Infertility: planning a prototype action plan in the existing health care system. J Indian Med Assoc 2002;100:391-94.
[4] World Health Organization, Special Programme Of Research, Development and Research Training In Human Reproduction. Ninth annual report, Geneva. WHO
[5] Report of the meeting on the prevention of infertility at primary health care level, 12-16 Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO/MCH/ 84.4).
[6] National family health survey (NFHS-3); 2005-2006 INDIA.
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Abstract: The aim of the present study was to correlate biochemical parameters like serum uric acid, LDH, AST, ALT, prothrombin time and APTT with maternal outcomes in Hypertensive diseases in pregnancy. Out of the 328 PIH cases, 9 (2.74%) maternal deaths were recorded during this study and 166 mothers were having complications and 194 mothers were having preterm delivery. All the 9 maternal death cases were admitted during emergency, 8(88.8%) came from rural areas, belonged to low socioeconomic class and had not taken antenatal care, 7 were primigravidas and from the 20-25 years age group. Serum levels of uric acid, LDH, AST, ALT and APTT were statistically significant with maternal deaths in comparison to mothers who survived.
Keywords: PIH, Uric acid, LDH, AST
[2]. Sibai BM, Gordon T, Thom E. Risk factors for preeclampsia in healthy nulliparous women: a prospective multicenter study. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Network of Maternal – Fetal Medicine Units. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1995; 172(2): 642-48.
[3]. LoJo, Mission JF, Caughey AS, Hypertensive disease of pregnancy and maternal mortality. Curr Opin. Obstet Gynecol. 2013 April; 25(2): 124-32.
[4]. Ghulmiyyah L, Sibai B. Semin Perinatol.Maternal mortality from preeclampsia/ Eclampsia. 2012 Feb; 36(1); 56-9.
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[7]. R.Aziz,, Tabassum M. Preeclampsia & Cardiac enzymes is there any relation..
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Abstract: We report a case of delayed recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy following total thyroidectomy. A 25 year old male patient presented to us with a left thyroid swelling. Investigations have revealed the presence of follicular neoplasm in the left thyroid nodule, which was measuring 6 cms in diameter. An Indirect Laryngoscopy pre operatively has not revealed any abnormality. A total thyroidectomy was performed. Intra operatively, the left recurrent laryngeal nerve could not be identified, however at the end of surgery, visual confirmation of bilateral normal vocal cord movements was carried out. On fourth post-operative day, patient developed hoarse voice. An Indirect laryngoscopy has confirmed loss of movements in the left vocal cord and the patient was diagnosed to have delayed left recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. The patient did not have any respiratory symptoms and received voice therapy. His voice returned to normal by three months.
Key Words: Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injury (RLNI), Total thyroidectomy, Nerve at Risk (NAR), Indirect Laryngoscopy (IDL), Unilateral Vocal Fold paralysis (UVFP), Indirect Laryngoscopy (IDL).
literature review. Surgery 1994;115:139–144.
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recurrent laryngeal nerve. Surgery 2005;137:342–347.
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[2]. Kacheriwale SM, Mehta K.D, Pillai B, Jain Y - Rare presentation of primary hydatid cyst. Indian Jr of surgery 2004; 66 (1) : 47-49.
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[4]. Taoril KB, Mahajan SM; Hirawe SR, Mundhada RG - Hydatid disease of breast. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2004; 14: 1: 57-60.
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[6]. WHO informal working group. International classification of ultrasound images in cystic echinococcosis for application in clinical and field epidemiological settings. Acta Trop 2003, 85: 253- 61.
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[2]. Nordgvist A, Petersson CJ, Redlund-Johnell I. Mid clavicular fractures in adults : end result study after conservative treatment . J Orthop Trauma, 1998 ; 12 : 572-576.
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[4]. Edwards DJ, Kavanagh TG, Flannery MC. Fractures of the distal clavicle a case for fixation. Injury, 1992; 23 : 44-46.
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Abstract: oral premalignant and malignant prevalence studies are important to know the state of health and the need of treatment. Premalignancy include group of diseases that acts as precursors of the squamous cell carcinoma. They are clinically and histologically distinct lesions preceding malignant changes. Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a common malignancy that has high metastasis potential and thus survival rate of patients is low.
[2]. Anbar Tag-EI–Din, BarakatM,Ghannam SF(2005).A clinical andepidemiological study of lichen planus among Egyptians of AL-Minyaprovince. Dermatol Online J; 11:50
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[5]. Axéll, T. (1987), Occurrence of leukoplakia and some other oral whitelesions among 20 333 adult Swedish people. Community Dentistry and OralEpidemiology, 15: 46–51.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Syndecan-1 Levels In Type2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naidele. Shet, Dr.Sukanya. Shetty, Dr.Ashalatha.V.Rao |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13223740 ![]() |
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is the leading cause of end- stage renal disease (ESRD) worldwide. Diabetic nephropathy is characterised by early hemodynamic changes which finally leads to renal insufficiency. Syndecans are type1 transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) that have important roles during development, wound healing and tumour progression by controlling cell proliferation, differentiation and migration. Our aim was to compare and correlate the levels of serum Syndecan-1 in type2 diabetes mellitus with microalbuminuria and without microalbuminuria. Blood samples were collected from 200 patients out of which 100 patients were without microalbuminuria and 100 patients were with microalbuminuria. Serum Syndecan-1 levels were analysed by ELISA method. Syndecan-1 levels were significantly higher in patients with microalbuminuria (147.30±80.27) compared to patients without microalbuminuria (59.38 ± 27.79). There was a positive correlation between syndecan-1 and patients with microalbuminuria(r=0.570, p<0.001). The findings showed that increased serum levels of syndecan-1 in type2 diabetes mellitus suggest it may have a role in pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Key words:syndecan-1, diabetic nephropathy, extracellular matrix, microalbuminuria, ELISA.
[2]. Kolset SO, Reinholt FP, Jenssen T.Diabetic nephropathy and extracellular matrix.J HistochemCytochem. 2012; 60(12):976-86.
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[7]. Kirti Kaul,1 MohitChopra,Pamela De Angelis, Eva M. Kohner,RakeshChibber.The novel link between inflammatory enzyme C2GNT and the shedding of syndecan-1 in podocyte dysfunction. Endocrinology Studies 2012; 2:e9
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Abstract: We describe a 85 year old, male patient who attended our OPD with profused swelling of the left eye associated with loss of vision for the past 4 months. He gave no history of trauma, no history of fever and swelling is not associated with pain. The mass was profusedly large measuring 40 cm × 30 cm (approx),there was multiple, non-tender, firm, irregular cauliflower like growth which bleeds on touch filled the whole globe. Anterior and posterior segment cannot be visualized. The patient came at the last stage,so we could not perform Ultrasonography and ophthalmoscopic examinations. Histopathological examination and CT scan of the orbit was done and we diagnosed it as a case of uveal melanoma of the left eye. 200 centigray/day × 20 fractions of external beam radiotherapy was given for 20 days, the tumour size markedly decreased after treatment. The case was studied in detail as the condition is rarely seen in the north eastern part of India.
Keywords: CT orbit, External beam radiotherapy, Histopathology,Proptosis, Uveal Melanoma.
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Abstract: Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by persistent Mullerian derivative in patients with 46 XY Karyotype and normal virilization .Here we are presenting a case of incidental finding of Persistent Mullerian Duct Remnants in a 58 yr old man during routine hernioplasty.Histological diagnosis was confirmed by Immunohistochemistry
Keywords: Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome(PMDS),Hernia uteri inguinale
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Abstract: Pain and discomfort are common place after insertion of an initial archwire during orthodontics1 and are reported at some stage during treatment by 91% of patients and following each appointment by 39%.2 The level of pain reported after archwire placement is believed to be greater and more prolonged than that following extraction of teeth.1 Discomfort peaks on the morning after placement of an archwire remained at this level for 2 to 3 days before abating at 5 to 6 days.1 The fear of potential pain related to treatment affects the uptake of orthodontic care.3 Furthermore, treatment discontinuation4 and poor compliance5 have been attributed to discomfort experienced in the early stages of appliance therapy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tulsi-The matchless medicinal herb. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Vikram Perakath, Dr. Reema Lakshmanan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13225155 ![]() |
Abstract: For many thousands of years,medicinal plants have been used to cure diseases,especially in the Indian subcontinent.Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum) is one such plant with many applications in medicine,like in periodontitis it influences cytokine production and has an immunomodulatory effect.Tulsi extracts are used as oral rinses.A proper understanding of its pharmacological profile is necessary to understand its various possible applications in medicine,and to pave the way for future studies in its applications in medicine.
Keywords:Tulsi(Ocimum sanctum),Periodontitis,Gingivitis,Cytokines,Neem(Azadirachta indica)
[2] Amrani S, Harnafi H, Bouanani Nel H, Aziz M, Caid HS, Manfredini S, Besco E, Napolitano M, Bravo E. Hypolipidaemic activity of aqueous Ocimum basilicum extract in acute hyperlipidaemia induced by triton WR-1339 in rats and its antioxidant property. Phytother Res. 2006 ;20(12):1040-5.
[3] Banerjee, S, Parashar R, Kumar A, Rao A R. Modulatory influence of alcoholic extract of Ocimum leaves on carcinogen-metabolizing enzyme activities and reduced glutathione levels in mouse. Nutr Cancer 1996, 25(2): 205-217
[4] Bansod S and Rai M. Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils from Indian Medicinal Plants against Human Pathogenic Aspergillus fumigatus and A. niger. World Journal of Medical Sciences 2008, 3(2): 81-88
[5] Bhargava K P, Singh N. Antistress activity of Ocimum sanctum Linn. Ind J Med Res 1981,73:443-451
[6] Chattopadhyay RR. Hypoglycemic effect of O sanctum leaf extract in normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 1993,31 891–893
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Abstract: Management of pancreatic pseudocyst is controversial.Surgical therapy has been clasically considered the treatment of choice for those pseudocysts. However, several studies have shown good results with percutaneous drainage. Percutaneous drainage can be performed easily, with minimal complication and may facilitate the resolution of a pseudocyst. We presented a case of a 20-year-old boy who sustained blunt abdominal trauma following motorvehicle accident. A large pancreatic pseudocyst developed within 3 weeks after the accident. Percutaneous drainage under ultrasound guidance was performed. The drainage flow decreased gradually until ceasing, and the pseudocyst disappeared.
[2]. Bernades P, Belghiti J, Place S, Knezevitch Y, Fekete F: Histoire naturelle des collections liquidiennes au cours de la pancréatite chroniques. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1985; 9:2A.
[3]. Staub JL, Le Genissel H, Sarles H: Etude de la séméiologie et des résultats du traitement chirurgical de 103 cas de pancréatitis chroniques compliquées de kystes ou de pseudokystes. Gastroenterol Clin Biol 1981; 5:433-439.
[4]. Lasson A, Genell S, Nilsson A: Proteolytic activity in pancreatic pseudocyst fluid. Int J Pancreatol 1994; 15:201-208.
[5]. Richter HM: Natural history of pancreatic pseudocysts; in Howard J, et al (eds): Surgical Diseases of the Pancreas. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1998, pp 417-421.
[6]. Pour PM, Thompson JS, Baxter BT: Pathology of pancreatic pseudocysts; in Bradley EL III (ed): Acute Pancreatitis. New York, Raven, 1994, pp 181-189.
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Abstract: Lithopaedion is a rare clinical condition resulting from dystrophic calcification of extra-uterine foetus after demise. It often involves singleton foetuses but twin lithopaedions have also been reported. This case report is on a 30-year old Para1+4 woman who presented with a 5-year history of abdominal discomfort and swelling. She became pregnant about 6-years ago and attended clinics only thrice. However at the 9th month, she developed a fever and thereafter no longer felt foetal movements for which she took herbal concoctions. Pregnancy symptoms subsequently ceased and menstruation resumed 6 months later. She had laboratory and radiologic investigations and then laparotomy with extraction of a stone baby. She made good post-operative recovery.
Keywords: Lithopaedion, ectopic gestation, dystrophic calcification, mock labour, laparatomy
[2] J. K. Roberts, "A lithopaedion in twins.," BMJ, 1952, 130
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Periodontal Therapy in Rapid Tooth Movement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pan Chern Hwei, Dr. Julie Toby Thomas |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13226265 ![]() |
Abstract:Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO) or Wilckodontics is a clinical procedure that combines selective alveolar corticotomy, particulate bone grafting and the application of orthodontic forces. The most important factor in the success of PAOO is proper case selection and careful surgical and orthodontic treatment. An increasing amount of orthodontic patients seeking orthodontic treatment, make them prone to periodontal complications since their teeth are confined to the nonflexible alveolar bone. Interdisciplinary orthodontic treatment along with tissue engineering principles can create rapid orthodontic tooth movement as well as reducing side effects such as root resorption, relapse, inadequate basal bone and infection.
[2]. T.G. Rappaport, M.H. Shalis and E. Gazit. Psychosocial reward of orthodontic treatment in adult patients. European Journal of Orthodontics, 32(4), 2010, 441–446.
[3]. M.M. Ong and H.L. Wang. Periodontic and orthodontic treatment in adults. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 122(4), 2002, 420-428.
[4]. H. Kole. Surgical operations on the Alveolar Ridge to Correct Occlusal Abnormalities. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Path, 12(5), 1959, 515-529.
[5]. M.T. Wilcko, W.M. Wilcko, and N.F. Bissada. An evidence-based analysis of periodontally accelerated orthodontic and osteogenic techniques: a synthesis of scientific perspectives. Seminars in Orthodontics , 14(4), 2008, 305-316.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identification of human Thioredoxin as a potent redox protein in carcinogenesis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pradhaban.S, Revathy.C |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13226669 ![]() |
Abstract: Thioredoxins ("TRX") are ubiquitous 12-kDa oxidoreductase enzyme containing a dithiol-disulfide active site facilitating the reduction of other proteins by cysteine thiol-disulfide exchange. When thioredoxin levels are elevated there is increased cell growth and resistance to the normal mechanism of programmed cell death. An increase in thioredoxin levels seen in many human primary cancers compared to normal tissue appears to contribute to increased cancer cell growth and resistance to chemotherapy. Mechanisms by which thioredoxin increases cell growth include an increased supply of reducing equivalents for DNA synthesis, activation of transcription factors that regulate cell growth,
[2]. Ylermi Soini, Katriina Kahlos, Ulla Näpänkangas, et al. Widespread Expression of Thioredoxin and ThioredoxinReductase in Non-Small Cell Lung CarcinomaClin Cancer Res 2001; 7: 1750-1757.
[3]. Zhong, L., and Holmgren, A. Essential role of selenium in the catalytic activities of mammalian thioredoxin reductase revealed by characterization of recombinant enzymes with selenocysteine mutations.J. Biol. Chem., 275: 18121–18128, 2000.
[4]. Gasdaska, P., Oblong, J. E., Cotgreave, I. A., and Powis, G. The predicted amino acid sequence of human thioredoxin is identical to that of the autocrine growth factor human adult T-cell derived factor (ADF): thioredoxin mRNA is elevated in some human tumors. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1218: 292–296, 1994.
[5]. Ueno, M., Masutani, H., Arai, R. J., Yamauchi, A., Hirota, K., Sakai, T., Inamoto, T., Yamaoka, Y., Yodoi, J., and Nikaido, T. Thioredoxin-dependent redox regulation of p53-mediated p21 activation.J. Biol. Chem., 274: 35809–35815, 1999.
[6]. Matthews, J. R., Wakasugi, N., Virelizier, J. L., Yodoi, J., and Hay, R. T. Thioredoxin regulates the DNA binding activity of NF-kB by reduction of a disulfide bond involving cysteine 62. Nucleic Acids Res. 20: 3821–3830, 1992.
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Abstract: Introduction: The purpose of this study was to note the influence of central corneal thickness on the intraocular pressure measurementand to compare rebound tonometer and Goldmannapplanation tonometerduring the recent 2 years in Ophthalmology OPD of JSS Hospital.
[2]. JoAnn A. Giovani, Simon K. Law, Pearls of glaucoma management, pg79-80, 1st edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
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Abstract: In our community Diabetes Mellitus and pulmonary Tuberculosis are still very common. The % of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among diabetic patients is nearly 27% by radiological diagnosis (377J IMA vol 100NO.6 june 2002). The % of diabetes among pulmonary tuberculosis patients is 6.5%. Both diseases are chronic and co-exist not commonly. It is said that if tuberculosis is uncontrolled inspite of meticulous anti TB treatment of tuberculosis patients suspect latent diabetes.
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Abstract: The term collodion baby is used for newborns in whom all the body surface is covered by thick skin sheets, so called "collodion membrane". Ichthyosis is an infrequent clinical entity worldwide (1:300,000 births). When diagnosed in a newborn, two forms can be identified: collodion baby and its most severe form, harlequin fetus or maligna keratoma. In both cases, clinical manifestations are thick and hard skin with deep splits.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Telemedicine and Teleradiology in Saudi Arabia |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Maha Esmeal Ahmed, Mwahib Sid Ahmed Mohammed Osman Aldosh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-13228890 ![]() |
Abstract: Telemedicine offers the potential to alleviate the severe shortage of medical specialists in developing countries and promises to alleviate some of the difficulties rural doctors and hospitals have in accessing specialist advice in Saudi Arabia. Telemedicine programs between remote rural hospitals and central hospitals have been successfully implemented in Canada, USA, Australia and in Saudi Arabia
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Abstract:The value of 99mTc-Methylene diphosphanate (99mTc-MDP) bone scan in predicting development of bony destruction, swelling, new bone erosions and skeletal deformities in small joints and bones was studied by visual evaluation of bone scans. 99mTc-MDP was injected intravenously. 3 hours after the 99mTc-MDP injection, they have been underwent spot views of entire skeletons with planar scintigraphy in the anterior and posterior positions. All patients were examined under the Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) single head gamma camera imaging machine, equipped with a low-energy high-resolution parallel-hole collimator.
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Abstract: The practice of radiology field are undergoing rapid change in the recent years due to technological advanced and the challenges and unique situations presented in higher education settings. Individuals in leadership positions need to have a strong set of leadership skills to affect positive change for radiology educators face many challenges but they have opportunities for trying to improve the quality of radiology education. The objective of this research is to create enough time to teach, to Provide adequate funds for education, to decide exactly what to teach, to Learn how to teach and to develope stable tools for evaluating the quality of teaching.
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Abstract: Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bond strength and point of failure between ceramic and Nickel-Chromium alloys with various proportions of fresh and recast alloy. Materials and method: Fresh and once recast nickel-chromium alloy were used in various proportions and divided into 5 groups, group A, B, C, D, E with 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of fresh alloy respectively with 10 specimens in each group. All the metal specimens were veneered with VMK 95 ceramic and were then subjected to three point bend test and SEM analysis.
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Abstract: Admission screening is an essential part of the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Using collection systems that maintain viability and have high organism recovery, combined with accurate and rapid laboratory testing is critical for the success of a screening program. This review evaluates the performance of PCR testing, particularly the Roche LightCycler MRSA test, in the detection of MRSA. In addition, the clinical performance of the Copan Elution swab (ESwab) is reviewed.
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