Version-10 (January-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rape and Violence against Women in Two Al-Jazeera News |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Rachmadina Adelia || Maman Lesmana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301100107 ![]() |
Abstract: This article discusses the position of women as victims of violence in two articles in Al-Jazeera newspaper. The purpose of this research is to explain how Al-Jazeera placed women as victims of violence in the news delivered. This research uses qualitative method with literature study. The results show that Al-Jazeera is a newspaper committed to accuracy, objectivity, neutrality and is attentive to achieve harmony with the Arab society and its cultural, social, and cultural components. According to the type of discourse in the news presented by Al-Jazeera, Al-Jazeera uses a lot of non-fiction discourse, referential discourse, expediative discourse, descriptive discourse, and conative discourse. In the both data, it is found that there is no misrepresentation or an unrighteous practice of.............
Keywords: Al-Jazeera, women, violence, discourse, news.
[1]. Badara, Aris. (2012). Analisis Wacana Teori, Metode, dan Penerapanya pada Wacana Media. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[2]. Cook, Guy. (1989). Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Eriyanto. (2001). Analisis Wacana: Pengantar Analisis Teks Media. Yogyakarta: LKiS.
[4]. Fairclough, Nourman. (1997). Critical Discourse Analisis: The Crutical Study of Language. London: Longman.
[5]. Gee, James Paul. (1999). An Introduction to Discourse Analysis, Theory, and Method. London: Routledge.
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Abstract: Concern with respect to antimicrobial resistance and the associated health threat has gained increasing attention and there has been difficulty in gaining progress globally. Given the lack of success by the two pathways established to date which have focused on: 1) "replication of infective agent" and, 2) "immune system enhancement," the current researcher has conceptualized and developed the new, or third, mode of action pathway represented by "site attachment inhibition (or, negation of cellular attachment by infective agents)." The current author anticipates site attachment inhibition therapeutics to include: (A) drug (medication) based therapies in treatment of established infections; (B) new generation immunization methods (as preventative treatment) utilizing stem cell based treatment (including prenatal and earlier, spanning back to oogenesis and spermatogenesis) termed stc based immunization in previous publications; and, (C) other forms including waveform (E.g. electromagnetic radiation) based treatment. With respect to viruses, support for the likely success of the new mode of action pathway..........
[1]. Raymond S (2016) Development f New Strategic Pathways for Antiviral Therapy J Clin Cell Immunol 7: 5.
[2]. Raymond S (2016) Consciousness and the Development of New Strategic Pathways for Antiviral Therapy A Focused Analysis on HIV International Journal of Sciences Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 29: 146-154.
[3]. Raymond S (2016) The Development of New Antimicrobial Pathways Combating the Threat of Antimicrobial Resistance International Journal of Science Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 30: 22-28.
[4]. Raymond S (2016) Combating the global threat of antimicrobial resistance and antiviral deficiencies Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 3: 676-680.
[5]. Raymond S (2016) the role of infectious disease and inflammation in psychiatric illness Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) 3: 510-513.
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Abstract: This study aimed to assess principals' instructional leadership performance in secondary schools of Hawassa City Administration. The study employed descriptive survey design and data were collected from seven secondary schools using questionnaire focusing on the different dimensions of instructional leadership. Mean values, percentages, standard deviations and t-test were used to analyze the data. The study indicated that most principals have exercised the instructional leadership roles they are expected to play though some principals were not able to properly exercise instructional leadership roles supposed to be played by them. Thus, improving instructional leadership in the schools requires the education department of the city administration and the regional education...........
Keyword: instructional leadership, instructional resources, principals, secondary schools, role diversity.
[1]. Bleak J. L. & Fulmer R.M. (2009).Strategically Developing Strategic Leaders Excerpted from Linkage Inc's, Best Practices in Leadership Development Handbook. 2nd Edition, San Francisco, Pfeiffer.
[2]. Boatman, L. & Richard, B. (2011). Time for a Leadership Revolution. Global Leadership Forecast.Washington. DDI‟s Inc.
[3]. Chima G.U.K. (2007). Organizational Leadership Strategies in Indigenous Companies in a Developing Economy. Adele Road, Apapa – Lagos, Nigeria. St. Clements University
[4]. Drengler, K.A (2001). The design and implementation of a leadership development program for greenshank fan corporation. (MAThesis). Retrieved from Dissertations and Theses database. (UMI No. 1395513).
[5]. George, R. and Georgia, J. (2004). Encyclopedia of Leadership: Volume 1. Sage Publications.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Developmental Programmes for the Tribals in the Nilgiris District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Hemasrikumar || G. Nithya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301102329 ![]() |
Abstract: The tribal people of India constitute an integral part of the Indian population and represent a part of Indian culture. The total population of the Scheduled tribes in the country is about 67.8 million and they constitute of about 8.08% of the total population. Tribal Development in India is a subject, which is being discussed among statesmen, academics and scholars over six decades. During this period, it has become a subject which drew serious and widespread concern and pronounced attention from several quarters ranging from policy makers and development planners to academics providing material for all of them. Thus, the state is becoming increasingly important in the context of tribal development. The present study is based on secondary source of information and provides an overall picture of developmental programmes by the Government for the upliftment of tribal communities in the Nilgiris District.
[1]. Vidyarthi L P (1981), Tribal Development and its administration, Concept Publication Company, New Delhi.
[2]. Human development report(1996),United nations development programme
[3]. REPORT OF THE TASK GROUP ON PROBLEMS OF HILLY HABITATIONS, in Areas Covered By The Hill Areas Development Programme (HADP)/ Western Ghats Development Programme (WGDP)
[4]. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU, Tribal Sub Plan (2015-16), ADI DRAVIDAR AND TRIBAL WELFARE DEPARTMENT, Secretariat, Chennai – 600 009.
[5]. Keya Pandey, (2011) International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 3(6), pp. 189-198, June, Department of Anthropology, University of Lucknow, India.
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Abstract: The objective of this study is to analyze Albert Camus‟ Meursault in The Outsider from existential point of view considering all major features of existentialism. The study also investigates Meursault, the protagonist, as a character beyond this perimeter. Meursault, an individual marginalized for the exploitative nature of society, is characterized as socially isolated and emotionally detached who seems to regard life meaningless. A sense of alienation springing from social factors is primarily responsible for his isolation and emotional detachment from social life. But for having distinctiveness as an individual, he neither plays the games of society nor accepts the vague appearances and values manufactured by society. Consequently, his existential crisis intensifies. Yet, he is not confined within any structure rather he goes beyond. The study finds that Meursault is equally an existential hero and a mirror reflecting the ugly truth of society. Thus, the study helps the readers to grow a critical and analytical understanding of their own society through the eyes of Meursault.
Keyword: Beyond, Existentialism, Existential Crisis, Isolation, Meaningless, Meursault, Society.
[1]. Camus, Albert. The Outsider. trans. Joseph Laredo. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1942. Print.
[2]. .................. The Myth of Sisyphus. trans. Justin O‟Brien. New York: Vintage, 1955. Print.
[3]. Hossain, Al Mamun. "Society versus Individual in Albert Camus‟. The Outsider." SUST Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 18, No.4, 2012, pp. 55-59. PDF.
[4]. Islam, Syed Manzoorul. Lekhajokhar Karkhanate. Dhaka: Bengla Publications Limited, 2015. Print.
[5]. Lavine, Thelma Z. From Socrates to Sartre: the philosophic quest. Bantam, 2011. Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Influencing Role Conflict among Working Women – A Sociological Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Somashekher |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301103541 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is an empirical inquiry into the intricate realities pertaining to the influence of socio-economic factors on the role conflict of the working women in organized sectors of Bangalore city in the State of Karnataka. Since Independence, significant changes have taken place in the socio-economic and politico-legal status of women in India. The provisions of Constitution of India, the democratic set-up and increased educational opportunities for women have opened up numerous opportunities for Indian women in diverse professional and educational spheres on par with men, but not without several stresses and strains in their working lives. The present study seeks to ascertain empirically the extent of role conflict on the one hand and the implications of socio-economic factors for role conflict among women working in the organized sector on the other. The study is based on data gathered from 280 working women, 70 each from education, banking, health and government sectors in the city of Bangalore. The findings........
Keyword: Role Conflict, Socio Economic Factors, Stress, Working Women.
[1]. Allen, T.D., Herst, D.E.L., Bruck, C.S., & Sutton, M. (2000). Consequences Associated with Work to Family Conflict: A review and agenda for future research. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5, 278-308.
[2]. Boles, J. S., Johnston, M. W. & Hair, J. F. (1997). Role Stress, Work-Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion: Inter-relationships and effects on some work-related consequences. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, vol. 1, pp. 17-28
[3]. Carlson, D.S., Kacmar, K.M and Williams L.J. (2000). Construction and Initial Validation of a Multidimensional Measure of Work-Family Conflict. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Vol. 56, pp 249—276.
[4]. Friedman, S D and Greenhaus, J H (2000). ―Work and family—Allies or enemies? What happens when business professionals confront life choices‖, New York: Oxford University Press.
[5]. Frone, M. R., Russell, M. and Cooper, M. L. (1997). Relation of work-family conflict to health outcomes: A four-year longitudinal study of employed parents. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vo l .70, pp 325-35..
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Abstract: The ramification and still over effect of learning disability affect so much that education of school children find hard reality to attain its universal character. At the same time the problem continues to be the most baffling one for the state thriving for universalization of elementary education and ensuring right to education for all. Many interventions and policy measures although were initiated to increase the achievement level of students but at the Psycho- social level addressing the problem still remained attempted. Providing appropriate literacy and innumeracy learning opportunities especially, continues to be a challenge both for the teachers so also parents. Observing the gravity of the problem an earnest attempt has been made in this paper to understand the conflicting currents of the problem from a psycho-social perspective. A diagnosis also has been made to address the challenges of learning disability among school children, so that the objective of universalization of education could be well attained with..
Keyword: Learning disability, intellectual disability, behavioral disorder, perceptual disorder, cognitive development, psycho-social therapy.
[1]. Ahmed, M. and Carron, G. (1989): "The Challenge of Basic Education for All‟, UNESCI, Prospects, Vol. XIX, 1989.
[2]. Government of India (1993) : Learning without Burden (New Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource Development)
[3]. Govinda, R (ed) (2002) : India Education Report: A Profile A Profile of Basic Education (New Delhi: Oxford University Press)
[4]. Mukholpathyay, M (2001) : Total Quality Report, in Education (New Delhi, NIEPA)
[5]. Tilak, J. B. G. (2003) : Education in Orissa, A Review of progress, problem and perspectives for future on school Education, Background paper for Orissa Development Report.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teacher Standards in Egypt after the 25th of January Revolution |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Gelan Hesham Abdou Ahmed Mahmoud |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301104649 ![]() |
Abstract: Education is mainly concerned with fostering as well as flourishing the skills, demanded by the job market. When education serves the needs of the job market, the economy of such a country will be revitalized. As a result, this society will be "dedicated not only to economic growth and material wealth but also to the pursuit of social justice" (p. 63). Hence, citizens‟ demands for humane goals will propagate drastic adjustments in the country‟s political regime. What is deduced from such a long, yet fruitful process is that educational amendments will significantly impact the economic structure. Having been resurrected, the economic growth will result in a more democratic society, free from racism, inequality, prejudice, stereotyping, and many other social stigmas. In case of Egypt, civilians desired the implementation of the previously mentioned process; thus, on the 25th of January 2011, a revolution erupted in El Tahrir square. Such a revolution had several fundamental aspirations, one of which was the..........
Keyword: Teacher Standards, Teacher Performance, Learning Differences, Learning Environment.
[1]. Daniels, E. (2011). Creating motivating learning environments: Teachers matter: Teachers can influence students' motivation to achieve in school. Middle School Journal. 43 (2), 32-37.
[2]. Ho, X.W., & Lin, W. K. (2015). The effects of teacher‟s leadership style on the outcomes of early childhood education. International Journal of Organizational Innovation. 8 (1), 1-11.
[3]. Hsu, D.S., Chen, J.C, Chang, K.W., & Hu, J.Y. (2016). An Investigation of the outcomes of PGY student‟s cognition of and persistent behavior in learning through the intervention of the flipped classroom in Taiwan. PloS One Journal. 11 (12), 1-14.
[4]. Huang, N.Y., & Hong, R.Z. (2015). The effects of a flipped English classroom intervention on students‟ information and communication technology and English reading comprehension. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. 64 (2), 175-193.
[5]. Kyriakides, L., Creemers, P. M., Panayiotou, A., Vanlaar, G., Pfeifer, M., Cankar, G., & McMahon, L. (2014). Using student ratings to measure quality of teaching in six European countries. European Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (2), 125-139.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine whether differences in information or information that is not completet can be used optimally in decision making. Then if the information received is the same, how then to minimize errors that may occur in processing information. This is done in order to minimize the impact of moral hazard in the wrong decision-making commonly called adverse selection. Here is expected to be able to review possibilities of mistakes into opportunities and can reduce occurrences of adverse selection. This research uses qualitative research with literature study method and interview. The object of this research is Holmesglen Language Center TangerangBanten. There will be examined how to minimize the possibility of asymmetric information between agents and principals. Then this research will try to elaborate some issues that often contribute to occurrences of moral hazard as well as some ways to overcome them both traditional and employee value approaches. Besides, it is also necessary to monitor from both parties so that controlling can happen maximally. If asymmetric information...........
Keyword: Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection;Decision making; Adverse selection; AsimetricInformation.
[1]. Alger, I, & Ma, C. A. (2003). Moral Hazard, Insurance and some collusion. Journal of Econmic Behavior and organization. Vol. 50.
[2]. Azizan, S.. (2004). Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan Pendidikan. Jakarta : Grasindo
[3]. Berndt, A. & Gupta, A. (2009). Moral hazard and adverse selection in the originate-to-distribute model of bank credit. Wall Street Journal. Vo.19 No. 11.
[4]. Beresford, B & Sloper, T. (2008). Understanding the dynamics of decision-making and choice: a scoping study of psychological theories to inform the design and analysis and the panel study. Social Policy Research Unit, 2215.
[5]. Dowd, K.. (2009). Moral hazard and the financial crisis. Cato Journal. Vol 29, No 1.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know and explain the factors that affect the cancellation polygamy marriage conducted without permission, and to examine and analyze legal consequences the cancellation polygamy marriage without permission According to law number 1 Year 1974 about marriage. The type of research that is done is kind of kind of empirical legal research (legal research for non doctrinal) which is a method of legal research that focuses attention on the reality of the law within the community, or the function to see the law within the meaning of real and examines how environmental law society (law in action). The results of this study indicate that in the customary law in Indonesia is not known the existence of marriage cancellation institutions, because in essence adat law.........
Keyword: Cancellation, Marriage, Polygamy.
[1] Achmad Ichsan, 1986, Hukum Perkawinan Bagi yang Beragama Islam. Pradya Paramita, Jakarta.
[2] Alhamdani, 1989, Risalah Nikah, Hukum Perkawinan Islam, Pustaka Amani, Jakarta
[3] A.Mukti Arto, 2003, Praktek-praktek Perkara Perdata Pada Pengadilan Agama, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta
[4] Andi Tahir Hamid, 2001, Beberapa Hal baru tentang peradilan Agama dan Bidangnya, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta
[5] Arso Sostroatmojo, 1975, Hukum Perkawinan di Indonesia, Cet 1, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Romantic Elements in W. B. Yeats's poetry |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mushtaq Ahmed KadhimAldewan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301106066 ![]() |
Abstract: This Research primarily focuses on the Romantic Elements for Modernist poet and critic William Butler Yeats's poems in order to demonstrate Romanticism's contribution to the so called modernist movement in terms of idealism. It begins with a demonstration of Yeats as a representative of Romanticism and the explanation of the crucial Romantic traits. The Romantic features concentrates imagination, emotion, nature and beauty. Then it continues with a revelation of as a Modernist poet who has romantic roots and When we a romantic and modernist . further, it maintains Yeats as a Romantic Modernist as an example to Yeats's shinning star among romantic poets. Finally. They have a number of similarities that constitute their basic principles. This research aims to depict that the artists are influenced by the social, political, cultural and economic developments that occur in their time and shape their artistic visions according to their thoughts about the crisis. William Butler Yeats........
Keyword: Imagination, Romanticism ,Childhood, Beauty ,and Nature
[1]. Albert, E. (2001). History of English Literature. Oxford University press, New Delhi.
[2]. Cirlot, J. E. 2002. A Dictionary of Symbols. Trans. Jack Sage. New York: Philosophical Library. Cleanth,B. and Robert, P. (1976). Understanding poetry. Heinle and Heinle.
[3]. Coles Editorial Board(1980).Yeats' Poetry Notes.Canada:Coles Publishing Company Limited
[4]. Conner, Lester I. A dictionary: Persons and Places in the Poetry of William ButlerYeats. New York: Syracuse UP, 1998.
[5]. Cowell, Raymond. (1969). W. B. Yeats. London: Evans Brothers Limited..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Language of Fliptop among Filipino Youth: A Discourse Analysis |
Country | : | Philippines |
Authors | : | Bong Borero Lumabao, Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-23011067102 ![]() |
Abstract: This qualitative research is a study on the lines of Fliptop talks performed by the Fliptop rappers employing Finnegan's (2008) discourse analysis. This is aimed to analyze the phonological, morphological and semantic features of the fliptop talk, to explore the structures in the lines of Fliptop among Filipino youth, and to uncover the various insights that can be gained from it. The corpora of the study included all the 20 Fliptop Videos downloaded from Youtube Channel of Fliptop. Results revealed that Fliptop contains phonological features such as assonance, consonance, deletion, lengthening, and rhyming. Morphological features include acronym, affixation, blending, borrowing, code mixing and switching, compounding, conversion or functional shifts, and dysphemism. Semantics presented the lexical........
Keyword: discourse analysis, fliptop talks, filipino youth, fliptop videos, Philippines
[1]. Wanajak, K. (2011). Internet use and its impact on secondary school studentsin chiang mai, Thailand. Retrieved from
[3]. Varga, T. (2011).Youtube statistics‟. Mediated cultures. 26 January 2017 <>
[4]. Ferraris, 2014). Supermedia: Saving Journalism so it can Save the World, Malden, MA: Blackwell-Wiley.
[5]. Fitzpatrick, J. (2005). What's Beef: Discourse Practices of Battling in hip hop Language. (Under the direction of Walter A. Wolfram, William C. Friday Distinguished Professor).
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