Version-6 (January-2018)
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Abstract: With a rapidly expanding urbanised population, Brunei Darussalam has ever more demanding consumers. Increased affluence in the country has given birth to a more sophisticated consumer, who not only looks for value for money, but is also attracted by quality and fitness of the goods they purchase. Consumer protection is an essential element of a healthy business ecosystem. Today‟s consumers need to be equipped with high consumerism knowledge and skills in order to become more empowered. Empowered consumers will not be created without the government intervening to protect consumers with adequate legislations. This article aims to examine the Bruneian Sale of Goods Act 1994 in its regime of protecting consumers in a contract of sale of goods by focusing mainly on quality and fitness of such goods..........
Keywords: Brunei Darussalam, consumer protection, contract of sale of goods, fitness, quality
[1]. S. Shaik Ahmad Yusoff, R. Ismail, R. Markom, Z. Zuryani Mohd Zakuan, "Consumer protection and the Malaysian Sale of Goods Act 1957," International Business Management, 9(4), 2015, 452-459.
[2]. M. Fazli Sabri, "The development of consumer protection policies in Malaysia," June 2014. [Online]. Available: ralimiSdehcaC. [Accessed: Jan. 5, 2018]. (General Internet site)
[3]. W. Jamaliah Wan Jusoh, K. Othman, N. Nuruddin, H. Ahmad, "Consumer awareness, knowledge, attitudes and practices related to consumer protection: An exploratory study among working women in the Klang Valley," Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics, 4, 2001, 26-36.
[4]. L. Mei Pheng, and I. Jeron Detta, Business law, 2nd edn (Shah Alam, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd, 2014).
[5]. Section 13(2), the Bruneian Sale of Goods Act 1994
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Historical Background and Development Of Reservation In India: An Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rahul Tripathi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301060913 ![]() |
Abstract: The varna or caste system has been imbibed in Indian culture since time immemorial. Hindu society is divided into four Varna, or classes, a convention which had its origins in the Rig Veda, the first and most important set of hymns in Hindu scripture which dates back to 1500-1000 B.C.1At the top of the hierarchy are the Brahmins, or priests, followed by the Kshatriyas, or warriors. The Vaisyas, the farmers and artisans, constitute the third class. At the bottom are the Shudras, the class responsible for serving the three higher groups. Finally, the Untouchables fall completely outside of this system. It is for this reason that the untouchables have also been termed a Varna ("no class"). The paper intends to highlight the conceptual development of reservation in colonial India.
Keyword: Jati, Untouchability, Constitution
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Globalization on the New Middle Class Family in India |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | James Patole |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301061426 ![]() |
Abstract: In the wake of contemporary globalization, the Indian subcontinent has witnessed a rapid change in its economic, cultural, religious and social settings, and human development. Recognizing the diversity of Indian society, the purpose of the present article is to demonstrate that the emerging new middle class (NMC) family is undergoing significant transformation, with both constructive response and resilience. In such context, the need for inclusive and holistic human development is increasingly solicited. Through an analysis of the NMC family and its economic and socio-cultural distinctiveness, the article shows its emergence and ongoing transformation on the backdrop of the mid-1980s and the 1990s neo-liberalization. In such context, the confident and ambitious NMC has sprouted up across the country with about 300-400 million people and is increasing rapidly. The article, further argues that how scholarly..........
Keyword: Globalization, Neoliberalization, New Middle class, Family Predicament and development, Transformation, Family disintegration
[1]. Amardeep, K., & Ranjeet, K. (2013). Globalization and Changing Life Style of Indian Middle Class, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, 3(4), 62–68.
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[4]. Chadda, R. K., & Deb, K. S. (2013). Indian Family Systems, Collectivistic Society and Psychotherapy. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 55(2), 299–309.
[5]. Chakraborthy, Krishna. (2002). Family in India. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nutrition and Dietetics Students' Attitudes towards Obesity |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Nazal Bardak |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2301062729 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this article is the investigation of Nutrition and Dietetics students' attitudes towards obesity. Since these students will be in helping position for obese people their attitudes are accepted as important. Therefore attitudes of university students who are studying nutrition and dietetics towards obesity aimed to be investigated in this study. The Obesity Prejudice Inventory which is aiming to measure negative attitudes towards obesity and developed by Ercan, Akçil Ok, Kızıltan, & Altun, (2015) was used. According to data analysis no gender or class based statistically differences significant differences have been found. According to descriptive analysis range for participants' obesity prejudice inventory mean scores have been found as 58 to 122. Mean score for whole sample has been found as 81,7. According to developers of the scale which is aiming to measure negative attitudes towards..........
Keyword: Obesity, attitudes, health outcomes
[1] Berryman, D. E., Dubale, G. M., Manchester, D. S., & Mittelstaedt, R. (2006). Dietetics students possess negative attitudes toward obesity similar to nondietetics students. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 106(10), 1678-1682.
[2] Dirikli, N.B. & Okumuşoğlu,S.(2015). "The relationship between weight loss success and Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale of Obesity (DASOB) and Automatic Thoughts Scale of Obesity (ATSOB) scores of obese patients" International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH), 1(7) , 1-2.
[3] Ercan, A., Akçil Ok, M., Kızıltan, G., & Altun, S. (2015). Sağlık bilimleri öğrencileri için obezite önyargı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi: GAMS 27-obezite önyargı ölçeği. DBHAD Uluslararası Hakemli Beslenme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 29-43.
[4] O'Brien, K. S., Latner, J. D., Halberstadt, J., Hunter, J. A., Anderson, J., & Caputi, P. (2008). Do antifat attitudes predict antifat behaviours? Obesity, 16(2), 87-92.
[5] Ogden, C. L., Carroll, M. D., Kit, B. K., & Flegal, K. M. (2014). Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the United States, 2011–2012. Journal of American Medical Association, 311, 806–814.
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Abstract: Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition with a balanced composition and tailored to the needs of growth and development of infants. Nutrients become the dominant influence in the growth of children, especially at the beginning of life until the age of 12 months. Nutrients a baby needs can be met by providing mother's milk (ASI). Organization the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that 5-25% of children of preschool age suffering from minor brain dysfunction, including fine motor developmental disorders of child development problems such as delays in motor, language, and behavior autism, hyperactivity in the United States ranges from 12-16%, Thailand 24%, Argentina 22%, and in Indonesia between 13-18%. The purpose of this study is to see the development of infants aged 6-12 months who were breastfed exclusively with that are not exclusively breast-fed. This research is analytic survey withdesign, cross sectionalthe population in this study were all infants aged 6-12 months,.........
Keyword: Development, Infants 6-12 months, exclusive breastfeeding
[1]. Allen dan Marotz. 2010. Profil Perkembangan Anak. Edisi 5. Jakarta: Indeks
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[5]. Dieterich, et, all. 2013. Breastfeeding and Health Outcomes for The Mother-Infant Dyad. National Institute of health, Pediatric Clin North Am. 2013 February. New York, USA...
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Abstract: Cancer recently a health problem in the world, including Indonesia. Breast cancer is the largest contributor to population mortality in women. The incidence of breast cancer in the District General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin as many as 287 cases in 2014 with the number of deaths as many as 12 people, 175 cases in 2015 with the number of deaths of 10 people, and 160 cases in 2016 with the number of deaths of 8 people. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between family histories of disease with the incidence of breast cancer in the District General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh.This study is a survey with case control design. Samples of cases in this study were women with breast cancer at the District General Hospital Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh and the control sample were women who did not develop breast cancer in the District General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin..........
Keyword: Breast Cancer,family medical history
[1]. Andrews, G. 2009. Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita. Jakarta : EGC
[2]. Anggorowati, L. 2013. Faktor Risiko Kanker Payudara Wanita. Jurnal kesmas, 8(2) : 121-126.
[3]. Ariani, S. 2015. Stop Kanker. Yogyakarta : Istana Media.
[4]. Ardiana, 2013. Analisis Faktor Risiko Reproduksi yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Kanker Payudara Pada Wanita. Jurnal Keperawatan, Vol. 1 No. 2
[5]. Bustan, M.N. 2007. Epidemiologi : penyakit tidak menular. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta
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Abstract: Pneumonia is the biggest cause of death of infants in Indonesia. Figures Case Fatality Rate (CFR) pneumonia in infants in 2015 was0.17%. The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of infant characteristics on the incidence of pneumonia in infants in Indonesia Workers Imelda Hospital Medan in 2017.The research is a retrospective study design. case control the study was conducted in Indonesian Workers Imelda Hospital Medan, from March to December 2017. The population is all babies with pneumonia and not pneumonia that came to the Indonesian Workers Imelda Hospital. Samples were taken by consecutive sampling with matching the same as the case in terms of age and gender. Large samples of 74 infants, with a sample of 37 cases of infant pneumonia and 37 control infants not pneumonia. Data were collected through interviews using a questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test and logistic regression method.The results showed that the incidence of pneumonia in infants in the..........
Keyword: Pneumonia, Infant, Hospital
[1]. Annah, Itma, Rasdi Nawi, Jumriani Ansar, 2012. Faktor Risiko Kejadian Pneumonia Anak Umur 6-59 Bulan Di Rsud Salewangan Maros Tahun 2012. FKM Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar. Diakses 21 Januari 2017. Tersedia: bitstream/handle/123456 789/5439/ITMA%20ANNAH%20(K11109322).pdf;sequence=1
[2]. Arminingrum, Febiyanti, 2016. Beberapa Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Pneumonia Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bergas Kabupaten Semarang. Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Ngudi Waluyo Ungaran. Diakses 25 September 2017. Tersedia:
[3]. Dahlan MS, 2008. Statistik untuk kedokteran dan kesehatan. Jakarta: Salemba Medika.
[4]. Depkes RI, 2016. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2015. Jakarta: Kemenkes RI. Diakses 12 Januari 2016. Tersedia: resources/download/pusdatin/profil-kesehatan-indonesia/profil-kesehatan-Indonesia-2015.pdf.
[5]. Dewi, Andham, 2013. Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku ibu dalam Pencarian Pengobatan Pneumonia pada Balita Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pancoran Mas Depok Tahun 2013. FKM UI. Diakses tanggal 25 September 2017. Tersedia:
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Abstract: Fluor Albus (vaginal discharge) are often experienced by women if the vaginal discharge is physiological, but it would be risky if the experience is pathologically characterized by yellowish to greenish liquid, the numbers are exaggerated, thick, foul-smelling, itchy or hot and cause injuries so we need prevention. Prevention of whiteness is a form of health behavior, and this study aims to determine the relationship of exposure with prevention information Fluor Albus in middle adolescence.This research is analytic survey with cross sectional study was conducted in Al-Ulum Private High School. The study population as many as 262 people and obtained a sample of 100 people. Sampling with purposive sampling technique and analysis data using univariate, bivariate analysis are...........
Keyword: Pneumonia, Infant, Hospital
[1]. Badaryati, E. 2012. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Keputihan Patologis Pada Siswi SLTA atau Sederajat di Kota Banjarbaru Tahun 2012. Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia (FKM UI).
[2]. Bahari, H. 2012. Cara Mudah Atasi Keputihan. Cetakan Pertama. Yogyakarta: Bukubiru.
[3]. BKKBN. 2014. Kesehatan Reproduksi Wanita. Jakarta: Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional.
[4]. Djuanda, A., Hamzah, M & Aisah, S. 2015. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI).
[5]. Fauziyah, Y. 2012. Infertilitas dan Gangguan Alat Reproduksi Wanita. Yogyakarta: Nuha Medika.
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Abstract: Ovarium cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths genital tract and beat the death rate from cervical cancer and uterine cancer. The cause of ovarium cancer is still not known with certainty. Some of the risk factors that contribute to the incidence of ovarium cancer such as maternal age and parity. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between age and parity with the incidence of ovarium cancer. Type analytic observational study with design. Cross sectional the population of female patients who visit and suffering from ovarium cancer in the seurune 3, and which are not suffering from ovarium cancer in Poli Surgery Regional General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh as many as 180 people. Sample cases of 51 people. The method of data analysis is univariate and bivariate analysis with chi squaretest.The analysis showed no association of age with the incidence of ovarium.........
Keyword:Mother Age, Parity,Ovarium Cancer
[1]. American Cancer Society, 2012. Cancer Facts and Figures. Available from :http://www. Research/cancer FactsFigures/CancerFacts Figures /cancer-facts-figures-2012 (Accessed 10 May 2012).
[2]. Cuningham G.F., Obstertri Williams Volume 2. Jakarta 2004 Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran EGC.
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[5]. Kementerian Kesehatan RI., 2013. Laporan Nasional Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDAS) Tahun 2013. Jakarta.
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Abstract: low birth weight babies is still remains a public health problem, being one of the main causes of morbidity, infant mortality and improve the risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular later. WHO estimates that the global prevalence of low birth weight is 15% which means about> 20.6 million babies are born each year in Indonesia as many as 8,432 (10.2%), terrain of 6.0%, according to Dr.Pirngadi field Neonatal Mortality in 2016 were 38 (30.89%) of the 123 cases (30.82%) of 399 cases of low birth weight births. The research objective is to analyze the influence of pregnancy complications, pregnancy tests (Antenatal Care) on the incidence of low birth weight infants in Dr. Pirngadi city of Medan in 2017. This study is research observational analytic survey with design, case control the population in this study are the data of all mothers who gave birth in ...........
Keyword:complications of pregnancy, antenatal care, LBW
[1]. Badan Pusat Statistik, 2012. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) 2012, Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik
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[5]. Ekawaty, L.H., 2015. Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah, diakses 30 maret 2017;
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Abstract: Le Nord-Kivu reste l'une des Provinces de la RDC ayant des effectifs policiers et militaires très importants. Nonobstant cela, une prolifération des sociétés privées de sécurité s'observe, tout cela, dans un contexte d'insécurité grandissante. L'Etat congolais promet de renforcer la sécurité des personnes et de leurs biens, mais tous les jours au journal radiodiffusé ou télévisé, il demeure toujours une séance "criminologie" ayant trait aux agressions physiques, vol et viols. La sécurité restant le monopole de l'Etat, à travers ses différents services de sécurité, en République Démocratique du Congo en général et au Nord-Kivu en particulier, nous assistons néanmoins à l'activisme croissant et proliférant des sociétés de gardiennage. Elles exercent leur mission conjointement avec les éléments.................
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Abstract: Indigenous farmers‟ knowledge forms a very significant source of farming techniques amongst rice farmers in rural communities. This study was conducted to identify and assess those rice-based farmers‟ indigenous knowledge systems and practices on rice production in rural Sierra Leone focusing on land preparation, crop establishment and soil maintenance practicesand their potential to enhance smallholder farmers‟ livelihoods. The results show that a significant proportion of rice farmers in Sierra Leone use the traditional practice of slash-and-burn for land preparation. Some of the indicators used by farmers to determine favourable times for their various activities...........
Key Words: Indigenous knowledge Systems, Rice-Based Farmers, Farmers practices, Sierra Leone
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