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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Women's Approach In Maoist War In India: Naxalite And Anti-Naxalite Strategy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Miss. Sneha Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306010106 ![]() |
Abstract: The up surging augmentation base of Women in the Maoist ranks in lower as well as higher level have failed to secure the attention, that it deserves in the Indian Security paradigm. The Maoist holding is in its abstaining phase, since many men & women in Naxalite force have either lost their lives in the war against the Indian State or have surrendered or have been arrested by the police forces. The Maoists who plea to rebuild the tribal rights have earned further social acceptability due to rising participation of "women". Forty to fifty percent of the lower Maoist cadres promptly amalgamate women, who are serving as fresh fodder in the bloody war against the Indian State. While for many women, the movement evidenced a way to free themselves from the shackles of patriarchy, but the picture............
Key Words: Women, Maoist, Naxalite Movement, Indian Security, Indian State, Anti-Naxalite Force
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Abstract: Reading makes a full man, Conference a ready man and writing an exact man (Bacon). Reading is an endless activity and ever-open door to the ever increasing knowledge of universe. Reading is a basic tool for reasoning, reading helps about the current events, helps to make future plan to solve problems in life. It widens the range of information about mind and broadens our out look. Reading proficiency is the royal road to knowledge and essential to access in all academic subjects. Reading is almost essential for all the people kept at all age levels as it directly affects their lines the one-way or the other. Proficiency in reading is indispensable for satisfactory adjustments to contemporary living conditions. It can be donning of man............
[1]. Arthur O/Son Welbur -Teaching reading skills in secondary schools, International text book company, Pennsylvania – PP 230-275
[2]. Alice Keliher - Reading readiness‟. SOIILEIILISLS in reading research
[3]. Aligariswamy, A and
[4]. Soundara Raja Rao - "Reading speed and comprehension in Tamil among middle school pupils" Journal of educational research and extension. Vol. 7 No.1, July 1970.
[5]. Anderson - "Rate of reading and intelligence" Journal of educational Research. Vol.55, No.5, February, 1962 – P- 200..
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Abstract: The Higher Education status is still derived by the value of GER (Gross Enrollment Ratio). The districts of 4 states – Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal, India have been compared taking data from National Survey (AISHE) for the year 2017-18. The districts are also compared with College Population Index and Institutional Density.
Key Words: All India Survey on Higher Education, GER, CDI, Institutional Density, Ranking
[1]. All India Survey on Higher Education, MHRD, Govt. on India:
[2]. Bhandari, P(2012), Refining State Level Comparisons in India, Working Paper Series, Planning Commission, India
[3]. Educational Statistics at a glance(2014), MHRD, Government of India
[4]. Everitt, Brian (2011). Cluster analysis. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley
[5]. Global Monitoring Report (2006), Planning Commission of India, Govt. of India
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Leadership Position In High School on Student Outcomes- An Evaluation. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aniket Kumar Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306013138 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine how leadership role of a student impacts student outcome. Head Prefects or Head Boys/ Head Girls are student leaders appointed and assigned administrative duties in schools. Besides their school responsibilities, these school leaders like other students are expected to perform their academic work well and attain good grades in class tests and national and international examinations. This article seeks to evaluate the influence of school responsibilities on Head Prefect's academic work performance. This article reveals that there is no significant adverse fall in Head Prefect's performance of academic work before appointment and after appointment as a School Prefect. On the contrary it helps them to improve their all round performance. Responsibility of a Head prefect and personal academic performance is complementary to each other. By being a role model for others and balancing duties as a Head prefect with academic responsibilities helps a person grow fast and excel in his/her academic and extracurricular activities
[1]. by MW Muli
[3]. Harvard Business Review
[5]. in the Telegraph, UK
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Abstract: This study attempts to discuss the relation between human and ecological atmosphere in Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay's "Aranyak" where Bibhutibhushan's awareness in nature (forest) and the changing of nature in the era of capitalist world is clearly shown. The main concern of this study is to analyze Bibhutibhushan's eco-consciousness and the relation between human and nature which presented in "Aranyak" depicting some important characters of the society. To analyze the topic of discussion, this study applies Expressive theory. This study finds out that Bibhutibhushan explores nature as the source and the core of human being's solace and tranquility. He emphasizes that the natural environment must be protected and conserved to sustain human's life and our existence. This relation between human and nature influences Bibhutibhushan in writing his reputed novel "Aranayak" as the portrayal of his feeling toward nature and social condition in his period..
Key Words: Aranayak: Awareness; Ecological; Nature, World.
[1]. Alam , Fakrul and Radha Chakravarty(ed.). The Essential Tagore. Visva-Bharati.128 Lake Gardens, Kolkata, 2011.
[2]. Bandyopadhyay , Bibhutibhushan ,Aranyak-seagull books 03/12/13
[3]. Aranyak wikipedia –the Encyclppedia
[4]. Bandapadhayay, Bibhutibhushan. Aranyak. 46/1 Hemendradas Road, Sutrapur, Dhaka-1100, 2009.
[5]. Coleridge S.T. Dejection: An Ode. Page 217, The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Volume 2. Gen.ed. M.H .Abrams.W.W. Norton & Company. INC. New York. 1962.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Critical Review of Rashtriyamadhyamikshikshaabhiyan [RMSA] |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Ali Imam |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306014547 ![]() |
Abstract: RashtriyaMadhyamikShikshaAbhiyan (RMSA) is one of the initiatives of Government of India to achieve the goal of universalisation of secondary education (USE) by 2017. This scheme is to provide access to secondary education all over the country with good infrastructure. The scheme envisages provision of: Infrastructure and resources in secondary education to create higher capacity and improvement in the quality of learning in the schools filling the missing gaps in the existing secondary schools system Additional support for education of girls, rural children and students belonging to SC/ST, minority and other weaker sections of the society. A holistic convergent framework for implementation of various schemes in secondary education.
[1]. Agarwal, J.C. (2010). Educational reformation in India, Shipra Publication, pp.172- 173.
[2]. Justice Verma Committee Report, Volume 3, August, 2012.
[3]. Mukhopadhyay, Marmar. &Parhar, Madhu. (2007). Edited, Education in India Dynamics of Development, Shipra Publication, pp.238-254.
[4]. Mukhopadhyay, A. &Sahoo, S. (2012). Does Access to Secondary Education Affect Primary Schooling? Evidence from India, Discussion Paper No. 6507, Bonn, Germany.
[5]. Pajankar,V.D. (2012). Indian School Education System A Holistic View, Kunal Books, pp.179-199..
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Abstract: Community-based Urban Agriculture Programme was implemented by Malaysian government as an approach to overcome issues related to overpopulation including food insecurity and urban poverty. Nevertheless, attracting urban dwellers to be volunteers for the programme has become the key challenge for Local Authorities. Hence, this study aims to determine factors that motivateurban dwellers to join the programme and to understand whether age has an impact on various sortsof motivations. A Modified Volunteer Functions Inventory was utilised to measure the volunteers' motivation. The primary data was collected by using paper-based questionnaires with 375 Community..........
Key Words: Urban Agriculture, Volunteerism, Motivation, Malaysia, MANOVA
[1]. Alexander, A., Kim, S. B., & Kim, D. Y. (2015). Segmenting volunteers by motivation in the 2012 London Olympic Games. Tourism Management, 47, 1-10.
[2]. Clary, E. G., Snyder, M., Ridge, R. D., Copeland, J., Stukas, A. A., Haugen, J., & Miene, P. (1998). Understanding and assessing the motivations of volunteers: a functional approach. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(6), 1516. [3]. Claudia Nave, A., & do Paco, A. (2013). Corporate volunteering–an analysis of volunteers' motivations and demographics. Journal of Global Responsibility, 4(1), 31-43.
[4]. Dickson, T.J., Benson, A.M., Blackman, D.A. & Terwiel, F.A. (2013). It's all about the games! 2010 Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games volunteers. Event Management, 17(1), 77-92.
[5]. DOA. (2015). Urban agriculture. Retrieved from
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Abstract: The significance of Mathematics to the development of human reasoning and the entire society has been informing several research studies and interventions aimed at demystifying the poor academic attainment in the subject at the primary education level. The major focus of research studies and interventions at primary education level is the understanding of the instructional methods and/or strategies that teachers adopt when teaching Mathematics. This has brought about many notable changes in how young children are exposed to the teaching and learning of the subject. Child-centred strategies such as those pivoted on both cognitive and social constructivism are products of these interventions. However, it has been observed that the current child-centred strategies fail to take into consideration............
Key Words: Primary mathematics, instructional strategy, FES4, mathematical skills, pupils' learning
[1]. Alliance for Childhood, 2000,Fool's gold: A critical look at computers in childhood, viewed 9 June 2017, from [2]. Bhattacharya, K. & Han, S., 2001,'Piaget and cognitive development', in M. Orey (ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology, viewed 9 June 2017, from
[3]. Bosire J., Mondoh H. &Barmao A., 2008, 'Effect of streaming by gender on student achievement in mathematics in secondary schools in Kenya', South African Journal of Education, 28, 595-607.
[4]. Excell, L., Linington, V. and Schaik N., 2015,'Perspectives on early childhood education', in L. Excell& V. Linington (eds.), Teaching Grade R, pp. 15-36,JUTA and company (PTY)Ltd Cape Town, South Africa. [5]. Fantino, E.; Stolarz-Fantino, S.; Navarro, A.,2003, "Logical fallacies: A behavioral approach to reasoning". The Behavior Analyst Today. 4. p.116 (pp.109–117),Viewed 7 June 2017, from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementing Reproductive Health and Abortion Provisions In The Kenya Constitution (2010) |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Dr. Jane Wambui |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306016271 ![]() |
Abstract: Kenya's 2010 Constitution, although recognising the right to life from conception, provides a strong protection for the lives and health of women. Whereas the previous law only allowed legal abortion to protect a pregnant woman's life, Section 26(4) of the 2010 Constitution explicitly permits abortion and clearly specifies the situations in which it is permitted. These include: (i) when there is need for emergency treatment, and (ii) where the life or health of the mother is in danger. Abortions can be offered following the advice of a trained health professional. Section 26 further provides a possibility of expanding the circumstances under which legal abortions can be offered by allowing the enactment of a law for that purpose.1 Access to legal abortion is further enhanced by Article 43(1) (a), which provides that every person has the right to the highest attainable standard of health care services, including reproductive...........
[1]. Adaji, E., Warenius, U,. Ong'any A., Faxelid A. (2010). The Attitudes of Kenyan in-school Adolescents Toward Sexual Autonomy, African Journal of Reproductive Health. 14(1), 33-41.
[2]. African Population and Health Research Center, Ministry of Health, Kenya, Ipas, and Guttmacher Institute. (2013). Incidence and Complications of Unsafe Abortion in Kenya: Key Findings of a National Study, Nairobi, Kenya.
[3]. Anyangu, S. (2009, August 4). 45 per cent pregnancies are unwanted - Nyong'o. Standard Digital. Retrieved from
[4]. Berer, M. (2002). Making abortion a woman's right worldwide. Reproductive Health Matters, 10(19), 1-8.
[5]. Berer, M. (2004). National laws and unsafe abortion: The parameters of change. Reproductive Health Matters, 12(24), 1-8..
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Abstract: The major goal of English language learning is to enable the learners to use English effectively and accurately in communication. There is a growing number of Chinese EFL learners who struggle to speak English due to limited opportunities to develop oral English skills in class and out of class situations. A little comparative research has been done in the field of Willingness to Communicate (WTC). The current study compared two different groups of the students to find out how they are different in WTC. Two groups of students at Nanjing Tech University participated in this study. The major purpose of the current study was to explore the relationship between in-class and out-of-class WTC. Data was collected through questionnaires and classroom observation. WTC questionnaire consisted of 18 items. Cronbach's reliability tests were performed at the beginning of data analysis which.............
Keywords: WTC, in class, out of class, English major group, non-English major group
[1]. Cao, Y. (2011). Investigating situational willingness to communicate within second language classrooms from an ecological perspective. System, 39(4), 468-479.
[2]. Cao, Y., & Philp, J. (2006). Interactional context and willingness to communicate: A comparison of behavior in whole class, group and dyadic interaction. System, 34(4), 480-493.
[3]. Dornyei, Z., & Kormos, J. (2000). The role of individual and social variables in oral task performance. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 275-300.
[4]. Hashimoto, Y. (2002). Motivation and willingness to communicate as predictors of reported L2 use: The Japanese ESL context. Second Langauge Studies, University of Hawai'i, 20(2), 29-70.
[5]. Kang, D. M. (2014). The effects of study-abroad experiences on EFL learners' willingness to communicate, speaking abilities, and participation in classroom interaction. System, 42, 319-332..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of services at the Investment Department and integrated service one door South Sulawesi Province and to determine what factors affect the effectiveness of service at the Investment Department and integrated service one door South Sulawesi Province. The research method used alada empirical law research, namely peneliterhadap the implementation of the rule of law and its effectiveness..
Key Words: Effectiveness, Integral Licensed Services
[1]. Abdul Latif, Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia (suatu Kajian Hukum Normatif), UMI Toha, Makassar, 2007
[2]. Ali.A.Wibisono dan Faisal Idris, Panduan Perancangan Undang-Undang Intelijen Negara, Penerbit, Pacivis University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2006.
[3]. Anis Ibrahim, Legislasi dan Demokrasi – Interaksi dan Konfigurasi Politik Hukum, Dala Pembentukan Hukum Di Daerah. Malang: In-Trans, 2008.
[4]. Bintoro Tjokroamidjojo, Reformasi Nasional Penyelenggaraan Good Governance dan Perwujudan Masyarakat Madani. Cetakan Ketiga. Jakarta: Lembaga Administrasi Negara, 2004.
[5]. modal/pengaturan-izin-prinsip-dan-izin-investasi-terbaru-tahun-2015/).
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Abstract: Throughout the world and Africa in particular, child labour continues to be a major issue of concern. Working children are often engaged under exploitative conditions that are harmful to their moral, psychological, social, economic and physical development. While many think of children in domestic service as ‗helping' (house helps), they in fact often carry out work that is way beyond their age. Despite national and international effort to curb the problem, child labour has persisted. As a result the paper sought to understand factors influencing the girl child in urban domestic service labour in Eldoret town. The paper used exploratory research design for an in-depth and holistic understanding of the child labour dynamics. A sample of 253 girls working in the domestic service was used. Purposive and convenience..........
Key Words: Factors; girl-child; domestic service; labour
[1]. ILO (2002). Conventions 138 and 182 on Elimination of Worst Forms of Child Labour. Geneva: ILO
[2]. ILO (2006) Peter Hurst Tackling hazardous child labour in agriculture: Guidance on policy and practice. ILO IPEC, Geneva, 2006; Guidebook 2, section 1.7. ILOIPEC Geneva.
[3]. ILO (2008). Child Labour: Targeting the Intolerable, ILO, Geneva,November.
[4]. ILO, (2010). Accelerating action against Child Labour, Report to the International Labour Conference, 99th Session 2010. ISBN: 978-92-2-121873-9ORK
[5]. ILO, (2010), Facts on Child Labor. ILO, Geneva. 2011..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role and needs of Constructivism on Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Brijesh Kumar Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306019495 ![]() |
Abstract: Constructivism is an approach to learning that holds that people actively construct or make their on knowledge and that reality is determined by the experience of the learner. The current interest in constructivism in education follows an almost religious dedication to behaviorist pedagogy by administrators and educational psychologists in the United States (Duit & Treagust, 1998; Jekins 2000). Behaviorism in Primary and secondary schools placed responsibility for learning directly on the shoulders of teachers and educationists. Constructivism Success may be due in part to the frustrations that educators experienced with behaviorist educational practices. Constructivism has been welcomed as a theory of knowing that more fully explains with complexity of the teaching - learning process. After many years of implementation fell short of producing positive effects and results within the complex of the classroom.
Key Words: Constructivism, Role, Needs, Education, Behaviorism of School education
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[4]. Driver R (1989). Students Concepts and the learning of Science, International journal of science education, II, 481-290.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cultural Diversity of Indian Tribes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.VICTORIAMMA |
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: | 10.9790/0837-23060199101 ![]() |
Abstract: India is well known for having a vibrant and diverse cultural landscape. These many tribal communities, which are spread out across the entire country, constitute an essential part of India's intricate social structure. Their cultural diversity and ancestry have a universal significance that is felt both locally and globally. The significance of this cultural diversity among India's tribal people is examined in this article. We'll examine these communities' wealth of knowledge, traditions, and practices; their vital role in protecting biodiversity; their distinctive social structures.....
Key Words: Indian tribes, cultural diversity
[1]. Behera, M. C. "Tribal Identity and Cultural Heritage" in Indigenous and Local Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights , New
Delhi, 2008.
[2]. Mahapatra, S., Tribal Cultures of Orissa: A Glimpse , Pratibha Publications, Bhubaneswar (
[3]. "Census o f India 2011 Scheduled Tribes." Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner , 2016.
[4]. Reddy, D. N., "Changing Life: Unravelling the Diversity of the Gonds of Central India", in Ethno Indology , 2019.
[5]. Chakravarty, S., The Ethnographic Atlas of Ind ian Tribes , Concept Publishing Company. New Delhi,