Version-8 (January-2018)
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Abstract: Tribal women of Jharkhand are the main bread earners in the society but are socially and economically deprived and have high rate of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and social insecurity, which cause high rate of mental problem among these women. This paper examines the level of depression and stress among rural tribal migrant women of Ranchi district in Jharkhand. The data obtained by stratified random sampling was based on two sub-group of age (Younger and older) and ethnicity (tribal and non-tribal). The sample of 200 rural migrant labour women was drawn from some selected blocks and villages of Ranchi district. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) by Aaron T. Beck (1978) was used to measure level of depression and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) -12 by Shamsunder (1986) and Goutam (1987) was applied to measure the level of stress. Result indicated that the older labour sample group has shown high level of depression and stress than younger migrant group. Tribal sample have shown high level of depression and stress as compare to non-tribal sample group. Depression and stress were highly correlated among migrant as well as non-migrant sample.
Keywords: Age, Depression, Ethnicity, Migrant, Stress
[1]. Aggarwal, R.K. (1998). Rural-Urban Migration: The Role of Push and Pull Factors Revisited. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 41(4) 653-667.
[2]. Berry, J. W. & Sam, D. L. (2003). Accuracy in scientific discourse. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 44(2), 65-68.
[3]. Bhaskaran, k. Seth, B.C. and Yadav, S.N. (1970). Migration and Mental Health in Industry. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 12(1), 102-116.
[4]. Bhende, A. A. and T. Kanitkar, (1998). Principles of Population Studies, Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House.
[5]. Bhugra, D. & Ayonrinde, O. (2004). Depression in migrants and ethnic minorities. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 10(1), 13-17.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Understanding the Characteristics of Indonesian Ethnic Humor |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Maman Lesmana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301080916 ![]() |
Abstract: Research on ethnic humor has been done by a number of scholars. Among the most complete study was conducted by Christie Davis in her work entitled Ethnic Humor Around the Worlds (1997). In that study, Davis discusses the function and theme of ethnic humor. He argues that the function of ethnic humor, in addition to mocking and belittling those who are outside the group, is to maintain and strengthen the sense of identity of the group member. He noted that in nearly 30 countries, the major theme of ethnic humor is the conflict between stupid-clever. According to him, in ethnic humor.............
Keyword: Ethnic, humor, Indonesia, culture
[1]. Ajtony, Zsuzsanna, (2012), Britain and Britishness in G.B. Shaw‟s Plays, A Linguistic Perspective, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
[2]. Attador, Salvatore, (2014), Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, Los Angeles: SAGE Publication, Inc.
[3]. Berger, Arthur Asa, (1998), An Anatomy of Humor, USA: Transaction Publisher
[4]. Berger, Arthur Asa (2001), "Humor and Ethnicity" in Ray. B, Browne and Pat Browne (eds), The Guide to United States Popular Culture, (pp. 419), USA: Bowling Green State University Popular Press
[5]. Boskin, Joseph, & Dorinson, Joseph (1998), Ethnic Humor, Subversion and Survival, in Nancy A. Walker (ed), What‟s so Funny?, Humor in American Culture, (pp. 205-224), USA: Scholarly Resource Inc.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Islamic Religious Values in Maher Zain's Songs |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nena Siti Rizqiyah || Maman Lesmana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301081724 ![]() |
Abstract: This article discusses the songs of a Lebanese singer, which are Raḍitu Billahi Rabbā, Ramadhaan, Yaa Nabi Salaam 'alaika, and Jannah. The purpose of this study is to explain the values of Islamic religion that they contain. The method used in this study is qualitative method with literature study. The results showed that the four songs contain values of Islamic religious belief, Sharia, and morals. The four songs uphold the theme of the love of God, Messenger, Islam, and presents the theme about life in the hereafter. The song Raḍitu Billahi Rabbā contains about the belief in the Divine, Prophethood, Sharia, and morals. The song Ramadhaan concerns about Sharia as it is related to worship. The song Yaa Nabi Salaam' alaika contains the values of belief in Prophethood, while the last song Jannah contains aspects of belief in the day of judgment.
Keyword: Maher Zain, religion, songs, Islamic
[1]. Abdulsyani. 1994. Sosiologi: Skematik, Teori, dan Terapan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara
[2]. Aminuddin. 2000. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo
[3]. Amin, Nasikhun. 2012. Nilai Akhlak Dalam Lagu Maher Zain Album "Thank You Allah" dan Relevansinya Dengan Pendidikan Islam. Yogyakarta: UIN Sunan Kalijaga
[4]. Atmosuwito, Subijantoro. 1987. Perihal Sastra dan Religiusitas dalam Sastra. Depok: Sinar Baru
[5]. Azra, Azyumardi, Toto Suryana,. 2002. Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada Perguruan Tinggi Umum. Jakarta: Departemen Agama RI.
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Abstract: The strong contribution denoted by media, in order to create various psychological printings to contemporary folk consciousness within a chaotic society which is consist of an ethnic conflict is extremely unique. Knowingly or unknowingly media has directly influenced on intensification of ethnic conflict which was the greatest calamity in the country inherited to a more than three decades history. At the end of 1970th decade, the newspaper became as the only media which is more familiar and which can heavily influence on public. The incident that the brutal murder of 13 military officers becoming victims of terrorists on 23rd of 1983 can be identified as a decisive turning point within the ethnic conflict among Sinhalese and Tamils..........
Keyword: Ethnic Crisis, Newspaper media, media ethics, Sinhalese, Tamils
[1]. Alam, I. ed., (2006), South Asian Journal, Qaumi Press, Lahore.
[2]. Alam, I. and Nayi, H. eds., (2005), Media Moniter: South Asia, Qaumi Press, Lahore.
[3]. Athugala, A., (2005), Sri Lanka: The Divided In: W. Mustafa, ed. journalists Beyond Frontiers: SAARC journalists Summit 2, Central Secretarial South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA), Lahore. pp. 78-81
[4]. Banks, Marcus, (1955), Ethnicity: Antropological Constructions, Rontledge, London.
[5]. Dissanayake, T. D. S. A., (1983), The Agony of Sri Lanka: in deptu account of the racial riots of 1983, Swasthika Publication, Colombo.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The 73rd Constitution Amendment and Good Governance in West Bengal |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Soumen Roy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301083437 ![]() |
Abstract: On the basis of the 73rd Constitution Amendment Act (1992) Gram Panchayat (GP) has been constitute as a elected local government of the grassroots level people and provide a more accountable, transparent, open, equitable, efficient and participatory governance. The objective of this amendment is to strengthen local government institutions as a form of democratic decentralization has been justified in terms of its potential contribution towards participatory and responsive governance. Through this Amendment Act (1992) Gram Panchayat has get Constitutional recognition as the institution of local self-government, where people can participate directly in the decision-making and decentralized planning. The 73rd Constitution Amendment Act, 1992 and all the West Bengal Panchayat Acts and its amendments has been provided some attributes of good governance, such as democratization, accountability, transparency, openness, efficiency, popular participation, empowerment, etc.
Keyword: Democratic decentralization, Decentralized planning, Good governance, Participatory governance
[1]. Campo, S. S., & Sundaram, P. S. A. (Eds.). (2001). To Serve and To Preserve: Improving Public Administration in a Competitive World. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
[2]. Ghosh, B., & Kumara. (2003). State Politics and Panchayats in India. New Delhi: Manohar.
[3]. Hey, A. H. (2000). "Good Governance; A social contract for the new Millennium‟. in Hey,A.H. (ed). Governance: South Asian Perspective. Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
[4]. Mallick, A. (2011) . "Decentralized Governance in Rural West Bengal during the Left Front Rule‟. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies,11(2),36-43.
[5]. Mukhopadhya, A. (Oct-Dec 1998). Reinventing Government for Good Governance. Indian journal of Public Administration . 41,(4) ..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Shakespeare in the Dock: A Cross-Examination of His Works |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md Iqbal Hosain |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301083841 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals with the controversies concerning Shakespeare and his works. After the death of Shakespeare, unending debates over his authorship, person and the works create confusion among the readers of the world. First of all, the paper discusses the literature related to the textual problems; secondly, it discusses the problems concerning his authorship of the plays, and thirdly, it brings out an extensive analysis of the thematic and structural symmetry between Shakespeare's works and those of his predecessors and contemporaries .
[1]. Christiansen, Rupert. Who Was? William Shakespeare: The Mystery of the World's Greatest Playwright. London: Short Books, 2003. Print. Enright. J.D & Chickera. E.D, English Critical Texts, Oxford University Press, London, 1962 Print
[2]. Eliot, T.S... Hamlet and His Problems. The Sacred Wood; Essays on Poetry and Criticism, 1921.Print
[3]. Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psychoanalysis. Translated by James Strachey. New York: W.W. Norton, 1949.Print.
[4]. Samuel, Johnson. The Plays of William Shakespeare, Tonson Woodfall, London, 1765. Print
[5]. Saintsbury, George, History of Elizabethan Literature, MacMillan, London, 1887, pp.60-64, Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ICT in Educational Institution: Need, Role and Importance |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | KaushlendraPathak || Dr.NawalKishor Manoj |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301084246 ![]() |
Abstract: The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has been essential requirement in educational institution for learning and teachingin the present day of digital environment. The learners are using, accessing, capturing videos lectures, digital notes through electronic gadgets and researchers, teachers uploading their article, videos, class lectures through ICT tools and techniques. Similarly, educational institutions also adopting the ICT tools and techniques for better teaching, administration and management in the campus. The paper highlights the role and importance and use of ICT Application by learner, teacher, and educational administrator in teaching, learning, administration and management of educational institutions.
[1]. Shukla, Bhavna (2016). ICT in Education: Visions and Realities. Agra: Agrawal Publication.
[2]. Sharma, Pooja and Nigam, Shivani (2016). Information and Communication Technology. Meerut: R. Lall Book.
[3]. Aravindan, P. (2017) ICT in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges. New Delhi: University News, Vol. 55 (34) 21-27 August, 22-29p.
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Abstract: The recent spurt of attempts into the study of folklore and gender studies have opened up new standpoints and provided for novel perspectives, questioning the conventional take into these areas. Gender perspective is inevitably occupied a significant place in the academic domain of folklore. Various facets of folklore can be analyzed by use of the gender perspective. In this research paper, an analysis is attempted on the state of women in the well-known folktale entitled "Mekurir Jiyekar Sadhu‟ (The Tale of the Cat‟s Daughter) from the collection of folktales "Burhi Aair Sadhu‟, by the celebrated Assamese author Lakshminath Bezbaruah. The analysis primarily concentrates on the Gender perspective in the select folktale from the folktales collection "Burhi Aair Sadhu.
Keyword: Assamese Folktale, Female Character, Gender Perspective, Gender Studies, Male Dominance, Patriarchal Society.
[1]. Sk. Makbul Islam, Loksamskritibijnan: Tattva, Paddhati O Prayog (A Book on Folkloristics: Theory, Method and Application) (Bangiya Sahitya Samsad, Kolkata, 2011)
[2]. Siomon De Beauvoir, The Second Sex (Translated by Constance Brode and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier) (Vintage Books, New York, 2011)
[3]. Lakshminath Bezbaruah, Burhi Aair Sadhu (Lakhi Prakash Bhawan, Guwahati, 2010)
[4]. Nripen Dutta Baruah, Old Mother‟s Wise Tales (An English translation of the Assamese "Burhi Aair Sadhu‟ by Lakshminath Bezbaruah) (LBS Publication, Guwahati, 2017)
[5]. Prafulla Kotoky, Sahityarathi (A critical study of Lakshminath Bezbaruah‟s works) (Jyoti Prakashan, Guwahati, 2013).
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Abstract: Retirement is a phase of life following cessation of regular work entailing significant reduction one's engagement with income-related pursuits. For persons who in their working life joined or registered in a pension scheme, retirement holds a promise of obtaining pension benefits that accrue over the working years. In Kenya, there has been an increase in the number of retirees exiting the labour force with terminal retirement benefits even though, pension scheme coverage of workers is still low estimated at less than 20% in the country. Retirement benefits in Kenya are paid in four common modes: total lumpsum, partial lumpsum, monthly pension, and annuities. Although studies have been conducted to examine patterns of enrolment in schemes in Kenya and income security pensions, there is dearth of knowledge on how pensioners experience retirement in Kenya and if these significantly differ from those of non-pensioners. Thus, the objectives of the study were: to examine the major social, economic..........
Keyword: Retirement, pension, individual and psychological experiences, family-related experiences, economic-related experiences
[1]. Adebo, G.M., & Sekumade, A.B. (2012). Socio -Economic Influence of Retirees' Migration on Rural Development in Ekiti State, Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2, 164 – 180.
[2]. Antolin, P., Pugh, C., & Stewart, F. (2008). "Forms of Benefit Payment at Retirement", OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions.
[3]. Euwals, R., Knoef, M., & van Vuuren, D. (2011). The trend in female labour force participation: what can be expected for the future? Empirical Economics, 40, 729-753.
[4]. Folalo, T. & Usman, A. (2009). Movement, borders, and identity in Africa. Rochester, NY: Rochester University Press.
[5]. Gillion, C. (2000). The development and reform of social security: The approach of the International Labour Office. International Social Security Review, 53, 35- 63..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring Tiro, the Facial Ornamentation of the Yoruba in Western Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dapo Adegoke |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301086168 ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigates tiro, a facial ornamentation cosmetic. It dates back to the 19th century and is widely popular with the Yoruba ethnic group of western Nigeria. Owing to the variegated ways by which body ornamentation is carried out, the study adopted the qualitative method to ascertain the relevance of tiroo in the contemporary setting. A total of 15 tiro enthusiasts were interrogated while five producers of ornamentation materials also agreed to discuss their business models in a snowball method of interview, conducted in Ota, Ogun State, one of the country‟s subdivisions well known for the ornamentation. Further analysis elaborates on its developmental trend, functions, ethnographic significance and influence on culture. Findings showed that tiro performs some skin-cleansing functions and this medicinal ramification has prompted the call by ornamentation devotees for more awareness and the modernization of the process of application as a build up to global acceptability.
Keyword: Facial Ornamentation, Tiro, Yoruba Community, Culture, Nigeria.
[1]. Adekunle,et al,(2006). Cutaneous adornment in the Yoruba of south-western Nigeria – past and present. International Journal of Dermatology, The International Society of Dermatology, 2006
[2]. Amatore & Walter, et al, (2010)., Analytical Chemistry chartered by the U.S. Congress. Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.
[3]. Arise, O. et al, (2010). International Research Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN: 2141-5153) Vol. 1(4) pp.059-064, November, 2010 Available online
[4]. Copyright © 2010 International Research Journals
[5]. Asiwaju, A. I. (1997. "The Evolution of Nigerian Culture", in Osuntokun, A and A. Olukoju (eds.) Nigerian Peoples and Cultures. Ibadan, Nigeria: Davidson Press, pp. 22-43.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Legal Protection of the Child Victims of Criminal Acts of Persecution |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Wahab Aznul Hidaya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301086973 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the shape of the legal protection of children as victims of the crime of persecution, and analyzes the factors that affect the protection of the rights of victims of criminal acts of persecution in the city Makassar.As for the type of research that used the author i.e. the juridical normative and legal research empirical. Normative juridical or other name is doctrinal legal research, also referred to as the research library or study document. Called doctrinal legal research because this research was conducted or directed only on the written rules or legal materials to another. While referred to as a research library or study document caused this much more research done using normative provisions of law as its main data is then supported by other secondary data.
Keyword: Legal Protection, The Child Victims, Criminal Acts
[1]. Arif Gosita. 1989. Masalah Perlindungan Anak. Akademi Pressindo. Jakarta.
[2]. Bagong Suyanto, 2003. Pelanggaran Hak Dan Perlindungan Sosial Bagi Anak Rawa. Airlangga University Press. Semarang.
[3]. Barda Nawawi Arief, 1992. Bungan Rampai Hukum Pidana. Citra Aditya. Bandung.
[4]. Bismar Siregar et all, , 1986. Hukum dan Hak-hak Anak. Jakarta.
[5]. Dellyana, Shanty. 1988. Wanita dan Anak Di Mata Hukum. Liberty. Jakarta.
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Abstract: The present study has been undertaken with the current prevailing view, especially among those who are engaged in the major issues of gender discrimination, that much of women‟s work remains unrecognized and unvalued. This has an impact on the status of women in society, their opportunities in public life and the gender blindness of development policy. Women work both for the labour market as well as for the household sector. Some of this work is recognized and remunerated, while most of it is not enumerated and remains unpaid. Women‟s contribution to the household economy and society goes unrecognized since in most of the activities female are involved in, do not enter the sphere of the market and remain non-monetized. Most of the work undertaken by women........
[1]. BardhanKalpana, Women‟s Work, Welfare and Status: Forces of Tradition and Change in India, Economic and political Weekly,Vol.- 20, No.- 50, Mumbai, 2007, p. 2820.
[2]. Agarwal Bina, Work Participation of Rural Women in Third World- Some Data and conceptual Biases, Economic and political Weekly,Vol.- 20, No.- 50, Bombay, 1985, pp. 51-52.
[3]. VisariaPravin, Level and Pattern of Female Employment 1911-1994, Published T.S. Papola, New Delhi, 1999, pp. 23-51.
[4]. Dresher Evelyn, Valuing Unpaid Work, Women: The Economy-A Project of UNPAC, Brandon, May 1999, p. 5.
[5]. Gross Jocelyn and Swriski Barbara, Time use Survey and Gender Equality, Israel, October 2002, p. 38.