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Abstract: Introduction: Oral malignancy is a bane for the human race which mostly affects people in the autumn of their lives. It accounts for 1-2% of all malignancies worldwide. The main incumbrance comes from the fact that most of the patients undergo diagnosis at a much later stage; i.e. in Stage III or IV. Delayed diagnosis causes a surge in mortality rate; with an average of a minimum of 5-year survival rate in 20-25% of the patients. Provided the fact that cancer diagnosis is immoderate for most people, they generally avoid it. This in turn drastically increases morbidity and mortality in those subjects......
Key Word: Cortisol, Psychological stress, Oral Potentially-malignant lesions, Oral Malignancies, Squamous cell carcinoma.
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Abstract: Objectives The aim of this survey is to understand perceptions of Covid-19 vaccination by patients suffering from Inflammatory rheumatic diseases, and to determine the factors influencing the intention to vaccinate against Covid-19. Methods This cross-sectional study is based on a phone survey with anonymous data collection. It included consecutively adult Moroccan patients (aged more than 18 years) suffering from Inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRD): Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), spondyloarthropathy and undifferentiated IRD. Results A total of 321 participants responded to the questionnaire. The mean age of patients was 47.6±12 years and women represented 65.7% of the study population.....
Key Word: Covid-19, vaccination, perceptions, Inflammatory Rheumatic Disease
[1]. Cucinotta D, Vanelli M. WHO Declares COVID-19 A Pandemic. Acta Biomed. 2020;91(1):157‐160.
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[5]. Malik AA, Mcfadden SM, Elharake J, Omer SB. Determinants Of COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance In The US. Eclinicalmedicine. 2020;26:100495.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Tejasvi Arjaria || Dr.Vaishali Chaurasia |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2207111214 ![]() |
Abstract: Background The incidence of uterine congenital anomalies because of Mullerian defects in the normal fertile population is 3.2%.A uniconuate uterus accounts for 2.4%-13% of all mullerian anamolies.72-85% of the rudimentary horn are non- communicating with the cavity. Pregnancy in rudimentary horn is rare and life-threatening . Rudimentary horn is non-communicating is 83% of cases. Pregnancy occurs in non-communicating horn of unicornuate uterus by transperitoneal migration of sperm or fertilized ovum. The incidence of pregnancy in rudimentary horn is 1/76,000......
Key Word: Rudimentary horn pregnancy , Mullerian anamoly, monochorionic twin
[1]. B. W. Rackow And A. Arici, "Reproductive Performance Of Women With Müllerian Anomalies," Current Opinion In Obstetrics And Gynecology, Vol. 19, No. 3, Pp. 229–237, 2007.
[2]. G. G. Nahum, "Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy: The 20th-Century Worldwide Experience Of 588 Cases," Journal Of Reproductive Medicine For The Obstetrician And Gynecologist, Vol. 47, No. 2, Pp. 151–163, 2002
[3]. L. E. Fitzmaurice, R. M. Ehsanipoor, And M. Porto, "Rudimentary Horn Pregnancy With Herniation Into The Main Uterine Cavity," American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Vol. 202, No. 3, Pp. E5–E6, 2010.
[4]. B. W. Rackow And A. Arici, "Reproductive Performance Of Women With Müllerian Anomalies," Current Opinion In Obstetrics And Gynecology, Vol. 19, No. 3, Pp. 229–237, 2007.
[5]. G. G. Nahum, "Rudimentary Uterine Horn Pregnancy: The 20th-Century Worldwide Experience Of 588 Cases," Journal Of Reproductive Medicine For The Obstetrician And Gynecologist, Vol. 47, No. 2, Pp. 151–163, 2002
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Abstract: Maxillary midline diastema is one of the most common orthodontic problem particularly a relapsed midline diastema requiring treatment mainly for esthetic reason. This case presentation shows two cases whose chief complaint was a gap between the maxillary front teeth a few months post fixed orthodontic treatment. On examination the patients had symmetric face with competent lips with class 1 molar and canine relationship with a normal overjet and overbite. For the closure of this relapsed midline diastema, a clear Essix retainer was fabricated and made into two halves. A composite button was made on the vestibular surface of both the maxillary canine as attachments for elastics wear. After the midline diastema was favourably closed, a 3-3 bonded lingual retainer along with a clear Essix retainer for permanent retention was given. Therefore, this appliance was found to be sufficient to close a midline diastema varying from 1 mm to less than 3 mm for a short period of time for the patient's esthetic outcome.
Key Word: Maxillary midline diastema, Clear Essix retainer, Elastics
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Abstract: Bac
kground: Researchers can learn more about the disease's underlying causes and find more effective
therapies by researching it, and dermatophytosis epidemiology can inform public health policies and activities.
Aim: The present study aim is to determine myc ological pathogens with comorbid conditions in and around
Indore region.
Materials & methods:
After obtaining permission from the Institutional Ethics Committee the present study was
conducted among patients comes in dermatology OPD, 200 dermatophytosis sam ples were selected taking the
inclusion and exclusion criteria of the present study and were processed in mycology laboratory of
Microbiology Department......
Key Word: Dermatophytosis; Pathog ens; Tinea; Chi square; Epilated hair.
[1]. Channe N , Tankhiwale SS . Study Of Dermatophytosis In A Tertiary Care Centre In Centr al India . Journal Of Evolution Of Medical
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Abstract: Cogan's syndrome is a rare autoimmune systemic vasculitis characterized by intraocular inflammation and vestibulo-auditory dysfunction (usually neurosensory deafness, but also tinnitus and vertigo). Cogan's syndrome is a rare disease, which primarily affects young adults; reports that establish the age of onset as ranging from 3 to 50 years have been published [1]. The ocular involvement in Cogan's syndrome is variable; the most common is interstitial keratitis, but it can present itself in other ways too: scleritis, episcleritis, retinal vascular disease, uveitis, iritis, conjunctivitis, papilloedema, exophthalmos, tendonitis [2].Rarely the interstitial keratitis is asymptomatic and it is discovered.....
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[4]. Gaubitz M, Lubben B. Cogan's Syndrome: Organ-Specific Autoimmune Disease Or Systemic Vasculitis? A Report Of Two Cases And Review Of The Literature. Clin Exp Rheumatol. . 2001;19:463–469.
[5]. Vinceneux P. Cogan Syndrome. Orphanet Encycoledia. 2005
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thymic Carcinoma-A Rare Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shivam Chakraborty || Mishmi Pal || Shilpa Basu Roy || Mamata Guha Mallick |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2207112831 ![]() |
Abstract: Thymic carcinoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the thymic epithelium.It is differentiated from invasive thymoma by the presence of malignant cytological features and higher incidence of local invasion and embolic metastasis.They constitute a heterogenous group of tumors that present differently in terms of both behaviour and prognosis.Here we present a case of thymic carcinoma in a 24 years old male whose chief complaining were common cold with cough for 3 months......
Key Word: Thymic carcinoma, mediastinal mass, embolic metastasis, common cold
[1]. Bharathi M, Giri PM, Shilpa K, Geetanjali S. A Rare Case Report Of Ectopic Cervical Thymoma. IAIM. 2015; 2(3): 175-178.
[2]. Thakur A, Sebag F, Micco CD, Slotema E, Henry FJ. Ectopic Cervical Thymoma Mimicking As Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Indian J Pathol Microbiol, 2010; 53: 305-7.
[3]. Jung JI, Kim HH, Park SH, Lee YS. Malignant Ectopic Thymoma In The Neck: A Case Report. Am J Neuroradiol 1999; 20: 1747–1749.
[4]. Greene MA, Malias MA. Aggressive Multimodality Treatment Of Invasive Thymic Carcinoma. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2003;125( 2):434–436.
[5]. Suster S, Rosai J. Thymic Carcinoma. A Clinicopathologic Study Of 60 Cases. Cancer. 1991;67:1025–1032.
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Abstract: Gingival overgrowth impedes dental hygiene ,cosmetic damage & painful mastication. This case report highlights a novel technique of adjunctive use of LASER , injectable –PRF(i-PRF) & micro needling for treating amlodipine induced gingival overgrowth .A 43-year-old female patient reported with gingival overgrowth and pain on mastication since 3 months. Patient was hypertensive and on amlodipine 10 mg once daily since 6 months. Intraoral examination revealed generalized fibrotic gingival enlargement and a diagnosis of Drug Induced Gingival Overgrowth......
Key Word: Drug induced gingival overgrowth ,platelet rich fibrin ,i-PRF,micro needling, amlodipine, calcium channel blockers
[1]. Seymour RA. Calcium Channel Blockers And Gingival Overgrowth. British Dental Journal. 1991 May;170(10):376-9.
[2]. Barak S, Engelberg IS, Hiss J. Gingival Hyperplasia Caused By Nifedipine: Histopathologic Findings. Journal Of Periodontology. 1987 Sep;58(9):639-42.
[3]. Seymour RA, Ellis JS, Thomason JM, Monkman S, Idle JR. Amlodipine‐Induced Gingival Overgrowth. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology. 1994 Apr;21(4):281-3.
[4]. Seymour RA, Ellis JS, Thomason JM, Monkman S, Idle JR. Amlodipine‐Induced Gingival Overgrowth. Journal Of Clinical Periodontology. 1994 Apr;21(4):281-3.
[5]. Messing RO, Carpenter CL, Greenberg DA. Mechanism Of Calcium Channel Inhibition By Phenytoin: Comparison With Classical Calcium Channel Antagonists. Journal Of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics. 1985 Nov 1;235(2):407-11.
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Abstract: Tracheal diverticulum (TD) is a rare condition, a benign cyst most often found on the posterolateral right side of the trachea, of congenital or acquired origin. It is discovered incidentally by thoracic imaging in asymptomatic patients, and the clinical signs are non-specific in symptomatic patients, with cough, dyspnoea, sensation of a foreign body in the neck, and rarely a cervical mass of changing volume. Many studies have shown the association of DT with chronic lung pathologies. Most asymptomatic patients do not require treatment. And for those who are symptomatic, there is no evidence to suggest a specific therapeutic approach, as age, comorbidities and symptoms must be taken into account. In order to minimize the risk of damage to the esophagus and laryngeal nerve. We report a rare case of tracheal diverticulum with a cervical mass changing volume on breathing.
Key Word: Trachea; Diverticulum , cervical mass
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Abstract: Introduction- Corona virus pandemic had caused great disruption in life of all. This virus being just 4 months old still revealing many faces of infection. And there is anecdotal evidence that there is slight difference in different parts of the world. Hence we decided to study" Clinical and Laboratory profile of COVID-19 patients" admitted at tertiary care hospital in marathwada region. Material and methods- We studied 100 patients of COVID-19 admitted at MGM medical college and hospital Aurangabad. Clinical features including age, sex, presenting complaints were taken from the patient chart and laboratory data was pulled from......
Key Word: COVID 19, RT PCR,CRP, Serum Ferritin, LDH
[1]. P.C. Woo, S.K Lau, Y. Huang, K. Y Yuen, Coronavirus Diversity, Phylogeny And Interspecies Jumping, Exp. Biol. Med. ( Maywood) 234(10) (2009) 1117-1127.
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Abstract: Background: In health care centres of north India patients having non-epileptic history are considered for major issues like panic disorder. So the study aimed to record abnormal EEG patterns of such Panic disorder patients. Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted on outdoor& indoor panic disorder patients having non-epileptic history who visited first time in the Department of Psychiatry, S.M.M.H. GMC Hospital of Saharanpur, North India within over one year. DSM-IV was applied to evaluate 13 signs & symptoms of panic disorder & EEG was.......
Key Word: panic disorder, DSM-IV, electroencephalography, epileptic spike
[1]. Aroniadou-Anderjaska V, Fritsch B, Qashu F, Braga MF. Pathology And Pathophysiology Of The Amygdala In Epileptogenesis And Epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 2008 ;78(2-3):102-16.
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Abstract: Awake brain surgery or awake craniotomy, is a type of surgical procedure performed on the brain while patient is awake and alert. Awake craniotomy is routinely used to treat some brain tumors which are located in functional areas or epileptic seizures. Here in we are reporting a case of right frontal glioma abutting right motor area in a 43 yr old male presenting with severe headache and recurrent seizures. He underwent awake brain surgery and gross total excision of tumor by using Intra operative Neuro navigation. The patient was very nervous, so to distract him while performing awake surgery as per his wish we played his favourite politician programme of Chief minister of......
Key Word: Awake craniotomy, cinema, political
[1]. Burchiel KJ, Clarke H, Ojemann GA, Dacey RG, Winn HR. Use Of Stimulation Mapping And Corticography In The Excision Of Arteriovenous Malformations In Sensorimotor And Language-Related Neocortex. Neurosurgery. 1989;24:322–7.
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Abstract: Background: Since long, massive postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) has been surgically treated by peripartum hysterectomy. Bilateral Internal Iliac Artery Ligation (BIIAL) is a technique by which we can control PPH efficiently and conserve the uterus. This study aims to estimate the effectiveness of BIIAL for conserving the uterus in managing PPH. Materials and Methods: This retrospective observational study conducted at a tertiary care hospital of the Indian Army included patients with massive PPH that had undergone emergency BIIAL. Collected data were entered in MS Excel and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23......
Key Word: Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation; postpartum hemorrhage; hysterectomy, ischemic uterine necrosis.
[1]. Bláha J, Bartošová T. Epidemiology And Definition Of PPH Worldwide. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2022 Dec;36(3–4):325–39.
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Abstract: Major surgical procedures like nephrectomy (partial/radical) initiate physiological stress on the body's immune system which depends on the extent of invasiveness of surgery. Though laparoscopy benefits by small skin incision, still tissue manipulation and division are somewhat crude as compared to robotic surgery which carefully divides and repairs tissue hence, it is expected that surgical stress should be least in robotic. IL-6 is strong and an earlier marker in the cascade of acute phase reaction following surgery and is known to be an important mediator of body's response........
[1]. Bohm M, Ittenson A, Philipp C, Rohl FW, Ansorge S, Allhoff EP. Complex Perioperative Immuno-Dysfunction In Patients With Renal Cell Carcinoma. J Urol 2001; 166:831.
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