Version-2 (October-2018)
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Abstract: In this paper Penalty Method is proposed to solve the Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problems (FLCP). This paper presents a new method to solve fuzzy quadratic programming problems; The Penalty Method can be classified into two methods. They are, High Penalty Method and Low Penalty Method. In this article a Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problem is solved by both the methods and verifies which is easier and best. Then we solve the Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problem with Symmetric Intuitionistic Trapezoidal Fuzzy numbers. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is illustrated by means of a Numerical example. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 03E72, 90C05, 90C33..
Keywords: Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problem, Symmetric Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers, High Penalty method, Low Penalty Method
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Abstract: The Ministry of Education bonding policy restricts newly recruited teachers from transferring before the end of five years. Turkana County is one of those counties where hardship allowances are offered to teachers, but incidences of transfer requests persist. The purpose of the study was analyzing retention measures for minimizing teachers' transfer requests in public primary schools in Turkana County, Kenya. The objective of this study was to find out the influence of management related measures on teachers' transfer requests in
Turkana County, Kenya. The study adopted the Human Capital Theory and descriptive survey research design.
The target population was 25.........
KEYWORD: management, measures, teacher, transfer, requests
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cross-cultural Analysis of Issues that arise within Language Teaching |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Payal Kushal Shah-Sanghavi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310021924 ![]() |
Abstract: Culture impacts our way of thinking, our values, our language, our interaction with other people, and the way we look at the world (Hale-Benson, 1986, cited in Kutay, 2006, p. 28). Language and culture are considered as inseparable entities. It is acknowledged that language proficiency alone is inadequate in language teaching, thus language teachers with linguistic knowledge alone are insufficient; communication is holistic and also requires knowledge of the ways culture and language interlock and an understanding of how interaction across cultures..........
KEYWORD: Culture, intercultural competence, intercultural communication, tensions, internalized culture
[1]. Álvarez, Dr. Inma. (2005). Teachers‟ Roles and Training in Intercultural Education. Available [online]<> [accessed 20/04/2016]
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Population Geography: Concepts and Approaches |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | Dr. Wafa Khalil Elfaki |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310022527 ![]() |
Abstract: Population Geography as an independent sub-field of human geography is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Geography of the population is one of the most well established branches of general Geography. As it had been suggested, growing availability of population statistics has played an important role in the emergence of population geography. The purpose of this article review is to identify the challenges that facing population geography.[1] The most significant authors who worked on defining population geography were French geographers P. George (1951, 1959.........
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and Cultural Change, 49(1): 91-113.
[4]. Ogden, Philip E. ―Population Geography.‖ Progress in Human Geography; 1998. 22 (1): 105–114.
[5]. Commission on Population & Development. New Trends in Migration: Linking Population, Poverty and
Development, 46th Session, 22-26 April 2013.
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Abstract: This study is carried out in applying thelinear programming technique, which is an optimization method which helps in finding nutrient diet formulation in fish feed. In aquaculture, farming is critical because feed represents maximum of the production costs. The problemsin choosing the nutrients play a very vital role in determining the minimum costthat will satisfy daily nutritional requirement. Data on feed ingredients, nutrients composition and prices were obtained from local market survey. The mathematical model whichhas been applied in this paper has nine decision variables, which is subject to a set of seven constraints. The proposed model was solved using (LiPS)software for easy accessibility
Keywords: Fish feed formulation, linear programming, GIFT Tilapia, minimum cost, LiPS Software
[1]. Adewumi, A. A., &Olaleye, V. F. (2011). Catfish culture in Nigeria: Progress, prospects and problems. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(6), 1281-1285.
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approach to assess the economic value of fortified food supplements. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 22(2),
[5]. Chandrasekhar, Y.S., (2013),Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture, Swastik Publications, New Delhi..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Examination Of The Size Of Personal Income Tax Gap In Kaduna State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Alhasan Usman |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310023442 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper was aimed to examine the size of personal income tax gap in Kaduna State, Nigeria. The paper relied on the primary source of data. 422 confidential questionnaires distributed randomly to the respondents (taxpayers), were analysed. The paper employed paired sample statistics to estimate the size of personal income tax gap in Kaduna State, where personal income tax paid by the respondents were compared with the potential personal income tax payable under a perfectly tax compliant environment. The empirical result obtained, revealed the existence of statistically significant personal income tax gap in Kaduna State. Additionally what the state generated............
Key words:Personal Income Tax, Tax Gap, Tax Evasion and Paired Sample Statistic, Survey Method. JEL Classification: C42,H24,H26, H29
[1]. Adeosun K., (2017) ―Nigeria's Tax to GDP Ratio among the Lowest in the World.‖ Thisday
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a. Methodology‖ International Studies Program Working Paper No.11.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bureaucratic Reform In Corruption Eradication Perspective |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Prof. Dr.Ir. Drs. H.M. Guntoro |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310024354 ![]() |
Abstract: In the political and legal aspects of government, bureaucratic reform has become a very powerful issue to be realized. Moreover, the Indonesian government bureaucracy has given a huge contribution to the condition of the Indonesian nation's deterioration in a prolonged multi-dimensional crisis. The bureaucracy that was built by the government before the reform era has built a bureaucratic culture that is thick with Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. However, post-reform governance does not guarantee the continuation of bureaucratic reforms properly realized. The lack of government committees after the reform of the reformation of the bureaucracy tends to be directly proportional to the lack of government commitment to the eradication of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism........
Keyword: Reform, Bureaucracy, Government, Corruption
[1]. Redford Emmette S. (1952). Administration of Economic Control. NewYork: The Mcmillan Company.
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[4]. Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Devi in the Graphic Novels of India: A Feminist Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Supriya Banerjee |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310025563 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper proposes to examine an existential pastiche "Devi‟ in India as a point of departure, and construct a continuum which interfaces with the lived lives of Indian women. The Devi is a popular and venerated motif in literature. She is the space upon which the contestations of woman‟s empowerment and identities are reconfigured in the present day India. However constructed upon binaries which make her central and essential in all her discourses also fragments her into an open unrestrictive discursive field, which remains a simulacrum. Furthermore, the all-pervading popular rhetoric of 'Devi' is a part of the male hegemonic discourse, and the modern day paradox lies in the desirability of a Devi, aka "superwoman‟, in terms of recognizable roles, images and models.Not only is an attractive and desired self-image of women constructed, it also provides a normative model of citizenship for the gendered female..
Key words: Graphic novels, popular culture, feminism, deconstruction, representation, women, digitalization.
[1]. Arni.,Samhita . Moyna Chitrakar . Sita's Ramayana. Tara Books Pvt. Ltd China, 2012, Print.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Youth in Political Participation in Somalia |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Mohamed Omar Bincof |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2310026474 ![]() |
Abstract: Opportunities for engaging political participation are a leading way to reach an inclusive politics in which citizens can participate in the public decision-making process. Political Participationis a crucial part of democracy. In principle, it is a constructive way those members who participated in the politics should be able to further educated a democracy and the political process. However, the understanding and perceptions of young people in the participation of politics have remained disillusion in many countries around the world. This makes it indispensable to examine the exclusion of young people in political participation. The study used a consuming theory to study and explain the research questions. The empirical research design of the study is qualitative oriented and data was...........
Key words: youth, political participation, Somalia, consuming theory
[1]. Abdi, A. (2017) "Respondent to Research Paper" Mohamed for interviewer.
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[5]. Çaha,Ö., M. E. Köktaş, A. Çaylak, M.Önder, A. Akın, H Kapu vd. (2018). TRA2 Bölgesi Gençlik Araştırması, Kalkınma
Bakanlığı, SERHAT Kalkınma Ajansı, ISBN 978-605-68045-2-6, Kars: SERKA Yayınlar
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Abstract: The aim of present study is to explore back-ground quality of sport students relative to other college of natural and computational science students (CNCS). In doing so,three hundred sixty 2017/18 freshman students (180 from sport science and 180 from other CNCS) were selected by multi stage sampling techniques. To this end survey research design followed by comparative approach was employed and the previous academic achievement, sport enrolment trained, the rational to join department, demographic character and socioeconomic status are the selected variable. To this end descriptive and independent t-test statistical analysis is used and the level of significance............
Key words: Sport science, Student, Socio-economy
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andsocio-economic status on academic achievement. Journal of Poverty, 6(2), 21-35.