Version-5 (June-2018)
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the Socio-economic, socio personal and socio-psychological characteristics of guava growing farmers and the constraints faced by them while production till the marketing as well as support from the government through extension strategies in Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Two blocks were selected on the basis of guava production to make the comparison between high and low production blocks. Four villages were randomly selected from two blocks with high and low production capacity and 80 farmers were selected 20 from each village. The result of the analysis shows that 58.75% of the respondents fall within the age range of 41-60 years, the majority of the farmers 46.25% were graduated while 3.75% had no formal education which is very...........
Key Words: Guava production, Constraints, Strategies, Uttar Pradesh, Problems
[1]. Imtiyaz H and Soni P 2013. Supply chain Analysis of Fresh Guava (A Case Study). Int. J. Manag. Bus. Res. 3 (4), 373-382.
[2]. Indian Horticulture Database 2014. (Accessed on 26th October, 2016).
[3]. Kumari Nisha, Shetty Gautam, Chaturvadi A 2013. Psidium guajava A Fruit or Medicine- An Overview. The Pharma Innovation- Journal. 2(8), pp. 63-67.
[4]. Lawal Sani Alhaji 2015. Economic Analysis of Guava (Psidiunguajava) Production Among Small Holder Farmers in Selected Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria. (Accessed on 20th September, 2017).
[5]. National Horticulture Mission 2005. (Accessed on 15th September, 2017)..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | India-Africa Economic Relation: Nature, Drivers and Challenges |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306050818 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is a brief review made on more than 65 related articles published from 2005 to 2017 in India-Africa bilateral economic relation with the intention of identifying the prevailing themes on the nature of the relationship, major challenges and opportunities and the drivers of the economic engagement. The analysis showed that the relationship is mutually beneficial for both actors and sustainably so due mainly to its nature of complementarities; proximity and common historic ties; capacity building and technical assistance focus; market and technology sharing. The challenges in the relationship include sustainability of natural resource trade and agricultural land grabbing by Indian firms, marginalization of small holder in agricultural research and development, lack of aid harmonization, business environment and.............
Key Words: India, Africa, bilateral relation, nature, drivers, challenges
[1]. A political economy approach of India in Senegal. A "win-win" partnership?
[2]. Africa Economic Brief (AEB) (2011). India's Economic Engagement with Africa. Volume 2, Issue 6 11
[3]. A.K. Dubey and A. Biswas (eds.) (2016). India and Africa's Partnership, India Studies in Business and Economics, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2619-2_1 African Studies Association of India 2016
[4]. Alemayehu Geda (2006). The Impact of China and India on Africa: Trade, FDI and the African Manufacturing Sector Issues and Challenges. A Framework Paper for AERC Project
[5]. Alex Vines (2010). India's Africa Engagement: Prospects for the 2011 India–Africa Forum Programme Paper: AFP 2010/01
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Abstract: Health care is an important issue that attract the attention of the policy makers and the government. Developed countries spend lot on health care in comparison to developing economies. Health care has been taken as both consumer and capital goods. In this paper we have made an attempt to find the various determinants of health care expenditure .The study has been made by taking the help of both primary and secondary data in the study area to find out the determinants that affect the health care expenditure. The study shows there are number of factors that determine the health care expenditure. Among these determinants, income, age of the respondents, health insurance.............
Key Words:Health care, Health Insurance, Hospitals, Dispensary
[1]. M Grossman(1972), ―On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health‖, the Journal of Political Economy, 80(2), 223-255.
[2]. Kenneth J. Arrow(1963), ―Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care‖, American Economic Review, 53(5). 941-973.
[3]. Andersen, R. M. (1995). Revisiting the Behavioral Model and access to medical care: Does it matter? Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 36, 1-10.
[4]. Burns and Wholey, (1992). The impact of physician characteristics in conditional choice models for hospital care, Journal of Health Economics 11(1), 43-62.
[5]. Fieldstein, (1973), The Welfare Loss of Excess Health Insurance, Journal of Political Economy, 81(2) , 251-80.[6] Iweifel and Breyer, (1997), ―Health Economics‖, Oxford University Press, 1 - 382
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of market orientation and customer relationship management on marketing performance, as well as the role of customer relationship management mediation on market orientation relationship to marketing performance. This research was conducted at a number of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) in Non Sarbagita Region of Bali Province supported by 95 employees as respondents. The method of analysis in this study using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results show that market orientation and customer relationship management have a significant positive effect on marketing performance. Likewise, market orientation has a significant positive effect on customer relationship management. Furthermore, customer relationship management plays a significant role as a partial mediation of market orientation relationships on marketing performance.
Key Words: Market Orientation, Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Performance.
[1]. Laksito, H. dan Sutapa. 2007. Memprediksi Kesehatan Bank dengan Rasio CAMELS pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan. Vol. 14, No.1, pp.156 – 167.
[2]. Montgomery, D.C., 2002, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control 4th Edition,John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Singapore.
[3]. Javalgy L., Martin C. Dan Young R., 2006, Marketing Research, Market Orientation and Customer Relationship Management : a framework and implication s for service providers, Jonal of service marketing, Vol.20, No. 1, pp.12 - 16
[4]. Velnampy and Sivesan (2012) Velnampy, and Sivesan, S. 2012. Customer Relationship Marketing and Company S atisfaction A Study On Mobile Service Providing Company In Srilanka. Global Journal Inc. Vol. 12 (18) 2012.
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Abstract: In Acehnese community, the existence of substitute heir concept has not been well accepted because the people still hold classical jurisprudence which considers that the concept of substitute heirs does not meet the obligatory bequeathing requirements, i.e. the heir is alive when the deceaseddies. On the other hand, Sharia Courts recognizes the existence of substitute heirs based on Article 185 in Islamic Law Compilation.
Key Words: Substitute heir concept, Islamic Law Compilation, and Aceh
[1]. Al-Qurtubiy, Al-Jami‟ li al-Ahkam Qur‟an, Dar al-Fikr al-"Arabiy, Mesir, 1348 H.
[2]. SyarifuddinA. Pelaksanaan Hukum Kewarisan Islam dalam Lingkungan Adat Minangkabau, PT. Gunung Agung, Jakarta, 1984.
[3]. AndersonJND"Recent Reforms in the Islamic Law of Inheritance," dalam International and Comparative Law Quarterly 14, 1965.
[4]. Saebani BA.Fiqh Mawaris, CV. Pustaka Setia, Bandung, 2009.
[5]. Rahman F.Ilmu Waris, PT. Alma‟arif, Bandung, 1971.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Changing Habits of Library Users in Digital Environment: A Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lopamudra Dey |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306054246 ![]() |
Abstract: In College Library, there are two separate groups have come in front, library staff in one side and other group consists of students and as well as other staff of the Institution. There is a population of mixed age group. The effort of library staff is to bridge between user and information. Library staffs have to understand the demand of its users and have to give maximum effort to help the users as possible. Documents are now coming in electronic form with its traditional forms also. Library users spend much more times in electronic device such as desktop computers, laptops, tablets etc. to make their study material from e-books, e-journals and e-articles as well, rather than simple printed paper books. They rely more on photo copying, scanning etc. through their smart phones in case of paper materials than reading.............
[1]. Asogwa,BrendenE."Use of ServQUAL in the evaluation of service quality of academic libraries in developing countries"; Library Philosophy and Practice(e-journal); DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska-Lincon;2014.
[2]. Kumar,Ranjit. "Research Methodology: a step by step guide for Beginners";Pearson; New Delhi,2005.pp4,5.
[3]. NdeDanial,C & Berinyuy,LPaul, "Using the SERVQUAL Model to assess Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. An Empirical study of grocery stores in UMEA";Umeå School of Business; Spring semester 2010;Master thesis, one-year.
[4]. Noori,A. Tareen,H and Mashwani,H,"Exploring Library Anxiety Among Students Of UiTM";; International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2017. [5]. (2018). Retrieved from
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Abstract: From ancient days to modern contemporary, religious leaders in conjunction with the state have strived to offer religious guidance in many learning institutions around the world. In the recent past however, this noble task has been overtaken by rote learning which is deficient in developing social, moral and spiritual realm of students. As a result, moral upheavals such as boy-girl relationship, pregnancies, homosexuality and drugs and substance abuse are on upward trend in nearly all secondary schools. However, little attempts have been made by religious scholars to find out how school chaplains influence behavior change of students which. This is the basis of the current study. In order to deeply understand root courses of moral upheavals among secondary going students, the researcher relied.............
Key Words: Chaplaincy, behavior change, Church Sponsored Public Secondary Schools, Teacher
[1]. Bible : Revised Standard Version
[2]. Bryant, A. (2008). The spiritual struggles of college students: Illuminating a critical development phenomenon (2nded). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
[3]. Kombo D.K. &Delno L.A. (2009).Proposal and thesis writing: An introduction. Nairobi: Pauline Africa International Publishers.
[4]. Mugenda&Mugenda,G.A.(2003). Research methods: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Nairobi: Acts press.
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Abstract: The study examined underemployment and the socio-economicwell-being of employees in the hospitality firms in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State Nigeria. Specifically the study examined the relationship between job underpayment and the over-education of workers and the socio-economic well-being of workers. It was hypothesized that none of them had any significant relationship with the socio-economic wellbeing of employees. Related literature was reviewed and the theory of Relative deprivation theory was used for the study. Survey research design was adopted and the multi stage sampling technique was applied to obtain data from the 400 respondents selected using.............
Key Words: Job underpayment, over-education, socio-economic, well-being and policy
[1]. Allen, J. & Van der Velden, R. (2001). Educational mismatches versus skill mismatches: Effects on wages, job satisfaction, and on-the-job search. Oxford Economic Papers, 53, 434–452.
[2]. Blender, K. A. & Skatun, J. D. (2007). Constrained by hours and restricted in wages: The quality of matches in the labour market. Economic Inquiry, 47, 512–529.
[3]. Böhlmark, A. (2003). Over- and under-education in the Swedish labour market. incidence, wage effects and characteristics 1968-2000. Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University.
[4]. Dolton, P. & Vignoles, A. (2000). The incidence and effects of over-education in the UK graduate labour market. Economics of Education Review, 19, 179-198.
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Abstract: The present paper attempts to provide answersto the questions: Why, how and when does not U.S. Department of State in their Department Press Briefings observe Cooperative Principle. The adopted model used in this study is Grice's (1975) Theorythe Cooperative Principle. The study analyses the exchanges of U.S. Department States' Press Briefings released in 2017, presented by the spokesperson Ms. Heather Nauert, which focuses on Iraq Issues. As the exchanges of the Department Press Briefings indicate the policy and political issues of Unites States of America towards all the countries of the world, thestudyhypothesizednon-observance of the exchanges now and then happen is something justifiable. As the texts analyzed are doable has allowed the study to have some achievements..............
Key Words: Department Press Briefings, Flouting, Opting out, Violation.
[1]. Grice, P. (1975). Logic and Conversation.In P. Cole & J. L. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and Semantics (pp. 41-58). New York, NY: Academic Press. Availablefrom +block/grice75pdf.
[2]. Zor, B., M. (2006). Using Grice's Cooperative Principle and its Maxims to Analyze Problems of Coherence in Turkish and English Essays. (Unpublished master's thesis). Middle East Technical University
[3]. Miraziz, P. Y. (2016). The Cooperative Principle in Teacher-Student Interaction in English and Kurdish Departments at Salahddin University.(Unpublished master's thesis).Salahasddin University-Erbil.
[4]. Yule, G. (2010). The Study of Language (4th ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Trauth, G. P. &Kazzazi, K. (Eds.).(1996). Routledge Dictionary of Language.London and New York: Routledge.