Version-2 (June-2017)
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Abstract: The globalization of Citizen Journalism on Internet and in Traditional news has been a research topic over the years by numerous scholars world over. Technologies and work practices are also changing rapidly, making it difficult to discern any sense of a consolidation of practices since the development of the World Wide Web, its colonisation by commercial news providers and the ballooning of online usage in the mid-1990s. Advocates of citizen journalism hail it as an opportunity to improve journalism, making it more transparent and democratic as the audience can check the facts presented and easily correct or add to the original article. On citizen journalism sites such as Spot..........
Keyword: Globalization, Citizen Journalism, Internet and Traditional
[1]. Aaron, B. (2010). ―Citizen Journalists as Gatekeepers‖-Routledge
[2]. Andrew K, (2007). ―The Cult OF the Amateur‖ - how blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today's user generate media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values. Double DAY, USA. Ayo, & Dele S. (2001). ―The Media and Democratic Rule in Nigeria ―in Development Management Network Bulletin, Volume XIII
[3]. Babalola, E. T. (2002). ―Newspapers as Instruments for Building Literate Communities. The Nigerian Experience‖. Nordic Journal of African Studies. Bowman & Willis, (2003). ―We Media: How audiences are shaping the future of news and information‖. Washington DC: The media center at the American press institute. Country Profile, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism website. Oxford University, London. 2010. Dan Gillmor, (2004 ). ―We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, For the People. O' Reilly Media. Dan Gillmor, ―Media active''- Citizen Journalism Defines the Future. USA
[4]. David, B. M. (2010). ―What Citizen Journalism Can Learn From Public Journalism‖, in Public Journalism 2.0-The Promise and Reality of a Citizen- Engaged Press‖- Routledge
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Abstract: This is an analytical survey study which X-rayed the professionalization of media practice in Nigeria. Anchored on the social responsibility and Development Media theories of the press, the paper among other things ascertained the prevailing professionalism status of Journalism practice in Nigeria, examine the preconditions for a career to be identified as a profession, ascertained the correlation between journalism practice and preconditions for identifying a career as a profession, ascertain the processes of professionalization and ascertained the relationship between media practitioners and professionalism. The study provided a cursory look at the mass media landscape in Nigeria............
Keywords: Professionalization, Journalism, Profession, Media, Practitioners and Nigeria
[1]. Adaja, I.A.(2011). The Nigeria media and the Quest for probity and Accountability in Governance. AAU: African studies Review Vol.10, pp183-204.
[2]. Adaja, A.I. (2012). Nigeria Journalism and professionalism: issues and challenges. In New media and mass communication Vol 5 ppl5-21. 29th December 2015.
[3]. Ansari, M.N. (2011). Information Requirements of Pakistari Media Practitionners: A comparative study. Newspapers indaho edu. 11 naserean internail.
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Abstract: The Study Has Confined Only To The Rural Areas Of Pauri District, With Special Reference To Below Poverty Line (BPL) Households. The Main Objective Of The Study Was To Understand The Socioeconomic Status Of The Rural Below Poverty Line Families In Pauri District. Research Approaches: Review The Available Data, Reports And Surveys Of The Pauri District And Initial Consultations With The Stakeholders, Government Officials To Understand The Capabilities, Assets And Activities Required For The Means Of Living. Data Collection Has Conducted On Different Parameters Followed By Surveys, Field Visits, Etc. With The Help Of Self-Made Questionnaire. The Data Were Collected From BPL Households Of Pauri District By Using Stratified Sampling Technique. The Socioeconomic Status Serves To Understand The Way People Survive And Making A Living In Poor Rural Areas.
Keywords:BPL Households, Socio-Economic Status
[1] Meher, R., Livelihood, Poverty And Morbidity: A Study On Health And Socio-Economic Status Of The Tribal Population In Orissa, Journal Of Health Management, 9(3), 2007, 343-367.
[2] Patnaik, S. K., Nath Sahu, U. & Ranjan Hathy, P., Managing The Human Resources For Poverty And Socio Economic Development Of Mayurbhanj District In Orissa, India. Global Journal Of Management And Business Research, 11(3), 2011.
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Abstract: The effort to reach legal certainty in land registration law often met many issues, one of them is, even though the right on the land has been issued to the owner, but materially, other people often rule the land. Because of that, in this paper, legal implication on land right certificate issuance in Indonesia is discussed. The method used is normative law research. The result showed that the issuance on land right certificate tend to be implicated with legal certainty of the land, and also the disputes regarding the land in courtroom. Legal certainty of land registration has been regulated in Indonesian Act number 5 of 1960 regarding Agrarian Law, but the legal certainty have not been realized because of the disputes occurred in courtroom. Right certificate on land, is the product of State Administration Officials,..........
Keywords: implication, land certificate, disputes.
[1] Chand, Hari. (1994). Modern Jurisprudence, Kuala Lumpur: International Law Book series.
[2] Curzon, L.B. (1999). Land Law. Seventh edition, Great Britain: Pearson Education Ltd.
[3] Deborah, Rock. (2001). Property Law & Human Rights, First Published, London: Blackstone Press Limited Aldine Place.
[4] Dukemenier, Jesse. (1991-1992). Property. Gilbert Law Summaries, p. i.
[5] Hadjatmodjo, Boedi Djatmiko. (2015). "Karakter Hukum Sertifikat Hak",, 10 May 2010, accessed January 2015.l.
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Abstract: The grant of financial from financial institution is basically similar to credit grant by bank, in consumer financial institution, assurance is necessary to assure that the debtor is able to fulfill his obligation according to the financial contract signed by the parties. Beside trust assurance, in financial contract, material assurance contract is also done in moving object in fiduciary contract. It is regulated in Fiduciary Act, as moving object assurance contract institution on the basis of trust, with the provision that the object which ownership is to be transferred, will still under the authority of the owner or debtor. The certificate of fiduciary is made in Indonesian in front of Notary,...........
Keywords: contract, assurance, financial, fiduciary
[1]. Fuady, Munir (2003). Jaminan Fidusia. Bandung: PT. Aditya Bakti, Bandung.
[2]. H.S, Salim (2004). Perkembangan Hukum Jaminan Di Indonesia, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3]. Hasbullah, Frieda Husni (2002). Hukum Kebendaan Perdata Jilid 2 Hak-hak Yang Memberi Jaminan, Jakarta: Ind Hill-Co.
[4]. Satrio, J (1993). Hukum Jaminan, Hak-Hak Jaminan Kebendaan, Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti.
[5]. Satrio, J. (2002). Hukum Jaminan Hak Jaminan Kebendaan Fidusia. Bandung: PT. Citra Aditya Bakti
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Abstract: D'aucun n'ignore que les violences sexuelles faites aux femmes et surtout les viols d'enfants sont devenues monnaie courante en République Démocratique du Congo ; rendant ainsi la condition de l'enfant très vulnérable qu'elle ne l'était déjà par rapport à son milieu, son manque de maturité physique et émotionnelle nécessitant une attention particulière pour sa protection. La constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo du 18 février 2006 en son article 123, point 16, consacre une place importante aux personnes vulnérables, notamment les enfants entant que renouvellement de l'être et de la vie, en s'engageant dans la voie de faire de leur protection son cheval de bataille. Bien que la République Démocratique du Congo dispose des moyens de persuasion pour décourager les délinquants des violences sexuelles, ceux-ci ne désarment pas pour autant sur tout dans les zones rurales où le taux de ces infractions reste élevé............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Validation of Voter's Political Trust in Mokokchung District (Nagaland) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | E. Benrithung Patton |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206024449 ![]() |
Abstract: Trust is an inevitable form which has become a pure significance towards the pillars of a democratic community. The nature and effects of trust in social and political institutions have been studied distinguishing between various levels of trust. Political trust is one of the key principle indicators that measure the depth of citizens' belief in the political system. Levels of trust relate to the stability of democracy for which political system needs to establish in order to foster political participation of the electorates. Perhaps democracies function more effectively when citizens support key institutions............
Keywords: institutions, level, Mokokchung, political trust, voters.
[1]. Marc J. Hetherington, Why Trust Matters: Declining Political Trust and the Demise of American Liberalism (Princeton University Press, NJ, 2005).
[2]. Kenneth Newton, Social and political trust in Russell J Dalton & Hans-Dieter Klingemann (Ed.), Oxford handbook of political behavior, (Oxford University Press, New York, 2007) 342-361.
[3]. A. Miller, Political issues and trust in government: 1964–1970, American Political Science Review, 68, 1974, 951–972.
[4]. John Coleman, Foundations of Social Theory (Cambridge., Harvard University Press: MA, 1990).
[5]. Marc J. Hetherington, The Political relevance of political trust, American Political Science Review, 92(4), 1998, 791-808..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on Supplier Selection of Local Government Purchases In China:Case Study Of Shanghai |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | SHI Si |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206025057 ![]() |
Abstract: It has become a major trend for the government to buy public services from social organizations in China. Most of the researches believe that "competition" and "relationship between social organizations and the government" are the criteria for the government to select suppliers. However, the choice behavior of government is complex and have changed over time. Based on the Multi case study of public services purchasing by government of Shanghai and from the perspective of supplier selection theory,the research shows that three dimensions including the quality and efficiency of public service provision, the relationship between government and social organizations and the relevant policies of government procurement of public services have always affected the choice of suppliers..........
Keywords: government purchase of public service; supplier selection; Shanghai
[1] [10][18][19][20] Zhou Jun. How the government chooses the way of purchase and the object of purchase? The government choice in the purchase of social organization service [J]. Journal of the Party School of Zhejiang provincial Party committee of CPC, 2014,02:48-55.
[2] Wang Chunting. A review of government purchases of public services [J]. Socialist Studies, 2012,02:141-146.
[3] Che Feng. A review of Government procurement of public service [J]. Journal of Socialist Theory Guide, 2014,12:98-101.
[4] Dong Yang, Liu Yinxi. A review of government purchase of public services——From the perspective of government purchasing public service theory[J]. Journal of Inner Mongolia University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) ,2015,06:54-59.
[5] Yang Wenjing, Cai Meng. Research on government purchase of public service based on supplier selection theory[J]. Market Research, 2015,08:21-23
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Abstract: TMarriage is a very important institution in human society which permit man and women in family life i.e. husband and wife. The Bodo has well established institutions of the marriage. No doubt, they are monogamous not polygamous. Polendery form of marriage is absolutely absent in Bodo society. Various rites and rituals have been associated in the marriage ceremonies of the Bodos which have been practiced since the time immemorial. In this paper a modest attempt is made to highlight and study the marriage system of the Bodos and associated rites and the rituals.
Keywords: Swngnai Haba, Gwrjiya Lakhinai Haba, Kharsonnai Haba, Bwnanwi Lainai Haba, Dwnkharnai Haba, Dongkha habnai Haba
[1] Dr. Sekhar Brahma, Religion of the Boro And Their Socio-Cultural Transition, DVS Publishers Guwahati, 2006 P-21
[2] Baben Narzee, Boro Kocharini Somaj Arw Harimu, Chirang Publication Board, 2006, P-79
[3] Kameswar Brahma, A Study in Cultural Heritage of the Bodos, Guwahati, Bina Library Guwahati: Assam, 2009, P-65
[4] Dr. K. Brahma, Aspect of Social Customs of the Bodos, Bina Library Guwahati: Assam, 2008, P-25
[5] Premlata Devi, Social and Religious Institutions of Bodos, 2007, P-97.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Tuberculosis and Behavioural Risk Factors: The Case of North-Western Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Fada, Abubakar Garba (PhD) |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206026472 ![]() |
Abstract: Behavioural risk factors affect the spread of diseases, particularly infectious diseases like tuberculosis (TB), the transmission which is associated with several factors, including consumption of unpasteurised milk. The few studies that have been conducted on the role of behavioural factors on disease transmission in North-western Nigeria are also inconclusive. This study, therefore, examined the prevalence of pulmonary TB in the region with a focus on these factors, using a survey design and the disease ecology concept as the framework. Random sampling was used to collect data from the records of 15 Directly Observed Therapy Short-course (DOTS) centres along Fulani route of seasonal migration. A structured questionnaire was administered to 461 selected patients, and data collected on..........
Keywords: Pulmonary tuberculosis prevalence, Disease ecology, Unpasteurized milk, Directly Observed Therapy Short-course (DOTS), North-western Nigeria.
[1] Abubakar, U. B., Ameh, J. I., Abdulkadir, I. A., Salisu, I., Okaiyeto, S. O. and Kudu, A. C. 2011, Bovine Tuberculosis in Nigeria: A review, Veterinary research. 14 (1): 24-27.
[2] Alhaji, I. and Schnurrenberger, P. 1977. Public health significance of bovine tuberculosis in four Northern States of Nigeria. A mycobacteriological study. Nigerian Medical Journal. 7(4):384– 386.
[3] Araoye, M. O. 2004. Research Methodology with Statistics for Health and Social Sciences. Ilorin: Nathadex Publishers. Arcavia, L. and Benowitz, N. L. 2004. Cigarette smoking and infection, Achieve of International Medicine. 164:2206-2216.
[4] Arcavia, L. and Benowitz, N. L. 2004. Cigarette smoking and infection, Achieve of International Medicine. 164:2206-2216.
[5] Ariyothai, N., Podhipak, A., Akarasewi, P., Tornee, S., Smithtikarn, S. and Thongprathum, P. 2004. Cigarette smoking and its relation to pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 35(1):n219-227.
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Abstract: The paper is an attempt to understand the role culture and tradition play in the life of the Muslim woman in North-WesternNigeria with Katsina state as a case in point. The paper stresses that under the guise of Islam the Muslim woman has gone through a lot of hardship. This is as a result of the distortions of the teaching of Islam with regards to the position of the woman in a Muslim community. The paper also highlights the fact that the nature of the spread of the religion and misinterpretation of the provision of the Shariah was responsible for relegating the woman to the background and exposing her to oppression.
Keywords: Professionalization, Journalism, Profession, Media, Practitioners and Nigeria
[1] Abdalati, H. (1982), The Family Structure in Nigeria.Lagos: Islamic Publication Bureau.
[2] Al-Hajj, M. A. (1995), "The meaning of Sokoto jihad", Usman Y. B. (ed.) Studies in the history of the Sokoto caliphate. Lagos: Third Press International.
[3] Ali, A.Y (1988), Modern English Translation of the Glorious Quran. Meaning and commentary.Kausas City, USA: Manner international.
[4] Aliman, J. (1978), Women's Status and Fertility in the Muslim World. New York: Praeger Publishers,
[5] Balogun, S. A. (1980), History of Islam up to 1800', Ikime, O. (ed.)Groundwork of Nigerian History. Nigeria: Heinemann Educational Books.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Whole Brain Teaching |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Preslee D. Kharsati || Dr. Prakasha G.S |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206027683 ![]() |
Abstract: TNeuroscience in education aims to bridge the gap between the knowledge of how the brain works and how this knowledge can be applied in classroom practices. The main challenges for teachers is how do they translate that knowledge to classroom practices and what strategies should they adopt?. Chris Biffle and his colleagues came up with Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) method in 1999. It started off with one teacher problem in the classroom which leads to research and development of techniques that can activate the whole brain in learning. WBT is an approach which is surrounded by the seven core technique which is class yes-attention getter, the classroom rules- the organizer, hands and eyes which - the focuser, teach-Okay - the whole brain activator, mirror - the class unifier, switch - involver and finally...........
Keywords: Neuroscience, Brain based learning, Whole Brain Teaching (WBT), Engagement, Classroom management
[1] Adunola, O. (2011). The Impact of teachers‟ teaching methods on the academic performance of primary school pupils in Ijebu-Ode local cut area of Ogun state. Ego booster books, Ogun State, Nigeria.
[2] Alford, D. (2014). What is whole brain teaching in the classroom. Walsh University article. Retrieved from http:/
[3] Alaniz, A. 2015, Whole brain teaching and memory retention, Central elementary school, Portage township school. Retrieved from /article_c88d52bf-0c56-5bfb-a0fa-ac0486a9c45e.html
[4] Arnold, A. (2015), Whole Brain teaching and memory retention. The Retrieved from
[5] Ayeni, A.J. (2011), " Teachers professional development and quality assurance in Nigerian Secondary Schools," World Journal of Education, 1(2): 143-149..
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Abstract: Drug addiction is an alarming problem in Bangladesh. A number of studies carried out in our country showed that a large segment of young people of Bangladesh are getting involved in drug addiction, which is jeopardizing their own health and safety, while creating various difficulties for their families. The present study was investigated the socio-economic status of young drug addicts and the principle drugs consumed by them with the help of primary data, collected from 42 drug addicts through purposive sampling technique by using structured questionnaire, interview schedule and observation. The key findings of the study depicts that out of 42 drug addicts, highest 14 were unemployed aged from 18-37. Most of them were studied up to primary (30.81%) and secondary (39.34%) level of education............
Keywords: Socio-Economic, Young, Drug Addict, Sylhet, Bangladesh
[1]. Bawkin H. & R.Bawkin (1972). Behaviour Disorders in Children. London: W.B. Saunders.
[2]. Bays, J. (1990). Substance addiction and child addiction: Impact of addiction on the child. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 37(4): 881-904.
[3]. BSS-A news agency of Bangladesh (2013). Drug Addiction Alarmingly Rising in Bangladesh. The Daily Star, 14 Aug 2013, p.3.
[4]. Conley D. (1999). Being Black, living in the read: Race, wealth, and social policy in America. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
[5]. Davis, S. (1994). Effects of Chemical dependency in parenting women. In R.R. Watson (Ed.), Drug and alcohol reviews: Addictive behaviors in women (Vol.5, pp. 381-414). Totowa NJ: Humana Press
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the support system in effect to enhance the effective implementation of inclusive education. The trends of on job teachers‟ training, provision of peculiar educational inputs needed to implement inclusive education are examined. The study involved a sample of 44 teachers and 11 principals from 11 schools selected from three zones namely Wolaita, Sidama and Hadiya of southern regional state of Ethiopia. Questionnaire, interview, observation and document analysis techniques were used to collect the necessary data. The research target schools were selected as they are labeled as schools of high number of recorded student with special needs in the region. 11 teachers who teach in special unit classes were purposefully selected to be interviewed while 33 teachers who are teaching in the so called inclusive classes were randomly selected to fill questionnaires...........
Keywords: Assistive technology, support system, inclusive education
[1]. Bines, Hazel, and Philippa Lei (2011) "Disability and education: The longest road to inclusion',International Journal of Educational Development, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 419-424.
[2]. Eleweke, C. Jonah, and Michael Rodda (2002) "The challenge of enhancing inclusive education in developing countries‟, International Journal of Inclusive Education, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 113-126.
[3]. Florian, L. and Rouse, M. (2009) The inclusive practice project in Scotland: Teachereducation for inclusive education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25 (4), 594-601
[4]. International Labor Organization (ILO) (2013), Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Ethiopia,[Electronic], Available: [17 Oct 2013].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Kodaikanal an Emerging MICE Tourism Destination in Tamilnadu (India) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Premalatha P.N. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-220602101105 ![]() |
Abstract: Kodaikanal, apleasant hill station is on the upper part of the Palani Hills, an offshoot of the Western Ghats Mountain in Tamilnadu. It is one of the finest holiday destinations in the country which is still unharmed by the reckless urbanization and commercialization as seen in some of the other locations. It caters to the needs of all types of tourists with its natural attractions, salubrious climate and strong infrastructure. As a mass tourism destination, the arrival of both domestic and international tourists is increasing every year. Being a favourite tourist destination, Kodaikanal is fast gaining its place in the competition to become an ideal MICE destination in Tamilnadu. Most of the hotels provide facilities for conferences with modern technology and its natural attractions and pleasurable activities provide peace of mind. Business Conferences, meetings, seminars, family gatherings and functions held in the cool and invigorating hill environs...........
Keywords: Conference, Exhibition, Domestic Tourism, Incentive, Infrastructure, International Tourism
[1]. retrieved on 14 /04/2017.
[2]. India Inbound MICE Tourism Trends and Opportunities, May 2016, MRSS A Majestic MRSS Company retrieved on 12 /05/2017
[4]. Premalatha, P.N "Hop On Hop Off Tour in Chennai: A New Marketing Strategy of Tamilnadu Tourism Development Corporation" in Dileep M.R.(ed) International Marketing in Tourism(New Delhi:Anmol Pub., 2011) 338-347.
[5]. Tourism And Culture Department Tourism Policy Note 2011-2012, Government of Tamilnadu.