Version-2 (January-2018)
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Abstract: Changes in climate not only affect average temperatures, but also extreme temperatures, increasing the likelihood of weather-related natural disasters. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will probably boost temperatures over most land surfaces, though the exact change will vary regionally. More uncertain—but possible—outcomes of an increase in global temperatures include increased risk of drought and increased intensity of storms, including tropical cyclones with higher wind speeds, a wetter Asian monsoon, and, possibly, more intense mid-latitude storms. Even if tropical storms don‟t change significantly, other environmental changes brought on by global warming could make the storms more deadly. Melting glaciers and ice caps will likely cause sea levels to rise, which would make coastal flooding
[1]. Ahmed, Nuruddin, et al. (2000), "History of public food interventions in Bangladesh.‟ In Ahmed,Raisuddin and others (ed.) Out of the shadow of famine: evolving food markets and food policy in Bangladesh. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P.
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Abstract: Thisstudy wascarriedout to examinethes patial com pliance with the least observed pro vision of the Building Law among owners of Buildingsa cross the residential district of Calabar Metropolis in Cross River State...........
Keyword: Calabar Built-UpAreas, Spatial Compliance, Compliance Classification, Planning Law/ Building Law,Quantitative Judgment, Legal Practitioner
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[2]. Ebong,M.(1983)ThePerceptionOfResidentialQuality:ACaseStudyCalabar,Nigeria.ThirdWorldPlanningReview,5(3),273-285.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect Perspective Law in Case Social Media Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Elpina || Henry Aspan || Solly Aryza |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301022730 ![]() |
Abstract: Along with the employ of science and technology, human life is growing dynamically, especially in the field of information and communication. The Cyber Era has produced internet technology and brought a new phenomenon in the area of mass media which also spawned new media that is commonly called social media or social networking. Social media is like a two-edged knife. If used wisely, selectively and responsibly, various social networking sites can be useful, but if used irresponsibly, social media can have unfavorable consequences, and even get legal problems.
Keyword: Impact, social media, law
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Abstract: Freedom of expression entails to express one‟s convictions and also to seek, receive and communicate information and ideas, either orally or by written or printed matter or by legally operated visual and auditory devices, such as the radio, cinematograph, loudspeaker and the like. It is one of the fundamental rights helped under article 19 (1) (a) in the Constitution of India (Bashu1980). Freedom of speech is mother of all liberties. The liberties of thoughts, expression, belief, faith and worship are one of the basic concepts of our democratic constitution. In 11 February 2016, Jawaharlal Nehru University v/s Union Government of India has disputed on freedom of expression, sovereignty and security of the state...........
Keyword: Freedom of expression, Media freedom, Media and democracy, Constitution of India, Concept of Expression, Security, Soverenity.
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[4]. The Constitution of India Article 19 (2). [5]. D. Chandler and R. Munday, A dictionary of Media and Communication First Edition, Oxford University Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Defense Against Critiques Of Positive Psychology |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | gladys Kerubo Ragira || Dr. Rispah N. Wepukhulu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301023743 ![]() |
Abstract: Individuals and the community in which we all live in have strengths that enable them to thrive well. The study of this occurrence is what is called Positive Psychology. This tenet posits that individuals want to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives and cultivate the best character so as to enrich their play, love and work experiences as postulated by Martin Seligman in the fields of optimism, resilience, pessimism, learned helplessness and depression (Cieslik, M. (2017). According to critics, this positive psychology new science seems to be established on a thread of arguments that are fallacious, tautology, vagueness in defining or applying terms correctly, reasoning that is circular, positing non-existing causal relationships and generalizations that are not justified (Butler-Bowdon, 2007)............
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[3]. Butler-Bowdon, T. (2007). 50 Psychology classics: Who we are, how we think, what we do : insight and inspiration from 50 key books. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
[4]. Cieslik, M. (2017).The happiness riddle and the quest for a good life. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
[5]. Goldie, P. (2003). The emotions: A philosophical exploration. Oxford: Clarendon.
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Abstract: Political intolerance is a common observable fact in several societies especially developing countries where democracy is yet to be institutionalized. One of the fall-outs of the phenomenon is undue sensitivity to media criticisms which is the core issue this paper addresses. With an interdisciplinary research approach which aggregates a law and society perspective, the paper undertakes a review of relevant literature and pertinent judicial decisions on the subject and finds that across cultures, there are varying degrees of anti-democratic practices among which is the unending use of Sedition laws as a tool to dissuade free speech and repress political opposition. A combination of segments of the "Theories of the Press‟ upon which the study is anchored amply illuminates the dictatorial rationale for the arrest and harassment of opposition activists and media professionals on charges of sedition in different countries. It also throws light on the world-wide struggle for free speech and self regulation by the media. Having..........
Keywords: Developing societies, Implications, Journalism, Sedition laws, Trends
[1]. Baatweng, V. (2014). Botswana mounts crackdown on Sunday paper retrieved 16/11/2007 from africa/2014/09/botswana- mounts-crackdown-sunday-paper-201491411223106412.html
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Historical Analysis of the Changing Role of Traditional Rulers In Governance In Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | DR G.C SOKOH |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301025162 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper gave an historical account of the changing role of traditional rulers in governance in Nigeria. Using the secondary sources of data collection, the paper aver that in practical terms, traditional rulers do not have any official role to play in the political machinery and governance in contemporary Nigeria. At best, they serve in an unofficial capacity as mere advisory body to the local, state and federal government functionaries. This situation is not unique to Nigeria alone as the situation is similar in other parts of the world, particularly in independent African states, such as Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda, Gambia, Sierra Leon amongst others.............
Keywords: Nigeria, Governance, Accountability, comparative politics
[1]. Adesoji, A.O., (2010). Traditional Ruler Ship and Modern Governance in 20th Century. In: Babawale, T., A. Alao and A. Adesoji (Eds.), the Chieftaincy Institution in Nigeria. Lagos: Concept Publishers, Nigeria.
[2]. Akpan, N.U.(2005) "Have Traditional Authorities a Place in Modern Local Government Systems?" Journal of African Administration, vol. V I I ,No, (3). J u l y.
[3]. Alao, A.A., (2000). Military Rule and National Integration. In: Toyin F., (Ed.), Modern Nigeria: A Tribute to G.O Olusanya. Lagos: Cargo Compass, pp: 120
[4]. Anyanwu, U.D. (1996). Local Government Administration", in Elaigwu, J. Isawa and Uzoigwe, G.N. eds, Foundations of Nigerian Federalism, 1900-1960. Abuja: National Council on intergovernmental Relations. 118-138.
[5]. Ashiru, D., (2010). Chieftaincy Institution and Grassroots Development in Nigeria. In: Babawale, T., A. Alao and A. Adesoji (Eds.), the Chieftaincy Institution in Nigeria. Lagos: Concept Publishers
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Abstract: Sustainability of Non-governmental organizations is an area of concern to all development partners. The survival of these organizations in the current world with turbid Business environment is becoming almost impossible. Mostof them has come up with better methods to ensure that their project activities are sustainable. These organizations in NairobiCounty with projects in education sector are struggling to overcome the elephant of unsustainability in their projects. This forms the base for this study on an investigation on Causal elements for project sustainability among selected organizations in the education sector; a case of Nairobi County. The study was conducted under the aid of the followings pacific objectives of the study: To investigate how income diversification influences project sustainability among selected organizations in the education sector; To determine the influence of project conceptualization on project sustainability among the organization in the education sector; To examine the influence of strategic planning on project sustainability among these organizations in the education...........
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[4]. Barret,C.Bezuneh, D. Clay, and T. Reardon. (2000). Heterogeneous constraints,incentives, and income diversification strategies in rural africa. Broadening Access and strengthening input market systems. University of wisconsin.
[5]. Beringer, A. Wright, T. Malone, L. (2008). "Sustainability in higher education in Atlantic Canada," (Vol. Vol .9).
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Abstract: The gradual development of an attitude of environmental care and awareness, emphasizing that this mindset must be instilled in children from an early age, integration of environmental understanding and balance maintenance into school curricula and activities. The benefit of technological progress but underscores its detrimental impact on the environment, leading to issues such as pollution, global warming, deforestation, wildfires, floods, and food scarcity. The author highlights the urgency of taking immediate steps to address these concerns and emphasizes the collective responsibility of individuals in preserving the environment. The ultimate goal is to save what remains and work towards a sustainable future for everyone.
[1]. Abdullah et. al. (2011). Integration of environmental knowledge across biology, physics and chemistry subject at secondary level in Malaysia. Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 15, 1024-1028.
[2]. Alexander, R. & Poyyamoli, G. (2014). The effectiveness of environmental education for sustainable development based on active teaching and learning at high school level- a case study from Puducherry and Cuddalore regions, India. Journal of Sustainability Education, 7.
[3]. Barak, M. et. al (2007) .Purposely teaching for the promotion of higher-order cognitive skills: A case of critical thinking, Research in Science Education, 37, 353-369.
[4]. Bhartiya, T. (2016). Study of awareness, attitude and knowledge about environmental education in high school and higher secondary school students. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 10 (12), 51-54.