Version-6 (October-2018)
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Abstract: Lexical borrowing is one of the ways in which a language adds words into its vocabulary.Lexical Borrowing is inevitable in situations of language contact. Gichukahas come into contact with English and Kiswahili and borrowed lexical items from the two languages to cater for modern communicative needs.This paper looks at five of thephonological processes that have been used to nativise the borrowed lexical items using Goverment Phonology Theory in the analysis .These processsess are nasal prefixation,, segment deletionconsonant epenthesis, prothesis and gliding.The population of this study is all words borrowed from English and Kiswahiliby Gichuka...........
Keywords: Nasal Prefixation, Segment Deletion, Consonant Epenthesis,Prothesis, Gliding, Gichuka, Goverment Phonology Theory and Loanwords.
[1]. Abercrombie, David. (1967). Elements of General Phonetics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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[5]. Cyran, Eugeniusz (1995). Resonance Elements in Phonology: A Study in Munster Irish.Eolium: Lublin
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Abstract: This study aimed at finding out (1) the relationship between the principals' transformational leadership style and the Mathematics teachers' performance; (2) relationship between teachers' participation in MGMP and Mathematics teachers' performance; and (3) the joint relationship between the principals' transformational leadership style and the teachers' participation in MGMP on the performance of Mathematics teachers in Palembang. This research was quantitative by using survey method. This research was conducted at the State Secondary School in Palembang with 73 Mathematics teachers. Data were collected by using questionnaires and documentation. The validity test applied........
KEYWORD: Transformational Leadership Style; Teachers' Participation in MGMP; Mathematics Teachers' Performance
[1]. Abas, E. (2017). Magnet Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Madrasah terhadap Kinerja Guru. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia.
[2]. Andriani, S., Kesumawati, N., & Kristiawan, M. (2018). The Influence of The Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation on Teachers Performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2018.
[3]. Arikunto, S. (2009). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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[5]. As'ad, M. (2003). Psikologi Industri. Yogyakarta: Liberty.
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Abstract: Under-age single motherhood is a family phenomenon that is hardly or inadequately talked about despite its flourishment in the contemporary society. While the in thing is to assume or pretend that it is non-existent, the common practice at best has been to illicitly merge it with single motherhood en masse notwithstanding the crucial distinction of categories each with specific source, peculiarities and potentialities. Such a serious lacuna warrants unreserved attention. The paper thus passionately chips in to fill up the gap by investigating this mode of motherhood specifically and in the light of Christian perception of family as a case in Thogoto Village, Kĩambu County-Kenya exploring factors like those of the causes, the difficulties such parenthood encounters and the recommended way forward. The work is more theological than sociological or anthropological in intent since it emphasizes Christian perception and reflections on family and parenting as well..........
KEYWORD: Family, Under-age, Single mothers, Feminism, Women oppression and exploitation, Maternal feminism.
[1]. Allen, E. Bonell, C. Strange, V. Copas, A. Stephenson, J. Johnson, A.M.(2007)."Does the UK Government's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy Deal with the Correct Risk Factors? Findings from a Secondary Analysis of Data from a Randomized Trial of Sex Education and their Implications for Policy". Epidermal Community Health, Vol. 61, No.1.
[2]. Awuor, A. D. (2012).The Challenges of University Students Single Mothers in the Light of Christian Women Liberation Theology Rooted in Christian Doctrine on Family, Parenting and Education: A Case Study of University of Nairobi's Faculty of Arts, Unpublished M. A., Nairobi: University of Nairobi.
[3]. Besharo, D. J. Gardiner, K. N.(1997). "Trends in Teen Sexual Behavior". Children and Youth Services Review, Vol. 19, No‟s 5–6, pp. 341–367.
[4]. Biggs, M. A. Karasek, D. Foster, D. G. (2012)."Unprotected Intercourse Among Women Wanting to Avoid Pregnancy: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Beliefs". Women's Health Issues, Vol. 22, No.1.
[5]. Bobo, L.D.(2003). "Foreword." In Black Fathers in Contemporary American Society: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Strategies for Change. Edited by Obie Clayton, Ronald.
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Abstract: An Ecocritical Study Ecocriticism is a new approach to literary study that started in America in the seventies of the twentieth century and spread throughout Europe and the world. It focuses on the non human elements in literature such as the land, landscapes, rivers, the trees; etc. It shows the importance of these elements through highlighting their connections to the elements of fiction, the characters and the plot of a novel, for example. "Indeed the widest definition of the subject of ecocriticism is the study of the relationship of the human and nonhuman" (Garrad 5). Studying this relationship helps in understanding the human characters as well as the environmental elements...........
[1]. Works Cited Barry, Peter and William Weslestead. "Ecocriticism Extends its Boundaries "Extending Ecocriticism Crisis, Collaboration and Challenges in the Environmental Humanities. Manchester: University of Manchester P, 2017. (1-31).
[2]. Garrad, Greg. Ecocriticism. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. London and New York: 2004.
[3]. Glotfelty, Cheryll, and Fromm Harold, eds. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Georgia: University of Georgia P, 1996.
[4]. Heise, Ursula K. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ecocriticism". The Modern Language Associationof America 2006. 11 Apr. 2006. 17 Apr. 2018. The Holy Bible. Peabody: Hendrickson, 2011. Authorized King James Vers.
[5]. Iovino, Serenella. "Steps to a Material Ecocriticism. The Recent Literature about the 'New Materialism' and its Implications for Ecocritical Theory". Ecozon@2012 Vol.3, No. 1. pp. (134-144). 16 June2012. 17 April 2018.
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Abstract: This research aimed to identify and explain the causative factors of unutilized land with its Cultivation Right (HGU) and legal aspects of abandoned land settlement. There are 119,400 ha. (31.48%) of abandoned land within the 379,374.02 haof land with HGU in Aceh Province, while in West Aceh District there are only 20,380.68 ha. (46%) out of a total of 44,301.49 ha. of land for plantations. This situation is cause t for concern since both the national government and the local government of Aceh have the same vision to increase the farmer's welfare through their strategic......
Keywords: cultivation rights, abandoned, identify, utilize
[1]. Abolina, E., and Luzadis, V. A. (2015). Abandoned Agricultural Land and Its Potential For Short Rotation Woody Crops in Latvia. Land Use Policy, 49: 435-445.
[2]. Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) [National Land Board]. (2009). Himpunan Pidato Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional RI 2009 [Speeches Collection of Head of National Land Agency 2009].Jakarta: Center of Law and Public Relations BPN RI.
[3]. Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Kab.Aceh Barat[Forestry and Plantation Office of West Aceh District]. (2016). Daftar Luasan kebun Inti/Plasma dalam Kabupaten Aceh Barat [List of Core/Plasma Plantation Areas in West Aceh District]. Aceh; Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan Kab. Aceh Barat.
[4]. Gradinaru, S. R., Ioja, C. I., Patru-Stupariu, I., Nita, M. R., Gavrilidis, A. A., and Carstea, E. M. (2013). Land Abandonment Changes Between 2005 and 2008 in Bucharest City. Procedia Technology, 8: 536-539.
[5]. Griewald, Y., Clemens, G., Kamp, J., Gladun, E., Holzel, N., and Dressler, H. V. (2017).Developing Land Use Scenarios for Stakeholder Participation in Russia. Land Use Policy, 68: 264-276.
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Abstract: Transition from elementary to secondary school is a significant milestone in student's life. A mixture of challenges and threats in academic and social context is involved. Data from studies examining transition suggested that a general motivational factor, among others (like anxiety, academic achievement, etc.), affects transition (Tilleczek& Ferguson, 2007 for an extended review of selected literature). The present study aimed to examine the relationship between school variables, and specific motivational constructs, like intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, self-efficacy and test anxiety from one side, and academic and social challenges and threats in the other, as perceived dimensions of transition. Four hundred and thirty-four sixth-graders from elementary schools in Chalkidiki, a Greek agricultural and touristic region, took part in the study. Half of them were boys. Data suggested that there are relationships between schools', and motivational characteristics and transitional variables. The model of relations, which was set up, found to be strong and valid.
Key words: Transition, elementary school, secondary school, Sirsch, model, performance, motivation
[1]. Akos, P. &Galassi, J.P. (2004). Middle and high school transitions as viewed by students. ASCA, 7(4), 212 - 221. Retrieved from
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[3]. Anderman, E., Maehr, M., &Midgley, C. (1999). Declining motivation after the transition to middle school: Schools can make a difference. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 32, 131 - 147.
[4]. Anderson, L.W., Jacobs, J., Schramm, S. &Splittgerber, F. (2000). School transitions: Beginning of the end or a new beginning? International Journal of Educational Research, 33(4), 325–339. doi:10.1016/s0883-0355(00)00020–3.
[5]. Angrist, J. D., &Rokkanen, M. (2015). Wanna get away? Regression discontinuity estimation of exam school effects away from the cutoff. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(512), 1331-1344. doi: 10.1080/01621459.2015.1012259...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | TheStudyofFolkloreinSoutheast Asia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Maman Lesmana |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-2310066670 ![]() |
Abstract: The Definition of folklore are vast and varied. There are twenty-one different definitions of folklore given by various scholars.While anthropologists considered folklore as literature, literary scholars define it as culture and folklorist choose enumerative definition, intuitive and operational. The purpose of this article is to discuss about folklore in South East Asia. Of datas and examples shown discovered that the characteristics of folklore in South East Asia is very diverse. Each country has its own understanding of folklore. However, it seems, verbal folklore, both non-narrative, such as proverbs, riddles, parables or the narrative, such as myths, legends, epics, folklore, is still a dominant feature in these countries. With the growing diversity of the folklore characteristic in South East Asia, the approaches, techniques and theories that are used can be adapted to the shape.
Key words: Folklore, Southeast Asia, anthropology, litereature, culture
[1]. Abbot, Gerry and Khin Thant Han, 2000, The Folk Tales of Burma, Leiden, Brill, 2000
[2]. Amas, Dan Ben, "Toward a Definition of Folklore in Context" The Journal of AmericanFolklore, Vol.84, No.331, Januari-Maret 1971, Amerika: American Folklore Society
[3]. Burne, Charlotte Sophia, 2003, Handbook of Folklore, Kessinger Publishing.
[4]. Cormick (ed), 2011, Folklore: an Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music and Arts ,
[5]. Culture of Brunei Darussalam in June, 14, 2013..
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Abstract: The role of the university today is to give birth to a professional grade improving people's lives. Qualified graduates can also think about designing how to wake up the country to be more successful. Graduates produced by universities play an important role in nationality and state insight, of course the quality of teaching and learning should be improved from time to time. Based on this requirement the reviewer has conducted a study regarding the style of thinking, teaching style and learning style at UISU. The findings of this study show that counselors and students have commensurate thinking stalls. Warriors and students are found to have a proper style of thinking, teaching stalls and learning stalls to continue to make UISU eternal as the chosen center of knowledge..
Key words: style; students; thingking; Islamic university
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[4]. Felder, R.M. 1993. Learning and teaching styles in college science education. Reading the second tier: learning and teaching styles in college science education. Journal of College Science Teaching, 23 (5): 289-290.
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