Version-1 (October-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Microfinance and Social Empowerment: A studyof women SHGs in Aizawl District, Mizoram |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.AngelaLalhmingsangi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310010117 ![]() |
Abstract: Microfinance intervention through Self Help Groups (SHGs) has been seen as an effective instrument for women empowerment and poverty alleviation.According to Mizoram Economic Survey,2014- 15,female working population constitutes about 40.25% of total workers. Women in Mizoram are resourceful and hardworking; they have proved to be very enterprising.When mobilized and empowered, women can play an important role in the society. In Mizoram, the participation of women in the society is quite visible but a lot of poor women still are silenced by their lack of confidence."Before Intervention" vs. "After Intervention" Approach was employed to analyse the impact of microfinance on the women SHG members. Only thesocial impact of microfinance........
Keywords: Social Empowerment, Microfinance, Self-Help Groups, WomenEmpowerment
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Abstract: Language Analysis of Education Advertising Variety in Indonesia (A Critical Discourse Analysis Review). The problem under study is what is the experimental value in the educational advertising discourse in Indonesia? The type of research used in this research is qualitative research using Critical Discourse Analysis approach. The result obtained related to the problem is an endocentric phrase there is one phrase containing the experimental value. The researcher identifies the choice of language in the linguistic component of the verb clause in the educational ad there is one clause. The verb phrase found its use in educational ads that researchers identified as four data. The linguistic........
KEYWORD: Educational Advertising, Critical Discourse Analysis Review
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Abstract: This study purposed to establish societal factors contributing to the boy-child's behaviour maladjustment in selected boys' rehabilitation institutions in Kenya. It was guided by social learning theory and to achieve the purpose of the study, ex post facto design was used. Purposive sampling was used to select three boys' rehabilitation institutions while convenience sampling was used to select 92 boys. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the boys. Data collected was coded and analyzed using SPSS. The study established that society contributed to the boy-child's behaviour maladjustment. Two society related variables were found to be statistically associated with the outcome.............
KEYWORD: Boy-child, behaviour maladjustment, parenting, role modeling
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Gender Analysis and the Actualization of Food Security in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Judith Eteng Otu || Bassey E. Anam |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310013541 ![]() |
Abstract: Agriculture in Nigeria has remained the largest non-oil contributor to the national economy. However, the sector has suffered setbacks, one of which is the disparity in gender opportunity. This paper attempts a gender analysis, the challenges of food security and its implications for food security in Nigeria. The data are obtained mainly from secondary sources and evaluated with content analysis. The Longwe's Women's Empowerment Framework (1990) was used to explain the need for women to access to social and economic opportunity so as to enhance their productive capacity. Findings from extant literature showed that lack of adequate opportunity and empowerment affects agricultural production among rural women in Nigeria. The findings provided the basis for suggestions and improvement..
KEYWORD: Gender analysis, Agriculture, Women Empowerment, Food Security.
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Abstract: Traffic crashes are predicted to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.Currently Motorcycle accidents are the second most common cause of road traffic accidents in both developed and developing countries. In Kenya Motorcyclists' are the third most common causes of road traffic injury admissions. Information about motorcycle injuries is easily available in the developed countries from hospital records, vital statistics, and police records but in Kenya studies covering a wide range of these injuries are minimal. The current study aimed to increase the knowledge on the burden of motorcycle injuries by determining the number..........
Keywords: Motorcycle injury, prevalence,
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Abstract: This paper describes the community initiative undertaken in Kiambiu slum settlement in Nairobi, which like many other slums, has been without proper water and sanitation since its coming into being as early as 1950s. Following a participatory workshop held in 1999, the residents of Kiambiu under community based group "Kiambiu Usafi Group" (KUG) identified and prioritized their immediate needs as Water, Sanitation (Toilets) and Access (Roads). Together with Maji na Ufanisi (Water and Sanitation), a Non-GovernmentOrganization (NGO),.........
Key words:slums, informal settlements, low-income, water, sanitation
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Abstract: This study sought to identify the influence of pupils self concept to their academic performance. The study targeted the 3543 standard eight pupils in 147 primary schools in Nyamira South sub-county. Stratified sampling was used to get a sample of 355 pupils. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the pupils and was analyzed using inferential statistics. A Bivariate Pearson correlation analysis was conducted between the two variables; pupils level of self concept and the academic performance to establish the relationship between the two with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found that there was no significant relationship between pupils self- concept and academic performance (r= .062 p= .311). However since there was a weak correlation.........
Key Words: Pupil, Self concept, Academic performance
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Abstract: This study investigated the effects of emotional intelligence training and rational emotive behaviour therapy on academic cheating potential and study habit problems among secondary school students in Ogun State, Nigeria.It adopted a pre-test post-test control group quasi-experimental design. A sample of 240 Senior Secondary Two students was randomly selected from six schools using multistage sampling technique. Instruments used for data collection included Examination Reaction Scale (ERS) and Study Habit Inventory (SHI). Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) were used to analyze the formulated.............
Key words: Emotional intelligence training, rational emotive behaviour therapy, academic cheating potential, study habit problems, students.
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Abstract: The study was carried out to determine the major problems of sheep and goat that has limited the production of these animals in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study adopted a survey design which sought the opinion of farmers on the major problems they face in sheep and goat production. Opinions of the farmers on the usual disease symptoms and nutritional problems sheep and goat are usually are presented with in the area were used to determine the major problems facing the farmers. Forty (40) questionnaire items were constructed after a review of the related literature on diseases and nutritional problems of sheep and goat. The data collected were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics of means and standard deviation, while T-test was used to test the null hypothesis........... .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dharma in Buddhism |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Meeta Nath |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310018184 ![]() |
Abstract: The wordDharma is generally understood to have several meanings like morality, law, religion and tradition as well as the nature of individual members of the society. Dharma is defined differently by different scholars. In general Dharma is understood to be a central concept of morality, tradition and national identity. Ordinary understandingof this word is understood to be an individual's duty, towards the observance of custom or traditions or law. The term Dharma (Dhamma in Pali) is used in almost all the philosophical and religious trends of India. This term first appears in the Vedas, the religious text of the Hindus, and different religions define it differently. Hinduism is one of the oldest.....
[1]. Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed. 1999. A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidharma. Kandy, Buddhist Publication Society.
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[4]. K.L. Bhatia, 2010. Concept of Dharma: Corpus Juris of the Law and Morality: A Comparative Study of Legal Cosmology. Delhi: Deep Publicatoion Pvt. Ltd.
[5]. J.R. Carter, 1978. Dharma: Western Academic and Sinhalese Buddhist Inerpretations: a Study of a Religious Concept. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press.
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