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Abstract: Environmental protection and management requires an integrated development system that reaches from the center to the regions. This research is aimed to examine and analyze community participation in environmental information systems and factors that influence community participation in environmental information systems. It is an empirical research. Data collection is done by interview method. The data includes primary (interview result) and secondary (books, scientific writings and legislation related to environmental information systems and community participation). The result of research indicated that community participation in vertical participation-based environmental information systems and as a type of participation in decision-making and the degree of participation at the degree of tokenism on the fourth ladder, namely consultation. Factors that influence community participation in environmental information systems are accurate, relevant, timeliness, have benefits and costs to obtain information.
Keywords: Environmental law, information system, community participation
[1]. Akib, M. (2013). Politik Hukum Lingkungan (Dinamika dan Refleksinya Dalam Produk Hukum Otonomi Daerah). Second edition. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada.
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[4]. Asshiddiqie J. (2009). Green Constitution: Nuansa Hijau Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Family Counseling Model: Against Family Violence |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anita Puri Singh Ph.D |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310070713 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine family counseling model can effect change in the women violence in family counseling centers at police station . In India women are subjected to more physical violence as compare to psychological assaults. (Singh A.) The Psychological distress is the consequence of Physical violence. (Shrivastav U.)The sample consist of 40 (20 M, 20 couple M &F ) randomly selected from family counseling Centers of police station where women has launched complained against man against physical violence. The treatment conditions include contingency management (CM) and Family counseling support (FCS) . The analysis of violence rate for 20 participants at 3 month intervention indicated significant interaction effect of treatment . Time with FCS yield better outcome as to CM. The finding indicate that women violence can be reduced by family counseling model , reduces mental distress and enhance mental health
KEYWORD: family counseling model ,contingency management ,Family counseling support ,mental distress
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[3]. Heise, Lori, et al. (2018) "Ending Violence Against Women." Population Reports, Dec. 1999, p. 1. Academic OneFile, Accessed 7 Oct. 2018.w
[4]. Mangal, D. K., "Family Counselling" UNFPA Publication at internet.
[5]. Minuchin,P.(1985) Families and individual development :Provocation‟s from the field of family therapy. Child Development,56,289-302
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Abstract: Human life is the sum of various smaller domains and for its wholesome enjoyment requires a deep assessment of the factors that impact these domains. Work life is a major part of the adult life, with an average of eight hours of adult life spent at work. It is hence crucial to evaluate the workplace environment and its relationship with a quality work life. A good organizational environment can lead to the determination of a quality work life, ensuring commitment and better performance by the employees. In a library, work quality gets affected by multi-dimensional factors through its organization and management. The present paper takes a look at the significance of assessing organizational management provided by employers, and its correlation with quality of work life for working professionals. The paper analyses this relationship in the field of Library and Information Science professionals in India, and determines factors that enable or accentuate the connection between them. The study collects responses from various professional in the field, and concludes the impact of effective organizational environment in building a quality work life..
KEYWORD: Quality, work, life, organizational environment, professionals, India, Haryana, library, information science.
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Abstract: Incorporating Commercial Court Judges legal culture will provide a new perspective on the study of how the legal apparatus should perform its functions to apply the substance of the law, as well as to base its abilities in the field of epistemology, as well as to base its willingness on professional ethics with high moral integrity. This research will identify factors and application of legal culture priority aspects in influencing the implementation of the Bankruptcy Act in Indonesia.This research is using qualitative approach with normative juridical method. This research is a field research, using in-depth interviews to obtain primary data from judges of Commercial Court. Data analyzed using descriptive qualitative method..........
KEYWORD: Legal Culture Factor, Bakcruptcy Act, Implementation
[1]. ekonomi Angie Salaka: PentingnyaInvestasi Daerah bagi PertumbuhanEkonomi.
[2]. RahayuHartini, 2008, HukumKepailitan, Malang, UMM Press
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[5]. HanintijoSoemitro, Ronny, 1998, MetodologiPenelitianHukumdanJurumetri, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Legal Aspects Of Prospectus Errors For Capital Market Public Companies In Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Maswandi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310073239 ![]() |
Abstract: For companies that will increase their business and obtain additional capital can make various efforts, including through bank loans. But it does not rule out the possibility of buying and selling shares (securities) in the Capital Market by making a public offering to both individuals and institutions (companies), by involving the community as investors, of course, the company that sold the shares was a Closed Company changed its status to a Public Company ( open) as stipulated in Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (UUPT) and Law No. 8 of 1995 concerning Capital Market (UUPM). For a closed company that sells shares to the public through a public offering in the Capital Market, it must first provide a document called Prospectus as information about...........
KEYWORD: legal aspects; prospectuserrors; public companies;capital markets
[1]. Anoraga, Panji dan Pakarti Piji, Pengantar Pasar Modal, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2003.
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Abstract: Optimal aging in the elderly has become an important concept globally due to increasing number of people aged 60 years and above and their subsequent pressure on health services. The elderly, the expectant mothers and children under the age of five years are world vulnerable populations and whereas in Kenya, the latter two have guiding packages for health care, the elderly on the contrary lack such focused provisions. The study investigated the responsiveness of health system on elderly optimal aging in Rachuonyo North Sub-county of Homa Bay County, Kenya. It was guided by Systems and Symbolic interactionism theories. The study employed.........
KEYWORD: Ageing, Health System, Optimal Ageing, Responsive Health,Vulnerable Populations
[1]. Aboderin, I. (2010). Understanding and advancing the health of older populations in sub- SaharanAfrica: policy perspectives and evidence needs. Public Health Reviews, 32(2), 357.
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[3]. Alvi, M., (2016). Manual for selecting Sampling Technique in Research. University of Karachi, QRA University.
[4]. American Psychological Association ([APA], 2012). Elder abuse and neglect: In search of solutions. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
[5]. Audu, O., Bako Ara, I., Abdullahi Umar, A., Nanben Omole, V., & Avidime, S. (2014). Sociodemographic correlates of choice of health care services in six rural communities in North Central Nigeria. Advances in Public Health, 2014
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Abstract: This article explores the implementation of instructional leadership style in Kambata-Tembaro Zone primary schools. It examined whether, and to what extent principals are able to exert influence to improve school effectiveness. The study was descriptive in nature based on the survey method. It was conducted in a sample of 12 primary schools and on 34 school leaders (principals and deputy principals), 138 teachers and other relevant stakeholders in Kambata-Tembaro Zone, Ethiopia. Data were collected using a concurrent mixed methods research design. Instruments such as questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with different stakeholders..................
KEYWORD: Instructional leadership, school leadership, leadership style, leadership practice, learner achievement, school effectiveness
[1]. Hallinger, P. 2011a. A review of 3 decades of doctoral studies, Journal of Educational Administration, 47(2):271-306.
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[5]. Hallinger, P. 2005. Instructional leadership and the school principal: a passing fancy that refuse to fade away.Leadership and Policy in Schools, 4(3):1-20..
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Abstract: This paper focuses on the misspellings made by learners whose first language was Kimeru. The study was carried out to investigate whether the phonology and orthography of Kimeru as a learners' first language affected their spelling of English words. Data was collected from creative compositions and dictation of words written by primary school learners whose first language was Kimeru. Using Error Analysis as the theoretical framework, all the misspelt words were identified and classified into ten categories according to the nature of the spelling errors. The categories were as follows: errors due to silent graphemes, errors due to pre-nasalization of graphemes, errors due to homophones, errors due to vowels length, errors due to epenthesis, errors due to absence of the sound in.........
KEYWORD: Phonological basis, Misspellings, Written English, Pupils
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Abuse of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement by Treaty Shopping in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310076873 ![]() |
Abstract: The object of research is to find out the way to prevent the abuse of double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) by treaty shopping in India. Doctrinal method is adopted by the researcher, after studying the DTAA of India with other countries, approach of the judiciary while dealing with the case of misuse of DTAA by treaty shopping and mode adopted by various other countries tried to find out the means to prevent the misuse of DTAA by treaty shopping. Researcher found that by incorporating specific anti-treaty shopping article in the DTAA and through domestic legislation misuse of DTAA by treaty shopping can be checked in India..
KEYWORD: Tax avoidance, Treaty Shopping, Fiscal nullity, Limit of benefit , General Anti-avoidance rule
[1]. Girish Ahuja &Ravi Gupta, Professional Approach to Direct Taxes Law and Practices including tax planning, Bharat, New Delhi (2012)p-1398
[2]. Fothergill v Monarch Airlines Ltd (1980) AC 251. Gladden Estate v Minister of National Revenue (1985) 1 CTC 163, 166.
[3]. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1155 UNTS 331 (signed 23 May 1969, entered into force 27 January 1980), art 31(1).
[4]. Union of India v. Azadi Bachao Andolan (2003) 132 Taxmann 373SC
[5]. Fothergill v. Monarch Airlines(1981) AC 251
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Abstract: The study empirically compared the impact of IFRS and NGAAP on the financial performance of Nigerian deposit money banks using key financial ratios that are used by investors for a period of two years (2012-2013). Data from a sample of 11 banks quoted on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) were analyzed using descriptive statistics while the paired sample t-test was used to test for the statistical significance of the differences in mean and variances between ratios under IFRS and Nigerian Generally Accepted Accounting principles (NGAAP) respectively. Findings of the study suggest that IFRS adoption had a significant positive impact on the financial ratios of Nigerian deposit money banks during the study period. Based on the findings, we recommended that analysts and other financial statements users should rely more on IFRS-based financial statements when making economic decisions.........
KEYWORD:International Financial Reporting Standards, Nigerian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, International Accounting Standard Board.
[1]. Ailemen, I.O and Akande, A.O. (2012) International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS): Benefits, Obstacles and Intrigues for Implementation in Nigeria. Research Journal of Financial and Accounting 3(10), 143-151. Retrieved from
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Abstract: Tourism based music videos is a special form of selective tourism, because its universal nature can be enjoyed through socio-cultural aspects (e.g. Wonderful Indonesia )and can improve Local Movement Skills. This study uses a simple regression analysis to investigate possible relationships between the effect of Music videos and movement on locomotor skills in children 4 to 5 years old, the participant in this research are 30 children (16 boys and 14 girls) in Malang Indonesia as the subjects. This study investigated for 5 weeks in. The dependent measure was a locomotorskill........
KEY WORDS: Tourism Based Music Videos, Locomotor Skills, Early Childhood
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Abstract: The study uses multiple regression analysis to validate correlation among constructs of fast-food behavior, knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and patience with respect to the sample's demographic characteristics (including different BMI levels). The sample came from 500 high school students across Taiwan but only 432 answered questionnaires were deemed valid. Demographic significance was identified for gender and BMI level but not where respondents live. Female adolescents tend to have higher nutrition knowledge and higher self-efficacy than their male counterparts do. Adolescents' BMI level positively correlates with their attitudes toward........
Keywords: attitude, fast-food behavior, knowledge, patience, self-efficacy
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