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Abstract: Being overweight and obese is characterized by abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that leads to a health risk. The difficulty has grown to epidemic proportions, with over four million human beings dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. According to present trends, 1 in 5 adults worldwide will be affected by Obesity by 2025. It is estimated that half of the world could be overweight by 2035. Obesity has turned out to be a primary challenge for the entire society. Currently, the most widely used statistical index used to diagnose Obesity is body mass index or BMI. It is calculated by taking a person's weight, in kilograms, divided by their height, in meters....
Keyword: Obesity, Pathophysiology, Management, Bariatric surgery, Antiobesity Pharmacotherapy
(2023). A Review: Insights Of Aesthetic Refinement After Bariatric Surgery And Massive Weight Loss.
(2014). Hot Papers In The Literature. Childhood Obesity, 10(4), 368-71.
Hojjat, T. A., & Ruiz, J. D. M. (2021). Obesity, Economic Growth: The COVID-19 Pandemic, And Poverty.
One In Eight People Are Now Living With Obesity | Medical Laboratory Observer.
Waller, D. G., & Sampson, A. P. (2018). Obesity. Elsevier Ebooks. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/B978-0-7020-7167-6.00037-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Carotenoderma In An 11-Month-Old Child: A Case Report. |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Sakina Moloo || Kamlesh Kara |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2311081113 ![]() |
Abstract: An 11-month-old female presented to the outpatient department with chief complaints of yellow-orange discoloration of the skin for 4 months (Figure 1). The discoloration was more marked on both the palms and soles. There was no yellow discoloration of the eyes. No fever was reported. Urine and stool were normal in frequency and color......
[1] Leung Ak. Benign Carotenemia In Children. Can Fam Physician. 1989 Jan;35:81-3.
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Abstract: This study investigates the potential of probiotics as a novel intracanal medicament against Enterococcus faecalis, a common endodontic pathogen, and compares their antibacterial efficacy with a traditional triple antibiotic paste. The study aims to evaluate the viability of probiotics as a potential alternative for root canal treatment. This research seeks to contribute to the development of safer and more effective endodontic therapies. Materials and Methods: In this invitro study, the following materials were used: 1. Enterococcus faecalis of ATCC 29212; 2. Probiotics I (VIBACT.....
Keyword: Antimicrobial; Bacteriotherapy; Bifidobacterium; Endodontics; Innovative; probiotics; triple antibiotic paste.
Gupta G. Probiotics And Periodontal Health. J Med Life. 2011;4:387–94.
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Abstract: The adrenal glands, critical for hormone secretion and metabolic regulation, face morphological changes in diseases. Advanced CT technology improves size assessment, yet data gaps exist, especially for Indian adults. A study aims to fill this by detailing adrenal gland dimensions with 128-slice CT, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and clinical outcomes.......
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Abstract: Summary Otoplasty is a procedure widely performed to correct ear deformities, especially prominent ears. However, one of the persistent challenges of surgery is recurrence of the deformity, often attributed to the elastic resistance of the cartilage. This article explores the role of perichondrium disorganization and the application of otomodeling as complementary techniques to increase the durability of results and minimize the recurrence rate. Reviews of recent studies demonstrate that careful manipulation of the perichondrium, combined with the application of postoperative shaping devices, can significantly improve aesthetic results and patient satisfaction. Otoplasty, as well as closed otomodeling with non-absorbable sutures, are techniques that are part of the list of procedures in the annexed and related areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology and aesthetic surgeries of the face.
Keywords: Otoplasty, Perichondrium Disorganization, Otomodeling, Relapse, Facial aesthetic surgeries, Oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology and Auricular Surgery
Ismail, A.S. Otoplasty: A Graduated Approach. Egypt J Otolaryngol 36, 30 (2020). Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S43163-020-00031-3
Yasser Mohammed Mandour, Ayman M. Abdelmofeed, Benefits Of Medially Based Perichondrio-Adipo-Dermal Flap In Cartilage Sparing Prominent Ear Surgery, Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española, Volume 74, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 69-78, Issn 0001-6519, Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Otorri.2021.09.003.
Gvaramia D, Kern J, Jakob Y, Zenobi-Wong M, Rotter N. Regenerative Potential Of Perichondrium: A Tissue Engineering Perspective. Tissue Eng Part B Rev. 2022 Jun;28(3):531-541. Doi: 10.1089/Ten.Teb.2021.0054. Epub 2021 Jun 30. Pmid: 33966486
C.M. Soares, F.D. Nassif, D. Dranka Et Al. Comparative Study Of The Effectiveness Of The Surgical Technique With And Without Preservation Of The Conchal Cartilage In Otoplasty Through The Measure Of The Cephalo-Auricular And Scapho-Conchal Angles. Brazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology 2023;89(3):410---416.
Kurnia, E., Fiona Widyasari, Abla Ghanie, & Mariance. (2022). Tratamento De Fístula Pré-Auricular Congênita Recorrente: Relato De Caso. Arquivos De The Medicine And Case Reports , 4 (1), 325-330. Https://Doi.Org/10.37275/Amcr.V4i1.265
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Abstract: Résumé La prise en charge des patients atteints de maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin constitue une part importante du travail de gastroentérologue. Les objectifs thérapeutiques sont l'induction et le maintien de la rémission clinique, bien que l'obtention d'une cicatrisation muqueuse semble de plus en plus incontournable. Les thiopurines sont recommandées en première intention par les sociétés savantes pour maintenir la rémission dans les MICI. Cependant, ces traitements sont associés à une majoration du risque de survenue de cancers cutanés......
Dignass A, Lindsay Jo, Sturm A, Windsor A, Colombel Jf, Allez M. Second European Evidence-Based Consensus On The Diagnosis And Management Of Ulcerative Colitis Part 2: Current Management. J Crohns Colitis 2012;6(10):991-1030
Kornbluth A, Sachar Db. Ulcerative Colitis Practice Guidelines In Adults: American College Of Gastroenterology, Practice Parameters Committee. Am J Gastroenterol 2010;105(3):501-23.
Nguyen T, Vacek Pm, O'neill P, Colletti Rb, Finette Ba. Mutagenicity And Potential Carcinogenicity Of Thiopurine Treatment In Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Cancer Res 2009;69(17):7004-12
Peyrin-Biroulet L, Khosrotehrani K, Carrat F, Bouvier Am, Chevaux Jb, Simon T. Increased Risk For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers In Patients Who Receive Thiopurines For Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterology 2011;141(5):1621-28.
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Abstract: Resumé: Le cancer broncho-pulmonaire (CBP) constitue un problème majeur de santé publique. Son diagnostic est le plus souvent tardif. Le délai de prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique est considéré comme un facteur pronostic. L'étude a comme objectif d'évaluer les différents délais de prise en charge des cancers broncho-pulmonaires à l'Hôpital Militaire Moulay Ismail de Méknes (HMMI) et mettre en lumière les facteurs influençant ces délais. Il s'agit......
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Abstract: Temporomandibular joint ankylosis may cause severe micrognathia and also obstructive sleep apnea. This case report presents the management of a young growing patient with unilateral TMJ ankylosis, micrognathia and obstructive sleep apnea. Patient had severe mandible retrognathism and a significant convex profile. The treatment involved ankylosis release, correction of occlusal cant of maxillary arch, bilateral mandibular distraction osteogenesis. After surgical and orthodontic treatment, the micrognathia was rectified and the oropharyngeal airway was significantly improved.......
Farret Mm. Occlusal Plane Canting: A Treatment Alternative Using Skeletal Anchorage. Dental Press Journal Of Orthodontics. 2019 Feb;24(1):88-105.
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Abstract: Background: Spinal anesthesia is an inexpensive and preferable technique. It has been a popular anesthesia technique for short, lower abdominal and inguinal hernia surgeries. Hyperbaric racemic bupivacaine is commonly used for spinal anesthesia due to its long duration of action and combined motor and sensory blockade. It also has a high propensity to cause hypotension and bradycardia. Levobupivacaine has a lower affinity for cardiac sodium channels and greater plasma protein binding affinity compared with the dextro isomer; thus, reducing the risk of.......
Key Word: Intrathecal; Bupivacaine; Levobupivacaine; hyperbaric; Postoperative analgesia
Grist Wood RW. Cardiac And CNS Toxicity Of Levobupivacaine: Strengths Of Evidence For Advantage Over Bupivacaine. Drug Saf 2002;25(3):15363.
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Gulen Guler, Gokhancakir Et Al. A Comparison Of Spinal Anesthesia With Levobupivacaine And Hyperbaric Bupivacaine For Cesarean Sections: A Randomized Trial. Open Journal Of Anaesthesiology. 2012;2:8489.
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Abstract: Background: Regional anaesthesia is widely used and safe anaesthetic technique. It leads to Intra/ post-operative shivering. There are various methods available to control. Tramadol is one of the most widely used to control shivering, however it is also associated with nausea and vomiting. Dexmedetomidine, a congener of clonidine is an α-2 adrenoceptor agonist, commonly used for sedation, also known to have antishivering potential. Its use as an agent to treat and control post-spinal anesthesia shivering has been inadequately studied. Therefore, there is a search for the efficient drug that lacking of adverse effects. This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of dexmedetomidine.......
Key Word: Dexmedetomidine, Tramadol, Post Spinal Shivering, Spinal Anaesthesia
De Witte J, Sessler Di. Perioperative Shivering: Physiology And Pharmacology. Anesthesiology, 96, 467-84 (2002).
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Abstract: Background: Anaesthesia to a parturient is not only unique but also requires highest degree of care because the anaesthesiologist has to look after two individuals, the mother and foetus. Hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean delivery can have detrimental effects on both mother and neonate. These effects include decreased utero-placental blood flow, impaired foetal oxygenation with asphyxial stress and foetal acidosis and maternal symptoms of low cardiacoutput such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and decreased consciousness. Vasopressor like Ephedrine, Mephentermine, Phenylephrine, are used for treating the hypotension. In this study we compared the efficacy of Ephedrine.......
Keywords: Intrathecal; Phenylephrine, Ephedrine, Mephentermine; Hypotension in CS; Cesarean section
Riley Et, Cohen Se, Rubenstein Aj, Flanagan B. Prevention Of Hypotension After Spinal Anaesthesia For Caesarean Section: 6% Hetastarch Versus Lactated Ringer's Solution. Anesth Analg 1995; 81: 838-42. Anesth Analg, Volume 107(4). 2008; 1295-1302
Rout Cc And Rocke Da. Prevention Of Hypotension Following Spinal Anaesthesia For Caesarean Section. Int Anesthesiol Clin 1994; 32:117-35.
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Morgan P. The Role Of Vasopressors In The Management Of Hypotension Induced By Spinal And Epidural Anaesthesia. Can J Anaesth 1994; 41: 404-13.
Ngan Kee Wd, Lau Tk, Khaw Ks, Lee Bb. Comparison Of Metaraminol And Ephedrine Infusions For Maintaining Arterial Pressure During Spinal Anaesthesia For Elective Caesarean Section. Anesthesiology 2001; 95: 307-31..
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Abstract: The case is about a 9-month-old infant who sustained an orbital trauma from a pen tip, resulting in a cranio-encephalic foreign body. Initial clinical examination revealed periorbital swelling and inability to open the eyelid, while radiography and CT scans identified an intra-parenchymal frontal foreign body and a bony defect in the right orbit. Cranio-orbital foreign bodies, though rare, can lead to severe complications if not diagnosed early [1]. This case highlights the importance of thorough clinical evaluation and appropriate imaging for rapid diagnosis and early surgical intervention to prevent serious injuries.
Keywords: foreign body, orbital trauma
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Roger E. Turbin, Dawn N. Maxwell, Paul D. Langer, Larry P. Frohman , Basil Hubbi, Leo Wolansky, Mayumi Mori . Patterns Of Transorbital Intracranial Injury: A Review And Comparison Of Occult And Non-Occult Cases
D'hermies F, Halhal M, Morel X, Meyer A, Renard G : Corps Étranger Végétal Intra-Orbitaire. J Fr Ophtalmol 2001;24:517- 21.
T Rachidi, B Allali, L El Maaloum, A El Kettani, K Zaghloul : Corps Étranger Intra-Orbitaire Négligé Chez L'enfant À Propos D'un Cas. Service D'ophtalmologie Pédiatrique, Casa Blanca Maroc 2016;3:1546. 10.
Agaly. H1 , Ndzie Essomba L D.2 , Diallo. M 1 , Dama.M3 , Sogoba. B1 , Sogoba. Y 1 , Kanikomo. D. Corps Etranger Insolite Cranio-Encéphalique A Point D'entrée Orbitaire : A Propos D'un Cas
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Abstract: Background: Molar pregnancy, a subtype of gestational trophoblastic disease, is prevalent in Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, where socioeconomic and healthcare limitations exacerbate its impact. This study aimed to profile the demographic and clinical characteristics of molar pregnancy cases at a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh, providing insights into risk factors, clinical presentations, and associated outcomes. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted over six months (July–December 2017) at Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College & Hospital. Fifty patients diagnosed with molar pregnancy were selected through purposive sampling......
Keywords: Molar Pregnancy, Gestational Trophoblastic Disease, Socioeconomic Factors, Gravidity, Preeclampsia, Vaginal Bleeding, Bangladesh
[1]. What is molar pregnancy? Accessed November 17, 2024. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/gestational-trophoblastic-disease-gtd/molar-pregnancy/about
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[3]. Ngan HYS, Seckl MJ, Berkowitz RS, et al. Update on the diagnosis and management of gestational trophoblastic disease. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2018;143(S2):79-85. doi:10.1002/ijgo.12615
[4]. Cavalari CAA, Mehrtash H, Brizuela V, et al. Prevalence and management of ectopic and molar pregnancies in 17 countries in Africa and Latin America and the Caribbean: a secondary analysis of the WHO multi-country cross-sectional survey on abortion. BMJ Open. 2024;14(10):e086723. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086723
[5]. Igwegbe A, Eleje G. Hydatidiform mole: A Review of Management Outcomes in a Tertiary Hospital in South-East Nigeria. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2013;3(2):210-214. doi:10.4103/2141-9248.113664