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Abstract: A GE, is major risk factor with only 2% cases appearing before the age of 65years. India will have enormous number of older persons in 20yrs and the prevalence of dementia is expected to double every 5 years (Shaji K. S, 2010). The number of caregivers might also increase as the majority of informal caregivers themselves are older. With the increase in the number of diagnosed patients as the caregiving aspect becomes indispensable and this would need more focus on managing the resources related caregiving burnout and their wellbeing (Karlsson et al.2006). Families of elderly in the rural areas used more formal care than in the urban areas. (McAuley et al.2004). Confined capacity in ADL‟s serves as predictors of formal care (Larsson et al.2006: Liu et al. 2000).............
[1]. Shaji K.S (2010). The Dementia India Report – Prevalence, impact, costs and services for dementia, ARDSI; New Delhi
[2]. Karlsson M, Mayhew L, Plumb R, Rickayzen B.2006. Future costs for long-term: Cost projections for long-term care for older people in the United Kingdom. HealthPolicy 75(2): 187-213.
[3]. National Board of Health and Welfare. 2002. Nationell handlingsplan for aldrepolitiken. Slutrapport. (National action program for policies of the elderly. Final report.) Stockholm: National Board of Health
and Welfare.
[4]. Nollan M, Grant G, Keady J.1996. Understanding family care.buckingham:Open University Press.
[5]. McAuley WJ, Spector WD, Van Nostrand J, Shaffer T. 2004. The influence of rural location on
utilization of formal home care: the role of Medicaid. Gerontologist 44(5): 655-644.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identity, Media and Advertizing: Rise of Consumer Culture In India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarita Chetri |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306030509 ![]() |
Abstract: The rapid dissemination of internet and communication technologies has proliferated consumer culture helping it emerge more or less as a global culture, influencing a diversity of people, places and practices. It has introduced the population to a world of material artefacts through online shopping and access to information on latest trends in fashion and lifestyle. This trend is quite visible in India as well since the last decade of the 20th century owing to government‟s adoption of new economic policy promoting liberalization and globalization. According to a research conducted by ASSOCHAM (2016), India is the third largest country in terms of internet access. Due to easy online access, people have become more aware of the high-end luxury brands and their specialty................
Key Words: nationalism; religion; society; plural
[1]. ASSOCHAM, The Rise of Online Shopping For Luxury Brands in India, The Indian Express, October 14, 2016.
[2]. Castells, Manuel 1996. The Rise of Network Society, Malden, Mass: Blackwell.
[3]. Corrigan, P. 1997. The Sociology of Consumption, London: Sage.
[4]. Das, Bina 1989. "Socialism of Jawaharlal Nehru‟, in S.N. Rath (eds.) Nehru: The Maker of Modern India. P. G. Department of political Science, Bhubeneswar: Utkal University.
[5]. Debord, Guy 1992. The Society of the Spectacle, Translated by Ken Knabb, London: Rebel Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Differentials in Educational Attainments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. C. Somashekher |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306031017 ![]() |
Abstract: Education since long has come to be viewed as an agent and an agency of social change and as a harbinger of positive social transformation. In view of its positive implications for the welfare and wellbeing of the masses and thereby for their social and material conditions of existence, education has come to be viewed as an important causative or an explanatory social variable in the analysis of contemporary social reality. Further, education has been viewed as of seminal significance in determining the occupational aspirations and achievements, determining the levels of awareness and empowerment, as well as conditioning the lifestyles and consumption patterns. It has a role to play in the health, hygiene and sanitation status of the communities as well as productive and reproductive behavior of the masses. In view of these implications, the quality if life of people on the one hand and the quality of manpower of a nation on the other are viewed as the functions of education. However, despite its significant............
Key Words: Education, Gender, Orientation, Religion, Student Scholar
[1]. Chakraborthy, Krishna 1985 The University Student, Calcutta, K.P.Bagchi and Company.
[2]. Chitnis, Suma 1974 "Teachers in Higher Education", In Amrik Singh and Phillip G. Altbach. (eds.) The Higher Learning in India, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, pp.237-249.
[3]. Damle, Y.B. 1975a "The School and College as a Social System" In M.S. Gore, I.P. Desai and Suma Chitnis (eds.), Papers in the Sociology of Education in India, New Delhi, National Council of Educational Research and Training, pp.250-280.
[4]. Damle, Y.B. 1975b "Higher Education as an Instrument of Social Change and Development", In J.N.Kaul (ed.), Higher Education, Social Change and National Development, Simla, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, pp.82-85.
[5]. Desai, A.R. 1969 Minorities Sociology in India, Bombay, Popular Prakashan..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Health Problems Related To Living And Working Conditions In Europe |
Country | : | Spain |
Authors | : | Dr. David Cárdenas Gonzalo |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306031831 ![]() |
Abstract: A central aspect that has guided the completion of this study is the influential role of combinations of family and workloadson stress and their direct consequences for family and working life. Important variables caused by stress within the family are advanced in this study such as child-care, care of the elderly and housework. Conversely and in direct relation with working life, the study seeks to confirm that the speed of work in itself affects stress, all the more so in combination with family loads such as child-care, care of the elderly and housework. Othervariables within working life such as working to tight deadlines and even the number of hours at work each week will have considerable influence, in combination with family loads, on the likelihood of suffering high levels of stress..........
Key Words: working conditions, stress levels, family loads, fifth European survey.
[1]. Cox T,Mackay CJ. A transactional approach to occupational stress.New York: Work and design; 1981.p.10-34.
[2]. Selye H, Ogilvie HS. The stress of life.New York: McGraw-Hill;1956. 1034 p.
[3]. McGrath, JE, Altman I. Social and psychological factors in stress.University at Illinois:R. United States; 1970. 500 p.
[4]. Edwards JR. The determinants and Consequences of Coping with stress.New York:Wiley and Sons; 1988. 356 p.
[5]. French JR, Kahn RL. A programmatic approach to studying the industrial environment and mental health.London: The Journal of Social 1962;18:1-47.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | E – Recruitment (Online Recruitment) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. SIVASANKARI |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306033233 ![]() |
Abstract: E – Recruitment also called as online Recruitment, is the process of hiring the potential candidates for the vacant Job positions, using the electronic resources, particularly the Internet. Now-a-days companies make use of the internet to reach a large number of job seekers and hire the best talent for the company at a less cost as compared to the physical recruitment process. E-Recruitment includes the entire process of finding the prospective candidates. Assessing, interviewing and hiring them, as per the Job requirement. Through this the recruitment is done more effectively and efficiently. Generally the Job vacancies are advertised on the world wide web (www) where the applicants attach their CV or resume to get recognized by the potential recruiters or the employers. The companies undertake...........
Key Words: Recruitment, Internal and external sources, Job Enrichment.
[2]. By Jack J. Phillips Adele o.connell
[3]. By Stephen Taylor
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Abstract: African literature is a fête of African traditions. The focus of this investigation was to investigate how the contemporary African novelists have used their novels as a stand point to showcase the African culture to the world. Particularly, the works of Chimamanda Adichie and Akachi Adimora Ezigbo were examined. They demonstrated the synergetic relationship between language, culture and literature as each complements and projects the other. This exploration is anchored on the theory of Culturology. This theory emphasizes the supremacy of the culture of the people over other systems because while society is split into classes and parties, each fighting for power and supremacy, culture unites the people and transcends social, national and historical boundaries. The descriptive system of data analysis...........
Key Words: Language, Literature, Culture, Igbo Cuisine and Traditional Igbo Religion
[1]. Achebe, C. (1958). Things Fall Apart. London; Heinemann Educational Book Ltd. 158 P.
[2]. Achebe, C. (1973). "The Role of the Writer in a New Nation" in African writers on African writing, London: Heineman. (p.7-13)
[3]. Adichie, C.N. (2006). Purple Hibiscus. Lagos; Farafina Books.320 P.
[4]. Adichie, C.N. (2006). Half of a Yellow Sun.Lagos; Farafina Books.433 P.
[5]. Adimora- Ezeigbo, A. (2005). Children of the Eagle. Lagos; lantern books.450 P.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Electronic Commerce in Cameroon: an Appraisal of legal Issues and Challenges1 |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306034153 ![]() |
Abstract: Electronic Commerce has transformed the manner in which commercial transactions are handled out in today‟s modern society. Modern information and communication technology has led to the growth of virtual transactions where there is that ability of bringing the market place nearer to the buyer. Despite the fact that commercial transactionhave been made easy through electronic commerce, it should be understood that electronic commerce has brought with it some legal and commercial difficulties that need to be carefully handled especially in a less developed country like Cameroon. In all commercial transactions there is the need for trust and confidence. That need for trust and confidence in electronic commerce transactions is very important since the transactions are of a virtual nature.For E-commerce to be carried out effectively, those involved must be confident that their transactions will be secured. This paper, examines the legal issues and challenges faced by e-commerce and how such issues can be surmounted..
Key Words: Information and Communication Technology, Electronic Commerce, Internet, Electronic Signatures, Electronic Transactions and Security, Reliability and Predictability.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Managerial Aptitude and Positive Psychology of Sankaradeva- A View |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kabita Devi Kusre |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306035457 ![]() |
Abstract: The word "managerial" related with responsibilities includes many handling, inventing, and hiring and firing of employee staff and contracts 1. It refers any responsibilities includes each and every management. "Aptitude" is acquired or natural ability (usually measurable with aptitude tests) for learning and proficiency in a specific area or discipline. Aptitude is expressed in interest, and is reflected in current performance which is expected to improve over time with Training 2. Aptitudes are Natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. They have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or even interests........
Key Words: Managerial aptitude, positive psychology, Sankaradeva, Naamghar institution
[1]. Wikipedia.
[2]. www.bussiness
[4]. The pronouncing Anglo-Assamese Dictionary. Bhattacharya B N 1997; LBS Publication, Guwahati: Assam
[5]. Srimanta Sankardeva a multi faced genius. Borkakati S K 2015; Purbanchal Prakash Guwahati, ISBN 978 81 7213 258 3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cross-Ethnic Society and Social Integration |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Monica Tiara || Maria Montessori || Fatmariza || Junaidi Indrawadi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306035860 ![]() |
Abstract: This article aimed to reveal the dynamics of inter-ethnic society in the District of West Padang at Padang City which has a distinctive pattern in anticipation of inter-ethnic conflicts and disintegration. By using the descriptive analysis, the data collected from observation, interviews and documentation study, formulated several important findings. First, acculturation between the values of religion and culture in the form of the value of tolerance and brotherhood are important elements which become elements forming social integration between ethnic Chinese and ethnic Minangkabau Muslim. Second, the process of social integration in the ethnic Chinese community and ethnic Minangkabau Muslim has awakened from generation to generation within the common housing that is supported by a commitment to make the variation with the local culture.
Keywords: Social Integration, Ethnic, Chinese Muslims, Minangkabau
[1]. Abdullah Idi. 2012. "Harmoni Sosial: Interaksi Sosial "Natural-Asimilatif"antara Etnis Muslim Tionghoa dan Melayu-Bangka". Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Fatah Palembang. ThaqÃfiyyÃT, Vol. 13, No. 2, Desember 2012
[2]. Eka Hendri Ar. Dkk. 2013. Integrasi Sosial dalam Masyarakat Multietnik. STAIN Politeknik. Jurnal Wali Songo, Vol. 21, No. 1. Mei 2013. Hal. 194
[3]. Erniwati. 2011. China Padang dalam Dinamika Masyarakat Minangkabau: dari Revolusi Sampai Reformasi. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia.
[4]. Liliweri, Alo. 2005. PrasangkadanKonflik. LKIS.Yogyakarta.
[5]. Monica Tiara. 2018. "Integrasi Sosial Etnis Tionghoa Non Muslim dan Etnis Tionghoa Muslim dengan Etnis Minangkabau di Kecamatan Padang Selatan Kota Padang" Universitas Negeri Padang
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | As̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕̕Oman Thoughts Oncology and environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Barendranath Giri. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306036165 ![]() |
Abstract: In this article, I confine myself only to the important aspects in the context of the society, man and environment and sustainable development and the role of the great Mauryan ruler As̕̕̕̕oka. The Beloved of the Gods, Piyadassi the king, Aśoka did something in the third century BC that we, the people of the twenty first century and the policy makers can learn from. For the last few years we found that the people of New Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and the adjacent region air pollution is highly risk to the life. In this context, it is very much relevant to follow to the great Mauryan talented military ruler and also an extraordinary statesman Asoka wanted to protect and provide clearly.........
[1]. RadhagovindaBasak, edited, Aśokan Inscriptions, (progressive publishers, 1959). (xi)
[2]. RadhagovindaBasak, edited, Aśokan Inscriptions, (progressive publishers, 1959). (4)
[3]. RadhagovindaBasak, edited, Aśokan Inscriptions, (progressive publishers, 1959). (11)
[4]. Irfan Habib and Vivekananda Jha, A People's History of India – 5, Mauryan India, (Aligarh Historian Society, Tulika Books, paperback-2013). (99)
[5]. RadhagovindaBasak, edited, Aśokan Inscriptions, (progressive publishers, 1959). (103)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Language Practice and Management in Iraqi Kurdistan Region |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Mohammed Qader Saeed || Ali Mahmud Jukil |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306036675 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals with the core issues that reflect the relationship between language and other aspects of life in Kurdish society. This study attempts to present the methods adopted and the steps followed by the individuals, governmental and non-governmental centers in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region in terms of language practice and management. Since language policy may refer to all the language practices, beliefs, and management decisions of a community or polity, on the one hand, this paper explores how Kurdish language interacts with other domains, on the other hand, it aims to find out whether what has been implemented until now in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region is the result of adopting a language policy, or is it being carried out spontaneously? To arrive at sufficient answers to such........
[1]. Alyawayee, M. (2003). ZhiyaniFaqeyati la Kurdistan da la Sadai 13 w 14 iKochida (The Life of Clergy Students in Kurdistan in 13th and 14th Centuries of Hijri). Slemani
[2]. Aziz, M.A. (2015). The Kurds of Iraq Nationalism and Identity in Iraqi Kurdistan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
[3]. Hamid, D. and Raza, F. M. (2013). ZimaniDaik u StratizhiAsayishiNatawayee (Mother Tongue and the Strategy of National Security). Hawler: Haji Hashim Publishing Center.
[4]. Hassanpour, A. (1992). Nationalism and Language in Kurdistan 1918-1985. San Francisco.
[5]. Haugen, E. (1983). The Implementation of Corpus Planning: Theory and Practice. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
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Abstract: Most women farmers operate at the subsistence, smallholder level in extensive Agricultural System. This is due to discriminatory cultural practices in Gombi Local Government Area. About 40-60% of the women farmers have experienced discriminatory cultural practices in various ways. This is because most (35%) of the women farmers have no access to formal education. The discriminatory cultural practices found in the study area among others included lack of power to make decision, early marriage, denial of inheritance widow hood practices, customary land tenure and denial to work by husband. The causes of these discriminatory practices against women are religious beliefs, customs and traditions, educational backwardness, family history, low income, unemployment etc.........
Keywords: Women farmers, Discrimination, Cultural Practices, Food Security, Gombi.
[1]. Agunloye, I. I. (2011) Challenging the masters' craft: Nigerian Female play wrights in the theater of men. Inaugural lecture Jos University Press ltd.
[2]. Anigbobu, C. A (1995) Assessment of the level of performance in better life programme for rural women in Akwa North and South LGAs of Anambara State: University of Nigeria, unpublished M. Ed Thesis.
[3]. Anyoha, N. O. Chikaira, J. U. and Nwasasi, R. N. (2015). Effects of gender based discriminatory practices on Poverty reduction and Women empowerment in Ngor-Okpala area of Imo state, Nigeria vol. 3 No. 1 Pp. 39 – 48 in
[4]. Cook, E. R. (1994) The International encyclopedia of Sexuality: Nigeria. http//
[5]. CTA (2001) The economic role of women in Agricultural and rural development: Revising the legal environment. Kampala summary report of a seminar.