Version-4 (June-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Co-operative Banks in Financial Inclusion: A Study in the Post Reform Period. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Princy P James |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206040103 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial inclusion is important because it is necessary condition for sustaining equitable growth. In India marginals and weaker sections are excluded from main stream of the economy. To achieve sustainable development, all sections of the people need to be come into main stream. The process of ensuring access to financial services and timely and adequate credit where needed by vulnerable groups such as weaker sections and low income groups at an affordable cost ( The Committee on Financial Inclusion -Chairman: Dr. C. Rangarajan, 2008). Financial inclusion gives a big push to agricultural sector and marginalised people. The instrument of financial inclusion can be used properly by banking sector in agricultural sector. Then both are interlinked or interrelated. Co-operative banks have rural experience and very good network in rural areas and also having rural orientation. This study attempts to find out the role co-operative banks in financial inclusion in the post reform period.
Key words:-Financial inclusion, Financial exclusion, banking sector,co-operative banks, Banking Access, Endogenous growth theory, Credit Flow.
[1] DeendayalSharm (2010): Principles of Banking, Rajat Publication, Delhi
[2] VijayaragavanIyengar (2007): Introduction to Banking, Excel Books, New Delhi
[3] Gordon and Natarajan (2003): Banking,Theory,Low and Practice, Himalaya publications, Mumbai
[4] Shekhar and LekshmiShekhar (2005): Banking, Theory and Practice, Vikas publishing house, Banglore
[5] Rangarajan (2008), Report of the committee on financial inclusion, government of India.
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Abstract: Water scarcity occurs due to inadequacy of fresh water. It may be a physical problem initially having reflection on socio-economic profile of a community; but it affects productivity and prosperity of the people in a region. It is very difficult to overcome physical constraint of water scarcity as it depends on geo-hydrology, but proper management strategy is conducive for addressing the problem. South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal is located on the southern part of Ganges Delta. So the region is endowed with huge quantity of surface and ground water. But the typical geo-hydrology, sea water ingression, soil salinity and high content of soil clay create major problems. The management strategy adopted for this precious resource in this district is not up to the mark. So the local people have to suffer all the year round especially during the xeric period and because of waterlogging during the rainy season...........
Keywords: water scarcity, ground water aquifer, water quality index, water borne diseases, fragile ecosystems
[1] Basu R. and Bhaduri S. (2006) Linkage of Rivers in India- An Appraisal: Society Development and Environment; Progressive Publishers, Kolkata
[2] Bhaduri S. (2006): Emerging Issues in Geography; Academic Staff College and Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, Kolkata
[3] 3. Chary S.N. and Vyasulu V. (2001): Environmental Management: An Indian Perspective; Macmillan India Limited, New Delhi
[4] Das Subhajyoti (2011) : Groundwater Resources of India ;National Book Trust, India
[5] Gurgar R. and Jat B.C. (2008): Geography of Water Resources; Rawat Publications, New Delhi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress faced by adolescents and coping strategies used to face stress. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka || Kshipra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206041620 ![]() |
Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess overall stress among late adolescent students. The study is based upon sample of 120 late adolescents age 17 to 20 years. Standardized scale for stress by Vijay Laxmi, Shrutinarayan published from Agra Psychological cell was used for the study. Four dimensions of stress that is Pressure, Physical Stress, Anxiety, and Frustration were studied. A check list of coping strategies was prepared by the researcher and respondent's response was tabulated. Results showed majority of adolescents to be under moderate level of stress and 20% under high stress. Further in four dimensions majority young adults reported for high physical pressure and anxiety whereas pressure and frustration was found to be moderate. The most common copying strategy appeared in present research was watching television, movies, music, games, internet chatting etc. This reveals that diversion or distraction.........
Keywords - Stress, pressure, anxiety, adolescents, coping strategies.
[1] Casey BJ, Galvan A, Hare TA. Changes in cerebral functional organization during cognitive development, Curr Opin Neurobiol. 15(2):2005, 239–244.
[2] De Anda and Bradely. A study of Stress, Stressors and coping strategies among middle school adolescents, Social Work In Education, 19, 1997,87-99.
[3] Garfinkel, B., Hoberman, H., Parsons, J., and Walker, J. Adolescent Stress, Depression and Suicide: Minnesota study. Unpublished raw data, 1986.
[4] Harlow, L. L., Newcomb, M. D., & Bentler, P. M. Depression, self-derogation, substance use, and suicide ideation: Lack of purpose in life as a meditational factor, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 42, 1986, 5-21.
[5] Olah Attila Coping behaviour in relation to frequency and intensity of anxiety provoking situations, perceptual and motar skills. American Journal of Ortho Psychology, 59, 3, 1987, 935-943...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Environmental Concern in the Vedās |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Iti Chattopadhyay |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206042123 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent times, one of the major and serious problems the entire world is witnessing is environmental degradation such as ozone layer depletion, global warming and loss of biodiversity. Cutting trees randomly, polluting air, water and soil whimsically, killing non-human animals mercilessly and unnecessarily and using the natural resources excessively have become natural and regular phenomena that have brought the threat to annihilation of all living beings on earth because trees, water, air, soil and other natural resources are fundamental requirements for survival of all forms of life. To get rid of this alarming crisis, scientists, theologians, ethicists and social activists are looking for ways and means. In fact, we find that the last two decades have witnessed many treaties, summits, conventions and protocols in order to protect and conserve the whole environment. But if we go back to the ancient ages........
Key words: Environmental Problem, Ozone Layer Depletion, Global Warming, Loss of Biodiversity, Sacred Texts, Hinduism, Vedās.
[1] A.R. Panchamukhi, Socio-economic Ideas in Ancient Indian Literature (Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, , 1998) 467.
[2] Vasudha narayana, 'Water, Wood and Wisdom: Ecological Perspectives from the Hindu Traditions', 179-206,>, p.183.
[3] Atharva Veda 12.1.4 , William Dwight Whitney (tran) and Charles Rockwell Lanman (ed.); Atharva-Veda-Samhita, 2nd half, Books VIII to XIX; (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass private Ltd.,2011), 661
[4] Ibid.12.1.35, p. 667
[5] Rg Veda 10.9.1, Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton (trans), The Rigveda: The Earliest Religious Poetry of India,(Oxford: Oxford univ. Press, 2014)..
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Abstract: The aim of the study was to investigate the relations between the witchcraft beliefs in diseases causation and choice of health – seeking among pregnant women in Calabar South Cross River State of Nigeria. The study integrates the examination of witchcraft theory as theoretical model. Primary data was collected using300 valid questionnaires which were administered to random expectant mothers selected from 5 different maternity homes and church–based delivery centers. Chi-square analytical tool was employed to test the hypothesis. The main findings of the study include: - witchcraft belief of disease causation has a strong and significant impact on choice of health – seeking of pregnant mothers; witchcraft beliefs also has impact on high rate of morbidity and mortality of both infants and mothers.........
Keywords - Beliefs, Culture, Health – seeking, Pregnancy, Witchcraft
[1] O. Erinosho, (1998) Health Sociology for Universities, Colleges and Health related institutions, Ibadan. Sam Bookman.
[2] J. O. Charles (2003) African Culture, Human Health and Scientific Enquiry: The Need for Synthesis of tools theories. Lagos. Serenity Publishers
[3] E. A. Oke and B. Owumi (1996) Readings in Medical Sociology, Ibadan, Resource Development Services.[4] E. Obeyemi and A. Adeniyi (2003) Cultural factors and health behaviours among the Yorubas. Ibadan. Ajacent Press.
[5] B. Frazier (1992) The Golden Bough. New York, Macmillan
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Abstract: Malaria is a very common disease in most of the tropical regions and its spread is caused by mosquito's presences favoured by topography and land cover that allows potential breeding and transmission. Primary data was obtained from focal group discussion while the secondary data employed was obtained from Landsat imagery 30 by 30 meter resolution employed for the study in the geographic information system environment. Topographic information of the region was also derived from the srtm data and employed for the analysis. Findings revealed that there is much awareness of the presence of malaria spreading mosquitoes and environment in the local government favoured by presence of forest land cover and poor / blocked drainage. Finally from the analysis of land cover and topography of the study area, potential breeding sites for mosquitoes are clustered and cut across the entire Local Government. The study recommends that potential breeding sites should be fumigated to mitigation the pace of mosquitoes breeding and spread in the study area
Keywords :Malaria, Breeding, Imagery, Mosquitoes, environment
[1] Aisuebeogun, A. (1995). Landforms Characteristics of the Environment. Journal of Geographic Thought.
[2] Gobo, A. E. (1990). Rainfall Data Analysis as an Aid for Designs for Maximum Drainage and Flow Control Works Port Harcourt. Journal of Discovery and Innovations, African Academy of Science Nairobi, Kenya., 2.
[3] Kingsley, O. O. (2002). Nigeria: Relief and Hydrography in Africa Atlases: Atlas of Nigeria. Lagos: Les Editions J.A.
[4] Mamman, A. B., Oyebanji, J. O., & Petters, S. W. (2000). Nigeria: A People United, A Future Assured. Abuja: Millenium Edition, Gabumo Publishing. N.B.C. (2008). Annual Report.
[5] Oyegun, C. U., & Adeyemo, A. (1999). Port Harcourt Region. Port Harcourt: Paragraphics. Winch et al (1997) Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Rate of Retreatment of..
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Abstract: Family communication in the Islamic family which is conducted by parents becomes the main key in instilling the ethics of Islamic communication in children/students. The implanting of Islamic communication ethics in children is important because they are one of the Islamic power sources that will determine the future of Muslims and the preservation of Islamic teachings. Parents who have high credibility, attractiveness, power and ability to manage and deliver messages will be able to create effective the family communication. Family communication carried out by parents with an ethical basis of Islamic communication, either in terms of message content, or messages, either in the form of verbal or nonverbal and the way of communication delivered will be able to positively influence the ethics of Islamic communication of the children/students
Keywords: Al Quran; family communication; Islamiccommunication; ethics
[1] Al-Quran danTerjemahnya. Al-Muyassar, (Bandung: SinarBaruAlgensindo, 2012).
[2] Amir, Mafri.EtikaKomunikasi Massa DalamPandangan Islam, Jakarta: Logos, 1999.n teachers toward the inclusion of students with mild disabilities: Critical differences of opinion. Remedial and Special Education, 20(4), 199..
[3] De Vito, Josep A. Komunikasi Antar Manusia, terj Agus Maulana MSM, Jakarta: Profesional Books, 1997.
[4] Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri. Pola Komunikasi Keluarga (Sebuah Perspektif Pendidikan Islam), Jakarta: Rineka Cipta 2004.
[5] Effendy, OnongUchjana..Ilmu, TeoridanFilsafatKomunikasi, Bandung: Citra AdityaBakti, 2003.
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Abstract: The Meccan boycott of the Muslims and the Hashemites was the first multilateral and targeted policy of sanctions in history that was put to action in 617AD by the idolaters. Muhammad's declaration of prophecy in 610 AD was the greatest monotheistic (Tawhid), intellectual revolution, which went public in 613 AD after three years of secret invitation to Islam. When the invitation and the intentions of Islam were revealed, Islam and Muslims were met with a wave of backlash. One of these backlashes was that of their boycotting of the BanūHāshimites and Muslims in Mecca, which was aimed to separate the Muslims from the prophet, and to discourage the BanūHāshim from protecting Muhammad...........
Keywords: BanūHāshim, idolaters,Islam, policy of sanctions,Prophet Muhammad (A.S.).
[1] Holy QuranSharif Razi, Muhammad,Nahj al-Balagha1, translated by Mohammad Dashti(Tehran, Asaar-e farhang-e bartar publishers, 2014).
[2] Ibn al-Athir, Izz al-Din Abu al-Hasan,alkamil fi alttarikh2(Beirut, DarSader, 2006).
[3] Ibn Sa'd, Muhammad, al tabaqat al kubra3, research4: Mohammed Abdul Qadir Atta (Beirut, Scientific Library, 1410 AH, 1990 AD).
[4] Ibn Kathir, Abi Al-FidaAsmaile,Al-Sirewa Al-Nabawi5, Research: Mustafa Abdel-Wahid (Cairo, Dar al salam Printing, Publishing, Distribution and Education, 1432 AH, 2011 AD).
[5] Ibn Hisham, Abd al-Malik bin Hisham, Al-Sirewa Al-Nabawi, Research: Mustafa Al-Sakka, Ibrahim Al-Abiari and Abdel-Hafiz Shalaby(Beirut, Dar Al-Maarifah6, No date).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Why Sanitation Program is too slow in middle east states of India? Problems and Solutions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mridula Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206045863 ![]() |
Abstract: The rural sanitation program in India was introduced in the year 1954 as a part of the first five year plan of the Government of India. The 1981 Census revealed rural sanitation coverage wan only from the starting there are so many program have been driven by Indian Government and Big industrial lobbies, but now in 2017 rural India is still suffering from bad sanitation problem. According to the MoDWS the over all sanitation coverage of India in year 2016-17 is 63.74% and this percentage comparatively other neighbor countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh is very low. In India some states are doing well in Swachh Bharat Mission like Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh etc. In this research paper we will discuss about the rural areas of Middle East States The most backward and ancient part of India, here we analysis the reason of slow development, if we go through the window.............
Keywords: - Water and Sanitation, CLTS, Local partner organizations, Impact assessment.
[1] sanitation
[4] Government of W. Bengal, economic review,2007-8.
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Abstract: Communication between cultures canbe achieved through translation. Through translation, people areintroduced to different languages and ways of thought. It is important to understand the relation between language and culture in order to train translators and interpreters. "What truly distinguishes translation is that it takes place in the context of the relations between two cultures, two worlds of thought and perception" (Delisle 1988, 74). Newmark (1981, 183-185) argues that there is a cultural value in translation. Language is partly the reflection of a culture. Translators like linguists tend to define culture as the sum of people's customs and ways of thinking. Culture is heavily indebted for its intellectual development to translation. Nothing demonstrates the complexity of language and of specific texts more vividly and explicitly than translation. Further, nothing exposes good writing and bad writing as effectively..............
[1] - Lecturer, "DimitrieCantemir" Christian University,
[2] 2Bucharest- First Published In Europeana:2015-03-27- 1/20122-Delisle, J. (1988), Translation: An interpretive approach. University of Ottawa Press. Canada.
[3] Newmark, P. (1981), Approaches to translation. Language and teaching series. Pergamon. UK.
[4] Newmark, P.(1988), A textbook of translation. Prentice Hall. UK.
[5] Newmark, P. (1991), About translation. Multilingual Matters. UK.
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Abstract: Islam is a religion that has two main aspects, namely aqidah (belief) and shari'ah. These two aspects cannot be separated from one another. The connection is not only on the form of practice, but also on the fundamentals of developing thought. Ijtihad having special meaning in Islam is to use all abilities as maximum as possible to obtain syara'(Lord's rule) law through the use of recognized syara' law. Ijtihad of H.M. Arsyad Thalib Lubis covers many fields such as the field of Islamic law (fiqh), theology and the benefit of the people (life). Special thought of H.M.Arsyad Thalib Lubis about Islamic law (fiqh) has a pattern of Indonesian. So that becomes islamic fiqh Indonesia.
Keywords: - Al Quran; theology; ijtihad; M. Arsad Thalib Lubis
[1] Al-Asy'ari, al-Ibanah 'an Ushul al-Diyanah, (Kairo: Idarah al-Thiba'ah al- Muniriyyah, tt.)
[2] Al-'Amidi, Safyuddin, Ghayah al-Maram fi 'Ilm al-Kalam, (Kairo: Majlis al-A'la Li Syu'un al- Islamiyyah, 1971)
[3] _______________, al-Ihkam fi Ushul al-Ihkam, (Kairo: Mu'assasah al-Halabi, 1967)
[4] Ali, Mohammad Daud, Hukum Islam, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum dan Tata Hukum Islam di Indonesia, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996)
[5] _______________, Hukum Islam: Peradilan Agama dan Masalahnya dalam Tjun Suriaman, Hukum Islam di Indonesia, Pemikiran dan Praktek, (Bandung: Rosdakarya, 1994)
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Abstract: Generally, internal audit has become an indispensable management tool for achieving effective control in both public and private organizations. Therefore this study will seek to establish factors influencing the adoption of risk based internal audit in Kenya and Livestock Research Organization. More specifically the study sought to establish the influence of ICT on risk based internal audit adoption in KARLO. A descriptive research design was employed on a target population comprised of the senior managers in KARLO. A census approach was utilized on a population of 64 senior managers. Questionnaires were used as the main data collection instruments. The collected data was then organized and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 24. Data was analysed in form of descriptive..............
Keywords: - Risk, Risk Management, KALRO, Internal Audit, Organization
[1] Campbell, M., Adams, G.W., Campbell, D.R. & Rose, M.P. (2006), "Internal audit can deliver more value", Financial Executive, January/February, pp. 44-7.
[2] Rivenbark, W.C. (2000), "Embracing risk-based auditing in local government", Government Finance Review, June, pp. 17-20.
[3] Kunkel, J. (2004), "The changing role of internal audit", Chain Store Age, September, pp. 4-5.
[4] Griffiths, D. (2006, March 15). Risk Based Internal Auditing. Retrieved from Risk Based Internal Auditing:
[5] O'Regan, D. (2002), "The CPA's transition to the world of internal auditing", The CPA Journal, August, pp. 11-13.
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Abstract: Delivery care is crucial for both maternal and prenatal health. Increasing skilled attendance at birth is a central goal of safe motherhood and child survival. The main aim of this study is to identify whether place of delivery is changing over time. And also to assess the socio-economic and demographic factors influencing women's decision for choice of place of delivery in rural areas of Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. This study is conducted in 20 selected villages by using purposive random sampling. For this purpose 800 women belonging to age group of 15-49 years were surveyed during July 2015-June 2016. The result of the study shows that 51.3 per cent of deliveries have been taken place at health care institutions and only 48.7 per cent of deliveries took place at home...................
Keywords: - Place of Delivery, Antenatal, Prenatal and Postnatal
[1] Dadhich J, Paul V: (2004): State of India's newborns. New Delhi: National Neonatology Forum and Washington DC: Save the Children.
[2] Vora CS, Mavalankar1 DV, Ramani KV, Upadhyaya M, Sharma B, Iyengar S, (2009): Maternal Health Situation in India: A Case Study, Journal of Health Population Nutrition, Vol. 27(2), Pp. 184-200.
[3] United Nation: The millennium development goal report, (2010): Improve maternal health. /products/progress
[4] WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and World Bank, (2015): Trends in Maternal Mortality, 1990-2008. Zeneva: World Health Organization.
[5] WHO: World Health Statistics, (2013): Switzerland: World Health organization, WHO Press, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Art and technology: Contriving the future |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sukrit Sarkar || Mugdha |
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: | 10.9790/0837-220604101104 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper discusses the initiatives taken by the Dot Org to address the prevalent issues of creativity crisis and lack of economic self-sufficiency. Dot Org is a non-government organization formed by undergraduate students of a technical college, who take out some time from their busy study schedule to contribute for the enhancing art skills of unprivileged children by imparting them education and raising funds for them. It further discusses how the evolution in the field of graphic designing has led to the devaluation of handmade arts and how one can combine the two to ensure the coexistence and development of both. The paper also shows the workflow showing implementation of the idea of creating a bridge between privileged and the underprivileged for sustainable development. The workflow includes the process of extraction of design, processing and then final publishing of the design in the form of an economic product..
Keywords: -Art and Culture, Awareness, Sustainable Development, Self-Sustenance, Social Work
[1] Carl R. R. (1954). Toward a theory of creativity. ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 11, No. 4, 249-260.
[2] Scarlet R. (2012). How much does a book cover cost? Retrieved on March 12, 2012 from
News Article
[3] The Hindu. (2014), India has world's largest youth population: UN report. Retrieved on November 19, 2014 from
[4] Mugdha, D. (2016). Creativity Takes Courage. Retrieved on September 2, 2016 from
[5] Vignesh, K. (2016). Bringing younger minds closer to technology. Retrieved on December 11, 2016 from