Version-8 (June-2018)
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Abstract: The implementation of public policy in Nigeria has been hindered in various ways by different governments since the 1960s. The result of these challenges stem from the fact that governments suffered from a clear understanding of what constitutes public policy, and also as a result of policy inconsistency. Many governments' policies have not been effectively implemented for reasons of regime change, lack of political will, lack of bottom-top approach to policy, lack of consultation in policy or decision making and the like. This paper therefore intends to examine the challenges of public policy in Nigeria, with special focus on the education sector. Drawing from extent literature, and using a qualitative analysis..........
[1]. Ikechukwu B. U and Chukwuemeka, E.E.O. The Obstacles to effective policy implementationby the public bureaucracy in developing nations: the Case of Nigeria.Singaporean Journal ofBusiness, Economics and Management Studies, (8): 34-43.
[2]. Ikelegbe A (2006) Public policy Analysis: Concepts, Issues and Cases. Lagos imprint services. Pg. 4-9
[3]. Nweke, E. (2006). Public Policy Analysis: A Strategic Approach. Enugu: John Jacobs Publishers. Pg. 19-27
[4]. Egonmwan, P. E. (2015). Contemporary View of Public Policy Analysis in Nigeria. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5 (2): 79-83.
[5]. Dick, I. (2003). Contemporary Public Administration: The Nigerian Perspective. Enugu: John Jacobs Classic Publishers. Pg. 39.
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Abstract: The article discusses the relationship between religiosity and domestic spaces in the traditional neighborhood of San Marcos in Aguascalientes, Mexico, from the memories that some of its inhabitants have of the period 1926-1960. On what way religion affects the configuration of the interior? And, how it affects to daily people lives and their experience of living? Particularly because of the development of two events that influenced its inhabitants with regards the interior configuration of their houses: the Cristero movement and the establishment of the Order of Discalced Carmelitein San Marcos Temple. This neighborhood is an ideal laboratory to study the Catholicism in Aguascalientes: San Marcos Temple was also selected for the failed establishment of the Mexican Catholic Church,as part of President Plutarco Elias Calles' plans to erect, in 1925, a Nationalist Church; a process that unleashed much popular reaction and so on the ecclesiastical hierarchy, which led to religious persecution and configuration of devout demonstrations in domestic interiors.
Key Words: domestic sphere, religion, interior architecture, everyday life, sensory records, sacredness.
[1]. Eliade, Mircea (2011). ―El espacio sagrado y la sacralización del mundo‖, WebIslam, en: [accessed December 14, 2012].
[2]. Pintos, Juan-Luis (1996). ―Una perspectiva sociocibernética sobre la Religión: los imaginarios sociales de lo mundanamente irrepresentable‖, en:ículos/ciberreligion.htm [accessed September 8, 2012].
[3]. Heidegger, Martin (1994/1951). ―Construir, Habitar, Pensar‖, in Conferencias y artículos,Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.
[4]. Tepedino, Nelson (2011). ―El habitar poético: Heidegger y la espiritualidad de la arquitectura‖,en:<>[accesed March 4, 2012].
[5]. Padilla Rangel, Yolanda (2001). Después de la tempestad. La reorganización católica en Aguascalientes, 1929-1950, Aguascalientes: El Colegio de Michoacán-Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
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Abstract: The family, which is not confined to the father, mother and their children but also includes the whole descendants, clans and ethnic community, seems to be overwhelmed by all kinds of evils experienced in the contemporary society despite some members being Christians in faith affiliation. The problems in turn lead to instability of the households hence individuals in their homes struggle to live as they ought to. Such evils do not spare the Christian families among the Agĩkũyũ who are supposed to lead a life based on their ethnic world-view family values that pleases God who freely gave them traditional cultural values and gratuitously endowed them with the instructions of the requisites of authentic Christian families. Failure to live family life fully according to the principles that Jesus Christ directed towards community welfare leads to suffering, vulnerability to emerging malevolent forces targeting families and other impediments.............
Key Words: Agĩkũyũ, Christian faithful, Family and Agĩkũyũ world-view.
[1]. Boff, L. and Boff, C. (1987). Introducing Liberation Theology, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
[2]. Bottignole, S. (1984). Kikuyu Traditional Culture and Christianity, Nairobi: Heinemann.
[3]. Cagnolo, C. (1933). The Kikuyu: Their Customs, Traditions and Folklore, Nyeri: Mission Printing School.
[4]. Collins, R. F. (1992). Introduction to the New Testament, 2nd Edition, London: SCM Press.
[5]. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, (1994). Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa.
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Abstract: In present article we will consider the interplay between climate change, famines and conflict in globalized world and a positive interference of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and the most important role of self management. When people face climate danger or scarcity they may decide to fight, but similarly they may decide to co-operate. Climate change and other scarcity force people to move to less arid or drought prone areas inhabited by other people, people have always moved to better livelihood places, but this migration built a human insecurity. We will also study about the participation of organizations to understand the situation of conflict in globalized world because of climate change and famines............
Key Words: Drought, Climate Change, Globalized world, conflict, environment.
[1]. Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security, Edited by Jan Selby and Clemens Hoffman.
[2]. Identity and the Natural Environment: The Psychological Significance of Nature.
[3]. Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of The Guiding… By John Lederach.
[4]. War and Famine in Africa , Mark Duffield Nov1990 An Oxfam Working Paper.
[5]. The unpromised land: agrarian reform and conflict worldwide 1990 pp.249 pp Christodoulou, D.
[6]. Social Change and Conservation: Edited by Krishna B. Ghimire, Michael P. Pimbert.
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Abstract: This paper explores the cohesive features used by Nigerian language secondary students in narrating personal reflections of their junior years. Ten samples texts written by the second language learners were examined using Halliday and Hasan (1976) model of cohesion. A purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants based on certain criteria: (i) They are above the age of fifteen and (ii) They can read and write in English language. The data collected comprise fifteen essays written in the language classroom. They were given approximately forty-five minutes to reflect on the topic given by the teacher. The findings reveal that the participants used cohesive features as strategies in sharing their experiences as junior students. The most frequent use of cohesive features include: reference, lexical, and conjunction cohesion types which helped to enhance and frame the reflections............
Key Words: Cohesive features, second language writing, second language learners of English, reflections, Nigeria.
[1]. Alarcon, Josephine B., and Katrina Ninfa S. Morales. "Grammatical cohesion in students argumentative essay." International Journal of English and Literature 2, no. 5, 2011. 114-127.
[2]. Ahmed, Abdel Hamid. "Students' problems with cohesion and coherence in EFL essay writing in Egypt: Different perspectives." Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ) 1, no. 4 2010. 211-221.
[3]. Awang, Zainudin. Research methodology and data analysis. Penerbit Universiti Teknologi MARA Press, 2012.
[4]. Buitkienė, Janina. "Variability of cohesive devices across registers." Studies about languages 7 2005. 17-20.
[5]. Bello, Mohammed. " An analysis of cohesion in written labor texts: A study of selected academic staff union of Universities (ASUU) communiqués. Yola:Nigeria, 2012.
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Abstract: Previous studies have illustrated that international business competence types should be developed sequentially (e.g. technologies promote markets, TPM); however, few studies have clearly indicated which type of competence a firm with limited resources should first develop to facilitate attaining other follow-up competence types. In practice, we observe contradiction that the international businesses adopt the market competence to transfer external firm's technologies (MPT). It is an interesting phenomenon that motives to resolve the gap between the theoretical argument and practice. This study explored whether a firm with limited resources should first develop technology. By longitudinally tracking two Taiwan Flat Panel Display (FPD) equipment manufacturers for 8 years and using the extended..........
Key Words: Technology competence, market competence, resource-based theory, organizational learning theory, Small-Sized Firm
[1]. Alcacer, J., & Oxley, J. 2014. Learning by supplying. Strategic Management Journal, 35(2): 204-223.
[2]. Badaracco, J. L. 1991. The knowledge link: How firms compete through strategic alliances. Boston, MA:Harvard Business School Press.
[3]. Barney, J.B. 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1): 99–120.
[4]. Burawoy, M. 1991. Ethnography Unbound. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA.
[5]. Burawoy, M. 2014. Sociology as a vocation: Moral commitment and scientific imagination. Current Sociology, 62(2): 279-284.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Integrative Relationship among Happiness, Virtue and Love According toMiskawayh's Thought |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Ernita Dewi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2306085160 ![]() |
Abstract: It cannot be denied that the notion of happiness is linked to success, an affinity to the need for wealth, popularity, and power. But on the contrary, achievement of all these needs, did not also make people happy. Success stories of rich people famous for treasure and fame, in the end also suffered misery. Then the perspective of happiness must be sorted from its relationship with wealth and popularity, because these two things do not guarantee a person get happiness. Many people are incapable of understanding happiness in the context of the spiritual needs of man, who are not actually tied to the value of matter. Ibn Miskawayh provides the right therapy for the treatment of the soul. The soul must be given nutrition in the form of spiritual needs, such as garish seeking knowledge, thinking about the nature of life, doing good, multiplying remembering Allah swt. The soul must always be directed to always walk on nature. Thus life will be lived quietly away from the inner conflicts that cause anxiety.
Key Words: Hapiness; virtue; love; relationship
[1]. "Azhim, Sa‟id Abdul, Meraih Kebahagiaan Hakiki, Terj. Fathurrahman Hamid, Jakarta: Najla Press, 2006.
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[3]. Abdul Halim Mahmud, Ali, Akhlak Mulia, Jakarta: Gema Insani Press, 2004.
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[5]. Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad al-Badar, Abdur Razzaq bin, Sumber Kebahagiaan Manusia, Jakarta: As-Sunnah, 2010. 2017.
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Abstract: This study deals with women in Acehnese novels of the 21st century. The scope of this study includes the discovery of female characters, women's understanding, and cultural values that underlie women's attitudes. These research data are sequences in the novel that contain the socio-cultural conditions of women, the embodiment of ideas, ideas, views, or understandings of women contained in Acehnese novels of the 21st century. The source of this research data is the entire novel written by the people of Aceh, background and tells about Aceh, and published in the 21st century (year published 2001-2016). The results of this study indicate that (1) The isolation of female characters expressed by Aceh literature a) Acehnese women are depicted as a great, resilient, patient, faithful person in all the conditions as previous Acehnese women, b) Acehnese women depicted in conflict and disaster nature, such as harassment, violence, persecution, and murder, c) Acehnese literature does not exploit women physically in writing..........
Keywords: Women; novel; Aceh; socio-cultural condition
[1]. Al-Gazali, A.M. Bayu. 2007. Analisis Sosial Kritis Buku "Idealisme Perempuan Indonesia dan Amerika 1920-1940" Karya Abbas. Makalah. Makasar: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Hasannudin.
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Abstract: This study was conducted with the aim to gain insight on the process of collaborative writing among students with different personality profiles. The participants' personalities were categorised using Leonard Personality Inventory (LPI). Five Diplomas in Mass Communication students formed a case study group and their collaboration process when performing a writing task was observed. Data was obtained by using video recordings, interviews, diary entries and observations. The findings highlighted contextual factors which influenced the participants' collaboration. They were participants' personalities, use of humour, leader's facilitation skills, participants' attention level and the influence of culture. These factors both promoted and inhibited group dynamics and task performance.............
Keywords: Collaborative writing, Leonard Personality Inventory, contextual factors, personalities
[1]. Brewer, M. L., Flavell, H. L., & Jordon, J. (2017). Interprofessional team-based placements: The importance of space, place and facilitation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(4), 429-437.
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