Version-10 (June-2017)
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Abstract: This research aims is to find directingfunction in Curruculum Implementation of Leadership Training Level IV at BPSDM Provsu. The focus of this research is "The Directing Function InCurriculum Implementation of Leadership Training Level IV at BPSDM Provsu". This research uses qualitative naturalistic methods. Data collection techniques used interview techniques, observation, document studies, data analysis using interactive data model analysis Miles and Huberman ie data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing. The data validity checks are based on Lincoln and Guba. The research found: First, directing function in curriculum implementation is done at institutional stage and class stage. Second, the directing function of the institutional stage by the structural officials is delivered..........
Key words:- directing, curriculum implementation, leadership training level IV
[1] HamalikOemar. 2008. Proses BelajarMengajar.Cetakankedelapan. Jakarta: BumiAksara
[2] L.Daft Richard. 2008. Management. Terjemahan Edward TanujayadanShirlyTiolina. Jakarta: SalembaEmpat.
[3] Mamduhhanafi. 2011. Manajemen. Edisiketiga. Yogyakarta: Sekolah Tinggi IlmuManajemen YKPN.
[4] Miller, JP. & Seller, W.1985. Curriculum: Perspectiveand Practice, New York: Longman.
[5] Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki. 2007. Organizational Behavior, Seventh Edition, New York: Mc Graw-Hill, International Edition
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Abstract: This paper seeks to address the discussion on governance, democracy and civil society by explaining two sets of relationships which till now is less discussed things among the scholars: between women and political parties, and between political parties and social movements that organise women in India. It shows some of the limitations and possibilities of the relationships, arguing that it is necessary one, both to the social movements seeking to pursue their agendas through the political system, and to political parties needed to be open to broad public participation and to maintain strong links on the ground issue
Keywords: electoral participation,social movements, political parties, nationalism
[1] Brass, Paul. 1991. Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison.Sage, New Delhi.
[2] Brass, Paul. 2000. "The strong state and the fear of disorder." In Francine R. Frankel, Zoya Hasan, Rajeev
[3] Bhargava and Balveer Aurora (eds.), Transforming India: Social and Political Dynamics of Democracy. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
[4] Chowdhury, Najma. 1994. "Gender issues and politics in a patriarchy." In Barbara J. Nelson and Najma Chowdhury (eds.), Women and Politics Worldwide.Yale University Press, New Haven.
[5] De Mel, Neloufer. 2001. Women and The Nation's Narrative: Gender and Nationalism in Twentieth Century.Rowman Littlefield, Lanham, Md.
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Abstract: Education is such a powerful parameter, which is necessary for any value judgment, any political participation or any decision making. Odisha occupies a special position in the tribal map of India. It is regarded as homeland of the tribals. In this state the scheduled tribes comprise of 62 communities constitute 22.8 per cent of the total population of the state as per 2011 Census. These communities reside in almost all the districts of the state. Their concentration is very high above 50% in three individual district namely Koraput, Sundargarh and Mayurbhanj and some regions of six other districts such as Phulbani, Kalahandi, Ganjam, Kenojhar, Balasore and Sambalpur. In terms of tribal concentration, Odisha ranks third position next to Madhya Pradesh and Maharastra..............
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Abstract: Constructing shari'ah Entrepreneurship concept or values based on local wisdom of Gayo communities aimed to construct shariah entrepreneurship values sourced from society's behavior pattern named culture, to create social interest propulsion to conduct distribution and production economy activities by entrepreneurship values. This research used micro ethnography approach by developing Gayonese custom ethnolinguistic as shari'ah entrepreneurship Concept. Integration of spiritual values, planning, sustainability of economy resources and Moral is shariah entrepreneurship concept in Gayo local wisdom
Key words: Construction, Value, Shariah Entrepreneurship, Custom
[1] Michel Todaro, Economic Development (Singapore: Longman Singapore Publisher, 1994). In: Euis Amalia, Keadilan Distributif dalam Ekonomi Islam (Jakarta: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, 2009)
[2] Soeharto Prawirakusumo, Peranan Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menciptakan Wirausahawan. (Jatinangor: PIBI-IKOPIN, 1997)
[3] M. Faizal P. Rameli, dkk, The Characteristics of Muslimpreneurs from the view of Muslim Scholars and Academician, International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. II (No. 2), ISSN 2336-2022 ( 1ACIS, UiTM Melaka; 2FEM, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia; 3FEA, UniversitiMalaya).
[4] Peggy Lambing,. C,R, Kuehl, Intreprenuership, (New Jersey: Prantice Hill, 2000).
[5] Meredith. G.G, Kewirausahaan; Teori dan Praktik (Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Presindo, 1996).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Issue Of Social Exclusion In India: Perspectives And Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sandipan R. Gavhale |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206102835 ![]() |
Abstract: India is a caste base social system, therefore, Indian society suffers from substantial inequalities in education, employment, and income based on caste and ethnicity that means caste as a system of exclusion and exploitation. In the identification of the poor, scheduled caste and scheduled tribes and in some cases the other backwards castes are considered as socially disadvantaged groups and such groups have a higher probability of living under adverse conditions and poverty. So this study generally points out that socioeconomic status of exclusion social groups in India. This ground reality raises a number of questions. What is the impact of the policy of positive discrimination in terms of employment, education and political empowerment of excluded social groups in India? Do positive discriminations help in the elimination of social stigma? The Constitution of India has taken special care for exclusion and uplifts certain marginalised communities in India.
Keywords - Social exclusion, Marginalization, Determinants, Inequality, Exploitation, The role of religions in poverty eradication,
[1] Action points for development of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, Planning Commission govt. of India, New Delhi.
[2] Darshan Singh (2009) Development Of Scheduled Castes In India – A Review Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 28, No. (4), pp. 529 – 542, NIRD, Hyderabad.
[3] [4] Indian Vision 2020 Report of the committee on India, Planning Commission GOI. Delhi.
[5] Karl Marx, Das Capital.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Intellectual Property Rights Dispute Resolution: Commercial Court Review |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Djumadi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206103640 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, the law on bankrupty only ordered the authority to Commercial Court to accept the bankrupty petition. In the future, existence and performance of Commercial Court will face a variety of problems and challenges by various types of procedural law with different legal system background so it takes a special skill for the judges and institutions. In the development of Intellectual Property Rights dispute resolution, its authority become an absolute authority of Commercial Court. Dispute resolution process in Intellectual Property Rights field has special characteristic and special needs in Procedural Law, skills, and knowledge for judges and clerks who handle it. Itcan be suggested the need for judges who mastering the law on Intellectual Property Rights, criminal procedure, and the institution itself to dispute Intellectual Property Rights in the future.
Keywords: Authority, Commercial Court,Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property Rights
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Abstract: One of the important merits in the teacher is that he knows his subject thoroughly well and is to keep in touch with his subject to remain up-to-date. A good teacher is required to have an attitude of love and sympathy for children. The ideal character of teacher leaves an ever lasting impression on the minds of his pupil. It is the teacher who can create a national perspective for understanding social and economic difference in the nation. The teacher should be a model to his own image in the minds of his students. The present study seeks to compare the mental health of secondary school teachers in respect of their location, gender and stream of teaching. Twenty school teachers chosen from Krishnanagar-II, block of Nadia district of West Bengal as sample. RCE mental health scale by Anand (1992) has been adopted by present researchers. Study revealed that, teachers' mental health was not changeable in respect of their location, gender and stream of teaching. More research also needed to identify the specific factors by which, mental health of school teachers will reflect efficiently
Keywords: Mental health, School teacher, Gender, Locale, Stream
[1] Das, C. (2008). Need for health education in the 21st century with special reference to reproduction health of adolescents. Journal of Community Guidance and Research, 25(2).
[2] Chauhan, S. S. (2011). Mental hygiene: A science of adjustment (2 nd Ed.). New Delhi. Allied Pub. Pvt. Ltd. 307- 315.
[3] Baro, S. D. (2014). A study on mental health of female teachers with regard to location and management in Bongaigaon district of Assam. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies. 2(9), 149-155. Retrieved from
[4] Basu, S. (2009). Mental health status of college teachers. Praachi Journal of Psycho-Cultural Dimentions. ISSN 0971 7064. 25 (1 & 2). 168-170.
[5] Srivastava, B., & Khan, S. (2008). Teacher-burnout in relation to mental health. Edutracks. 7(9).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Career Decision Making Process in Adolescence: Theoretical Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sumbul Abid |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206104546 ![]() |
Abstract: Choosing a career path might help the students set professional goals and develop a strategy for getting where they want to be. Part of choosing an appropriate career path involves making an honest self-evaluation of the talents, abilities and interests. The theoretical perspective on Career development has been explored in this article in relation to the process of career decision making of adolescents who are in the transition phase from college to school and the importance of the same.
[1] Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara, G.V. and Pastorelli, C. (2001) Self-efficacy Beliefs as Shapers of Children's Aspirations and Career Trajectories. Child Development. 72: 187-206.
[2] Betz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (1987). Concept of agency in educational and career development. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34, 299–308.
[3] Holland, J. H. (1997). Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work environments (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
[4] Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (2002). Social cognitive career theory. In D. Brown & Associate (Eds.), Career choice and development (4th ed., pp. 255–311). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[5] Super, D. W. (1980). A life-span, life-space approach to career development. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 16, 282–298.
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Abstract: The ever increasing impacts of globalization and technological development have transformed our learning patterns to a large extent. Learning English as a foreign language is not an exception as technology pervades all aspects of modern life in general and the communication by using English language in particular. The challenges of learning English in Bangladesh are many and Pabna is one of the leading districts. This paper attempts to examine higher secondary level students' attitude and perception towards their technology skill, usage patterns, perceived benefits of and challenges to using technology in learning English. To meet the research objectives, this study depends upon relevant literatures, documents, and observations and carries out questionnaire survey. One hundred and twenty (n=120) students from three government colleges of Pabna are randomly selected for interview. The findings indicate that technology tools like computer softwares, social networking websites, online videos, mp3 podcasts, smart phone and tablet apps have positive impacts and can be very much effective in improving students' language skills. It is expected that outcome of this study will provide potential pedagogical implications for developing English learning skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and establish ground for further research in this area.
Keywords: - Technology based English Learning, Higher secondary students, Pabna, Bangladesh
[1] Akbar, M. S. (2005). E-learning in developing countries: Challenges and opportunities Bangladesh perspective. Proceedings of the SecondInternational Conference on E- learning for Knowledge-Based Society. August 4-7, Bangkok.
[2] Alsulami, S. (2016) The Effects of Technology on Learning English as a Foreign Language Among Female EFL Students at Effatt College: An Exploratory Study. Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture. Vol. 12, No. 4, 2016, pp. 1-16
[3] Austin, C. (October 3, 2007). Global access through the global language. The Daily Star. Retrieved from
[4] Blattner, G. and Fiori, M. (2009). Facebook in language classroom: promises and possibilities. International journal of instructional technology and distance learning, 6(1), 17-28.
[5] Bowling A (1997) Research Methods in Health. Open University Press, Buckingham.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identity Construction: An Important Issue Among Adolescents |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | RASHMI UPRETI |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206105457 ![]() |
Abstract: Identity construction is another name for individuation. Individuation is the development of separate personality at a particular stage of life in which individual characteristics are possessed by a person or a person is known to others. Among adolescents identity is of great importance because it is the first time when physical development, cognitive skills and social expectations coincide that enable adolescents to understand childhood identifications in order to construct a viable pathway toward their adulthood. Personal identity develops with the changes in the adolescent brain. Identity in simple term is one's sense of self. Building of complete identity involves clarification of one's morals, ethics, and standards, as well as a commitment to a future occupation. But sometimes, adolescents pass through a stage of disorientation and role confusion and are known to be in identity crises. For the better identity construction try to engage adolescents in warm and open communication; initiate discussions that promote high-level of thinking at home and also at school...........
Keywords: Gender, Identity crises, Identity theories, Peers, Personality.
[1] D. Janarthanam and R. Gnanadevan, Gender differences in ego-identity status of higher secondary students, International Journal of Teacher Educational Research, 3(2), 2014, 14-18.
[2] J. Paul, Despite the terrors of typologies: The importance of understanding categories of difference and identity, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 17 (2), 2015, 174–195.
[3] S. Devi and Jyotsana, Identity formation: Role of social support and self esteem among Indian adolescents, The International Journal of Indian Psychology, 3(2), 2016, 4-8.
[4] M.D. Berzonsky, J. Cieciuch, B. Duriez and B. Soenens, The how and what of identity formation: Associations between identity styles and value orientations, Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 2011, 295-299.
[5] Rana and Shirali, Identity and family functioning link: An investigation of Indian youth, Journal of Psychology, 36, 2010, 266-271..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Chemical Weapons on West Bank and Gaza |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rubel Mittal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206105870 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to the long period of Israel's occupation of West Bank and Gaza, people suffered a huge loss of life and property. The policies of Israel violated all the International laws and conventions. In spite of this, Israel always justified its stand in the International lobby. Here the point to be noted that West Bank and Gaza were not the only victim, Israel had conducted hostilities in Lebanon in 2006 and that time it blamed Hezbollah for its use of bombs and cluster munitions on civilians. Although Human rights Watch rejected all the justifications, which was given by Israel during the Lebanon war:
"Many of the attacks in which civilians died took place at a time when there was no evidence that Hezbollah fighters or weapons were in the vicinity, despite IDF claims that the high proportion of civilian deaths in Lebanon was due to Hezbollah hiding its rockets and fighters in villages and towns..........
[1]. "Rain of Fire, Israel's Unlawful use of White Phosphorous in Gaza", HRW, March 2009, en/reports/2009/03/25/rain-fire.
[2]. "Through Women's Eyes, A PCHR Report on the gender-specific impact and consequences of operation cast lead", Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, reports/english/pdf-spcc-through women's%20-eyes.pdf.
[3]. "Gaza : 1.5 million on people trapped in despair", ICRC, June 2009, eng/assets/ files/other/gaza-report-icrc.eng.pdf.
[4]. "Life in the Gaza Strip, six weeks after the armed conflict 27 Dec., 2008 – 17 Jan., 2009. Evidence from a household sample survey- A Summary", Fafo Institute for Applied International Studies, F085257595B004E178A.
[5]. Ibid..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Art of Characterization in Mahesh Dattani's Plays |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C.S.Srinivas |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206107173 ![]() |
Abstract: TMahesh Dattani has a strong 'passion' for drama and theatrical art. He has penned several full-length plays and what renders the most charismatic quality to his plays is the method he has adopted to make his plays stage-worthy. To make his plays artistically meaningful and simultaneously entertaining to an audience that is accustomed to realistic effects of the cinema and modern theatre, Dattani, as a free-thinker, incorporates various modern styles and techniques of production that suit his dramatic requirements. The present paper examines how Dattani portrays an array of characters in some of his plays that present the modern day multi-layered Indian life as well as sensibility..........
[1]. Das, Bijay Kumar. Form and Meaning in Mahesh Dattani's Plays . New Delhi: Atlantic, 2008. Print.
[2]. Dattani, Mahesh. Preface. Collected Plays. By Dattani. New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2000. Print.
[3]. Joshipura, Pranav. A Critical Study of Mahesh Dattani's Plays. New Delhi: Sarup, 2009. Print.
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Abstract: Online platform nowadays has started to replace the traditional market and require consumers to change their buying habits and patterns extensively. Thus, the trend of having grocery delivered to the doorstep has been introduced to Malaysian consumers especially who lives in urban area. Previous studies have shown that online groceries are not consistently purchased by the consumers due to several reasons such as inconsistent quality and lack of sensory characteristics. However, there are still number of consumers who continuously shops groceries through online platform. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine factors influencing consumer's intention to shop groceries online. The primary data were collected using structured questionnaire in the form of online survey with 521 respondents in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis and factor analysis. The findings of the study showed that majority of the online grocery shoppers are female with the age ranged between 26-35 years old............
Keywords: - Grocery, online shopping, intention, factor analysis, Malaysian consumers
[1]. PwC Total Retail. (2016, February). They say they want a revolution. Retrieved from
[2]. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission. (2016). Internet users surveys 2016.Cyberjaya: Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.
[3]. Paynter, L., & Lim, J. (2001). Drivers and impediments to e-commerce in Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 6(2), 1-19
[4]. Ghazali, E., Mutum, A.D., & Mahbob, N.A. (2006). Attitude towards online purchase of fish in urban Malaysia: An ethnic comparison. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 12(4), 109-128.
[5]. Zaini, Z.M.M., Ramli, N., Ghani, F.A., Samsudin, A., Hamid, M., Jusoff, K., Ngali, N., Rahmat, N., Khalid, K., & Musa, M. (2011). Online grocery shopping: The affect of time availability on Malaysian consumer preference. World Applied Science Journal, 12, 60-67
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Abstract: Nowadays, consumers' concerns towards food safety have significantly increasing and they tend to generally aware about their health. This concern has become particularly serious because of food scandal and countless cases that happened around the world. These scandals lead to negative effect and perception to consumers, food companies and also both supply and demand chain. There are a lot of strategies by agriculture food industries to increase food safety such as developed and implemented traceability systems among consumers. However, the awareness level towards traceability system among Malaysian consumers was low. The aim of this research is to determine consumers' preferences towards meat and meat products with traceability systems in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This study was based on a quantitative approach and the primary data were collected using structured questionnaire via face to face interview with 503 respondents. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive analysis and chi square analysis. The results of the study indicated that majority of the consumers prefer to use traceability systems and they think traceability systems are important when buying meat and meat products............
Keywords: -consumers' preferences, meat traceability, traceability, traceability systems, chi-square analysis.
[1] Ahmad, S. N. B. & Juhdi, N. (2010). Organic Food: A study on demographic characteristics & factor influencing purchase intentions among consumers. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(2), 105-118.
[2] Giraud, G. & Halawany, R. (2006). Consumers' perception of food traceability in Europe. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, World Food and Agribusiness Symposium Buenos Aires, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 98.
[3] Govindasamy, R. & Italia, J. (1999). Predicting willingness-to-pay a premium for organically grown fresh produce. Journal of Food Distribution, 30, 44-53.
[4] Hansstein, F.V. (2014). Consumer knowledge and attitudes towards food traceability: A comparison between the European Union, China and North America. International Conference on Food Security and Nutrition IPCBEE, 67.
[5] Kamaruddin, R., Iberahim, H. &Shabudin, A. (2013). Willingness to pay for Halal logistics.
a. Environment-Behaviour Studies (cEBs), Faculty of Architecture, Planning Surveying,UniversitiTeknologi MARA, 722-729.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Current Status and Future Scope of Producers' Cooperatives in Livelihood Generation of Assam |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sangita Borah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206108591 ![]() |
Abstract: Producers' Cooperatives are the backbone of the cooperative system and involved in variety of functions serving the rural masses. Assam has 312 organized Dairy Cooperative Societies, 450 nos. of Primary Fishery Cooperatives and 988 numbers of primary levels weavers' Co-operative societies functioning in the State. Performance of Sugar and Jute cooperatives were not found very successful in the state, as both the sugar mills are under liquidation and Jute mill is running under sick situation due to miss management of various activities of the societies. Area and production of sugarcane and Jute found to be increasing from 2007-08 to 2015-16 which reflects the scope of development of cooperative sugar factories and cooperative Jute mills in the state. Functional cooperative societies of Assam...........
Keywords: -Producers' Cooperatives, present status, functioning, scope for improvement.
[1] Kumar V. Wankhed K.G. and Gena H.C. Role of Cooperatives in Improving Livelihood of Farmers on Sustainable Basis. American Journal of Educational Research, 3(10), 2015,1258-1266
[2] Baruah, R. R. Adachi and Kaur, S. A Study on analysis of Weavers' Cooperative societies in twelve selected districts of Assam, International Journal of Applied Research, 5(1), 2015, 232-234.
[3] National Dairy Development Board, Annual Report-2015-16, pp. 3-4
[4] Economic Survey, Assam 2012-13, chapter XV, Cooperation, 2013, 166-171.
[5] Indian Cooperative Movement- A statistical Profile 2012, 24