Version-3 (June-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Media Concentrations and Diversity |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Prashant Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206030103 ![]() |
Abstract: Often it is argued that high media concentrations (supply of media being dominated by a few firms in the industry) have an adverse impact on pluralism i.e. there is a negative correlation between extent of market domination and the levels of media diversity. However, the relationship between concentrations of media ownership and pluralism is not as simplistic. It does not consider the possibility that large organizations may be in a greater vantageposition, compared to their smaller counterparts, to engage in product innovation and to add to the range of media output thus facilitating pluralism. The implication is that, that concentrated media ownership could well be conducive to pluralism. This paper examines the issues relating to media concentrations and pluralism.
Key words: pluralism, horizontal and vertical integration, supply chain, media concentration
[1] Doyle Gillian, Media Ownership, (London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2002) 12.
[2] Doyle Gillian,Understanding Media Economics,(London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2013) 19-22.
[3] A. Alexander, R. Carveth, J. Owers, C. Ann Hollifield, Albert N. Greco, (Ed.), Media Economics -Theory and Practice, (Mahwa, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004) 40.
[4] Beata Klimkiewicz, (Ed.), Media Freedom and Pluralism: Media Policy Challenges in the Enlarged Europe, (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2010) 261.
[5] David Hesmondhalgh, The Cultural Industries, (London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2007) 168..
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Abstract: This study aims to identify and evaluate the psychometric property of Multimedia Program Expertise Competency Test. Research data was obtained from examining 2,744 teachers who teach multimedia subjects in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using Rasch Model to identify psychometric properties at item level (index precision model and point measures correlation) and test level (item-person map, separation index and reliability). Analysis result exhibits that all the items possess high performance as they are in accordance with Rasch Model. At test level, it is also able to accommodate the diversity of teachers' competence level well. On the other hand, a high index of separation obtained exhibits the consistency of items psychometric properties and scores obtained by examined teacher on re-measurement
Keywords: RaschModel; Teacher Competency Test; Multimedia Program Expertise
[1] AERA, APA, & NCME. (1999). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
[2] Anastasi, A., & Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological Testing. Upper Saddle River, NJ): Prentice Hall.
[3] Bond, T. G., & Fox, C. M. (2007). Applying the Rasch Model. Fundamental Measurement in the Human Sciences. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
[4] Boone, W. J., Staver, J. R., & Yale, M. S. (2014). Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences Heidelberg: Springer.
[5] Cheng, K. K. F., Lee, J., Leung, S. F., Liang, R. H. S., Tai, J. W. M., Yeung, R. M. W., & Thompson, D. R. (2011). Use of Rasch Analysis in the Evaluation of the Oropharyngeal M.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Educational Status of Muslim Women in India: An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | FirdausBano |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206031013 ![]() |
Abstract: Women constitute almost half of the population of the world.Education forwomen is the best way to improve the health nutrition and economic status of a household that constitute a micro unit of nation economy. Gender disparities in education and all other social and demographic indicators reflect the unequal position of girl and women in highly sexist gender discriminatory social order. While historically there has always been a gap between the boys and girls in India, the case of Muslim Women has been yawing. The Study aimed at giving a brief overview of education status of Muslim women and toexplore the future directions and strategies for integrating and galvanizing women of all walks of lifefor playing their role in building and sustaining the 21st Century. And moreimportantly building an equitable social order and a society that will give its women not only formal equality but a life of dignity.
[1] Ansari I.A (1988) "Muslim Educational Backwardness: New Educational Policy and Programme", The Muslim Situation in India, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
[2] Ahmad, A. Muslims in India (Vol.1). New Delhi: Inter India Publications, 1991.
[3] Durrani F.K.K. A plan of Muslim educational Reform. Lahore: Nawar Printing Press, 1989.
[4] S.Ruhela, S.P. (1998) "Religion, Social Class and Educational Opportunity: Case Studies of Eight Muslim Girls".
[5] Ruhela, S.P. (Ed.). (1998). Empowerment of the Indian Muslim Women, New Delhi, MD Publications..
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Abstract: For years the English proficiency of Second Language Learners in colleges especially in the rural areas is constantly declining. The medium of instruction and therefore the execution of the mother tongue education is most often the reason attributed to this. The study makes an effort to view the current situation prevalent in some of the colleges locatedaround Mysuru city, Karnataka (a state in India). It aims at examining the learning environment and perceptions of students towards English language learning while highlighting the shift needed from studying English Language as a subject, to learning English as a medium of communication & expression..
Key words: Communicative approach, Communicative competence, Comprehensible input, Learning environment, Second Language Learners
[1] Alam, QaiserZohaEnglish Language Teaching in India: Problems and Issues(New Delhi: Atlantic, 1999) Print. p 1-16
[2] Graddol, D, English Next India(British Council, 2010) p.14
[3] Verghese, Paul Teaching English as a Second Language (New Delhi: Sterling, 1989) p 16, 20, 37
[4] Maxwell, Daniel. (2015, Nov 6) English Proficiency Index 2015: Mixed results across, English-proficiency-index-2015- Retrieved 15 Nov, 2015
[5] Savignon, Sandra, Communicative Language Teaching: State of the Art TESOL Quarterly25 (2) 1991: 261-277. Print..
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Abstract: With socio-economic development motivation for fertility control is also generated, as concept of ideal family size among couple starts varying. The demand for an additional child thus subsequently depends on couple's notion of ideal family size. In this study those couples were considered who at least have one living child. The broad objectives of the study were to see how the demand for additional child changes with one, two, three and four living children respectively; the transition of socio-economic factors that determine the progression of demand and did the demand for children decline in Madhya Pradesh with the socio-economic development. The key factors taken in the study were educational status of the women, caste, sex composition of the existing children and number of surviving children. The principal dataset used in the study was NFHS-III, 2005-06. The results show that living number of sons and wealth status influence the desire to have more children. The main challenge in future lies in the mitigating the unmet need of the population.
Keywords - contraception, demand, Madhya Pradesh, regression, unmet need
[1] Population and development: A discourse on family planning in Madhya Pradesh, National Institute of Health and Family welfare, 2014 retrieved from
Proceedings Papers
[2] Talwar, Prem (2016): "Increasing Pace of Population Stabilization for Accelerating Poverty Alleviation" talk delivered as part of monthly series, Lokashraya Foundation, New Delhi
[3] International Institute of Population (IIPS) and Macro International. 2007. NFHS-III, 2005-06. Mumbai:India
[4] Register General, Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2007, Report No 1 of 2009. New Delhi: Controller of Publications.
[5] Register General, Sample Registration System Statistical Report 2015, Report No 1 of 2015. New Delhi: Controller of Publications
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | From Joint to Nuclear: Some Observations on the Changing Pattern of Family as a Social Institution |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arya Priya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206032831 ![]() |
Abstract: The study of changes in the structure and composition of the family and the household has always occupied a center stage in sociological discourses. Since the onset of urbanization and modernization following the industrial revolution, families all across the world have undergone qualitative changes. The kinship based, extended or joint families have been increasingly replaced by nuclear households. This change has also brought fundamental alterations in the long-standing inter-personal relationships within the family – such as husband-wife relationship, parent-child relationship or sibling relationship. This paper intends to explore the thesis of the increasing nuclearisation of the family in all its dimensions – the factors responsible for it, the various theoretical formulations and sociological researches and the overall trajectory of family patterns in India in the post-independent India.
Keywords :functionalism, nuclear family, joint family, structural differentiation, developmental cycle.
[1] Abercrombie, N, S. Hill and B. Truner. (2006). Penguin dictionary of sociology. London:Penguin.
[2] Abraham, Francis. (2015). Contemporary sociology (2nded.). New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[3] Cohn, B. S. (1961). Chamar family in a north Indian village: A structural contingent. The Economic Weekly XIII; 1051-55.
[4] Desai, I.P. (1964). Some aspects of family in Mahua. Bombay. Asia Publishing House.
[5] Dube, S.C. (1955). Indian village. London: Routledge..
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Abstract: Teachers and principals are seen as key persons to implement inclusive education. Positive attitudes are therefore argued as playing a considerable role in implementing educational changes successfully. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of regular secondary school teachers`& principals‟ attitudes toward inclusion of students with disabilities in Hawassa University Technology Village, Sidama Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Particularly, the study explored the factors that may impact the attitudes of general education teachers toward including students with disabilities. The factors examined were experience, professional development, and principal support. The study adopted a mixed research methodology, with 100 secondary school teachers and 8 principals as participants from four randomly selected regular secondary schools. Questionnaires and interviews were used as instruments of data collection. The interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis and the quantitative results.............
Keywords: Teachers& principals attitudes, Inclusive education, Students with disability
[1]. Asrat, D. (2013). Factors Affecting the Implementation of Inclusive Education in Primary Schools of Bahir-Dar Town Administration. Education Research Journal 3(3); pp.59- 67 Available online at Accessed on 16/04/17.
[2]. Avramidis, E. (2000). A survey into mainstream teachers' attitudes towards the inclusion of children with special educational needs. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 20(2), 191.
[3]. Booth, T. & Aniscow M. (2002). Index for Inclusion: Developing learning and Participation in Schools. Bristol: Center for students on Inclusive Education.
[4]. Cochran, H. K. (1998). Differences in teachers' attitudes toward inclusive education as measured by the scale of teachers' attitudes toward inclusive classrooms (STATIC). Paper presented at the meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago.
[5]. Cook, B. G., Semmel, M. I., & Gerber, M. M. (1999). Attitudes of principals and special education teachers toward the inclusion of students with mild disabilities: Critical differences of opinion. Remedial and Special Education, 20(4), 199..
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Abstract: Many churches have Facebook pages, but a good number of these pages may not be engaging enough for the users because of the absence of research data that could help managers of these pages to provide the type of content relevant to their audiences in an evolving social media platform. Despite several studies on the use of social media by non-profit organizations, not much is done about how religious organizations can effectively utilize particularly Facebook pages to promote their religious practices through providing appropriate user content. This study describes the participation and expectations of users of faith community Facebook pages. It draws out the type of content users prefer to see shared on their faith community Facebook pages to motivate their interest and increase participation. A survey that utilized both closed and open-ended questions was administered to members of Catholic churches in the Dallas, Texas, area in the United States who use Facebook. A Simple Taxonomy of content-type was developed............
Keywords: Social media, Facebook pages, online social networks, new media evangelization, faith community
[1] Al Mamun, M., Ibrahim, H. M., & Turin, T. C. (2015). Social media in communicating health information: An analysis of Facebook groups related to hypertension. Preventing chronic disease, 12. doi:
[2] Bachrach, Y., Kosinski, M., Graepel, T., Kohli, P., & Stillwell, D. (2012). Personality and patterns of Facebook usage. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 4th Annual ACM Web Science Conference, New York. doi: 10.1145/2380718.2380722
[3] Bender, J. L., Jimenez-Marroquin, M. C., & Jadad, A. R. (2011). Seeking support on facebook: a content analysis of breast cancer groups. Journal of medical Internet research, 13(1). Retrieved from
[4] Pew Research Center. (2014). Social networking fact sheet. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Relationship Between Job Environment, Job Motivation, And Teachers Performance |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Denny Denmar Sri Marmoah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206035260 ![]() |
Abstract: The background was the conducive of working environment, teachers can have an opportunity to improve their performance as a teacher. Teacher awareness in creating a harmonious working environment is needed, especially in terms of openness to give new information which has relation with learning activities. The purpose of the research is to analyze the correlation between job environment with teacher's performance, job motivation with teacher's performance, job environment and job motivation together with teacher's performance. This research is done at SLB Sri Sudewi in Jambi City. The research method used is survey method populations are all SLB teachers in Jambi City. The research respondents are 60 teachers. From the result of research can be concluded that job environment and job motivation individually or together gives contribution of teacher's performance.
Keywords: - Job Environment, Job Motivation, Teachers Performance.
[1.] Arikunto, 2010. Prosedur Penelitian. Edisi Revisi 2010. Jakarta: PT. Rineke Cipta
[2.] Alex S. Nitisemito. 1996. Management Personalia. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.
[3.] Anro F. Witting and Gurney Williams.1984. Psychology: An Introduction Singapore: McGraw Hill.
[4.] A.M. Sardiman.1996. Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
[5.] As'ad, Moh. 1987. Psikologi Industri. Yogyakarta: Liberty..
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Abstract: Abstract: This study was carried out to identify the role of supervisor in developing subordinates in the Sudanese Electricity Distribution Company (SEDC) as a model for the rest of public companies in Sudan.The study draws the attention of specialists in the field of supervision to the importance of their roles in developing subordinates. In this study deductive approach, analytical and descriptive methods were used (questionnaire, observation). A simple closed endedquestionnaire divided into two sections, section (1) to collect demographic data about the sample population (gender,age,.............
[1] Jie-TsuenHuanga&Hui-Hsien Hsieh, (2015) Supervisors as good coaches: influences of coaching on employees' in-role behaviors and proactive career behaviors. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.26,No.1,42–58
[2] Kehinde James Sunday &Somoye R. O. C (2011) Organization Performance: The Roles and the Duties of Managers, journal of African Microeconomic review, Vol. 1, No. 1 (2011) ISSN 2220 -945X
[3] Isa YugudaKotirde&Jailani Bin Md (2014) The supervisor's role for improving the quality of teaching and learning in Nigeria secondary school educational system, International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 2 No. 8 August 2014
[4] Ding-Yu Jiang &Bor-Shiuan (2008) Affect-and role-based loyalty to supervisors in Chinese organizations, Asian Journal of Social Psychology , DOI:10.1111/j.1467-839X.2008.00260.x
[5] Dorothea WahyuAriani (2015) relationship between supervisor and co-workers, psychological condition and employee engagement in the workplace, Journal of Business and Management, Volume 4, Issue 3 (2015), 34-47
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Abstract: The aim of the present study is investigation of eating disorder tendency and "subjective" loss of control experience in terms of adherence to diet in women who are dieting with normal BMI. According to results of the present study no statistically significant BMI differences was found between dieters and undieters and dieting women differed significantly from undieting group with higher eating disorder tendency scores which is parallel with the suggestions which implies that dieting with normal BMI might be accepted as a risk factor regarding eating disorders. According to REZZY cut points the group above the cut point differed with higher mean scores on diet related dysfunctional attitudes scores than the group below the cut point. Regression analysis revealed that the best predictor............
Keywords: - Eating disorders, weight loss, dieting, BMI
[1] American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth Ed.). Arlington, VA, American Psychiatric Publishing.
[2] Arcelus, J., Mitchell, A.J., Wales, J., & Nielsen, S. (2011). Mortality rates in patients with anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders.:A Meta-analysis of 36 Studies. Archives of General Psychiatry,68(7),724-731
[3] Aydemir, Ö. Köksal, B., Yalın Sapmaz, Ş., & Yüceyar, H. (2015). Kadın üniversite öğrencilerinde REZZY Yeme Bozuklukları Ölçeği Türkçe formunun güvenilirlik ve geçerliliği. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 16 (Özel sayı.1), 31-35.
[4] Morgan, J. F., Reid, F., & Lacey, J. H. (2000). The SCOFF questionnaire: A new screening tool for eating disorders. Western Journal of Medicine, 172(3), 164–165.
[5] O'Connor, O. J., & Dowrick, P. W. (1987). Cognitions in normal weight, overweight, and previously overweight adults. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 3 (11), 315-326..
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Abstract: From selling furniture to local grocery through e-commerce portals, Indian e-commerce market has come a long way (Radhakrishnan, 2016). As per Assocham-Deloitte joint study 2015, the global e-commerce industry is generating revenue of $2.4 million every minute (Narasimhan, 2015). Every year, the investments made by foreign players in India keep increasing for the burgeoning e-commerce Indian market. Every new player, as their first step, is trying to understand the complex and vexing Indian consumer. In the last two decades, substantial amount of studies have been done in e-commerce sector to understand the online shopping behaviour of consumers. Mostly these studies have been conducted in foreign context, especially in United States, China, and some European and South-east Asian countries. In this paper, critical analysis of these studies has been done and discussed. Afterwards, few critical factors are identified and a theoretical model is proposed to understand the Indian online consumer.
Keywords: - online consumer behaviour, mobile-commerce, electronic-commerce
[1]. Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: a theory of planned behavior. In Kuhl, J., Beckmann, J.(Eds), Action Control: From Cognition to Behavior, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 11-39.
[2]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 50, Iss. 2, 179-212
[3]. Amaro, S., & Duarte, P. (2015). An integrative model of consumers' intentions to purchase travel online. Tourism Management, 46, 64-79.
[4]. Arpita Khare & Sapna Rakesh (2011). Antecedents of Online Shopping Behavior in India: An Examination. Journal of Internet Commerce, 10:227–244.
[5]. Arun Thamizhvanan & M.J. Xavier (2013). Determinants of customers' online purchase intention: an empirical study in India. Journal of Indian Business Research, Vol. 5 No. 1, 17-32
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ComparingDebt Purchase with Some Islamic Contracts |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Zeynab Adabi || Alireza Lotfi || Saleh Eynollahi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2206038486 ![]() |
Abstract: Debt purchase in a contract which due to that a person buys debtors debt, less than the real amount by cash. Banks can buy applicants business exchanges to create necessary facilities for all economical sections. Documents and business exchanges are valuable papers that indicate the real debt of applicant. Bank should make sure of reality and cash ability of debt before buying it. Contract's performative instruction of debt purchase will be made by central bank and confirmed by money and credit council. Islamic banking system has offered some supportive services in order to provide peoples welfare and keeps the economy going which in this article we intent to compare them with debt purchase.
Keywords: - Debt purchase, Money loaned without interest, Murabaha, Islamic contracts
[1] AbolfazlDelghandi,2012, study of financial and accounting instruction of Reba-free banking, essays of 16th Islamic banking gathering.
[2] Ali asgharHedayati,2002, inter banking operation, Tehran,banking institute.
[3] Ali asgharHedayati,2007, bankong teaching center of central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran.
[4] JafariLangrudi,Mohammad Jafar, 1999, expanded in law terminology,GhanjeDanesh,Tehran.
[5] Mohammad hassanNajafi,1983, JavaherolKalam fi sharhsharaeEslam..
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Abstract: Various life processes in human beings involve physiological and mental activity. Interestingly, electromagnetic field is associated with such activities[11]. Psychological perception of one‟s environment or a person‟s thought process induces characteristic electrical impulses in the brain. These signals travel throughout the body and emit out in the form of electromagnetic radiations which is termed as "Aura" or "Bio-Field Energy". The aura of a person is directly connected to the level of health of the person. Change in the Aura could be used to detect the person‟s health. Therefore, human health could be monitored by measuring the Bio-Field Energy emitted from the body..........
Keywords: -Aura, Bio-Field, electromagnetic radiations, sixth sense, human's karma.
[1]. Chhabra Gunjan (May- 2013) "Human Aura: A NEW VEDIC APPROACH IN IT" ISBN:978-93-82208-95-2
[2]. Sixth Sense:Science begins to Explain How we Sense Electric Fields Retrieved on 3/20/2017 from
[3]. Rubik, B. (2002). The biofield hypothesis: Its biophysical basis and role in medicine. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 8, 703–717.
[4]. Oschman, J. L. (2000). Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
[5]. "Measurement of human biofield and other energetic instruments‟ Retrieved on 20th march,2017 from